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Burnside Stock Sale. Fat Cattle - 157 yarded, mostly good to prime, the others only medium. Rid.ling was animat d and prices above those of last week. Best quality £lO to £i2— extra heavy nod prime £l3 12s (id tn £ls, medium £8 to £O, lighter £fi 10s to £7. Fat Sheep 3581 penned, principally wethers of very good quality. Tlio sale opened easier, but improved towards the finish. There was probably a drop of from Is Od to 2s par head, heavy wethers suffering least. Rest wethers 23s Od to 24s od—double fleece and extra heavy up to Ills (Id, good do 19s to 225, others lis (id to 18s, ewes to 21s Gd, hoggets (50 head yarded) from 10s Od to 18s (id'.

Goro Horse Basaar. Messrs Wright, Stephenson and Co., report .•>s follows: We held a .special nale of horses at the above yards on Saturday. Notwithstanding this being our second special spring sale within the last few weeks, there was a largo entry and a splendid attendance of buyers and others interested. Tho entries included horses from several of the most noted breeders in Southland, and this, together with the splendid demand at present ' listing for good ports made spirited bidding fur the majority of the lota offered. After our sale last Saturday, we think we can safely Kay without, fear of contradiction that our market at the present time for useful, reliable young and sound horses cannot be equalled in the South Island. Out of 120 entries received wo succeeded in finding purchasers under tho hammer and privately (.our new system of the auctioneer working in conjunction with a large staff of private salesmen being n great success) for bo

j lota, the passed entries consisting for the most part of iufcrior and agrd horses. It is quite unnecessary to enumerate all the pticfls realised, but tho following are a few of the most important:—mar.-, Gyra, £SB ; mare, syrs, Jt's6; gelding, (iyrs, .L's.i 10s ; gelding, 4yrs, £4B 10s; cob (b oken to harness) £24. A great many useful aorta found n w purchasers at prices from £35 to t'4B. Our usual weekly sale will bo held next Saturday

ITIUII AND SKIN REPORT. Messrs Dalgoty and Co. report as follow.? : Rabbitskins.—At our sale on Monday we submitted a largo catalogue to a moro numerous attendance of buyers than usual. Tp sympathy with the. drop in values in London, prices realised showed a decline of from :>J to -id per 11) at our sale held on the 3rd inst., but at our sale on Monday, owing to the presence of several new buyers, prime skins made 3d per pound, more chnn at our previous sale. We quote : Prime winter does 1 8d to 18Jd, bucks 15M to lGd, second winters Jod to 16d, outgoing winters RJ.'.d to 15.U1, springs lO.Wto II Ad, prime winter blacks 17|d, horse hair (good clean) I9M. Sheepskins.—There was a large attendance at the sales on Tuesday. The market is firm and all skins in clean and dry condition sold very freely at full rates. Heavier pelted and inferior pelted skins are not so keenly competed for and sell at .Id to ',' d per lb lower. Good clean halfbrcds and fine crossbreds make fully lOd per lb, specially light conditioned lots -\d to £d per lb more. Wo quote : - Full woolled halfbreds 9Jd to lO.jd, extra light do to K):'. : d. full-woolled lino crossbreds V<;d to lOd, full-woolled coarse to medium W:,M to '.'.{d, heavy pelted and second class crossbreds Sd to B.UI, full-woolled merinos 7Ad to Bd. Dunedin, 12th Soptemaer, 1906. Weekly Market Reports. Messrs A. Moiutzbos & Co., auctioneers, wool, stock and station, grain, produce, and commission agents, corner Bond and Jetty streets, Dunedin, report (wholesale) as lotlows for the week. All quotations subject lo market fluctuations. Fanners are asked, when sending samdles, always to put a price on them, as buyers do not fuel inclined to make offers. Wheat.—prime Velvet and Tuscan from .'is Gd to 3s 7d, Red Chaff and Hunters Id less. Fowl wheat with good enquiry 3s to 3s 2d. Oats.—Milling 2s 3d to 2s Id, B Grade 2s 3d, inferior 2s to 2s Id. Barley.—Good malting inquired for, from 4s 2d to 4s Od, pearling 8s to iis 3d, feed bailey 2s 9d to 2s lOd. Ilyecorn, 2s Gd to 3s. Maize, Is (Id to 4s 9d. Horse beans, 4s. Prussian blue peas.—From 4s Gd to 5s per bushel. Chaff.— Prime bright heavy LI ss, medium £3 15s to £3 17s Gd, inferior £2 Ills to £3 10s, wheaton straw 30s to 355, eaten btraw 12s (id lo 15s. Tin nip.;, Ms to lGs. Carrots, 45s to 555. Clover tlay.—£3 to £3 2s (id. Ryegrass. —Market remains firm. Farmers' dressed 3s 3d to 3s Gd, none offering. machine dressed 4s Gd to 5s Gd. Cocksfoot. Market remains strong. Farmers' lots 3d to 3 : t l d, machined 4 : } dto s[d. Linseed.- Little offering -LI3 to 1.1 I, Chewmgs Fescue.—There is a good demand. Farmers' samples 2d to 3d, and machined seed iUd to sd. Potatoes. -- Prima Derwents £ll, medium t!0 to £lO 10s, Australians £lO, white sorts from 1.11 to 112, and seed sort-., varieties, anything from £l3 to £ls. Onions.—Victorian £lO to £lO 10s. Rabbitskins.-We hold weekly sales every Monday, and forward account sales every week. ' We have:; good enquiry for all classes. Maiket is firming again. Suckers and runners 4d to Bd, light racks sd to Kill, summers full grown lid to Is, autumns LGd to !Bd, incoming winters 15d to ISd, prime winter bucks and does 19d to 21d, blacks 22d to 24d, fawns Is Id to Is 3d. Hags and labels supplif-' 1 Sheepskins. Yve hold our sal'.-s eve ly Tuesday. Owing to the (all ni tho market in ! London, prices have eased by about \d per lb I all round. We can quote- Half breds 7s to j 9s, |bred 7s to Ks, line crossbred 7s Gd to 8s 0d j crossbreds Gs Gd to 7s Gd, Muvd lis-(id lo j 7a Gd, merino Gs Gd to 8s (id, P' Its 2s to 3s Gd, ! fallen Is 3d to 2s lid, potters 2s od to 3: \K\ lambs Gs 0d to 7s lid. Hides. -We hold our hide sale every second Thursday. Kxtra stout, ox 7d to 7 ,'d, heavy do GUI to 7d, medium lo O.W, li«ht .V,d to li.j 1, cows heavy s'Jd to (\'d. medium sj,d o ~-l I. light 5:, d to b.;d, stags mid bulls id to ..d, yearlini's 5.U1 to ,V}.l, call Is Gd to ii.-i, horsehides 7s Gd to !()s Gd, Wo have got a | good demand (or all classes and should advise our friends to consign. Horsehair, 17d to I'.ll; cow hair, 81 to lid. Cow tips Is !Uu to Is It' d pur dozen. Hough Fat -From' lls to 15s Od ; rendered fat from 14s to ills; clean white rcndcied mutton from 19s to 3ls. Tallow (in casks),— From 22s to 28s. St riii;; Grain.—We are prepared to store, receive, deliver, and insure with toree months' free storage at 3.1 per sack. Grass-seed cleaning. We advise farmers to consign all their sccdo t us, as the cleaning I will lie attended to with up-to-date machinery, and tho cleaned seed sold or returned free of railing l . We supply new and second bund sacks, also stack, cow covers, and all other fanners' material. Faiui Produce and Fruit. We. receive all binds of consignments abd render account sales promptly. Walnuts, Gd to 7*l. Salt Butter. Milled Is to Is Id, separator Is Id to Is 2d ; factory, I Id to 15 1. Fresh Hotter.- In pats, storekiepcrs lots, lid to Is. Eggs.—Fresh, 101.

Ciue-o. -Factory Gjd to 7d, Akaroa G.J.d to loaf, )d more. Honey.—ln good demand. Section honey -Is Gd lo 7s per do/., bulk large tins 4,d to sd, small tins od to 5.[ I. Onions. -Ms Gd to 9s local. 10s to 10s Gd for Melbourne. Beeswax, Is 3d to Is I'. Hams.—C.W to 7d. Bacon.-Rolls, 7Ad to Si; sides, old to (id, slow of sale. Pigs, -We have a good dermoid. Porkers up to Sd, first-class bacorrers up to I7olbs s}d ; overweights, 4d to F'd. Poultry.—Wo are packing for export. Turkey hens 5d per lb, turkey cocks 7d per lb. —free of railage if consigned to the Agricultural Department. Apply for labels and particulars. Please take note that all poultry must be forwarded to the Department not later than Thursday to arrive here.

Poultry for Local Consumption.—ln good demand— Hens ds to ss, roosters ">s lo 7>; ducks, 3s ii'.l to Is Od ; turkey hens 5d to 6d, cocks 7d to 8d per II), live weight. All poultry for local consumption nays railage MK3SIW WaTKKH, IIITCHIK, AND Co., auctioneers, wool, stock, grain, produce, and commission agents, report (wholesale) for the weed: as under. All quotations are suhjuot I ■■> market lluctuations : Wheat Market very dull, an i prices slightly easier. We quote new velvet and Tuscan 3* ~>il to ;>s 7d, medium 3s 3d to 3s dd, fowl wheat 3s 10 3s 2d (sacks extra). Oats.—Market quiet. Milling 2s 3d, bright short feed 2s 2d to 3d, inferior 2 i Id. Barley.—We have a good demand for prime malting samples. Uahhitskins. —Auction sales every Monday. We offered a largo eatal >guo this week, when competition was brisk :>t last week's prices. Suckers and runners Id to lid, autumns 12 d to (Id, summers (Id to lid pur lb, winters Idd to I7M, selected docs. L6d to i'.-.l per lh. Sheepskins.—Wo held our usual weekly Fixio on Tuesday, when wo offered a large catalogue. Competition was very keen for all lines of well saved skins, and prices ruled firm. Wo quote: I'olts Is ltd tj •!», crosahred ■ls '.ld to ils, extra '.ls lid to 10s Ij i, merino Js to 7s, extra 7k (5d to Bs. Hides. -We hold fortnightly sides. Prime ux D.'.d to 7.-Ul, heavy do Gd lo '1 Id, medium io

i ;7yd to ('4(l, light do s?d to <'} d. calf Blurts Is Od to Is, yearlings 2s lid to 7s lid, horse hide.; (V, lid lo 'J: (id each. • . Tullow—Rough fat Ms to 15s, tallow in tins Jss to 18s, casks 19s to His per csvt. Horsehair.—Keen demand from 17d to 1J 1 and dress all classes of seed and grain. All our machinery is of the latest and mosl effective design, and is operated by I practi sal men of long experience. _ Ke?i«ls. — Wo have now on sale a specially i selected stock of grass and clover ECtds, which we quote as follows:—Heavy machined ryegrass 3s Od to S3, medium 8s 9d to 'ls 3d cocksfoot lid to S;WI, Italian 4s 3d to 4s (id. white clover lOd to Is Id, alsike 9d to Kid, cowgrass Sd to lOd, Timothy Gd. Samples on application. On's Califomian Thistle Weed Destroyer (used by the N.Z. Government). Wo supply this m lgal. tins at 10s, and sgal. drums at 8s per gal. * It is easily applied and thoroughly effective. Wo recommend a trial. Qkneraci Produce Rkpout. . Butter.—Best salt 'Jd to lOd per lb, dairy butter (in pats) lOd per lb. Eg«B.—lod. 1 loney, 3d to 4d per lb. Cheese, ftyd per lb Bacon.—Rolls Sd, hams H■ d. Pigs in good demand at sd, heavy weights 3jbl to 4d. Poultry (local) Roosters 5s Od per pair, hens 4s Od per pair, ducks «• (jd per pair. Export—Wo have received mcrca=ed orders for South Africa. Full particulurs on application. Note —All exoort poultry is carried railage free if to tho Department of Agriculture. We supply crates on loan.—Prize-br. d Poultry : If you wish to purchase, or base any stock for sale, write to us. We can guarantee you sati-jfac-

IHE CELEBRITY OF SANDER Aim SOUS' PURE VOLATILE EUCALYPTI EXTRACT is universally acknowledged. Royalty honors it, and the entire medical profession has adop'ed its use. Imitations sprung up without number. The latest of them-all styled " Extracts '—was an oil foisted upon the trusting and unwary under the grossest misuse of Sander and Sons' reputation. Sander and Suns' instituted an action at the Supreme Court of Victoria, before his Honor Chief Justice Sir J. Madden. K.C.M.G., etc., and at the trial a sworn witness testified that he bad to stop the use of counterfeits ou account of the irritation produced. This shows what care is required to obtain an article that is scientifically tested and approved of. As such is solely endorsed and recommended. THM GENUINE SANDER A SONS'PURE VOLATILE EUCALYPTI EXTRACT!

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Lake County Press, Issue 2136, 20 September 1906, Page 5

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AGRICULTURAL & PASTORAL Lake County Press, Issue 2136, 20 September 1906, Page 5

AGRICULTURAL & PASTORAL Lake County Press, Issue 2136, 20 September 1906, Page 5