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Arrowtown: May 3, 1906. LOCAL AND GENERAL.

Th,< iruM I.'kU'.-: </;.v;< thee.guard, mid to thy&e'j bejtixt,

The Southland Times says that on Saturday tho market made a jump from la 8d to Is for oats Mit Lane, representing Messrs Drown, Ewing and Co., Duuedin, is at present at Jopp's Hotel, and will remain until to-morrow morning, lie will be pleased to see customers. Exoi;i'tionali,y bad weather provailed for Messrs (Jotter Bros., stock sale at Ayrburn Yards on Friday, and the attendance was small in consequence. Several lines were disposed of privately at satisfactory prices. Tun Wakatipu Mounted Rifles purpose holding their annual ball in tho Garrison Hall, Arrowtown, on Friday evening, 25th May A meeting of committee will be held on Friday evening next at 8 o'clock to make arrangements.

Mr Scddon entered upon his fourteenth year of office on Tuesday.

Membkks of the Y.M.O.A mission will conduct meetings in tho Atheneum Hall during the week commencing on May 7th.

Those householders who have not received census papers are requested to communicate at once with Mr Jno. S. Dickie, enumerator, Clyde Waltku Newman, agod 31, shot himself with a revolver in the Salvation Army ring in Victoria Street, Auckland, on Saturday night. The cause is unknown.

Excitement over tho oil developments at Now Plymouth i 3 increasing. Five pound shares sold at £l4. There is immense pressure in tho bore of pure oil, which is rushing out at tho rate of half a barrel per minute. A unfortunate occurrence happened in Dunedin last week. Two men,' McKay and Anderson, engaged at the Cement Works, while at work accidentally inhaled acid gas and have since died from tho effects.

Messrs G. and T. Young, the wellknown jewellers of Dunedin, will forward to any enquirers their illustrated catalogue post free. The firm havo had the testimony of scores of satisfied customers on their system of buying by post. Carefully read advt on page 3.

Members and intending members of local gymnasium are requested to attend at the Drill Hall on Tuesday evening next at 1. 80. Not only are gymnastics healthy exercise for the youth, but the young man may profitably devoto some evenings to physical development, Wo hope, thorefore, to see a goodly number present at the first meeting of tho club. The Carterton police are investigating what appears to havo been an attempt to derail a train. On Thursday night the 7 o'clock goods train collided with some slip rails placed on the cattle stops at Matarawa crossing, and pulled up. A portion of a rail was found jammed in the cowcatcher. The driver of a down train states that he passed over an obstruction at the same spot. It was probably the work of hoodlums. Tukue is. a law on the statute books of England, designed for the protection of the male sex. No man has ever had the courage to invoke it. It was passed during tho reign of Q:ioen Elizabeth, when Parliament solemnly enacted that " any woman who from that date, would deceive or cajole into matrimony any of tho subjects of her Majesty by tho use of false hair or any other thing falso in connection with her body, or by the use of paints or cosmetics, would be punished as for fraud and deceit, with intent to cause harm."

The shooting season for Southland District for native game (excepting groat kiwi, morapork, owl, bittern, tui, huia, white heron, crested grebe, and blue or mountain duck) opened on the Ist May, and closes on the Slsfc day of July, both days inclusive. At the last moment the Gazette announces that the season will be a close one for paradise ducks. Such brief notification is not fair to sportsmen as many went out on shooting expeditions fully convinced that they were privileged to kill paradise ducks. About five p.m. on Saturday, Joseph Thornton, a clerk in the goods yard at tlio Curistehureh station, essayed to cross the yards, and for that purpose went between two trucks when a train was at a standstill. The driver started to shunt trucks and the sudden jerk probably caused Thornton to full, lie was «ut about severely, and one of his arms was nearly severed. Jle expired shortly afterwards. It is stated that the deceased was a married man and lived in Chriatohurch. Ho had been subject to iits lately. TimHE ha 3 been quite a number of marriages in and around the district of late—Mr E. Graham to Miss Pipson (lioth of Arrow district) ; Mr George Thomas, of Kingston, to Miss Maggie Ashworth, of Malaghans ; Mr Hugh M'Kenzio, sonr,, of Waltor Peak, Lake Wakatipu, to Miss Gardiner, of Queenstown. Yv'o offer our felicitations and express the wish that they may enjoy long life and prosperity. Whose will be the next! A bird whispers a local young couple, Messrs 11. E. Gardner and Co., (lato A. G. Watson) waggonbuilders, etc., of Dnnedin, wish to direct the attention of farmers and others to their advt. on page S in the present issue of the Press. The linn of A. G. Watson was well and favorably to farmers of this and other agricultural districts as builders of all kinds of farm drays and waggons, and as Mr Gardner was for many years in the employ of Mr Watson, farmers can rely on being equally wellserved by the now firm both in regard to workmanship and price. Mr W. Eraser, MH.R, passed through Arrowtown on Monday last, and His Worship the Mayor, with one or two citizens, took advantage of Mr Praser's stay and approached him in regard to .several local requirements. Amongst other things Mr Eraser said he would endeavor to have a sum of money placed on the Estimates for the construction of a tourist track up what is locally known as Hays' Hill. Mr Erasor was surprised that tenders bad not been called for the postmaster's residence. Ho sent the following wire and received a reply as below :—" Hon. Minister Public Works, Wellington. Was informed that plans and specifications for postmaster's residence, Arrowtown, had been prepared, and that tenders would be callod for directly. Find so far nothing dono in that direction. Kindly state cause of dolav. —(Bignod), W. Erasor, MH.R." lieply : <-' VV. Eraser. M.H.R. Received your wire re Arrowtown Post Office. Apparently you wore misinformed, as specifications not yet quite ready, Plans are complete and specifications in the hands of the printer, As soon as ready tenders will be called.— (Signed) W. ITall-Jonos." From the foregoing it will be. seen that fenders \yill be called at an early date.

Received with thanks Railway timetable for May. Scarlet fever is prevalent at Kaitangata.

Five horses fell in a race at Gayndah, (Queensland), and a jockey named Pebow was killed, and two others seriously injured. " Foit a revenue of £50,000," says an Australian paper, " Tasmania sells herself to the Tattorsall business, one of the most gigantic vices of the age." Mr J. S. Baxter, of Invorcargill, has recently added to his varied stock hollow-ware consisting of best quality of pots, saucepans, kettles, etc., which are quoted at a very small margin of profit. Mr Master allows a rebate on railage and other concessions.

A fireman named Arthur Beal was killed while crossing the Waingawa railway bridge. He was in the act of looking out to see if the ejector was working in order when his head came in contact with the side of the bridge.

The derelict which has been £een in Cook Strait, is believed to bo the vessel Ronga, which left Lyttelton on Saturday, coal laden for Havelock. The tug Duco attempted to tow it to port, but owing to the heavy sea the towline parted. At Goulburn (N.S.W.) a woman has been sentenced to 18 months' imprisonment on a charge of brutally illtreating a State child, of which she had charge. Another woman who was similarly charged was fined £l5O.

Special attention of farmers i? directed to Messrs Reid and Gray's advt on page 6. A careful perusal will prove beneficial to them. The firm's implement have borne the test of time, and are regarded by farmers as being first-class in every respect.

A Sydney message states: The twelve of the fifteen thousand pounds required for Doctor Danysz's rabbit virus experiments have been subscribed ; buildings are being erected, and other preparations made to conduct the oxperimentb on Broughton Island. A correspondent informs the Dunedin Star that a Lawrence resident, Avho fell in for a handsome legaoy through the death -of a relative in Canada a few months ago, has just received his first instalment of £I,OOO under the will. One of the provisions of tho will is that the legatee must pay the Dominion a visit within a certain period. A silly joke was recently played on a somowhat green Auckland reporter. From time to time one comes across curiosities in the shapa of ships manifests, and among the lists of imports by the Zealandia were a few of this kind :—Three bags of treacle, seven cases of bees' kneesj and a quantity of post-holes, A young man named Joseph Scoon, was shooting on the Sumner Hills, when he fired at what ho took to be a rabbit The object turned out to be the top of a hat worn by Miss Collinaon who, with a young man named Ernest Crooke, was sitting on a hill. The pellets peppered Miss Collinson's body, and severely injured Crooke. Both are in tho hospital. " Going, going, gone I" shouted an auctioneer, and a mob of calves had changed hands at Is Gd a head. This transaction took place at a stock sale in Tiiranaki only a few days ago. Rearing calves to sell at such a price must (says tho News) bo nxot disheartening to farmers, yet this is the market price at present ruling. Of course, hotter prices are obtained for good calves, but the best of them do not bring over 10s. Two years ago good weaners sold up to £2 per head. According to tho Rev„ Mr Walker, New Zealand's drink bill for the year 1905 was £3 8s 2fd per head of tho population, including Maoris. For the previous year the amount was £3 10s lOd £d. Spirits and wine show a decrease, and imported and colonial beer an increase. By the way, in the published tables colonial beer shows an -ncrease of 9810 gallons, and yet a decrease in consumption per head from £1 15s to £1 14s o|d. Taking an average of five persons to a family, each household spends £l7 0s lljd per annum on liquor.

Tenhyson acclaimed Nelson as " the greatest sailor since our world bogan," but Mr E. T. Bulleu disputed this judgment at Adelaide recently, and boldly assigned the palm to Captain Cook. Ho placed Captain Cook first becauso in addition to all other considerations he was the first navigator who recognised that the sailor's life was worth looking after. Ho saw that the men were decently fed and housed and given frosh water to drink, and fresh vegetables to eat when possible. Ho was the first commander who over took a long voyage and brought all his men homo alive.

At the Christchurch Police Court Sydney Sandorson was convicted on a charge of cruelly ill-treating a horse by working him with an open sore. Constable Gibson said the horse was at the police yard, and was drawing a load of bricks at least 30cwt in weight His Worship examined the horse, and said it was absolutely disgraceful thai, a horse should bo worked in such a condition. He intended to infiict a substantial penalty, nor would ho allow much time in which to pay it, as he did not wish it to bo merely a monetary obligation. Ho would indict'a fine of £5 and cosis, to bo paid within 48 hours.

Mb Victor Braund, of Wellington, has commenced a civil aotion against the Hon. George McLean and Mr Percy Noil, ox-directors of the Colonial Bank, and the case is set down for hearing at Wellington on 13th August. Mr Graham, S.M., has been summoned to appear and produce all the books. A motion was to have come up in Chambers on Monday for an order further postponing tlie destruction of the books, which were ordered to bo kept till May Snd. —The Judge has sinco refused to make an order, but has delayed the destruction of the books for 10 days, so that the soundness of bis decision cuii be tested.

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Lake County Press, Issue 2116, 3 May 1906, Page 4

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Lake County Press. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Arrowtown: May 3, 1906. LOCAL AND GENERAL. Lake County Press, Issue 2116, 3 May 1906, Page 4

Lake County Press. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Arrowtown: May 3, 1906. LOCAL AND GENERAL. Lake County Press, Issue 2116, 3 May 1906, Page 4