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Local & General.

Don’t f u-get Arrow Sports on Boxing Day Excellent prizes will be given. A DOimt.K wedding took place in Arro wtown yesterday, the contracting parties being the Misses Jesperaon and Messrs A. Austin and Frew. The happy couples left shortly after for Macetown in Jopp's drag «itii four greys. We tin lerstand that Mr John Caithness and Mrs A. Cowan were also united in the holy bonds yesterday. Good luck to them all.

Our readers will regret to hear that Mr R. Pritchard of this town met with a rather serious accident on Monel iy night, ile was driving into town from his farm when opposite M'' Low’s tire horse took fright at a reaper and immediately afterwards a dog sprung out at the buggy with the result that the vehicle was capsz d and M ’ Pritchard dragged some distance besides being kicked by the hj rse. tie had a rib broken with other internal injuries. We pleasnd to hear Mr Pritchard is on fair way- to recovery.

A jI'veNII.E entertainment will be given by the pupils of the Sisters of St. Joseph, Arrowtown, early next mouth. The programme will be of a very varied nature, consistin'; of music, (vocal and instrumental) drills, dramas, dialogues etc. The tickets will be in circulation in a day or two ; and as the object is a good one, they should meet with ready sale. A qean’d bazaar will b* opened in Queenstown on New Year’s Eve in aid of the Roman Catholic Church. The bazaar committee has been working assiduous y for soma time, and we understand that there will be some very flue articles for sale. There will also be numerous side attractions, and we are confident that the Grand Delhi Bazaar will be liberally patronized.—We are pleased to state that a society has been formed in Queenstown styled “ The Queenstown St. Pa rick’s Sports Association.” The sports will he held annually on St. Patrick’s Day. A strong committee has been appointed to carry out the necessary arrangements £->r the first gathering on the l?th of March, when m .st liberal prizes will be given for the different events.

The Lake Wakatipn S.S. Company announce cheap, excursions during the Christmas and New Year holidays. The R.M.S. Mountaineer will make an excursion to that favorite spot, Rero Lake, ou Boxing Day. The return fare will be only ss.

We woul 1 draw the attention of our readers in this and other districts to the advertisement of Messrs William Gardiner aud Co., Matanra.. Their farm implements are undoubtedly A.1., and tillers of the soil in this district speak in the highest terms of the different implements turned out by the firm. The company will be happy to forward price lists to anyone desiring them. Give this firm a trial.

Messrs O’Meara and Co., announce a very important sale of the Sew Hoy Company’s (in liquidation), properties, plant, etc., also household furniture.. Read the advertisement.

The name “Klondyke” is said to be a corruption of the Indian “ Trondak,” meaning “plenty of fish.”" Bishop Nevill and Mrs Nevill, who are passengers from. England by the s.s.. Gothic, are expected, to reach Dunedin on Tuesday, 14th ult.

Liedt. Peary, who in 1894 travelled north from Greenland, intends to make a dash for the Pole. He leaves in, July next, and expects to be absent fire years. A friend has given him £30,000 towards the cost of the expedition. It has been stated on the best authority that the Hon, W. P. Reeves, Ag nt-General, will be on the platform at next General Election, but for which constituency has not transpired. Charles Clements was on Friday committed for trial on ihe.charge of murdering his wife. The only new evidence was that of a constable, who deposed that in October Mrs Clements called him off fhe street and complained of her husband ill-treating her. Clements, who was present, then threatened to “do for her ” soma day. A Loch Leven trout, 26iu in length, which was caught at Lake Onslow a fortnight ago,, was sent to the Otago- Acclimatisation Society to be reported on. Mr Cockburn has received word back that it is a trim Loch Leven trout, male fish, uot in good condition.—Mount Beuger Mail. Ox the arm of a young woman in New York is a photograph placed there by lightning. She is a telegraph operator, aud while she was sending a message to St. John’s during a storm she felt an acute paiu in her arm, and on looking at it found the exact representation of a leaf. A Brisbane stock and station agent recently travelled 5000 miles of Western B.mnanaland on the wheel at a coat of 11s 6d. The same journey per buggy would have cost some hundreds. Way for the bike.

According to the Taieri Advocate, it is generally understood that the Mitaura seat will be vacant shortly, aud that Mr M‘Nab, who has now returned from England, will be a candidate for it. As an evidence of the “ brilliant ” success which has attended the growing of potatoes in this district this year, the returns of a shipment by the Rotokiuo are of interest says the Oamaru Mail. A local grower shipped 306 sacks by that steamer to Sydney on the trip when her shaft was broken. The net outcome of the shipment was a cheque for 2s 2d (including 6d for exchange). His receipts, therefore are Is Bd, out of which he has to pay freight and charges—the rest is profit.

In the course of the case of Postlethwaite v. Ross, which occupied some time last week In the Supreme Court, Dunedin, it was stated by one of the witnesses that 27 persons left the Nevis in one week in the mouth of March l ist on account of the severity of the weather. That looks like as if the Nevis were our Klondyke.

Presbyterian services f r Sunday next: Queenstown II (Mr Robertson, Evangelist) ; Frank ton 3, Queenstown 7 (Rev. JR. Blair) ; Glbbston 11, Arrow 2.30, Macetowu 7 (Mr J. R. Shore). According to the Tapanui Courier, the sly-grog cases are educating a class of iufnnneis, perjurers, and deceivers; and the whole miserable business is a curse to the Clutha. Far better to restore licenses than have the existing state of things continue. The police are perfectly houest in their desire to maintain the law against the illegal sale of liquor ; but public opinion is against them, and therefore they are powerless. Restoration of licenses in Ciutha, or total prohibition throughout the colony, is the only remedy for the evil. A good story is told, at the expense of a short-sighted master at a snbur an school near Dunedin. His hat blew off one day recently, and as be started in pursuit of it a black hen dashed out of the gateway. The schoolmaster saw the hen, and fell into the error of thinking it was his hat. Off he started in pursuit, ami the neighbourhood was electrified by the magic spectacle of a hitless and breathless dominie hunting a black hen from one end of the street to the other. What the master said on discovering hia mistake is not stated, but if ho went so far as to use unparliamentary language (if schoolmasters ever do such a tiling) we fancy a discriminating Providence would not be too hard on him.--Advocate.

A movement is on foot in Wellington to send three miners to Klondyke in the interests of a syndicate, who will find the necessary money. At present, however, there seems to be considerable diversion of opinion as to what amount is likely to bo necessary. Some prospectors think £l5O sufficient, while others reckon £7OO.

A musical bicycle is one of the litest inventions. The motion of the wheels grind out a tunc similar to those of a hand organ, and the rider rolls along to the harmonious strains that issue forth.

Thk English language is spoken by only 125.000,000 persons, while the Chinese i.' spoken by more than 400,000,000.

Mr J. A. Scott has resigned the editorsh'p of the Tablet, having decided to practice th law in Dunedin. Tlie Kcv, Father Cleary, of Ararat (Victoria), has been selected for the editorial chair.

Oam.vbu Mail reports that a farmer in the Macrewheuua district had to turn sheep into4o acres of oats, owing to the failure of the crop through the drought. A THRKK-ye ar-old child bearded a steamer at the Thames the other day and went for a trip to Auckland on his own account. He was too young to tell his 'name, but he was eventually restored to his parents through the instrumentality of the police. Me Thomas Hyudmxn, a well known commercial traveller, who for mote than 20 years has represented Messrs Robert Wilson and Co., of Dunedin, is about to sever his connection with t at reputable wholesale firm. This stop has been taken by Mr Hyudman us lie purposes making a trip to the Old Country, principally in order to visit his aged parents. W« are sure his numerous friends on the Goldfields will wish him a pleasant holiday, and the best of luck whenever his future lot may be cast. Order received by a Vie, up-couutry storekeeper : —D ;ar Sir, —Please send one par of soks to fit a boy of ten years old one par to fit one nine years old one par to fit one seven years. I want the throe pars all cast iron stokings. An elderly suicide in Melbourne last week left a note behind attributing nis trouble to drink, to which, he was driven by three of his children perpetually “ playing ” on a melodeon, varnping-harp, and mouth-organ respectively. The mammoth grows apace. Fourteen thousand new houses built in London in 1896. The average is about 1190 per month. The cit’es grow larger and larger, and the proportion of English neu in England grows smaller and ever smaller.,

Thk next English and European mail via San Francisco, will close at the local office on Sunday evening, 19th inst., at 5 o’clock. Money orders and registered letters at 4.3 >. the previous day. Wesleyan services will be held on Sunday next as under :—Rev. W. A. Gann at Arrowtown U, Arthur’s Point 3, Queenstown 7 ; Mr J. H. Stephens (Evangelist) at Queenstown 11 ; local supply at Bulleudale 3.

At one of the stock sales on Tuesday last an auotioner knocked down one lot of sheep 260, for £8 13s 4d, or in other words at 8d each. The lot consisted of aged ewes and a number of lambs.—Bruce Herald. Since the issue of licenses for the sale of liquor was stopped in the Electoral District of Clutha,. under the provisions of “The Alcoholic Liquors Sale Control Act, 1893,” there have been 78 informations laid for sale without a license, and two for exposing for sale without a license, making in all 80 informations. Of these 40 have been withdrawn, 15 have been dismissed, and 23. have been followed by convictions. The total amount of fines levied is L 651, A Melbourne cable states :—Gargusvitch. paced by triplets, has established world grass cycling records from one to ten miles. He covered a mile in “2min. 11 3-siecs ; five miles in IT mi a. 39 l-saecs ; 10 miles in 23 mi . 45 2-3secs. The steamer Fitaroy went ashore ten miles south of Port Stephens, NJ3. VV. There were 70 passengers and 42 of a crew. They landed on the beach. A fire at Narrabri {N.S. W.) destroyed a large business block in the centre of the town, comprising 26stores and offices, chiefly wood. The damage is estimated atL2O,OOO. Chdccii of England services for Sunday next—ll a.m., Macetown. There will be a Children’s Flower Service in aid of the Sunday School at 3- p.m., Arrowtown 7, Queenstown.. Rev. A. D Mitchell. Also 11 a.m., Queenstown. A special issue of post-cards, bearing pictures of New Zealand scenery in colors, is about to be issued. A portion of the issue will be ready before Christmas, and the balance about a month later. The cards are of two denominations—one penny for inland and Australian circulation, and three half-peace for other places—and will be sold at the rati of od for four of the penny cards, and 7d for four of the three halfpenny cards.

Certainly the best medicine known is Sander and Son’s Eucalypti Extract. Test its eminently powerful effect in coughs, colds, influenza ; the relief is instantaneous, bn serious cases, and in accidents of all kinds, be they wounds, burns, scaldings, bruises, sprains, it is the safest remedy,—no swelling—no inflammation. Like surprising effects produced in croup, diptheria, find..bronchitis, inflammation of the lungs, swe igs, etc. ; diarrhoea, dysentery, disease of the kidneys and' urinary organs. In use at hospitals and medical clinics all over the globe ; patronised b/ His Majesty, the King of Italy, crowned with medal and diploma at International Exhibition. Amsterdam. Trust in this approved article and reject all others. Mr Isaac Horner, proprietor of the Burton House, Burton, W. Ya., undone of the most widely known men in the state was cured of rheumatism after three years of suffering. He says: “ I have not sufficient command of language to convey any idea of what I suffered, my physicians told me that nothing could be done for me, and my friends were fully convinced that nothing but death would relieve me of my suffering. In June 1894, Mr Evans, then salesman for the Wheeling Drug Co., recommended Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. At tiiis time my foot and limb were swollen to more than double their normal sizs and it seemed to me my leg would burst, but soon after I began using the Pain Balm, -he swelling begin to decrease, the pain to leave, and now I consider that lam entirely cured. For sale by R. Pritchard. CLARKE'S 3 41 PILLS ,T.TS to cure Gravel, Pains in tiiba';k, aid all kindred complaints. Free from Mercury. Es ablUhi J upwards of 30 year?. In boxes 4s Gel ea -h, of all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the World. Proprietors, The Lincoln and Midland Counties Drug Company, Lincoln, England Caution. —Purchasers of Clarke’s Blood Mixture, should see that they get the genuine article. Worthless imitations and substitutes are sometimes palmed off by unprincipled vendors. The words “ Lincoln and Midland Counties Drug Company, Lincoln, England,” are engraved on the Government Stamp, and “(Jiarke’s World-famed Blood Mixture,” . blown on the bottle, without which none arc genuine.

Hundreds of thousands have been induced to try Chamberlain’s Gough Remedy, by reading what it has done for others, and having tested its merits for themselves are to-day its warmest friends. For sale by R. Pritchard.

For three years we have never been without Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in the house,” says A. H. Pa'ter, with E. C. Atkins & Co., Indianapolis Ind., and my wife wo ild as soon think of being without flour as a bottle of this Remedy in tiie summer season. Wa have used it with all three of our children and it has mver failed to cure —not simply stop pain, hut cure absolutely. It is all right, and anyone who cries it will find it so.” For sale by R. Pritchard.

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Lake County Press, Issue 786, 16 December 1897, Page 2

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Local & General. Lake County Press, Issue 786, 16 December 1897, Page 2

Local & General. Lake County Press, Issue 786, 16 December 1897, Page 2