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■ \ "• ii v.--- " "'-*aN"i. i <fl!". , -55». *;-"*«w>!L ":• it": '""**: %!*" *4~ .i||g»H»«» : " ! *r"'*lS' "'*tf '•"""'■ '" : "" VVw-.;> .. . -■ J < - : -*- ■-'- •'%5, 'Ssf*>'"i-» ■ i"»*' -vssn- " ■"■ —*S*- ' ''** • " -i"- - ■ '- -- f*A ■" -,- . ■ -** ' ■ -■• 'f -Tr*t *#*. *«#* «* *** ««S3*«# •*• ***-■ «**«*« *?«••¥ *"««•<: ""**•- irHwiHe >*l. *t«*vi*i%. '«ir~« "*"- "t '**** 'tit-.. V*«tH* Hw* 3 RsiS **«* S?*^ t - 1 " q MNMf "*«•**- *fc -3153*6 Iff- t|;,rtfl*- -F*! SlljlffiW ft*! :1' 1 >»"5""*" »." N "* '"'« ;t **«'■ warWi*«s4 WSI ****** ■'' *«m. em* tfet v tttl "* ■' -'"*" : ' " ' i ** nl t«£ |*«sci : 'fc«-i« S«WC* ~" w " """' " ÜBl tec !Wt * *«i§tfe~ i*!*"- •** tianitwswi* i;l« lit IAK ««&»»»«« -""' ui saKSi. mm. w««i*«6Bi«a« j tV<t «it N«"*m. ■nrosfif «i»- i i'sri!« | fel3BT*itPi' *w Sp» ■%a;r»£*BC, *««:■ «•? j Vt*> ( &; J** w * fc °' if: *** m^s ' *"* *«s #M £H*«t. SssafiiflK Jw 5« Ottstlj- Owttadfe. 'SCt- L« swl fci* Ctrttifxi? :s*wiTa:% !isc?..:.nfct , e'..r* <&*■ SI fvt It ssVsr% 8* p»«i i««" Mr> L«* wfSKPdwE *j>e rate sts the rwrs* tN? «ss re rv -a-aj- reisrtefi t» the valve v-f larss- fee o 4 »* ] b.t«x* tfee Hos|s«»al Bford ir. asy j the uvr**se <tf 40 |«r ceact, ia :fee j senoant of the levy nwie fey the Wat- I Kstv> vet siiother iter:-, of costs for the" farmer lx> bear. Hospital laaation }%xms by bad hec.r. hxareasins I hv SSOO or E©(W each amd trhere was the *ei-i«3er>cy sre-inc to Stop? More shoaic he givesra t<o the x reasouahle reqne.?t thai the GovernTOen* subsidy to bospitsil levies should he £2 for £l. Another matter nequirin? gation was the proportion of hospital costs borne by rural and urban local bodies. In the -Hamilton Board area two-thirds of the hospital levy monies were found by the towns and a third by the Counties, but the populations were about equal. Then the system of levying it on the capital value system was wrong—a man misjht have many pounds to pay for hospital rates because he was occupying land, even if it be mortgaged to 100 per cent, of its value, yet another man earning £6OO in a town could escape the rate entirely because he owned no property. The need for a solution to native rating was strongly stressed by Mr. Lee. In Waitomo there were 106,000 acres of native land, having an unimproved valuation of £128,000. As the average unimproved valuation of Maori land was 25s per acre, the same as the general figure for the County itself, it stood to reason that a large proportion of it must be capable of production. A total of £4454 of rates was struck on this land annually, and of this £2lO was collected last year. Then there were the 12,325 acres •under development by the Native Department, on which last year a total of £163 was paid in rates, this being in respect of thi-ee schemes. The Te

**"*?•*» >•. tews, vest- &eMWHS ---—•~"~:?~ " ' --s- -;;'"■*=- v---':-: ";•.!& ~ r is, ~-f£7; ' : . "!«y m* •:; : 'Htee * ~ "*i« IW»wtai.. 'iOwdups jeel " 7j ~- " T " - " Hacr«w te»e*Brsrcsr," sdaez&r.- ■--^-■--,,. *k;: t *wssr mSk ■mxe^meaSk "•■■■ HPffl v "WKfi ita i : b Urn Isisctbw~ r>ipp,; ir nffjH: Hu «s|3ek Uto «3SSftßc "fee : ■c.r--n». i;*?** 7s ng SiS!S -:-~'!*!:;.■ «astamfetr "etk? it "liJa»- •*"•»"" : • ■•- ' sweterritanc lissc 3&e ,„„,--.■..,.»»:: - , 4 , l . "Tjjg- jfjjc "—j •;»- fsfscn n -■«: wasStifK 'Bat. ?eSfoswßK s- -at a? weTtwc; T"Rt ira^Hro: " .--■,»- r- 5" ST> i ftiik : tit- - o- 'the I,'' sjibs Uses iflwal: «w?i&. xre traiwrrt ngug :r - trronersSe! snte i~~ ecntodii. "•"*■ *-. JSwiisaiiin; ■*-(« idJc ft? Onniit?" -1(v —*»• '.ijjsj-vßßrfi r; " '?'<fflss. "tvn - , tw!*»' j iwhc unh- m te^uif'-OBiki-rec ! '~ ; ?if»r>- ■■ v-..;-:-v » *T* r n"*4rrnL "umfi;. sw«.-w! "WtwwM T:r)«=;r hat 3«raa ,»:;.„;,-..., jjj.,!-}- -,:,],|,| K ■'-.,, ij.jj .-^.. r) .., i -J*JJJ; "J'STtl "<■*•.' '>" ".!!>' Sia? *"?•. nmt :• enenal -'--''<*_ "itm s ;t T ""ii*!T' «rr; :H *ni a j mate *fot tJ5j;-fß>; :t»i- Bdgßa . 'I'SBST 'fl'T tSlf '<tSflffiK i «<b»»i»-}i -j;'l* l aras-' TW. "3U&_ ,-raw itrju •.)-*■- ?"?-"rK7BSt. 12TII 'USSS "nTC '"siiicv '.jf "::S»t Cwe 1 ! ~> r Tug" rsraes. " t us- ifeft sj~ % ac :=l- - J.. SSL MSs aaas tat '■ 'Sg-riwagiess «c "s* e'.;-;•■-«. 3m { - tET y; rjit3ui weMsies mi "" ; sit tine GBEatfties - . ... -- 1 Jvec'er' ix tare- teSsccy «£ aibe Wss- p .. 7 ,..,. QwaJJiy §xa£ -r?«j-te: cEssESsEac- | £ww errnessec ic r«pErc Sw Tit- I t&wcr: ».it tih* Tc««aexl stic Mz. I •&. F- 3S'rir»HrCs. Sts osßsaaer I X?K rs.t±nr S*s3?f *3E«: bser beSe iz rw&ra: St. tfee o«aj*y~ hat beer: | rttsßusei ir. same ras;j-Tirief hj- 9t g>er 8 viert- «S the riteffiEyers. The very few I Rfities jssjc cr. oesreH : -'<pxn£rt si-heraes | c*fjnitrih*:t«c "■*'.- this fatl. 1 srhernes. xtj£ I? y«r refit, of the j sweeedl rxte« Ta«re pzsd or. these I i <:'"t»;-- |- '<&s.. xrc 25- oej:". *of the i s:-«c _ i.. oat "or«ir tn-s tear or j saane of the Oc<uatT rwafis bad doubled, j He instaincec the RErHritotc area. I statsn;; that t.rairic to and from the J Pfercrc hlorh of 23w acres, was more ~*hz.~ that of the ratepayers thercThoagh Te Kniti was the Sfth i?.-£est irlard receivir.g ard dispatchsr?j: station in the Doinionior* the district xras only In the infancy of its development, but was handicapped by rating disabilities. Mr. Roberts said that the Crown machinery for the collection of loan charges gave the payment of these precedence in the payment of rates. This meant that in a period of low pnees the burden had to be loaded on the remaining settlers. The fairest thing to do would be for loan charges and rates to be met pro rata as was dene in respect to city properties at the present time, Mr. R. Boddy said that the native rating problem was more serious in j Waitomo than in any other County in 1 the Dominion, with the possible exception of the East Coast Counties. Though praising the principal of the native development schemes, he fell that they should be compelled to pay rates —if it was not possible for them to pay rates during the first few years cf development, then a proportion could be paid. He instanced the full production from the Waimiha development scheme, started 10 years ago, and from the Mahoenui scheme, subdivided by the newly metalled Totoro Road, towards which it paid no rates.

In the Mangapu Drainage Board area 43 per cent, of the land was native owned and occupied, and because of this the Board had written off in native rates the sum of £1620 -for 1933-36, £612 in 1936-37, £609 in 1937-38, and £609 in 1938-39. The land was worth nothing before the drainage work started, and now it was amongst the best in the district.

The Minister asked did not the

Busri. BaDtngr :2K Tvcsitaor bsxccs i: 583HE8K3SB8E tfBgaSS&ESL. lit... IList. :SEmiXEr of :zar Brart ! saS "that seS'Ensr ~£s£ vmm: vsss eoae- :' ':?er».ss£. Sr 3irEit iiax. .rrasi ' lac i23C TTEI2S 2S ■'■nait. "3z -~<: Saac wfc vest. s<c 'zlus. -ie isr™*srr*f ■v.'«:4i ; Jc nfstE! 'srrs tiesr. iiso Kz. li.oji lft"iSsor .oisaJ: zmmes-T»eri=-nrsr: asifi: tss£ lwo£3»£a! SEEies I außssri"T» 'he heic 3x he ex. nhsfIfits sr->ter: re Tirns= 'iyp. tk-ust. heic. Ji: "lie "Svaisaxt ilGarfs etsl jr. &m psasE J" ?oas tiets isaf hssr £ I 2~ "t?e~ rer<v ir awpcniaaaai. s *7*' -t»bt" .TSTit. ':irisrE2fS h'. "Ksrieins '«tL. s. © -ner esiC ianeasE ir BKagfeS hws? sue s. lt»' per csmt. ißrrrsE?£ nr .-j.,. jj- sersisss. :::i tii 'Onrmt' '*r.s rerj'*c the iarjt hac rr. nnrr 32 T»sr rrsul. 3wirnr "that the Sretal Se.?.urity Ar" "isac piataec "t» a: h'RspitJil semrsj or. e 'hroac rational basis it ri"aj time n rewh;*. the hospital rratjjjr Tir«si:io:„ a: the -tstx least ~t ct> sarse "that tie levy shohlc 3rc .he rmcTSBSHffIE as s result -or siiihr.. Hasmxai pnsas nac riser i»meafteMiniste: 'Sai£ t:na: •& a (fiEyasss ' Be naic i«r r-.atisnxs. airarnst t>ne awerass of S= tic seECTsea | rhron "patients SC ~he -prefer" timE. Mr. Wiisor TsrhHsßC that ir. the Jast j : nat i I'vreaS'Sit "iron SS&Wtt-t tr* SSM'Mi. i Tfhe 'im'j'ii'r p{*shrioi ir. the «isr-t3nx. ~- jjwihhert '" : Btsshxua rB carafe tt.e= i»enrioi«i nj I£r_ Wiuisor, 2i true ■janaC srsa? cais ratsuE : "'ers "apmc mffC :m»r ~isJtfi32i ©minnfcmerCs rpsrmttrsei -• witaE: ir the :-vrs there ■i-.-si- tcnr;iersE. rrarr-Sse.. , Hie rage for the C-tinrtjfSS ssdrrir:|. i i.-'eatec share tc rjetro" tjm--.*wr«g a&aansec Sbf Bt_ C S. Sliacie- j an waay -■finner-ter m-rrJx. s&zess&sxss ' I business- fensansss tfrrrs cffisraea I •rtr their trraae ir the c-rerrrry szpses—there 'were rnorae .sjeps eff hil Musis -—7 T. hrf cistrirt trhere»£ bar! *s»r t.he stnetiS: «&f irisaihsjaJsei rxisn nt TKrhich he rh'ea- Sffißifes ft .rarryirx ""«;.- (''Trnrnx." r.ccs. mr?e rr?tc—r^iteTiajiiere -wht- m«re car <*ara3ers. £rr?a «5k ussii the far rr.tcre thar the rate: .ayers chdThe' i-.cijjectiur. <f f*etrc». taxatsc-r Tirae oetierDDer: xrz?tr. the cxsietTy rwafis. wiskii acted as feeoers for lb ssrsterr- The © cars or the irirh*rays travelled or some stret-rh of coqblit road en each trsi>_ The iwpmtxsA part played by rates ie the assessrrrg of farm costs was hwfflshl horre by Mr. Riddle in the folJcTrhrg e\"arrrp!er The rates on a carry of £st*t' unimproved valuxtiorj. proQscsjng 17.C«(*t»Ibs of butterfat- rose from €27 to £3&. and this rrjeart ar. irjcrease of .17 in the cost of producing each pound of butterfat. Farmers were being asked to agree to the stabilisation of the guaranteed price for this season, but costs over which the farmer had no control were rising, and rates constituted one of the most important items in those costs.

In his reply the Minister said that ii was unfortunate that he did not hold the portfolio of public works and finance. As it was, he would forward the representations to the proper quarters for consideration. Though when in the Farmers' Union he had made representations in regard to derating, on going to Parliament he had found that there were difficulties in the way of removing these burdens.

Speaking on the rating question, he said that last year there had been record collection of rates. In one County no less than 99 per cent, of the rates had been paid. Mr. Boddy: The native rating prob lem did not exist there.

The Minister agreed that the native problem was a most difficult one. It had been hoped that after the compromise the natives would accept responsibility for the payment of rates, but things had not resulted that way.

Because the Maoris here did not appreciate the Government efforts to help them, the problem was a much more difficult one than on the East Coast. To-day large tracts of valuable land were lying idle. The Minister agreed with Mr. Wilson that the incidence of hospital rating was unfair and should be changed—the farmer nearly always had to pay his hospital fees and then pay the levy to support those who could not do so. The shifting of the hospital rating incidence, however, was not an easy thing to do. He felt that in his position as Acting Minister of Lands he was not entitled to alter the rating policy in regard to land development, but he would place the full representations before Mr. Langstone when he returned in September.

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Bibliographic details

King Country Chronicle, Volume XXXIII, Issue 4805, 3 July 1939, Page 5

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RATES King Country Chronicle, Volume XXXIII, Issue 4805, 3 July 1939, Page 5

RATES King Country Chronicle, Volume XXXIII, Issue 4805, 3 July 1939, Page 5