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The borough workmen are just now very busy in Victoria Btreet. The laying of the sewage drain is well under way, and the work of kerbing was commenced yesterday.

Mrs G. H. Taylor, Makino, is tho winner of the extra Id per lb given by Messrß W. Dimook and Co., "Wellington, for the best quality pigs delivered at tbeir factory for the week ending 13lh Feb., having secured 38 points. I

The District Court rules did not allow of a motion being made during the sittings of the Court just concluded for a new trial in the libel case Thomas v. Judd. It is said a motion will come before the Court three months hence.

General^ Marakoff , of tho Russian Army, is to be tried at St. Petersburg on a charge of high treason, the accusation being that three years ago he obtained over £90,000 by selling plans of new works at the fortress of Warsaw to France.

As will be seen by advertisement Mrs Anderson has opened a registry office in High street, opposite Hardley's buildings. Those requiring servantß would do well to inquire of her personally or by letter.

Every person who pays a shilling for admission to the Zealandia Fair which will be opened at the Opera House on Monday ar 8 p.m. will receive a ticket in a drawing for a very fine picture painted by Mr Fraser.

A Hawera smoker warns the public against a real danger to eyesight and property in the cheap German matches now being sold. Traders should beware of possible actions for damages. One gentleman had an eyelid burnt by the flying phosphorus.

The British shipbuilding records for the present year are now complete. .The tonnage launched in the yoar oxoeedß in extent, variety and value any previous year in the history of shipbuilding. The Clyde district tonnage was 53,000, and other ports bring up the total to 1,730,000. In quantity as well as quality Britannia continues — and will continue — to rule the waves.

In an action in the Viotorian law courts involving a earn of not more than £11,000 the lawyers' fees already run up to £10,000, besides whioh there are other heavy expenses to pay, and it is possible the case may be carried to higher courtß.

A dress rehearsal of the fancy dances to be given in connection with the Catholic bazaar, whioh opens on Monday, was held last evening. The danoes are exceptionally graceful, the one called "The Blaok Watch" being particularly bo. On the nights of the bazaar the beauty of the danoes will be enhanced by limelight effeots.

According to the report of Dr. Amess, the medical superintendent of the Melbourne Hospital, typhoid is spreading largely in Melbourne. Evidence of this is furnished by the number of typhoid oases admitted to the hospital. There are now 52 cases of pronounced typhoid in the institution, while at the same time last year there were only 22.

His Honor District Judge Kettle morning deoided the nonsuit point raise in the oaee MoGarvie v. Jury. He held that the cattle seized by Jury were not dißtrainable, and entered uo judgment for plaintiff for £16, with costs £3 and Court fees on the amount recovered. A gigantio sale of men's and boys' cloth ing now raging at the Economic. The firm's half-yearly distribution is a popular one, and they, are going to eclipse their nreviooß efforts if possible.— Advt; a-

Hawera Methodist Church services tomorrow will be held in the church. Poacher, *Rev. J. Dukes.

In the District Court this morning, Judge Kettle fixed the costs in the case Sisley v. Quin (a milking on shares case heard at a previous sitting of the Court) at £13, and Court fees according to scale.

Sitting in the Bankruptcy Court this morning, Judge Kettle declared tbe public examination of Grant, Spences and Co., bankrupts, to be 'closed. In regard to the case of Fenny and Lawson, Mr Welsh, for the D.0.A., asked Hib Honor to approve a composition and annul the bankruptcy. Counsel pointed out that under the composition the creditors would get 100 per cent, more than they otherwise would have. His Honor approved the composition and draft deed, and permission was given Mr Welsh to move in Wanganui for confirmation of the deed.

Lord Rosebery evidently regards the steady growth of municipal debts with very mixed feelings. In the last quarter of a century those debts have trebled, rising from £92,000,000 in 1874 to £276,000,000 in 1899, the last year for whioh complete returns are available. In many oaseß no doubt the expenditure has been upon remunerative undertakings, though even then there are doubts expressed by experts as to whether the various public bodies are making proper allowanoe for suoh items as depreciation, whioh in the case of electric lighting works and electric tramways are very heavy. — Daily Mail.

There is (writes a London correspondent) every likelihood of a very great social function taking place in June in aid of one of the many war charities so much in need. The fete iB to be very different from anything that has ever been attempted in England. It will be somewhat in the form of a bal masque in honor of the Coronation. It is quite likely that one item of the programme will be a carrousel d'honneur, in which many leading society people will take part. Such a thing is quite unknown in London, though in Berlin and Vienna similar affairs have taken place more than once.

Things have been and are likely to continue very brisk in the building trade. At last night's meeting of the Borough Council a tender was accepted for a new Fire Brigade station, the plans of the proposed abattoirs were considered, and plans (including one for hotel) of several buildings approved. Extensive additions are to be made to the Commercial Hotel, the Methodist Church is at present being added to and generally improved, plans for a new Presbyterian Church will be ready in a week or so, a large new boardinghouse is to be put up in Union street, the District High School is to be greatly enlarged, and tbe building of several cottages is to be put in hand immediately.

The oddest announcement which the preparations for the Coronation have so far yielded is that the Shah of Persia will visit England next year "if he has the funds." It may be that he has made no such stipulation in fact, but it does seem to be true that he is very short of cash. He is an expensive and somewhat thriftless potentate, and, although Eussia was drawn upon so late as last year to the extent of £5,000,000, it is believed that another loan will be necessary for Imperial purposes" in the near future. When the Shah was in Europe a year ago, he spent his money lavishly. Eis hotel bill at gay Ostend. is alleged to have been never less than £800 ' a day. This seems incredible, but Ostend is a seductive place, and the Shah had, of course, a large suite to maintain. Some time ago he was very desirous of borowing from England, but was prevented from doing so by our Foreign Office, and now it is said Russia insists upon being his sole foreign creditor.

Regarding the position of this country and the Empire in relation to the world, tho late Lord Dufferin spoke some wise words. The war in South Africa, he told us, will be regarded by history as merely an episode, and he is justified in his prophecy. We are unable at present to see the forest for the trees, and an altogether exaggerated view is taken of the magnitude of our casualties and our sacrifices. Years will bring the campaign into perspective, and then it will be seen that while the military operations take their place among campaigns of the secend clasß, the whole South African drama, as we now call it, was but an "episode" in a mighty movement/towards the unification of the Anglo-Saxon race in all lands. The unity of the Empire, and the new bond of fellowship which Lord Dufferin tells us has undoubtedly arisen between us and our brethren of the United States— these are the things which matter. Contemplating these, the sagacious old watchman, in response to the query "What of the night?" is able to reply that the skies are auspicious and the prospect of the morrow fair. Yet, like his predecessor, he uttered the warning : " The morning cometh, and also the night." In the Balkans question, the cutting of the Nicaragua Canal, and in the chaos whioh must follow the death of the Emperor Franz Josef, Lord Dufferia sees the perils of the future. The words of the old watchman are worthy the heed of the " heirs of tbe passing generation's achievements." —English paper.

Mr T. Ecclesfield advertises his house for Bale, time payments if required; also pure-bred fowls.

Kapnnga Settlers' Association meets on Monday evening.

Egmont Farmers' Union advertises entries for Stratford sale for Hawera horse fair.

Mr J. B. Oonnett has been gazetted a member of Taranaki Land Board.

Oddfellows' meet on Thursiay evening. Mr Newton King advertises supplementary sheep fair for Thursday, 4th of March. THE MAN IN BLUE.

The "bobby," the "copper," the " peeler," or whatever you choose to call the policeman, plays an important part, for he helps to maintain the law. The man or woman who offends against society is in danger of being arrested. Those who offend against the laws of health are not arrested, but pay the penalty in years of suffering. Careless eating is the highway to stomach troubles, dyspepsia and disorders of the liver and kidneys. If you are suffering, Impey's May Apple will put you right. This ideal 'family medioine is a certain and effective remedy for constipation, indigestion and all stomach complaints. Sold by all grocers and chemists at 2s 6d per bottle.


I have just landed ex Ruapehu, four cases of brass rail and ordinary bedsteads. These bedsteads are a very fine assortment, and especially well finished. They were bought when the English market was very low, and will be Bold at less than city prices for cash. Everybody in want of a good value bedstead is invited to inspect these goods at F. J. Wrigley's, High street, Hawera.— Advt.

One of the finest exhibitions of carpenters' tools is now on show at Gibson's Cash Warehouse, Princes Btreet, and will interest carpenters and amateurs. Every article is priced ' with plain figures. Many new ideas. — Advt.


Merit tells. Wilton's Bovo-Ferrum must stand or fall on its merits. This marvellous preparation instills into the blood the most potent blood -forming and nerve-invigorating elements which have ever been found in nature. Here is a tribute to its merits. Miss G. Compton, McKenzie Terrace, Wellington, writes :—": — " I have been taking •Wilton's Bovo-Ferrum for poverty of blood, and I am delighted at the effect of it. I had previously persevered for some time with doctor's medicines without getting any benefit, but the Bovo-Ferrum did me good from the first bottle, and now I am a different woman altogether."

TWO STRONG BEASONS. W. J Mollroy, Esq., Kumara, N.Z., Baid recently : — " From actual use in nay own family, and remarks made by all who have ever used Chamberlain's Cough Bemedy, I know it to be the best cough mixture in the market. I have had the agency for over four years, have sold many dozens, and have never had a single complaint. For sale at Hawera General Store. — AdAt.

Everybody ought to know that Messrs

Bardley and Sons have on view the largest and best selection of cooking ranges in the district, including among others Barningham's and Shaddock's, makes of high and low pressure, suitable for briok chimneys or open kitchens at Dunedin prioeß — Advt WALL PAPERS ! WALL PAPEERS !

Just arrived, at F. J Wbiolby's, 10 bales, containing 3000 rolls of English and Canadian Wall Papers. A splendid variety of golds, satins, pulps, tints, balto etc., in all shades at right prices, to ensure a rapid turnover. These papers are all of the very latest styles and choicest designs, and the Canadians are especially unique and artistic. Inspection invited, and samplea willingly posted to any address supplied. Tbe finest stock of Wall Papers on the Coast. — F. J. Wbiglbx'b, Hawera. —Advt.

Spectacles, {Eyeglasses, Smoked SpeoUJ oles, Eye Preservers, and Goggles. Sight tested. B. W. Sargent, Jeweller, Hawera. —Advt.

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Bibliographic details

Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XLII, Issue 7389, 15 February 1902, Page 2

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NEWS AND NOTES. Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XLII, Issue 7389, 15 February 1902, Page 2

NEWS AND NOTES. Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XLII, Issue 7389, 15 February 1902, Page 2