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The Council met at 11.30 on Friday. Present — Councillors Bayly (Chairman), Wiuks, Malone, Finlayson, Godkin, Lysaght, Milno, and Heslop. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. NOTICE OF MOTION. Mr. Heslop's motion of which notice had been given, was considered to the effect — That tbe boundary of the Hawera and Mokoia riding be altered a 9 follows : — The northern boundary of the Mokoia Riding to be the Tongahoe river, the centre of tho said river to be southern boundary of Hawera Riding. Mr. Finlaysou suggested that the Austin road should be tbe north east boundary of the riding instead of tbe one previously arranged. It was agreed that notice must be given of any further alterations in the boundaries. The Chairman said it bad been contended that the proposed sub-divisions of the County were ultra vires, aud that under clause 12, it was necessary to keep to the boundaries of road districts or of subdivisions of road districts when fixing the boundaries of ridings. He was, however, inclined to believe that clause 44 gave ample power to the Council to subdivide the ridings in any way it thought fit. He submitted the matter to tbe council in order to teat their feeling, as it seemed to him clauses 12 an.l 44 conflicted to some extent. Tbe Council could either ask the road boards to make subdivisions as suggested, as subdivisions of road districts, so thai ridings might conform to the requirements of clause 12, or they could take a legal opinion as to the extent of tbe power conferred by clause 44. On the motion of Councillor was agreed to postpone farther consideration of the matter till 2 p.m. so thnt Councillors might consider it at their leisure. REPORT ON FINANCE. The report of the committee appointed to prepare estimates of receipts and expenditure was read Tho committee reported that there was available as assets over liabilities from last ypar, to be cariied to credit of present year, £251 4s. Kates had come in better even than in previous years. Estimates of expenditure and revenue were attached, f-howing that the committee proposed a rale of {<] in the £, and an extra rate was suggested to pay for the Tanpahoe bridge, to cost £500. In framing the estimates the committee only allowed fora os iv the i'lubsriy, as was proposed in the last Budget of the Colonial Trei surer, which reduced receipts by £'<iOO. There was an increase in the eh.irue for hospitals aud charitable aid by £213, owing to the alteration in the Act whereby country districts were called upon to pnv pro rata according to valuation. The committee recommended a special rate to pay the annual charge on this account, £473, bo that the ratepayers might have the matter clearly before them. The report made reference to the great benefits of the stonecrusher to the district. Tho committee expressed the belief that the revenue relied on would not cover any extraordinary damage to bridges or oilier heavy expemli ture, but did not anticipate auything iv this nature. The 6iuullest rata possible had been proposed. The Chairman explained Mint the halfpenny rate proposed would iuclude f f of Id for chatitable aid. The committee thought the public should see what the levy 'for charitable aid purposes really was apart from ordiuary couoty rate. He also explained that an item of £300 for management was exclusive ot any expenditure of deferred payment moueys. At present they were paying the Waimate Road Bonrd engineer 7$ per cent, on all moneys spent on county roads under his supervision. The only deferred payment money which had been included in the return was that accruing from deferred payment sections iv Mauaia, which had always been paid to tho County Council of late years. Councillor Lysaght asked whether the farthing of separate rate proposed by' the committee wociki covet the oo»t of the Tongahoe bridge. ' " J ' Tbe Chairman said that the farthing rate would bring m about £400. This

left £100, which would Tiave to be charged against the general income of the riding. The estimates laid on the taole made no provision for ibis separate rate, but it only left about £200 for maintenance and new works in Hawera riding, which would be altogether too little. Councillor Winks moved, and Councillor Lysaght seconded, That a special rate of of Id be levied over Hawera riding to cover part of the cost of the Tongahoe bridge. The mover thought another eighth of n penny could be levied during the subsequent year. It was then resolved that the report on the proposed receipts and expenditure prepared by the committee be adopted. DEFERRED PAYMENT MONEYS. A letter was read iroin C. McCarthy and others, asking that certain moneys accruing from Manaia suburban sections, within the town district, should be spent on roads abutting on to the sections whence the money was derived. It was suggested that the engineer be asked to prepare specifications for works in accordance with a letter from the Land Board. The Chairman thought the money should be spent on roads within the jurisdiction of the council. He did not think that the council could spend money on streets. Councillor Heslop moved that the letter from the Commissioner of Crown Lands be referred back to the Land Board in order that they may give an opinion as to how the difficulty can be got over. The council adjourned till 2 p.m. riding > Boundaries. On resuming, The boundaries of the proposed ridings were discussed, on the amendments, as suggested by the Commissioner of Crown Lauds. Several other amendments were sngsuggested by Councillors Heslop and Finlayson, and notice of amendments were given. SLAUGHTER LICENSE. Mr.^ Hudson waited on the County Council re the issue of a slaughtering license. He was told the license would be granted, the necessary notice having been given. He asked also that the license fee be made half the yearly amount for the six months up to Dec. 31. It was resolved to charge half the yearly fee, as had been dene in other cases. publicans' licenses. A petition petition was received from the liotelkeepers at Elthain and Keteraarac, asking for the license lees to be reduced by the County Council. The Licensing Committee recommended a reducliou such as was asked for. Councillor Heslop moved that this council regrets that the Licensing Act renders it impossible for the council to accede to the request. COUNTY RIDINGS BOUNDARIES. The Chairman said he was still ol opinion that the Act gave power to the council to declare such ridings as those proposed and of which notice had been given. The question was whether it would not be better to go on with the merging of the road districts into the county. He thought if the merging were pushed on it might easily be carried. An immense majority of the ratepayers favored it. It' the ratepayers were seen and had the matter explained to them he felt sure the necessary votes would be secured. The cutting up of the county into ridings was especially intended to simplify the working of the system after the road districts had been merged. If the merging fell through, it might hardly be worth while pushing on the cutting ol the county into nine ridings as proposed. Councillor Heslop differed from this view. The division ol the county into nine ridings would be a great improvement in many ways. Each part of the county would be properly represented, each part returning a member who would know its wants. At present ratepayers in the open might if they chose combine so as to secure all representation for one part of a riding. He strongly favored the subdivision into nine ridings. Councillor Winka proposed that the chairman explain matters to ratepayers, and have meetings at Manaia or elsewhere. The canvasser should go round again. The chairman should take any steps he thought fit to complete the matter. Councillor Hoslop seconded the proposal, which was carried. MAIN ROADS. Tbe Wai mate Road Board engineer reported on main roads [report will appear on Monday]. Councillor Heslop proposed that tenders be called for tbe erection of a bridge over the Waiokura, on the Main South road. The resolution was carried, the timber to be of totara. CORRESPONDENCE. Letter was read from the Waimate Road Board calling the attention of tbe council to the spread of gorse on county roads. The Chairman remarked that the gorse had not spread within the last month or two, yet tbe attention of the council was directed fo tbe matter by the local body which bad bad charge of those road* until lately. Councillor Heslop said ho had opposed the resolution passed by tbe road board. The resolution appeared to him to be quite uncalled for. On a previous occasion he had taken tbe part of the road board against tbe council. Now, with equal impartiility, he took tbe part of the council agaiuat tbe road board. Councillor Lysaght thought the object of the road b-#ard appeared to be to cast the disagreeable ones of enforcing the regulation requiring gorse to be cleared on to tho County Council. Councillor Milne thought tbe reaolutiou had been passed in good faith, simply calling the council's Attention to a matter which needed attention every year. Councillor Heslop moved that ihe engineer be instructed to attend to the matter in the way suggested in his (the engineer's) report. Councillor Winks said the road board seemed afraid to offeud their friends, and wanted the council to do their disagreeable work for them. Councillor Finlayson moved, and Councillor Winks seconded, that whenever complaints are made of gorse spreading the clerk be instructed to give notice to the owner of the land. Messrs. Ritchie and Wilson wrote, offeiing au eight horse power engine for stone crushing purposes for £160. Resolved, That the letter be held over. Letter was read from Hon. Major Atkinson to the effect that he regretted that tbe bill which had been brought in proposing an amendment in the Loans to Local Bodies Act had been lost through tbe action of the Legislative Council. Piom T. R. Exley, re recreation reserve at Pihama, asking that he might be allowed to make a first offer for the Pihama recreation reserve. It was suggested that the cemetery and recreation reserves at Pihama be offered by public tender, to be let for a period of 21 years. Tbe Chairman said the cemetery reserve was a very wet piece of land, very unsuitable for cemetery purposes. After considerable discussion, it was resolved to leave the cemetery reserve out of the question. - j Councillor Milne moved that the recreation reserve rent be Is per acre, and that the term be, for three j£ars,,tli« laud f to be substantially fenced^apd, , laid, down in .Jknghsb grasses, and ; wa»< levelled ; tenders to be dealt with by a works committee.

- - \ COIfinTTBE., S|: 'The Chairman, CouncillorJLysighti and Councillor Finlayson were appointed a works committee to deal with any. urgent matters arising between ordinary meetings. Councillor Lysngbt agreed to act, but hoped to receive some intimation ajfew days before meetings. Councillor Heslop moved that the works committee be empowered to accept ten* ders for Waiokura bridge and for recreation reserve. — Carried. INJURY TO MOUNTAIN ROAD. Councillor Malone noticed that part of the Mountain toad had been seriously cut up of late. He moved that the. engineer report and inspect a portion of the Mountain road which had been dainaeed and cut up, and see whether it came under section 92 of the Public Works Act. The mover said tho piece of road bad been one of the best, and was now one of the worst. Councillor Winks moved that the works committee take immediate steps to prevent people from destroying the road."-' Councillor Godkin had do doubt the iojury was caused by a targe junker with very narrow tires. The road would be quite spoilt if that junker were not stopped. HAWFRA MAIN ROAD. Councillor Malone moved, That the council, subject to the approval of the ratepayers concerned, will apply to the Government for £2500, under the Local Bodies Loans Act, or sufficient money for widening and extending the road from ' Hawera to Manaia with crushed stone. C The Chairman seconded. Councillor Heslop did not agree with the motion, afier the bad report the council had had of the bridges ; and even it he did, he did not suppose, in the present state of the law, that the consent of the ratepayers could be obtained. Councillor Milne expressed similar views. - ' '• The Chairman thought that as. there was a probability of heavy expenditure on bridge", they should prepare themselves for it by borrowing money on easy terms now available, 60 as to put the'jroads in a permanent state, and relieve; themselves of the heavy annual expenditure now necessary. If this money were borrowed, the rates would be lightened, and when the pinch came (he rates; would be [sufficient to bear the burden-. . ... V"z«* Councillor Lyeaght thoriglit.that, generally speaking, the road was good,' and be could not see the absolute necessity for immediate expenditure. ■ The Chairman said that some parts of the road were viry thiu,^ and heavy expenditure would be necessary very shortly. In answer to Councillor Godkio, - The Chairman, said the engineer was his authority. Councillor Malone pointed out that the ratepayers were simply to be .given an opportunity of borrowing. He agreed that if the road work and bridges work had to be done together, the strain would be heavy. The interest on cost of a road made of crushed stone would only be £125, and this would get rid of the present cost of maintenance of £250 a, year, for many years. Practically there would be nothing required for maintenance. , ,- It would be an unwise tbiog not to give the ratepayers an opportunity of getting 'the money. The motion simply .raised. the question for ratepayers consideration. Councillors Fiulayson favored the ratepayers being given an opportunity of borrowing. The stone could be put on from time to time instead of gravel. '' Councillor Winks saw po immediate necessity for the work. If the ratepayers wanted a loan, let them take the initiative by asking the council to pass such a resolution as this. Next session the Act might be amended in a manner favorable to the district. The Chairman in further discussion said that the question' really was as between patching and permanently nuking good ; and he hoped the 'council would not waste money by patching, -- It was resolved that the matter should be held over for a time. , , accounts. A few accounts were passed, and. the council adjourned about 4.45. , '

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Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume IX, Issue 1665, 2 July 1887, Page 2

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HAWERA COUNTY COUNCIL. Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume IX, Issue 1665, 2 July 1887, Page 2

HAWERA COUNTY COUNCIL. Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume IX, Issue 1665, 2 July 1887, Page 2