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Levin Presbyterian Church

ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL MiHIiTING. This meeting eventuated in the new school hall 011 AVedncsday evening, when a fair atttendance of members gathered at this reunion. Hie minister, Rev. til. Bawden Hairris presided. The meeting opened with the lOOtli psalm, a psalm surrounded by associations dear Ito Scottish hearts; the Rev. Joispli .White offered prayer. Reports were presented from Kirk Session, Managers' Board, Ladies' Guild, and Presbyterian Women's Mission.-ny . Union. The session reported wirli \ gratitude )':o Almighty .God ; , evidence* of the Divine faVor during the yea", and that our labors, have not been in

vain. Attention was drawn to the to the continuance of the gireat war, which is still depleting the ranks of our young manhood, wi|':h no indication of a speedy ending of this great struggle. Opportunity was taken to congratulate the congregation on having a beautifully finished l dwelling in which to worship God, and the hope expressed that the spirit of reverence would continue .;o be deepened under these 'favorable conditions. 'Sympathetic 'reference was made "Wo tihe. deaths in i';he congregation,' Mrs J. Pol look, senr., and 1 Mrs R. Bryson, while two of our young men had made the supreme sacrifice at the front, viz., Mr .\Vm. Laing and Mr Horn. The sympathy of the congregation has been extended to the sorrowing friend and our prayer is they may be sustained by the Divine comfort in the hour of their trial. Tho Ohurch roll shows that fifteen persons were adlmijited during .the year: eight on profession of faith and even by certificate; five have been transferred to otliqr congregations, and one' promoted "jo the home on high, leaving the membership roll with a net gain of nine. The sacrament of the Lord's Supper has been administered each quanber, the average attendance being 80 pea* cent of our membership. Communicants were urged' to realize their privilege, by coming to iihe Lord's table as , an honor conferred on them.

iS'abbatli School: This important branch 'of Oliurch work lias rendered good service, and with the added* facilities of school hall, and l efficient equip* menti, still greater result should be obtained. The session expresses its heartjy thamks to the superintendent, Mr H. E. Keys, and his loyal staff of teachers, who so heartily co-operated in this important branch of the gjreaA Master's service. A Birthday. League lias 'been initiated, till rough which your minister lias been able to aid cases of necessity, whioh come .under his notice. A regular system otf visitation has been sujjiained jdiirjinej the year, especial care being given to the sick and aged. The services in God's house have ibeen well maintained throughout Tdie year, in Lervin and the outfields', Oliau and Koputaros,. and increased interest has been manifest in these centres'. We express the hope ■ that our people will be diligent in a-tendance at thesq services, and give- (Jiomsolves to prayer meditation and fwoifcihip. Tihe /Bible clasgi lias cjourtiaiued' to {progress,; .the meetauigs being well sustained, while instructive and helpful gatherings are held each weeik. We commend this class (zo our young peopie, feeling sure that herein they will find great assistance for future years and work. The 'Kirk Sereion expresses its thanks to the senior and junior choirs, for helpful assistance in leading the psaJmody of the congregation, their help is greaitly appreciated by (the minister. Special thanks* are due to our organist, Miss A. Williamson, and her assistants, Mrs ißowld, and iMisses - McTaggart and, Mawson, Levin; and :o Mesdames Devine, Olia/ii, Rutherford, Ihakara, and Easton, Koputa'roa; all of whom give their services voluntarily.

The P.iW.M.T7.. and Ladies' 'Guild have increased in membership, and have worked 1 splendidly during the year; the guild has paid £20 off the manse debt, besides providing a stall of work at the annual fair; while the P.WJM.U. has worked specially. for misions. The full ets'tent *>f tpieiir seflf-denying labors <Jan only bq understood by a perusal, of the manager's reponi; we are proud to have a Iband of women who aro consecrated' to work on behalf of the church, and the kingdom of Jesus Giriy';. Your session urges upon you the need, —tlio urgent need—for Bible study, prayer and at realisation of our responsibility as a church to the claims of the 'Redeemer's kingdom beyond the bound--of the congregation.

■Mir. Smellie presented' the managers' report, which states ifchiifc the •board held sixteen meetings ,and they were well attended considering the many calls on the limited time at the disposal of members of the board. All matters on the business side of the church have rebelvad careful attfiention. The year just closed Has been on important one in our church history. Early in the year, after careful consideration of plans submitted, tho6o of the present building were accepted, ant? the 'building as now completed will moqb the needs of *tihe congregation for years to come. We are inddblted to Mr. Smart for valuable honorary eenvioo to the church as architect, and for his .kindly interest freely given, during building opera/tions. Mr. Waldie, a member <rf our

committee, proved to be tihe t«igjh.t man as clerk of works. Liberal donations to the building fund were received from our congregation; 'Sliis in addition to funds in hand, raised in previous years, enabled ua to open, the additions with only a small debt, which we ho]pe to pay off at an early date. Valuable assistance has been rendered by friends in our congregation, by gifts of furnishings, and our lady friends did .trojan service seifting the in order after the workmen left. An outstanding featture is the generous action of Miss Ivy Middlemiss, who voluntarily undertook the collection of money 60 purchase a piano for our Sunday S&hool and social' work; so successful was her mission that' a splendid instrument iwas installed without any charge 011 .the church funds. The managers hereby rxprass their appreciation of her efforts, nnd thank her accordingly. Alterations have been effected to the 171:1 use which add materially to the comfort of its inmates, and make mere valuable as a selling proposition. For the time being, the manec has been wi'i/hdrawn from sale, owing .to ■fche difficult building proposition the congregation would have to face during the currency of the war. During j j'Jie year a successful Scotch concert was inaugurated, and a splendid (program was arranged by an energetic committee, and the financial relsuTt! justified l the undertaking. Our annual harvest fair was held in May; this was a combined effort of all the forces of the congregation, and resulted in a net return of £108. W© are pleased' to repent that our Church Endowment Fund is in working condition, certain 1 propertjieis have beten sold and the capital value now stands oit £720, and one property stall unsold. Our Church now is self-sustaining:, and as a congregation we must see to it i'ihat our minister is paid! in keeping with his position and the prosperity o>f our Church and district. The members of the Girls' Guild halve been carrying on i';heir work under difficulties for some months owing to the illness of their principals, Mies Stewart and MEss (Lavender. We rejoice to record . jhafc these ladies are now able to resume their miucK loved labor, ' and great good no doubt gill ibe accomplished through their fcaderfejhfp. tTh<| following names were iadded to tihe management: Messrs J. Smellie (:reeleq'jed), H. (Murray, D. Laing, P. Oag, Jas 'Stevenson.

Mr W. Hughes presented the treasurer's report, and in doing so oongrat ulated (the congregation on 'the fine result of the yeair's worii, (the figures this year establishing a reicord for this congregation, and will form an ideal to Ibe achieved in future years. The liberality of oiur people has been great, and speaikis volumes for their interest in our church. From jihe balance-sheet we gather that the total! receipts wore £1087 18s lid, which added to tihe balance brought forward (£56 16s lOd), makes the fine total of £1144 15s 9d. The expenditure side shows £1101 6s Id, leaving a credit balance on June 30th of £43 9s Bd—a total of £1144 15s 9d. The. principal items of extra expenditure were. Ohurch building £654 14s Bd'>; memoriam and oomm em'mor at ion windows £66 lis, piano £25 15s; making a total of £747 Gs Bd. This expenditure has been met, with the exception of a small debt of £150, by the generosity of our people).

The reports were all adopted with enthusiasm, and thei congregation entered' upon its new year of work, realizing that there was much yet to dd to complete the good work so well be*gun. Votes of thanks were pasted to all who had contributed in any way to this exceptionally successful year.. A special vote of th'anks was passed to the minister and his wife for the devoted service given by them in their separate and conjoint labours on hdlialf of the congregation. After singing the doxology and the benedic-t-ion pronounced, ithe ladies provided refreshments in usual beautiful manner and a .pleasant time was spent in social converse.

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Horowhenua Chronicle, 1 September 1917, Page 3

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Levin Presbyterian Church Horowhenua Chronicle, 1 September 1917, Page 3

Levin Presbyterian Church Horowhenua Chronicle, 1 September 1917, Page 3