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A FINE DISPLAY HIGH-QUALITY EXHIBITS Splendid Fruit Entries NOVEL FANCY WORK The biggest part of the judging in connection with the Hawke’s Bay A. and P. Society’s 31st. Autumn Show was done yesterday. Record entries were received, and the increases were general throughout the show. The increase in entries was accompanied in most cases by an improvement in quality, so that taken as a whole the show may well be described as the best autumn show the society has yet held. A pleasing feature is that not only are entries more numerous but that exhibitors also have come forward in much greater numbers than usual, aud from further afield. It is a testimony to the society’s popularity, showing how important the show has become in the eyes of outside exhibitors. The fruit, vegetables, bread, cakes, pastry, honey, the native industries section, and Women’s Institute classes were all judged yesterday, and combined to form a truly splendid display. The fruit display was a wonderfully fine one. Entries were more numerous than last year, and on the whole the quality was rather bolter. It would be difficult, almost impossible, in fact, to surpass some of tho magnificent displays of fruit which have been seen at this show in past years and which deservedly gained for the Hawke’s Bay Autumn Show the reputation of being the fruit show of New Zealand. This year’s show, if it does not surpass the best of former years, is well up to the standard of them. It is a show for the society and tho exhibitors to be proud of. The centre of the large produce hall was completely taken up with tiers of richly-coloured fruit of all sorts. The rich colouring is the outstanding feature of the apple section. In this respect the show more than holds its own with any previous show. The season has been a good one,for colouring, and nearly every exhibitor has succeeded in staging fruit of a more brilliant colouring than usual. Each year new names come to the front in the prize list, and the more experienced exhibitors find the competition of the newcomers harder to meet. FINE LOT OF FRUIT. The collection of dessert applet which won the first prize was a remarkably fine coloured lot, but the specimens of the four varieties sent in were all smaller than the average size of those varieties, and in that respect suffered by comparison with the second and third prize collections. In tho class for any other variety dessert apples two new New Zealand varieties gained first and second prizes. First went to Kidd’s Red, a cross between Cox’s Orange Pippin and Delicious, while tho second new variety, called by its producer Bledialoe Cox’s, seemed to be a cross between the same two varieties. In the apple section were three exhibits for exhibition only, two richlycoloured new varieties—lmproved Red Cox’s Orange, and Improved Red Delicious—the third exhibit being a case of last year’s Delicious in splendid condition.

The peare. were also a good collection, though not quite up to the best of former years. Peaches were a very good lot indeed, there being hardly an indifferent specimen in the lot. A novelty in the shape of a very dark purple coloured, almost black peach, called Black Boy, was shown. It would be hard to find better specimens of the principal varieties of freestone and clingstone peaches than were to be seen at this show. Plums were not numerous, but of outstanding quality. The cased fruit was of the highest standard all through, and of a character to maintain tho high reputation Hawke’s Bay has gained in the outside markets, VEGETABLES SECTION. Tn the vegetables section it was generally conceded that no finer display has been seen on the ground. Each description of vegetable was represented by excellent specimens, and the winning exhibits in practically every class would hold their own at any show in the Dominion. The women’s section spoke for itself with a silent eloquence that was thoroughly convincing. In numbers and in a high standard of excellence the display has not been equalled at any previous show. It deserved the highest praise, and this was the more deserving in that, included amongst the exhibitors, wore many new names, but so good was the general average of the cookery shown, that the new exhibitors fully held their own with the winners of scores of prizes. FANCY WORK. the fancy work section was restricted to members of Women's Institutes only, but it lost, nothing by being so restricted. The whole display was as good as it was in many eases novel. Patience, skill, ingenuity and artistic taste of a high order have all contributed to make a most attractive ex- ! hibition. Each class contained a variety <>t novel, useful and well-made articles, but the class which claimed most attention was that for unspun wool deed with native dyes, exhibitors to state I plants used. This is an exceptionally I fine and interesting display. In the i first prize exhibit nearly 100 different shades were shown, while in the second prize exhibit were some shades not included in the other exhibit. The names of the plants are informative and add to the interest in exhibit Two * stands containing beme-growa farm

produce, handcraft work, painting and a great variety of other articles, were also shown by tho Women’s Institutes and are as attraction as any section of the show.


The following are further results of yesterday’s judging:— FRUIT. APPLES. (Judges.—Messrs. A. Tomlinson and tt. Wilson, Jnr., and junior associate A. F. Milne, Havelock North). EXHIBITION TYPE Delicious.— J. N. Walker 1, A. Thodey 2 and h.c., H. G< Miller v.h.e. Eight entries. Dunn’s (Munroe’s) Favourite.— J. N. Walker 1, T. Mitchell 2, Greenmeadows Fruit Farm 3, Mrs L. B. Esam v.h.e., 11. G. Miller h.c. Se ven entries. Jonathon.— J. N, Walker I, A. Thodey 2 and h.c. Five entries. Rome Beauty! Mrs L. B. Esam 1, Green meadows Fruit Farm 2, H. G. Miller h.c. Seven entries. Stunner Pippin.— Greenmeadows Fruit Farm 1, A. Thodey 2, T. Mitchell 3, Mrs TL M. Doole h.c. Nine entries. COMMERCIAL TYPE Delicious T. Mitchell 1. H. G. Miller 2, A. ThodOv 3, and v.h.e., Mrs H M. Doole h.c. Eight entries. Dunn’s (Munroe’s) Favourite.— J. N. Walker I. Mrs L. B. Esam Green rueadoms Fruit Farm l>. Six entries. Jonathan.— T. Mitchell J. Mrs A. I Thodey 2 and v.h.e., Mrs 1.. B. Esam o. | Six entries. j Rome Beauty.-- Mrs L. B. Esam 1 | and v.h.e.. H. G Miller 2. Greenmca- | dows Fruit Fann 3. Mrs 11. M. Doole , h.c. Eiglil entries. Stunner Pippin.- - ' Greenuieaiiows Fruit, Farm 1, Mrs I, 11 Esam 2, I. N Walker 3, 11. G. Miller v.h.e.. A. Tho dey h.c. Nine entries. COOKING APPLES Champion collection.— Mrs 1. B. Esam 1, J. Cushing 2. \ Thodey 11. G. Miller v.h.e. Five entries

Ballarat Seedling.— H. G. Miller 1, H. J. Kirkham 2, A. Thodey 3 and v.h.c. Greenmeadows Fruit Farm h.c. 10 entries. Lord Wolseley.— A. Thodey 1 and 2, Greenmeadows Fruit Farm 3. Four entries. Prince Alfred.— A. Thornburrow 1, Mrs H. M. Doole 2. Three entries. Ileinette du Canada.— Mrs L. B. Esam 1 and 2, Four entries. Any other variety, red or striped.— Mrs L. B. Esam 1, H. G. Miller 2. Three entries. Ditto, green or yellow.— J. Cushing I. Mrs L. B. Esam 2. Four entries. Champion collection, export.— J. N. Walker 1, Mrs L. B. Esam 2, Greenmeadows Fruit Farm 3, F. Peters v.h.c., A. Thornburrow h.c., H. G. Miller e. Eight entries. PEARS Collection, dessertD. McCulloch 1, A. J. Bale 2, J. N. Walker 3. Four entries. Collection cooking pears.— A. J. Bale J, D. McCulloch 2, 11. G. Miller 3. .1. Cushing v.h.c. Four entries. Buerro Bose.— J. Cushing 1, H. G. Miller 2, A. J. Bale 3 and v.h.c. Five entries, Buerre Die!.— Mrs H. M. Doole ,1. H. G. Miller 2, J. Cushing v.h.c. Three entries. Clairgeau.— 11. G. Miller 1, D. Watt 2, A. <l. Bales 3, D. McCulloch h.c. Six entries. j Doyenne du Comice.— H. G. Miller J, J. N. AValker h.c. Three entries. Josephine de Malines.— H. G. Miller 1, A. J. Bale 2. Three entries. Louise Bonne of Jersey.— Mrs L. B. Esam 1 and 3, A. ,1. Balo 2, IL G. Mil ler h.c. Five entries. Williams Bon Chretien. — A. J. Bale j 1 and 2, A. Thornburrow 3 and h.c. i Eight entries. i Winter Cole.— J. N. Walker 1 and 2. ! 11. G. Miller 3. A. J. Bale v.h.c., D. | McCulloch h.c. Six entries. Winter Nelis.— A. J. Bale 1. .1. N. Walker 2 and 3. Eight entries. I’. Harry. - If. (1. Miller I, Grecni mendons Fruit Farm 2, A. .1 Bale 2. j Five entries. | Any other variety.— F. Peters 1, II 1.1. Miller 2, ,1. Cushing 3. Four entries. PEACHES Collection of peaches.— H. G. Miller I. P. T. Smith 2. Miss C. Lowe 3. Four . imtries.

White Flesh Freestone.— J. Cushing 1. A. Thornburrow 2. Four entries. Yellow Fleshed Freestone.— J. N. Walker 1 and 3, Miss C. Lowe 2, Eight entries. Whito-fleshed Clingstone.— F. A. W. Frhst 1, H. G. Miller 2. Five entries. Yellow-fleshed Clingstone.— P. T. Smith 1, H. G. Miller 2, A. J. Bale 3 Fivfc entries. PLUMS Dark-coloured.— F. A. W. Frost 1, Miss C. Lowe 2, H. G. Miller v.h.c. Four entries. Japanese.— D. McCulloch 1 and 2. Miss C. Lowe 3. Four entries. OTHER FRUITS Nectarines.— P. T. Smith 2. Only on try. Quinces. — D. McCulloch 1, A. Thornburrow 2 and 3, W. E. Taylor v.h.c. Five entries. Walnuts, large.— W. Beamish 1 and 2. Four entries. Walnuts, small.— G. M. Robertson 1. P. Dobson 2, W. Beamish 3 and h.c Fivr entries. Crapes, dark.— P. T. Smith 1, Green metdows Fruit Farm 2, D. McCulloch 3. Three entries. Grapes, light.— D. McCulloch 1, W G. Barker 2. Two entries. Hock Melons.— P. A. Collinge 1. Only entry. Water Melons.— P. A. Collinge 1 and 2. Two entries. Citron Melons and Pie Melons.— P. A. Collings 1 and 2. Two entries. Rare, New Zealand Fruit.— G. M Robertson 1 and 2. Two entries. White potatoes.—Napier Boys’ High School Farm 1. F. Apperley 2, A. G. Graham 3, 1’ 11 ilsou v.h.c. 14 entries. Potatoes, any other variety —T. H Wilson 1, F Ormond 2, P. Dobson 3, J Spencer v.h.c.. Mrs C Forde h.c. 14 entries. Potatoes, best collietiou — I' Oiimjie: | | I F. W Anderson 2 P Dobson 2. I i j G Munro v h.c Four entries Pumpkin. P. \ Colhnge I and ’ I I'. H Wilson 2. J. Spencer v he. Six i entries. i Peas. P Dobson I M Mason 2 F Ormond 3 Three entries. Rhubarb.--M Mason 1 and v li < . ' J Spencer 2, F Ormond 3 Five en- ■ tries. Snlsties —F Ormond 1. P Dobson

2, T. H. Wilson 3. M. Mason v.h.c. Four entries. Shallots. —F. W. Anderson 1, D. Watt 2, 1. G. Munro 3 and v.h.c Four entries. Silver beet.—F. Ormond 1, T. H, Wilson 2 anu v.h.c., F. W. Anderson 3. Seven entries. Squash, red bubbard.—P. A. Collinge 1 and 2, F. Ormond 3, J. Cushing v.h.c. Seven entries. Squash, green hubbard.—P. Collinge 1 and 2. F. Ormond 3, T. H. Wilson v.h.c. Five entries. Sweet corn. — F. Apperlay 1, F. Ormond 2 and 3, M. Mason v.h.c. Six entries. Tomatoes, any one variety.—R. Harrison 1,2 and 3. F. Ormond v.h.c. Nine entries. Tomatoes, best collection.—R. Harrison 1, F. Ormond 2 ad 8. Three entries. Best collection vegetables. 18 kinds. -F Ormond 1, M. Mason 2. Two entries. Ditto, eight kinds. —T. H. Wilson 1, F W. Anderson 2, P. Dobson 3, M. Mason v.h.c. Four entries. Ditto, grown by natives.—Mis A. Waraki I and 3, Mrs Ka Tiwai 2, Mrs J Morgan v.h.c., Hemi Robe h.c. Six entries. Salads.—F. Ormond 1 and 2. Three entries. Herbs.—Miss M Young 1, I. G. Muuro 2 Two entries. ROOTS, ETC. (Judge- Mr T. Tait, Twytord.) White field potatoes.--A G. Graham I. F. Ormond 2, F. Apperley 3. Foui entries. Field potatoes, any other variety C. F Goodrich 1, F Apperley 2. Thru entries. Bost collection produce arid home ii dustrics -Women's Division Farmers Union, Hastings branch Haunioaua Women's Institute 2 luo entries. SCHOOLS SECTIONS AGHKTLTUKAL ■ L'ollevtioii loots and vegetables.— I -si lew School I Only einrj Cabbages l.ikiicii sohunt I 2 and ; I hiiv entries Beaus, beet- <an its pm snips turnip*. unions auJ potatoes.—Eskview School I. 2 and 3 Three entries for each class

.WHITE BUTTERFLIES Collection.—Miss N. Parker (117,852 butterflies) 1, L. Brooker (13,520) 2, K. Mitchell (2175) 3, M. Wiggins (750) L Four entries. GRAIN AND SEEDS (Judge—Mr W. Shernmg, Hastings.) Maize.—F. Apperley 1. Only entry. Perennial rye grass.—A. Struthers 1 and 2. Two entjies. SHEAF EXHIBITS ’ (Judge—Mr W. Sherning, Hastings.) Two sheaves oats.—A. A. Gunn 1, ■ J. C. Baird 2 and 3. Four entries. • Oaten sheaf chaff.—J. C. Baird 1 ■ and 2. Two entries. Meadow hay.—E. Wall. Only entry. Lucerne hay.—A. J. Baird 1. Four • entries. • Ensilage.—A. J. Baird 1 and 2. Two entries. i HONEY (Judge—Mr L. Roisterer, Hastings). [ NOVICE SECTION i Granulated honey.—J Lakiug 1 Miss B. M. Walker 2. Two entries. Liquid honey.—H. G. Little 1, A. Miller 2, Miss B. M. Walker 3 and h.c. Six entries. Comb honey.—J. Laking 1, E H. Carter 2, Miss B. M. Walker 3. Four i entries. OPEN SECTION , Granulated light amber honey.—H. ( Shepherd 1 and 2. Four entries. Liquid light amber honey.—F, G. . IjOvien 1 H. Shepherd 2 and v.h.c., A. J. Smith 3. Eight entries. Granulated medium amber honey.— W. J. C. Ashcroft 1, D. McCulloch 2 Three entries. Liquid medium amber honey.-r-W. J. C. Ashcroft 1, J. Laking 2, D. McCulloch 3, H. Shepherd v.h.c. Nine entries. Comb light honey.—H. Shepherd 1, W. J. C. Ashcroft 2. Three entries. Comb dark honey.—H. Shepherd 1 and 2 Four entries. Comb light honey, for extracting.— J. W Walker 1 and 2, H. Shepherd 3. Six entries. Comb dark honey, for extracting.— H. Shepherd 1 and 2. Four entries. Beeswax—P A. Collinge 1, W. J. C. Ashcroft 2, H. Shepherd 3. Eight entries. ECGS (Judge—Mr W. E. King, Hastings). Hens’ eggs, most weight.—Boyce’s Poultry Farm I, Mrs F. Apperley2, H. T. Struthers 3 Five entries. Hens’ eggs, suitable for export.— Boyce’s Poultry Farm 1, Mrs F. Apperley 2; D. McCulloch 3. Four entries. Ducks’ eggs.—Mrs J Burden 1, Mrs F. Apperley 2. Two entries. DAIRY PRODUCE. (Judge—Mr J. B. Wainscott, Napier) CHEESE

Box factory made powdered butter.— United Dairy Co., Ltd., Woodville 1. Only entry. Dairy powdered butter.—Mr and Mrs A. D. McLaren (tie) 1, Miss R. Milligan 2. Mrs W. Sparling 3, Mrs G. R. Harper v.h.c., Mrs M. Augustine h.c. Thirteen entries. Ditto, open to previous non-prize winners.—A. D. McLaren 1, Miss R. Milligan 2, Mrs W. Sparling 3, Mre G. Leslie v.h.c., Mrs W. G. Walker h.c. Nine entries. PRESERVES. fJudges—Mrs. R. H. Tod, Otane, and Mrs. H. N. Stewart, Havelock N.) Jellies—Mrs P. Eddy 1, Mrs L. W. Goldfinch 2 and v.h.c., Miss B. Miller 3 Eight entries. Marmalade—Mrs B. Miller Mrs L. W. Goldfinch 2, Mrs E. Dickenson 3. Five entries. Home-made soap.—Mrs L. W. Goldfinch 1 and 2, Miss E. Glenny 3. Five entries. BREAD, SCONES, ETC. (Judge.—Mrs. Caro, Hastings). OPEN SECTION

Six gems—Miss ft. Unwin 1 and 2, Mrs S. Wiggins 3. Six entries. Six pikelets—Mrs McKinley 1 and 2, Miss G. Guthrie 3. Nine entries. Plain Sultana cake.—Miss J. Unwin I, Airs R. L. James 2, Mrs McKinley 3, Mrs H. Al. 'Tweedie v.h.c. Thirteen entries. Rich fruit cake.—Mrs S. Wiggins 1, Mrs L. W. Goldfinch 2, Aliss R. Unwin 3. Mrs Al. McCarthy v.h.c. Sixteen mtries. Aladeira cako.—Aliss R. Unwin 1, Mrs R. L. James 2, Mrs M. Augustine 3, Aliss J. Unwin v.h.c. Thirteen entries. Sponge roll.—Mrs L. W. Goldfinch 1. Only entry. Coffee sponge—Miss M. Miller 1 and 2, Mrs L. W. Goldfinch 3. Five entries. Sponge, plain—Mrs L. W. Goldfinch I, Airs S. Wiggins 2, Aliss M. Miller 3, Airs L. L. Graham v.h.c. Seven entries. Sponge, butter—Mrs E. F. Cameron 1, Aliss J. Unwin 2, Mr s L. W. Goldfinch 3. Six entries. Sponge roll —Mrs Al Augustine 1, Mns L. L. Graham 2, Aliss Al. Miller 3. Niue entries Plain sponge no rising.—Airs M. Augustine 1, Airs J. McConochie 2, Airs McKinley 3, Mrs L W. Goldfinch v.h.c. Seven entries. Gingerbread.—Aliss R. Unwin 1 and 2, Aliss M. McQuire 3 Mrs B Miller v.h.c. Twelve entries. Shortbread—Mrs B Miller 1. and 2. Miss May Miller 3. Sixteen entries. Sausage rolls—Miss May Miller 1, Mrs S. Wiggins 2, Airs H. Thomson 3, Five entries. Jamtartlets.—Mrs R J. Harper I and 3, Mrs S Wiggins 2. Four entries. Cream pulls.—Miss May Miller 1 and 2, Mrs B. MacCulliim 3. Ten entries. Fumy cakes —Airs E. Wilkes I. Miss Al Miller 2 and 3. Four entries. Rest collection cooking.—Miss M Miller I. Mrs McKinley 2,‘ Mrs B Miller 3 Six entries. Biscuits. Mrs A. J Bale 1 and 3,1 Miss M. Miller 2. Three entries. Sweets.- Miss W. Kennard I Miss M Miller 2 and 3. Three entries. Toffee.—Miss Al. Miller I and 2. Three entries. NOVICE CLASSES White bread —Miss G. Wall I, Miss W. Mackenzie 2, Mrs H. S. Caldwell 3. Foui entries. Brown bread.—Airs G. Y’oung 1. Only entry. Scones, plain.—Mrs Tankersley 1, Mrs It. (1. Harper 2 and v.h.c., Mrs G. Young 3. Nine

Scones, plain girdle.—Mrs R. G. Harper 1 and 2, Mrs E. Wilkes 3. Five entries. Shortbread.—Airs G. young 1, Mrs E. Wilkes 2, Mrs Al. Rugg 3. Twelve l entries. Pikelets.— Mrs H. Lissette 1, Mrs E. Wilkes 2, Mrs T. Alain 3, Mrs Tankersley v.h.c. Eleven entries. Gems.—Mrs G. R. Harper 1 and 2, Mrs E. Wilkes 3. Five entries. Sponge sandwich.—Airs E. F. Cameron 1, Airs L. L. Graham 2, Airs E. Wilkes 3, Airs G. R. Harper v.h.c. Eight entries. Pound cake—Miss J Eddy 1, Aliss H. Al. Halstead 2, Alias J. AlacCullum 3, Airs T. J. Harris v.h.c. Eight entries. CHILDREN’S CLASSES. Fruit cake—Miss J. Cummins 1, Aliss N. Eddy 2, Aliss G Wall 3, Aliss D. Thodey v.h.c., Miss H. Miller h.c. Eleven entries. Sponge sandwich.—Aliss L. McLaren I, Miss E. Thoburrow 2, Aliss B. Harper 3, Miss J. Wiggins v.h.c. Ten entries. Plain toffee.—Ken Bale 1, Aliss J. Cummins 2. Miss J. Wiggins 3. Seven entries. Nut toffee.—Miss J. Cummins I, Ken Bale2 and 3. Three entries. FANCY WORK (Judges.—Wool exhibits: Miss Huggard, Havelock North. Other exhibits:

Mrs W. P. Mitchell, Napier, and Mrs Chas. Brown, Napier.) Thrift article.— Mrs A. G. Williams 1, Miss Julian 2, Mrs A. Laing 3, Mrs Crawford v.h.c. 15 entries. Soft toys— Mrs Howard 1, Mrs A. Luing 2, Mrs J. B. P. Boese 3, Mrs A. Robinson v.h.c. 10 entries. Wool-filled cot quilt.— Aliss Fulford 1, Mrs C. N. B. Williams 2. Four entries. Leather gloves.— Miss M. C. Spence 1 and 2, Mrs J. Circuitt 3. 10 entries. Unspun wool, dyed.— Mrs G. E. Eaton 1, Aliss E. A. Howel] 2, Mrs A. P. Todd 3. Four entries. I NATIVE EXHIBITS (Judge.—Air G. Ebbett, Hastings). Ancient wood carving.—Aire I’. H Burr 1. (July entry. i Walking stick.—All's Tangiora Mohi j I. Only entry I Pipe.— Mis Ka liwai I and 2. Two ' entries [ Kumete — Airs i'angiora Mohi I Only I entry. J Canoe model —Mrs Jangiora Mohi 1 1 Two entries f MAORI ART n Any description. Pakeha labour.— Mrs Am Alaraki 1 C. M. White 2 Two entries. GARMENTS , Kiwi mat.—Mrs Tangiora Mohi 1, t and v.h.c., Mrs Q, Brightwell 2. Sis . entrici. J

Feather mat.—Airs W. T. Ngata 1, Airs Tangiora Mohi 2 and 3. Four entries. 1 Korowai.—Airs Tangiora Alohi 1 and 2. Two entries. I’okeha.—Mrs A. Giblin 1, Mrs Tangiora. Molii 2, Mrs S. Spiller 3, Mrs Ka Tiwai v.h.c. Five entries. FLOOR MATS Maori material and colouring flax Mrs Ka liwai 1 and 2. Three entries Colouring pingao and Kiahie.—Airs Tangiora Mohi I, Airs Ka Tiwai 2. three entries. Pakeha dyes.—Mrs Tangiora Alohi 1 and 2. Two entries. , Alaori material and covering.—Bob Tutaki 1, Mrs Tangiora Alohi 2, Mrs Ani Alaraki 3. Three entries. OTHER ARTICLES. Piu piu.—Mrs Tangiora Mobi 1, Mrs Ka Tiwai 2. Two entries. Tatangi.—Mrs Ka Tiwai 1, Mrs Tangiora Alohi 2. Two entries. Hats.—Airs Tangiora Alohi 1. Airs Ka Tiwai 2, Airs W. T. Ngata 3. Three entries. Feathered kits.—Airs D. Ellison 1, Mrs Tangiora Mohi 2, Mrs Ka Tiwai 3. Three entries. Kits, any variety.—Mrs Ani Alaraki 1, Mrs Tangiora Alohi 2 and 3, Mrs H. Karo v.h.c. Eleven entries Fancy kits.—Mrs Tangiora Mohi 1, 2 and 3, Mrs IL Karo v.h.c. Eight eutries. Kete taewa.—Mrs Ka Tiwai 1, Airs Tangiora Alohi 2 and 3, Mrs W. Whare v.h.c. Ten entries. WAR WEAPONS. Ratu pounamu.—Airs Tangiora Mohi 1. 2 and 3. Three entries. Patuparaoa.—Mrs 'l’angiora Mohi 1 and 2, Mrs J. Alargan 3, Mrs Ka Tiwai v.h.c. Four entries. Taiaha.—Airs Tangiora Mohi 1 and 2. Two entries. Kotiate.—Alan Avery 1. Only entry. Tcwha tewha. —Mrs Tangiora Mohi 1. Only entry. PERSONAL MAORI ORNAMENTS Whakakai or tau.—Mrs Tangiora Molii 1,2, 3 and v.h.c. Five entries. Mako. —Mrs Tangiora Mohi 1 and v.h.c., Mrs P. Ripohau 2, Mrs Ka Tiwai 3. Four entries. Auv other ornament.—Mrs Ani Alaraki 1, Mrs J. Alorgan 2. Two entries. Hei.—Mrs Tangiora Alohi 1, Mrs Ka Tiwai 2, Mrs J. Morgan 3. Three entries. Tiki.—Airs IL Tomlins 1, Airs Tangiora Alohi 2 and 3. Three entries. GENERAL Article of Maori workmanship — Airs Tangiora Alohi 1 and 2. Four entries. Greenstone in the rough.—Airs W. T. Ngata J. Only entry, I

I, SPECIAL CLASSES. iFloor mat.—Airs Ani Maraki 1, Mrg d Ka Tiwai 2 and 3. Five entries. Hat.—Mrs Tangiora Mohi 1, Aire i- Ka Tiwai 2. Three entries. a Kit—Airs T. Ripohau 1, Mrs K* liwai 2, Mrs I. Epiha 3. Four entries. Carving.—Mrs Ka Tiwai 1. Only entry. " Ally other work of native art.—Alni Ani Maraki 1, Airs Ka Tiwai 2. Five ’ B entries.

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Hawke's Bay Tribune, Volume XXIV, Issue 79, 15 March 1934, Page 4

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AUTUMN SHOW Hawke's Bay Tribune, Volume XXIV, Issue 79, 15 March 1934, Page 4

AUTUMN SHOW Hawke's Bay Tribune, Volume XXIV, Issue 79, 15 March 1934, Page 4