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KIRKCALDIE’S Great Winter Sale Ends on Saturday, August 13th. »}uao«<>«»n«i»o«»<>aBO4»<>«»<>«»<>«»oa»(i«m«»<>w t *. »*•>«» Jlu . ~_ __ Ii This is your last chance to benefit jc„ , .. " All orders bearing post | by these Huge Reductions | , :ac iem quo ein I j this advertisement, eight mark of not later than j ’ departments are giving of August 13 th, will be exe- iNow make up your their best, and every item cuted at Sale Prices. | Ordei* pOSt" W it'll" | represents a substantial j out delay 1 saving. ’ * * «&» —nui — —■ n—nw-TnmMifli We Guarantee Satisfaction or money will be refunded. Manchester Dept. Silks and Dress Fancy Department SHEETINGS & PILLOW COTTONS AT 3- ChHwR ti . a .IN THE £ OFF USUAL PRICES. VUUU3 The Accessories you need to complete your strmu th. ~ Th ' s Department offers quality goods at Toilette— Here are wonderful Bargains. &e U d P Un^ e n^h o VwV°S*eetin K gs ay sX S t. 3l t 0 from England’s foremost manufacturers. VP e ily reduced, wide. Effective designs, suitable for 54inl wide— 30in. BEST QUALITY DYED FUJI. Nearly matron's smart evening gowns. Usual Usual Prices 1/11, 2/3, 2/4, 2/6, 2/9 yard 60 shades to chouse from; including Flesh prices 9/11, 15/6, 21/6, 29/6— SaleJPrices 1/7}, 1/11, 2/-, 2/2, 2/4 yard Pink, Helio, Olive, Apricot, Hose Pink, Sale Price 4/11, 10/6, 12/6, 15/6 63in. wide—Bed, Renna, Toast, Bois de Rose, Creole, USEFUL FLOUNCING am. <- a Usual Prices 2/9, 2/11, 3/3 yard Mole, Mid. Grey, Faun, Bifcuit, Nigger with silnlX. fl.’r-d1 “ Sale Prices 2/4, 2/6, 2,9 yard Mid. Brown, Kingfisher, Royal, Eicy. Saxe , , g 1 Usual 72in. wide— Navy and Black. Usual I'rice 1/11- Sal ® Price *VU Usual Prices 3/3, 3/9 yard Sale Price 2,11 ORGANDIE FLOUNCINGS, 36in. wide Sale Prices 2,8 > ®/® tiard join. NAll RAL Fl G 1 SILK. Usual Prices coloured grounds/ with embroidered jl***grf SafePH^ 8 2/e 1 ’ %■ 4/3 3/8 yard ? ’ 3/1 * u “ /p «'* 8 2 /«>3/« Sale Prices 2/6, 3/, 3/3, 3/8 yard TWO specials IN NATURAL FUJI SILK whitc-helio, grey-white. Usual price 6/U EXTRA SPECIAL. ’ 150&/Yards Only GENUINE No. 5 QUALITY to 13/6— Sale Price 2/6 to 2/11 FUJI. Ustqil Price 3/11— Sale Price 2/11 HEAVY SOFT FANCY SATIN rmonv 50 Pieces of FINLAY’S LINEN-FINISH 600 Yards. A.l. QUALITY TRIPLE WEIGHT urn,, , . , , RI ® BOK - BHEETING & PILLOW COTTON (slightly FUJI. The very best for pyjamas,Thirts; BJin. wide, shot centre with brlUlwH butter imperfect) 5 -in the £ OFF USUAL PRICES frocks and costumes. UsuaTPrice 5/11— t; g "’ <”d->unngs to contrast Orders will be executed in the order they are Sale Price 4/4 Vlt 1 1 ‘ tlc ' °* : green, nut brown, received. Do not miss this Special Offer. Two BLACK SPECIALS -'/ll’ B ° ld ’ claret ’ kin B li sher. Usual price X Quality Plain Linen-finish— , r ?9 J DUCHESSE MOUSSELINE COLOURED sit k tt’i tp mi m n Width • Min. 80in. SATIN, a heavy rich quality. Wonderful 1 TLULE, 36m. wide, in all Usual Prices 2/11 4/6 yard value. Usually 8/11— Sale Price «/11 „ newest and wanted evening shades. Sale Prices ■ 2/2 3/5 yard loin. BLACK SAILS CHARMANTE, the Usual price 1/11 to 2/3 M Quality Plain Linen-fiiiish— “9 st popular frock satin. Usual Price Sale Price 1/6 to 1/11 Width 54in. 63in. 80in. 90in. m Sale price 12/11 Usual Prices... 3/3 3'9 4/9 5/3 yard 381n ' , ! ’* loT CHIFFON TAFFETAS, a deSale Prices ... 2/3 2/10 3/7 3/11 yard pendable wearing quality, in pretty shot IJnvpc n n d T-J rv c i r Finlay’s 40in. Pillow Cotton, 40 plain., X2O effects including many of the new VIUVCS dllU nObiery Plain Circular— season s colour combinations. Usual Prices “ Usual Prices 1/10} 2/9 yard 9,11 to 11, 6— Sale Price 7/6 yard From the World's Best Makers, in all wanted Sale prices 1/5 1/6 yard ASTOUNDING REDUCTIONS IN COTTON shades, and every pair reduced in price. KAYANESS UNBLEACHED SHEETINGS LADIES’ ALL WOOL GLOVES, with plain Twill or Herringbone Finish. 38m. EMBROIDERED COITON MAHO- or fancy gauntlets, in lawn, greys, mole in the f off lisnii pricfu CAINS Almond, blame, Rose, Fawn, em- and beaver. Usually 4/11, 5/11— 3/- in the £ OFF USUAL PRICES. broidered m white. Usual Price 6/6-1 . Sale Price 1/Usual Prices 1/11 2/6 2/9 yard j3Bin. FRENCH EMBROIDERED COTTON SPECIAL FRENCH SUEDE GLOVE— Sale Prices 1/7} 2/2 2/4 yard GEORGETTE, grounds of Helio, Peach, “The Gaspar”—with full gauntlet, slashed 72in. wide— Pink, Red, Na’y and Black. Embroidered to show white kid; white piping, and fancy Usual Prices 2/11 3/6 yard with designs in white. Usual Price 7 11— points. Dark navy or black. Usual pries Sale Prices 2,6 3/- yard Sale Price 2/11 14/6— Sale Price 5/11 80in. wide— NEW SEASON'S FIGURED VOILES. DEXT YORK—THE WORK A DAY “KAYANESS” PLAIN UNBLEACHED g - 1 ‘ " e 3 'Sale Price 2/6 Sale Price 3/11 SHEETING. 38in. GUARANTEED “DUHO” CHECK LADIES’ 12 or 16-BUTTON BLACK BURDI. Width 54in. 70in, 80in. GINGHAMS, fast to’ light and washing. Usual Priee 19/6 and 15/6MSale Price 3/11 Usual Prices 2/4 2/11 3/,6 yard We stock full ranges, of these popular w wivrmii lot. an w wwv —us. Sale Prices 2/- 2/6 3/- yard fabrics. Over 60 patterns to choose from THL MONITOR, 19m. SILK HOSE, with Beautiful two, three or four colour checks' cotton suspender tops. Seam and fashion ’’KAYANESS” 40ln. PILLOW COTTON. Usual Prices 1/11, 2/6— ’ marks. Beige and Cordoran Brown. Usual Plain Pillow Cotton. Usual Prices 1/6, 1/9, Sal ® Prices 18 . VH Priee 4 - /G ~ Sale Price V1/10J, 1/11 yard— TREMENDOUS BARGAINS IN WOOLLEN MORLEY’S GLOSSIANA—a silk-finiahed Sale Prices 1/3|, 1/6, 1/7, 1/7| yard DRESS MATERIALS, cotton hose. Full fashioned hose in coat* P^’ n Cireular Pillow Cotton. Usual Prices 56in. ALL-WOOL FRENCH WOOLLEN ing, brown, dark fawn and tan. An excel2/-’ 2/3 yard— Sale Prices 1/B}, 1/11 yard COATINGS, novelty basketweave and lent house stocking. Usual priee 5/11— Twill Circular Pillow Cotton. Usual Price chevron designs. Usual Price 24/6 yard— Sale Price 1/11 2/3 yar t d— Sale Price 1/11 yard Sale Price 7/11 yard THE FAMOUS "KAYANESS” TAPED ALL-WOOL BORDERED • i • j PILLOW | CASES. Full sin, 1. x 30in. ■ « "A,™."« ' FurntShlllgS Slid No 1 Quality, made from Crewdson’s Pillow Usual Price 25.6 yard—Sab Price 911 yard Cotton Usual Price 1/9 each— 54in. BORDERED HOPSAC FLANNEL V>dl UClb AT on .. 3ale P . rice . I'B 1 ' 8 w ■*’/ 8 P® r . dM - .» pretty pastel and natural grounds with T . . . , . No. 2 Quality, made from Finlay’s Linen- woven bordered effects. Usual Price 12,6 Let your home share in benefits of this great finish Pillow Cotton Usual Price 2/- each yard— Sale Price 7/11 yard * sale - Sale Prices 1/9} each or 20/- per doz. M£»n’c! l rr SHADOW TISSUE for Loose Covers, 50in. CII D '.hlUllllllU and 31in. wide. Large range colourings IVICI CCI y lycpi. Toll , u flnd these values hard to nnj designs. Usual price sUin. 7/6, 7/11, No man can afford to miss such savings as MEN’S SAC SUITS—The Raleigh—Sneei ii J/ 11 l )l ' r . ■ va “ J : Bal ®, Pn “ 6/4 ' 8 /®> these. Value in these good eoolurs, dark 1 mid- h ”’ 5/< * 8/11 Sa ’ e ROLLINGWOOD PYJAMAS, a good reliable g re y, and navy colonial worsted. Usual ' al “ garment, smart design. Usual price 14/6— priee 84/ — Special Price 75/6 ALL WOOL HOPSACK, 50ii. wide, for upSpecial Price 10/6 MEN’S WARM TWEED WINTER OVER- bolstering and hangings in blue, brown. ALL WOOL ENGLISH UNDERVEST, long. COAT, double-breasted, in assorted brown green, fawn and grey. Usual price 13/9 sleeves, 36in. and 38in., medium weight. and grey. Usual Prices 105/- aud 110/ y arli — Sale Price 8/11 yard Usual price 17/6—Special Sale Price 10/6 Special Price 49/6 each FIGURED CHENILLE, in floral and oriental DURO 'DYE TUNIC SHIRTS, light grey MEN’S WARM DRESSING GOWNS, in designs. 50in. wide, guaranteed. Usual grounds, coloured stripes. Sizes 16}, 17, dark eoolurs, grey and brown girdles to mice 19-6— Sale Price 12/B vaM 17}, 18, 18}. Usual priee 15/6— match. Usual priee 60/-, 75/— i Special Sale Price 6/11 - Now 35/-each FADELESS POPLINS, 50m. wide. In all ALL WOOL PYJAMAS, coloured stripes. MEN’S TWEED SPORTS COATS, al! good Usual price 7/11 per yard— Usual price 35/6 — Sale Price 28/6 colours for hard wear. Usual prices 35/- Ba ' e Pr * c ® ®/ 8 P er y® rd ALL WOOL SHIRTS, white and coloured 39/6 — Special Price 19/6, 22/6 1 Piece only SILK FIGURED CHENILLE, grounds. Sizes 14, 14}, 15, 16, 16}, 17, MEN’S TWEED TROUSERS, strong tweed in fuchsia and black. Usual price 17/6— 17}. Usual price 24/6— for working, dark and mid-colour. Usual Sale Price 10/9 Sale Price 13/6 price 25/6— Special Price 14/11 DO.WN PROOF ITGURFD SITFPV-. PERMACOLE SHIRTS, woven stripes, fast BOYS’ SPORTS SUITS, large sizes for l.ov ~,..1-,. ,i „ „ ; T ' .• s dyes, coloured gripes’. Usual price 11/6- > 14 to 17. U,ual price 45/ to 65/- ’ ?t Sale Price 9/6 ok/ * on g 1 colourings to choose from. Usual Sale Price 9/6 Now 25/- to 29/6 pric e 3/11 yard- Sale Price 3/3 yard Sale Ends on Saturday, August 13th. Kirkcaldie & Stains, Ltd. WELLINGTON

: High Quality Stock Covers at Low! Prices l I'HtS SEABU!n WE ARE FEATURING EXCEPTIONAL QUALITY " HORSE & COW COVERS AT PRICES THAT WILL NEVER ! I AGAIN BE POSSIBLE. I l i J Latest Home reports state that all canvas has taken a sharp [ rise—in some cases as much as 50 per cent. J This means that when our present stocks are exhausted we will * I be compelled to charge a good deal more for covers. t However, in the meantime we are adhering to our old low prices { l COW COVERS, front 14/ to 25/ HORSE COVERS, from 27/ to 45/ I 9 Call and inspect or send for our full price list and samples. We pay freight on covers sent by rail. Land & Heighway J SPORTS DEPOT • • HASTINGS i anan<«» ■ aaaaaaeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa mmkmmmmmmi>«*

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Hawke's Bay Tribune, Volume XVII, Issue 202, 10 August 1927, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 3 Hawke's Bay Tribune, Volume XVII, Issue 202, 10 August 1927, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 3 Hawke's Bay Tribune, Volume XVII, Issue 202, 10 August 1927, Page 7