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In e >um qiu nee of an eh cirie.a!

it,.rm occui-iin.g and interrupting < Lei ween (’aide Bay Nelson, to-day s Press Asso.-ia-t ion <-abie mc*< , < were delayed m l ram it uni il abi.ut 2 p.m.

The examinations for marine and traction engine drivers took place in the Gov < 1 nment Buildings. Napier. to-day. There were eight i:ill--11 idates.

Tile silver cup to be competed for Ly teams affiliated with the newly 1 ,rmed Hastings District (Ticket Association is on view in Mr. DunningFiam s window. Herctaunga ■treet. Hastings.

The Returning Officer. Mr. J. Parker, notifies the i«--iilt. of th(lection for the return of one eottn-

< iil, r t> repre-ent the Heretanng.a and Mertnee Ridings in the County . f Hawke’s Bay.

T,, <L-:y • i Ii,■ amii vc- sar y < f t lie Inti- King i-.<lw;ii-,i ■> birthday. Mr. G. Bernard .Shaw is reported to be about to start a Socialist paper in London in conjunct ion with Air. .Sidney Webb, of Poor Law fame. Tin- will of Jim Jeffries's mother lias been proved at £20.000. says a San Eiam-iseo cable. Prior to Jefferies entering into the ring his family were in only moderate circumstances.

'Die foundation stone of the new Government buildings in Christchurch will be laid by the Right Hon. the Prime Minister on his return fr mi the south in about seven davs.

The beautiful (-veiling and the open air concert given by the Napier City Band attracted a large attendance to the Marine Parade last evening. A specially selected ]n-ogramme was rendered.

Judge Gilfcddcr is still busily engaged nt a sitting of the Native Laud Court at Kaiapoi. A large iiumbf r if case.; l-ave been dealt

with, and it is mil ivipi-ted that the remaining '-ases iii occupy about ctnotlicr fort night.

A statement was recently published to the effect that the erection of I lie Coronation 11.-ill at Port Ahuriri would be delayed owing to bricks m>i being obtainable. Yesterday afternoon Mr. Job.i Grifiiti showed a reporter round his brickyards in Hydei-ahad road, and pointed out that lit- iiad in stock, avadtible tor immediate delivery, some ;>O.OOO bricks of first-class quality.

Naval and police officers at Ports mouth, England, declare that the dockyards are infested with spies. That, the authorilies suspect that thc-y have a good deal to fear from < spionage is sufliciently proved by the extraordinary precautions which are being adopted. Extra police from London have been seal to do dut y at Port s-noiitli. and a special laiineh patrol is being maintained in the harbour.

Under the .".tif.pices of St. Augustine's branch of the C.E.M.S.. Dr. Bernati has ean-'eni ed t o give a straight talk on -Social Purity.'’ to which all men over IS years t;f age are invited. It is now some 12 years since such an address was given by a medical man in Napier, and as the 'i--,-'-.’i<:n i>. c,f gi -at importance there should bo a largo audience. Invitations have been sent to all men’s societies connected with the various denominations in Napier.

According to the "Otago Daily Tinies." Napier is not alone in experiencing restlessness among hospital nurses. There have been quite a number of resignations among certificated member;; of the nursing staff of the Dunedin Hospital during the past week or so. Whether or not it bo a eont;-ibitl ing factor to this state of affairs, dissatisfaction would .appear to have been created over some recent, promotions, these not having all been made, it is averred, with due regard to experience and seniority.

The Navy Court of Enquiry into tlie collision that occurred off Cowes on September 20 between H.M.S. Hawke and the White Star liner Olympic has delivered its decision. The officers of the cruiser were exonerated from blame, all the responsibility for the disaster being placed on those in charge of the Olympic. The court found that the Olympic was coming up behind the cruiser when tin* latter had the light-of-wav, and that the tremendous suction from the liner drew the Hawke under the Olvmpic s stern, and so brought about the collision.

Boring opt rations at the Kotiku (Grcymctth) oil field are being pushed on with satisfactory results. The depth cf the bore on Saturday was ■1 loft. During the past fortnight some new and unexpected difficulties have been met with, but have been overcome, and this week should see a greater measure of progress. At present the bore is going through a clay formation, which is impregnated with oil. It is expected that the solid ground will be reached in another 100 fret. The bore being put down has a casing of 12in. and work is carried i n day and night. The management is satisfied with the results so far.

Gf late years, says the Auckland

“Star.'' the pinus insignis, common add valued in years gone by as a shcltir tree, has been considered useless in that respect, and also to be a menace to good land. However, the day when pint* trees are cut down and burnt ruthlessly has evide-ntly < :id< d in the di-trict of Avondale. An enterprising resident has installed t saw-milling plant for the purpose of cutting ]>ine trees into fruit, potato and other case-:. .After a great deal of trouble in getting suitable ma<-hin: ry. Hie mill is now in gc-c-d ruining order, and pines and ttiaci'oc.trpa arc being turned into first class eases. The timber is said to be exec lie nt for boxes, while the cost is much less than for other timber.

In referring to tlie scheme of the Gisborne Chamber <,f Comnierce to “boost" its district in the manner t hat has In i n so highly developed in the United States, the W< llington

“Post" observes that Gisborne can gi ; a model nearer home than America. It instances the vigorous steps that are being take n by the Nelson Biaut ifying Society to expand the attractions of the “garden city.” and also the energetic programme adopted by the Picton Promotion League

in making the loveliness of its town anil its environs known. “But.” the

Post" goes on to say. "far above Picton and Nelson is Auckland, which I a< sic-eple-'s citizens to remind na-

tions far away that if the world Las not a Nt w Zealand it at lea*t has an Auckland. When Auckland’* Mayor recently went to Australia, lie boostid Auckland t<. a <i< urec v., may have- aiiiiisfii in.n-Auckiand New Zealanders. but no doubt benefited Auckland. Christchurch and Dunedin are thinking over some boost propositions. I* Wellington to be the I:i*t to join in the movement '

’) lie I’ubbi- Truslce inset! s a mi j ' i'-e with reference to the.settle ! -nent -,f iiiTi.iints in the estate of the Hate Mrs Minty McLeod of Napier.

Mr. T. E. Crosse inserts a notice of thanks to his supporters at yesterday’s polling in the Hawke's Bay County Elections.

The annual meeting <;f the Pioneer (Men's) Swimming Club will be held in tlie Old Library. Hastings, this; evening.

Mr. 11. lan Sinison inserts an advertisement in this issue thanking those who supported his at yesterday’s election.

A dangerous hole in the footpath near the Hastings Post Office corner requires- the attention of the borough authorities.

A bullock got caught in a small bridge on the railway line beyond Battery Point, Napier, last night, and in freeing itself fell into the sea and swam out into the Inner Harbour. Its fate is not vet recorded.

A blinding dust storm swept over Hastings to-day and at times it was almost impossible to see beycncl a few yards ahead. The Havelock Hills were completely obscured throughout the morning, so thickly was the wind charged with dust.

Tin- Rev. R. McNaughton presided over tin- temperance campaign meeting held in the Salvation Army Barracks last evening. The Rev. G. Knowles Smith, from Dunedin, was tlie speaker and he gave a very able address on the prohibition question. At the conclusion of the meeting he was accorded a hearty vote of 1 hanks.

William (, more familiarly known to the people of Hastings as "Kapoc Bill,” made one of l-,i:i p< i i alical visits to Hastings yesterday and spent tlie night in the lock up. This morning be was brought bef-i.-rc Messrs J. Hughes and D. O’Reilly. J.’sP.. charged with vtgrancy. Sergeant Hogan stated that Gempt on had only recently been discharged after serving three months in the Napier (foal. Prior to that he had wandered from the Old Men’s Heme at Parke Island and was found up to liie neck in mud. He refused to stay at. the ini.iitulmn anti roamed about the country. Probably if lie was not placed where he would be taken care of. he would be found dead on the roadside ' before long. The Bench agreed that goal was the onlyhope for him< tincc he would not stay at the Old Men’s Home, and Crnipt.m was sentenced to’ three months’ imprisonmenl without hard labour.

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Bibliographic details

Hawke's Bay Tribune, Volume I, Issue 275, 9 November 1911, Page 4

Word Count

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Hawke's Bay Tribune, Volume I, Issue 275, 9 November 1911, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Hawke's Bay Tribune, Volume I, Issue 275, 9 November 1911, Page 4