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BO.TS. BOTFLY .'i.T;'-" ' AND BOT -BJfTOKSI T>EJIEDY. OT T T OHM J.\ESIEDY. ONE of the moat valuable discoveries of modern times is a remedy for the destruction of the BOT WOBM hi Horses. After xnaay experiments, MB NICHOLSON, Phormacautiaal l Chemist, Woodville, has at last been successful in bringing before the public a prepai\ tion which will lif tried in time) kill these de--1 Btructive Worms, and any other Worms which may be present in the intestines of the Horse, It is of course very necessary that as soon as ; there are any symptoms of Worms being present, tie remedy should be at once given so that the ■Worms wttl not have time to multiply. It is :• very hard to tell when a Horse ia suffering from Worms, hut chief among the symptoms are poor condition, rough coat, and passing of Worms in * " the excrement. The remedy is very simple, and takes the form of a tasteless Powder, which may be given in the feed. The proper way to give the Powders is . One every other night till Four Powders are ■ given ; then a Purging Hixture given, such as a v ' Bran Slash or Horse Ball. More Powders to be given if necessary. The Powders will do no harm if given when no Worms are present, but will act as a tonic, and put the animal in tip-top > condition. ' The -following; ore three testimonials out of a : number.— . J'After giving my horse a packet of your Fowders, a great quantity of Bot Worms were 1 * 'expelled, and my horse soon put on condition. I can therefore highly recommend your Powders . as the hest remedy I have ever used. , ' " (Signed) T. C. COOMBES. / " Pafcatawa, 25th November, 1896." . ; " Ibave been treating my horse with NICHOLSON'S BOT WOBM-BEMEDY, and find that it '' * expels the, worms in large quantities, and at the Acme time acts as a tonic, putting the animal in tip-tttp condition. • '"'• • ■ "(Signed) LEONAEDMANN. . Woodville, 19th November, 1896." "WoonviixE, Uth January, 1899. - - "To MB T. A. W. NICHOLSON, Chemist. " Dear Sir,— l have much pleasure in stating : that your Bot Powders saved my chestnut horse's life. After, giving him the third powder he ■■ pitked ■Up in condition so- fast that very few . would have known the horse ogam. ••l am, yours truly. "CHABLES G. SCOTT." PKICE— Is 6d per Packet (four Powders) ; post, 2d extra. i ' ' ' . PBEPABED BY T' A W jj icholson&co -> ' PHABMACETJTICAI. CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS (By Exam.), WOODVILLE, H.B. 350 A MOBT SATISFACTORY - AESANGEMENT. , rriHE Reduction in the Price of Wool Will seriously affect thß returns of our Sheepbreeders, and iv consequence trade iv 1 'general will be affected. As this industry is the backbone ot our colony the old adage is a very true one, " It's an ill wind that blows nobody ' any good," and thus we are authorised to state, on behalf of Meßsra Quibell Bros, ot Sueep Dip fame, that from the Ist of December, 1898, their 'well-known Powder Dip will be BEDUCED m .gg IQa TO £ B PEB CASE. As this Dip is making such rapid strides in , this colony, and the Demand is Larger each year, this firm have proved themselves equal to the occasion, anS have -SEDUCED THED3 POWDEB DIP inst at a time when it wiD prove most accept I aWe - "' This firm's N.Z. manager, Mr 6. H. Hal], of Napier, has recently received some Excellent Testimonials, amongst them being some from our Leading Hawke's Bay Breeders, who speak - ot the Excellent Besults obtained this last season through using QDIBELL'S POWDEB DIP. Copies of these Testimonials can be had upon application to Mr 6. H. Hall, P. 0., Napier. In the recent Practical and Exhaustive Trial recently held in New South Wales QTJIBELL'S POWDER DIP WON EABILY. To he had of P. O. SMITH AND CO., Spit,' Napier. Or,| MEBSBS BABBAUD & ABE AH AM, '' -• Danuevirke. THE BREWERY ' NAPIER. HIGHEST AWARDS. -Tl/rESSRS EOBJOHNS & SONS •"■*- have been awarded FIBST PBIZE for THBEE SUCCESSIVE YEABS at the HAWKE'S BAY A. AND. P. SOCIETY'S SHOW for their SPABHXING ~DUBE A LES. PABELING JTUBE JIII/ES. . The TotJlc will please note that the above v . PEiZE ALE is obtainable ONLY NIY At the following Country Hotels :— •■--•' AWATOTO TAB A DALE CLIVE BAUiWAY J-HASIINGB KAIEOBA PATANGATA TAKAPAU OBMONDVILLE BKACONSFIELD, Makatoku JUNCTION, Dauevirke XJtOBJOHNa AND CJONS, X&PBJOHNS AND ©ONS, MALSTEBS, jBBEWEBS, AND BOTTLEBS JJAPIER. ■jDjUSTON AND T INEHAN, BAKEBS, PASTBYCOOKS, AND CONFECTIONEBS, Beg to notify their Customers and the Public generally that they have taken over the c EMERSON - STREET BAKERY, And are now prepared to supply ! BREAD, CAKES, &0,, of the very best qnality. Balls and Parties catered for oa the most reason- ' able terms and at the shortest notice. Wedding and Birthday C okes v speciality, . A. iKrst-cUss Biscuit Plant on the Premises enables them to turn out Biscuits always fresh. I Lollies of the Best Brands only. lEruits of tho Finest Quality in Season. \ Orders taken for \ | .CHBIST4IAB2ICAKES. RUSTON AND T INfcHAN. USTOW A^D AjINEHAN. 06 rpOWN TOE OUPPLY. • ICE DELIVEEED DAILY TO ANY PART OP TOWN. PEICES— Percwfc 5s 6d delivered } cwt 3s 6d delivered Per lb Id (minimum 61b). All Orders Promptly Attended to. "FREEZING AND COOL STOBAGE Customers Waited < m Daily for Perishable Goods for Chilling and freezing. BtJTTEB STOBING A SPECIALTY. Very Low Kates for Short Periods, Goods Delivered When Betjuired. TEBMS CASH. Every Core Takeu, but no Responsibility, GEO. HEALD, (Next Union|Hotel), Spit. NAPIER PLUMBING AND TINWARE COMPANY. HAVING Purd^sed the Bußiness lately carried on by Mr Peter Gillespio in Emerson-street, we are prepared to carry out all PLUMBING AND OTHEB WOBK Entrusted to our care with Promptness and Attention. Sir Peter Oillespie is no longer in onr employ, and we have ocgoged the services of Ha J. Doltiuv, who htm hud 20 years' colonial experience at tho trade. As we manufacture Spouting, Kidging, and Downpipes on the premises, wo are in a position to Supply the Trade. We also stock Watcrpipos and > ittjngs. Lead ISdge Bidging. Furnace Frames, aud everything com eated with the Trade. Oar Charges are Moderate, and we employ oonebnt first-class Workmen. JNAPIER PLUMBING AND TINWARE COMPANY, EMEESON-STBEET. Telephone No. 197. *! ~ \ PATENTS XVV TEADE MABKB • SECUBED Of AL'h COUNTBIE3. TT B N B V ~~JJ PSHEB, BEOISTEBED PATENT A*JEST, WELLINGTON. Sepresentative for Napier— ' a^ MMm E. RHODES,

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 11129, 23 January 1899, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 11129, 23 January 1899, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 11129, 23 January 1899, Page 4