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" How Bread Came to the Convent/ by Edward H. Cooper, is the title of a complete story in our Supplement to-day, Amongst the miscellaneous matter "A Day with Eudyard Kipling," "The Future Australian Eace," " Who Killed Harold Frederic," &C:, will be found very interesting reading! On the fourth page will be found re= ports of the meeting of creditors in the estate of Brodribb Bros, and of the Magistrate's Court business yesterday at Hastings, Bporting news, and our Sydney and Danevirke correspondents' letters. The Commissioner of Crown Lands and Mr Hall leave for Gißborne by the s.s.' Elingttmite to-night, to hold a sitting of the Land Board there on Mondayi A cable inesssage has been received from Adelaide announcing the death, in Surrey, England, of Mr James F. Logan, of Macky, Logan, and Steen, warehousemen. ' Attention is called to the fortnightly stock sale, at the Cosmopolitan Yards, Danevirke, by Mr H. Monteith, on Wednesday next, when he will offer 280 head of Cattle). For failing to destroy rabbits H. B. Bunny was fined £5 and costs at the Carterton Magistrate's Court, and Koberfc Hooker £2. Stock Inspector Wayne was the informant, Harmston's circus appeared dgain at Hastings last night to another enthusiastic audience. This afternoon there will be a matinee, to which children will be admitted at half-price; The dovernmeiit apparently intend to move in the matter of lighting the town of Eotorua and baths by electricity. Mr James Baber, district engineer, is now at Taheke laying off a site suitable for electrio power works. By advertisement it will be seen that the annual master parade of the local corps and Garrison Hand will be held on Wednesday next, when Colonel Sewall will be present The parade called for Monday is cancelled, The Wanderers' Bicycle Clut) run will Itsavfi the 1 Marine-parade rotunda at 2.15 | p.m. to-day for Peltate', and as the roads are now in splendid order there should be a good attendance of pleasure-seekers.-All cyclists are cordially invited. Attention ie called to an advertisement respecting board and iSsidetiee at Golan, Cameron-road, where visitors frotn the country will find all the comforts of a home, while the position is one of the best and most central in town, and the rooms large and airy. A meeting of the Hawke's Bay Licensing Committee was held at Hastings yesterday. Presenk=Messrß A. Turnbull (chairman), W. Beilby", and D. M'Leod. A Conditional license for the fata fair was granted to Mr H. O. Caulton, and fi temporary ligensg of the Railway Hotel to Mr D. J. Kenny. W& are indebted to Mr H. duthiki Smith; df Tutira Lake, for the rainfall of that ifdt part Of the province during 1898 : — January 2oU, February 1-01, Maroh 849, April 1-29, May l'Ol, June 660, July 1-92, August 15-80, September •40, October 6-43, November 1-73, December H'Bo j total, 59-08. Eight informations against bookmakers for trespass at the recent Tauherenikau meeting were heard before the Stipendiary Magistrate at Featheraton on Thursday. All the defendants were fined £3 and costs. Informations against six for trespass on the second day were Withdrawn on the defendants paying the Court costs. The fines amounted to .£24, and the costs to £14 14a. A considerable area of land is being opened by the Government for settlement i in Hawke's Bay shortly. The Ngapaeruru block, near Danevirke, comprising 13,730 acres will be offered next month. Eleven hundred and thirty-three acres have recently been acquired from Mr J. N. Williams, being a part of the Frimley estate, near Hastings ; and 760 acres of The WillOwß estate, near Gisborne, acquired from the Bank of New Zealand, both of which properties are new under survey, and will be opened for selection about the beginning of April. The warships Eoyalist aud Tauranga arrived in Napier yesterday. In oonnection with the deserters from the Tauranga at Auckland it is significant that when the vessel left the Northern city the band played "Auld Lang Syne" and "The Girl I Left Behind Me." The Tauranga is to be relieved on the New Zealand station by the Mildura at the end of this month. Captain Leslie C. Stuart has been appointed to rep\ace Captain Browne, in charge of the Tauranga. as the latter's term expires next month. Captain Stuart has served on the Australian station before. Most householders in Napier and Hastings have during the last few days had delivered to them sample packets of Brown and Poison's "Patent Corn Flour" and "Paisley Flour." The first mentioned preparation has been before the public for over 40 years, and has become as familiar in their mouths as household words, but "Paisley Flour" is a comparatively new article, which, however, is rapidly becoming an indispensable adjunct to the culinary department. It is claimed for "Paisley Flour" that it has all the advantages of the best baking powder, besides possessing special qualities which render it adaptable for every branch of cookery. Captain Edwin wired at noon yesterday: — Wind: Gale from west to southwest and south at all places northward of East Cape, Taupo, and Eaglan within next 12 hours, and also southward of Timaru and Queenstown, but after from 12 to 20 hours at all other places. Barometer rise everywhere. Sea heavy on all western coast, and after 16 hours heavy on east coast south of East Cape. Tides decreasing on western coast south of Capo Farewell ; high from thence northward ; high on east coast south of East Cape ; moderate at all other places. The weather will be much colder in all parts of the country. The Ngapaeruru block, lately acquired by the Government from the native owners, is now being surveyed for settlement, and the first portion, comprising 13,730 acres of first-class land, is to be opened for selection on the 22nd of next month. It is divided into forty sections, ranging iv area from 130 to 013 acres, aud admirably adapted for pastoral and dairying purposes. It is accessible from Oanevirke, distant from nine to fourteen miles, by tho main coaoh road to AVeber and the coast, while the bush has already beou foiled on<! clmin wide on tho roads in tho portion to be opened. The block is well watered and contains good soil, and the greater proportion of it is about. 1000 foet above sea level. Plans of the laud are now being distributed to all places in the district, and can bo obtainod from the loual Livnds and fciurvey office,

Our Waipawa Cftttespandent says^ fbe Waipawa Volunteers are ordered to Miserable and parade in marching order it 4 o'clock on Monday morning at the Softool grounds. Thence they proceed to the cafflp for seven days. Mr John Watte is appointed caterer, and 'will have an establishment in the camp_. On Wednesday next the volley firing ia to take place, and visitors will be permitted in camp during the afternoon, and I believe afternoon tea will be served. Nest Sunday there will be a church parade. I undeis stand that between 40 and 60 will take up their qnartera in camp, in which great interest is taken by onr young men. fitttaffifg are current here (writes our Danevirke correspondent) of a couple of burglaries alleged to have taken place, on Wednesday last. . It appears that the. house of Mr C. Skelton was gone through first, and a number of small articles appropriated. The house of Mr Wooi« house was similarly visited, the window being forced and broken. The latch, was slipped with a knife, and the house was left by a window on the opposite side to that by which the burgjars entered. The extent of their depredations is unknown here, as the owner is away for a holiday. Mr Skelton's house was also entered by means of the window, it being prized open with an old spade lying about the premises. The police are, lam informed, on the track of the perpetrators, and we may expect shortly to hear some more about the matter. An inquesfc wag held at Hastings yesterday afternoon before Mr Beilby, J.P., deputy-coroner, into . the cireumstancea attending the death «f the infant Charles Cosflop lane. Mr Hnafc waß chosen foreman at the jury, and Constable Butler conducted on behalf of the police. The mother of the child deposed that at a quarter past 2 on Thursday she went in to make the bed. She had not been in more) than two or three minutes when she returned to the door and called the child. She got no answer, bo looked round and saw his' feet sticking out on the edge of the tub. Slheran down and pulled him out, shook him and rubbed him, ran inside and got a jacket, ran across with him to Mrs Moore's. Mrs Moore came out and took the child. They then pnt him into a bath of hot water. Mrs Moore then put him on the table and rubbed him. Mr Moore was called, and he went for the doctor. Dr. Linney stated that he found Mrs Moore had done everything that was possible before he arrived, bnt the child was evidently dead before he got on the scene. The jury returned a verdict- of accidentally drowned. ' < Students are now being enrolled foe the next session of the Lincoln Agricultural College. As this college is the. only ' institution of its khid in the. colony, and young New Zealandere can obtain there • a thoroughly scientific knowledge .of farming in all its branohes, and the number of students' admitted is limited, those intending to make application this year should notify the director,. Mr J.» Bayne, at once. Panning is no longer the haphazard occupation it used to be. To succeed the farmer requires a much more complete education than' _is necessary in many other pursuits. Knowledge as to the germinating power of seeds, the analysis of soils, and any of the sciences attending agriculture, dairying, or veterinary work is an absolute necessity in farming of the present day to make it a profitable pursuit. Mr J. Bayne, M.A., ~B.Se. in agriculture, is the director of the establishment, and he is assisted by a number of able assistant professors in land survey, bookkeeping, natural science, physics, and innumerable other branches of necessary science. The College is one of the finest buildings in the colony, and is . surrounded by a large area of land, which is worked by the students in order that they may obtain practical knowledge, and is farmed in such a way as to include everything appertaining to all classes of colonial farming. Students attend lectures during one week, and the next week go out ana do nraotioal work. ,The students who have been through 'Lincoln College are in great demand, aa their studies have fitted them for any position in connection with farm work. Consumption is responsible for more j deaths than any other disease. No less than 623 persons die annually in New Zealand from consumption, and aa medical authorities now nold the disease to be not - merely preventable, buts curable, the directors of the Australian Widows' Fund Life Assurance Society . nave had 100,000 copies of a pamphlet, by Dr. P. Jamieson, printed for gratuitous circulation. The society intimate that a copy of it can be had at their office on application, personally or by, letter

I STOPPED THAT COUGH ana CUBED A VBBT BAD COtD by a single bottle of Dr. Paaca'J's Cough Mixture.— (Signed) C. M'Donald. Is fid and 2s 6d. Ecoles, Chemist. Napier and Hastings. Eoolea' Corn Paint has no equal forthe speedy, permanent, and painlestf cure of hard or soft corns; usually cured after a few applications, la bottles. Is, from A. Ecolea, Chemhrt, Napxet and Hastings.— Advt, J. 8, Welsman'g Special Proprietary Metlioino —the Livor Mixtnre for biliousness and indigestion. Dysentery Mixture; Neuralgia Ifixtnre, Quinine and Iron Tonic; Wine, Wind Mixture for Infanta, fee, Locock's Hair Lotion, Corn Paint, Ac, Ac. The Pharmacy, Hastings-street, — Advt. t The Hawke'B Bay. Famnanent Building ana ', InvestmenfSociety are now prepared to advanoa money on mortgage -on freehold and leasehold securities on tha new reduced tables of redemption payments as loir as S per cent per annum, lrhiob. are lower than any other society in tha colony. Apply to the seoretary, J. B. Fielder, at! the Society's office, or Joshua Bennett, Hastings. —Advt. Orion Banges, all sices, from 3ft to Sft, always on hand. A large assortment of Kearsley mover fittings, knife bMB, driving rods, section. &c lost arrived; 10 per cant allowed on cash pur. JSasWsof Eronmongery.-J. A. Fryer, Hasting* streot, Ifapier. SUNDAT SEBVICES. Kapier Baptist Chorcfi, II and 7. ' Congregational Church, Foresters? Hall, U and 7 1 St. Paul*, 11 and 7. STNOPSIS OF MBW ACVEBTISEMENTS.f Lands in Ngapaeruru block open for selection, February 22nd. , For sale, 1J t"> res oE browing Incerne. W, . Smith, Papakura. Sinurt errand boy wanted. J, Wilson Cmig. Private board and residence at Golan, Cameron, road. Teacller wanted for Omahu school. Applies tious close yettuory 3rd. Sniart youth waafea. Jas. Hardy. Sole of stud sheep at amiaa» ram fair, February 2nd, N.Z. L. arid M.&. Company. Competent womito wanted as cook. Mrs White's registry Office, or Masonic Hotel, Assistant master wanted, Wairoa school. Ap. Vi'iications close February 3. . Sale ctrMritences to-day Miss Treheorn's stook. Bargains at Sounders'. Eitraordinary lßesting Sheridan Goldmining Company February 6th, 2.30. Tenders additions to Te Aute school closa February 3rd. Mushrooms and strawberries at The Cafe. • Annual muster parade Napier Rifles, Napier Guards, and Garrison Band, Wednesday next, 7.30. Stndeuts now being enrolled for Canterbury Agricultural College, Lincoln. Lndy's gold ring found. Herald. Testimony as to* e^Scacy of Ayer*a enrsaparilla. Grand display of sow improved hall, atmos« I-ilieric, hanging, table, aiid handlampsl; piano lamps, ft rioyelty; genuine enamel and bath paints, broOmD, brnshwore, fenders, Hroirons, portable coppers, tubs, buckets 9d, fly-traps dd, stove mats 6d, toilet brashes, sponges, mirror^ trunks, hat boxes 3s, kerosene pumps lOd, hsiaa lamps Is. All goods at sale prices. Jamed Hardy's, Grans, vegetable, and flower seeds, wheat, oats. &c. ; also regular fruit shipments at Cranhy and Sidey's.

ENGAGEMENTS. Hnrniaton's circus, Hastings. Cricket, Bccreation Ground, Farndon, anil IlaatlDgs. Wanderes* Bicycle Club run, 2.15. SALE. Montague LasceHes, regular market sate. 11 and 2. That popular remedy, "Dr. Fascall's Cough Mixture," has made hosts of friends since its introduction here. Everyone who has tried it Bpeaks highly of its wonderful qualities, and take pleasure in recommending it to their friends as the very best remedy they have ever used for oonghs and colds, la 6d and 2s 6d box. Wholesale and Betail Agent, A. Ecclea, Napier and Hastings Great Reductions in Table and Dessert Knives, Forks, Spoon's (C. Johnson and other reliable makers), Carvers, Steels, Bread Saws, Knives, a,nd Platters; rare value and selection of Cruets, roapots, S o'clock Tea Spoons, Cases Carvers, Fish Knives and Forks, Bread Forks, Fen, Pocket, and Sheath Knives, Princess Piano Lamps. All goods marked at sale prioes.— lames Hardy,

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 11128, 21 January 1899, Page 2

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Untitled Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 11128, 21 January 1899, Page 2

Untitled Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 11128, 21 January 1899, Page 2