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SBQUAH'S WORLD-FAMED .REMEDIES CAN NOW BE OBTAINED FROM ALL RESPECTABLE CHEMISTS AND STOREKEEPERS. SEQUAH'S CURE For ndlgostlon, Liver and Kidnoy Complaints, Biliousness, FlatUidnoo, Headaches and kindred complaints. SEQUAH'S OIL la Unoquallod for all Pains, Swellingß, Stiffness of Joints, Contracted Nervos, [Strains, Sprains, and Bruises. For Bronchitis, Asthma, and all Rhoumatio Complaints; Sciatica, Lumbago, Neuralgia, Kncumatic Gout, Gout; Muscular, Acute, and Chronio Khoumatism, Uso Scquah's Curo internally, nnd Sequah's Oil oxtornally, and you will euro yoursolves Spocdily and Permanently. SEQUAH'S INSTANT RELIEF Is tho host known Remedy for Intornal Pnina Colic, Cramp, or Spasms also forrDlnrrhrea and Dysentry, Coughs and Colds.— (lnstructions with each bottle.) SOLD BY ALL RESPECTABLE CHEMISTS AND GROCERS. WHOLESALE AGENTMR A. ECCLES NAPIER. 9 W. M. NEWMAN' IMPORTER & GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHER TENNYSON-STREET HAS LATELY RECEIVED LARGE SHIPMENTS OF NEW GOODS, Inoluding IRON AND BRASS BEDSTEADS, AMERICAN, AUSTRIAN, AND OTHER CHAIRS. A VERY SUPERI OR LOT OF FRAMES IN TAWA, CEDAR, RIMU, AND WAuSUT FOR UPHOLSTERING. AN ENDLESS VARIETY OF TAPESTRIES. CRETONNES PLUSHES' GENOA AND OTHER VELVETS. 1000 PIECES LINOLEUM more or loss TO CHOOSE FROM PARTIES ABOUT TO FURNISH ARE NVITED TO INSPECT MY ENORMOUS AND SUPERIOR STOCK. HAWKS S BAY WIRE MATTRASS MANUFACTORY? OPPOSITE 11US COMPANY'S STABLES HASTINQSJSTREBI A J DURNEY" propriejor WIRE MATTRASSES, COUCHES, COTS, DOOR MATS, &0.. ANY SIZE Made to Order on tho Shortest Notice and atjModerate^Prlo UNRIVALLED FOR ELASTICITY COOLNESS, AND CLEANLINESS Wrltn for Price Lists The TradoJSuppllod N. OATES, "ZEALANDIA" CICLE WORKS TENNYSON-STREET, NAPIER ■OPPOSITE "HAWKES BAY HERALD CHAMBER&'f PRICE _£2O._ PRICE £20. PRICE £20 PRICE £20. PRICE £20. PRICE £20. 82 44 AS A CO [JGH MIXTURE IT IS EXCELLENT, DR. EVVART .-— jsjow™. Prom Rev. F. W. ISITT, Woa. — ' — «ui^j* n— f* I *^^^ ivW& loyan Minister. — 1 have dorlved j^\ Jl ' '^''^S^^mwM BUlforing from oxcossivo spoaking. M A CUFAP. Pi FAftAMT WtMmrlma You will, I suppose, know that tho « r-» vnt,rir) ( ktnwin *B)Mfflwmm R °v. Aloxandor Reed (now of I AN D Dunedin) j uses and highly comI Effectual Re me oV. I m ° — *£ M mffiimm From Roy. H. o. CONGDONN W- ' P ffiM^Bl GILBERT, Christchuroh.—" I shall bSTSv m W/Mffifflilk noc fail to rocommond it to all who nz\ WTj ffr ? ~r < T <v ~ ;vTVTv:v:vTv;vtvlv:w °*^ WnMfißSk BUU ~ ot from affections of tho throat. 1 g>)fl&B«^Bß?^*^'^ 'JL, jlattJlsL^i HI Hl] From Roy. W. B. MARTIN. WcsTrffiLJl IJlu ". i. . ." . -~7~7 T\ MWM iwß cyan Minister,— "l shall certainly Ml| ffiffjC' _VA ''i IIJj 1 " \yJLl_ Tf 'MmMw recommond toall who suffer." f f^^^^^T^D^^^jM WsSp From ßov - CHARLES PENNEY, ild] ■SBsßm£*""^**C <^^Z^*^S^ : <fWt WfflHeMr- Napior. — •' In one caso when ovory S*^S^srmW&/W!sßh&£!iLA) L IHi remedy triod proved powerloßS to iCLyCsVHlffl ill'lalitiis?' r WSIfflA Bivo.roUof (tho cough was bo dis » ~WI MM® tresaing) tho nrst doso of your Lung i wSmm Proaorvor P roved most oftocti vo.", ' I ipESiRVE RJHI " jlgfiKgy'- "■■■'■ "viJjj^-i^cj-m^i-njO^ WSMmx/!' From Roy. GEO. CHESSON.— K =389) FOR COUCH Rw mm " The Lung Prosorvor has dono Mrs f;l rwrl WV/WVna, IKM Km cheßSon a great deal of good." | Bronchitis, Asthma, I^^Si [^OAHStWdS.WHOOPINC CQUCHJ^^H i| Orpncin.TY or'BBEATMfNOt iWrnxm From rov. e. Marshall.- • i Inoau. Arrwrws qfthb Imtsmm H souof v ' ed conßidorabl ° and Bpoody I BRONCHiiC, Trachea, & LarynxJ^^w ' — f </?£ " Stt/ 7 fiSf^f* & * BCT '^H Oo^°poUa° V^ J in?n A o ß^-aro V ?h U o nnu fWJL/c WtA/ua, m • I ffigjM host remedy I have triod for flatut\ ' yS ! x s3§K3 lency and pains in tho hoad. Tho SPW da •• Ifl drt 9a Pitt Am HA A. 11. «fa>s Wfifm Lung Prosorver has dono my throat p"l9« ISBa.Z6oa,4c Oa ft St. mmm&k good; I gavo sovoral pooplo dosps, n 'ajmMMmSi tho rosult being thac tho chemist |,J fBCPABIO ONLY DV wM/mHI has beon compollod to sond for a 1 «7. BAXTER, Wmfflffl™'™' aMEOICAL HALL,VJOTOHIABTa«Tj^^^^K — '|«jiwCHBISTCKORCH, M,2. ,sMaßs&S> From Dr. J. EWART.-"As a TM£9IQitttBBSSSj&&BESUK&BG&&&£B!P^ Cough Medicine for all agoa 1b SOLD BY ALL CHEMISTS AND STOREKEEPERS us- IMPORTANT TO PURCHASERS. Purchasers aro requested to sco that oach packot of Lune Preserver olio' od for salo Is a facßimilo of tho abovo drawing, and that tho words n Baxter's Lung Preaorvor, Christ] church," are blown on tho bottlo. » Further that tho wrapper of oach packot of _. /j O" /,, LUNG PRESERVER .^KSnM^V J^ 10 & r fS' > 1% Bears ho Proprietors Traflo Mark and Autograph \\ [W 1 ) J <■ — — ~ — ' " along with tho ato Proprietor's signaturo thus— vJgSll/y flPsrJf C 2'f'3 9f AC I REFUSE ALL OTHERS AS COUNTERFEITS kACj}-;. fl- '- / dJ ir Vi I ij THE PILLS Aro at all season o tho yOar a Rollablo Roniody forcorrooting any disordor of tho Digeßtlvo Organs and for restoring a hoalthy action to tho STOMACH AND BOWKLf.. Thoy act on tho LIVER AND KIDNEYS WITH MAR VELLOUS EI'FECT, and b"/ giving Strongth and Tono to thesoimportan Organs croato a circulation of Puro and Healthy Blood. Females of all agon find Lhoso Pillsllnvuluablo. HOLLO WAY'S PILLS & OINTMENT THE OINTMENT Hcals^all recent "Wounds, Cuts, Bruises, and Sprains, and is a ccr in euro foz HAD LEGS, SOUK 3, ULCKRS, and OLD WOUNDS, It lma no oqunl for tho cure of Di'onchitia, b'oro Throat, Coughs, Colds, Rheumatism, Gout, Ulandulnr wellinga, and all sjki" DiseaßOß. Manufactured only by THOMAS jBII.LOWAY, 78. Now OxfonV ] Btrout, lato 533, Oxford-3 i-eet London' I , tUT Purchasers Bhonld look to tho Label on tho IJoxos and Pots. j It tho adtlrcßß 18 not 633, Oxford-atrcoti London, thoy rol Bpurloua,;) I

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9897, 25 January 1895, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9897, 25 January 1895, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9897, 25 January 1895, Page 4