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I WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEEOHAmJ PILLS Aro universally admitted to be worth a Guinea a Box for Bilious nnd NorvoUß disorders, such as wind and pain in tho stomach, sick hendacho, giddiness, fullneßS and swelling after incalo dizziness and drowsiness, cold chills, flushings of heats, loss of appetite, shortness of breath, costivoness ecurvy, blotches on tho skin, disturbed sleep, frightful dreams, and nil nervous and tremblliir sen-itions, ace. Tho first doso will give relief in twenty minutea. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try ono box of theso PUIb and they will bo aoknowledßed to bo WOKiH A GUINEA A BOX. For lomales of all ages theso Pilla aro In valuable, aa a tow doses of them will carry off all humours, open all obstructions, and bring about all that Is required. No fcm.ilc should bo without them. Thoro is no medicino to bo found to equal BEECHAM'S PILLS for removing any obstruction or irregularity of tho system. It taken according to tho directions given with each box they will soon restore fcmalea o£ all ages to sound and robust health. This has boon proved by thousands who have tried them and found tho benefits which are ensured by their uso. For a weak stomach, impaired digestion and all disorders of tho liver, they not like Magic," and a fow doses will bo found to work wonders upon tho most important organs of tho human nine jino. They strengthen tho wholo muscular system restore tho long-lost complexion bring back tho keen eil«o of appotito, and arouso into action with tho ROSEBUD of health tho wholo physical energy of tho human frame— Theso aro FACTS ' testified continually by members of all olasaos of society; and ono of tho bosb guaranteos to tho norvous and debilitated is, BEECHAMS PILLS HAVK THK LAKOEST BALE OV ANY MKDICINK IN THK WOULD. BEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS As a remer y tor (roughs in general Asthma Bronchial Aftections, Hoarseness ShortnoßS of Breath, Tightness and Oppression of tho Chest, &0., theso Pills stand unrivalled. They aro tho best over offered to tho public, and will speedily romovo that sense of oppression and difficulty of breathing which nightly do prive tho patient of rest. Lot any person give Beecham's Cough Pills a trial, and tho moßb violonb cough will in a ehorb time bo removed. Prepared only, and sold Wholesale and Retail, by tho Proprietor, Thomaß Beeoham, St. Holon's, Lancashire, England, in boxea 1b lid (containing 56 pills) and at 2s fld (treble quantity. Sold by all Druggists and Patono Medioino Dealers everywhere, H.B.— Full direotions aro given with each qox 21 Restored to Health BT THE OSfe OF , Ayer's Sarsaparilia Mrs. M.A.CUMMING, of Yarraville, Victoria, Australia, says : " About a year ago, I had a severe attack It Influenza, which left mo very weak, without energy, appetite, or interest In lifo. Obtaining little or no relief from doctors, or from tho many remedies recommended to me, I finally tried Ayer's SarsapariUaand, from that tlmo, I began to gain health and strength. I continued tho treatment until fully recovered, and now have very great pleasure in telling my friends of tho merits ot Ayor's Sarsaparilln, pud tho happy rest;:: iof its uso. I consider it tho bos'" bloodpurifier known." ■ * ' Ayer's ™r y Sarsapiilla Admitted at tho World's Fair Mnrteby J>r J.C.Aynr.t Co.,T,mvcII,MM9..U.R.A J jQlfpf^y OINTMENT L I V# V£* Lumbago, RheuiniUam. A*i ' M Stifrnoßß of the Joints. nfh hapete" [if f*l OINTMENT :.'^^^ IV^ for — — — Ifr Lumps, Sores, Sorofala. ■•in Indolent Tumonrs, &* P_ fil C W^ ENA *** f"^ Lr OINTMENT \ •/ For | T £se where the wonderful I ri 1 Wantna Lotion oannot 5)9 1 [m readily used, IJ |P KEKAKO~" V'^n PLABTERB Uic vm "~ •"JCL~ Lnmlago, Paine -* 'w. in the Chest 01 QJ Side, &o, ' •^ II- per Eaotofc Alks a fair trial of hor remedies. Hex eiperloos* o( orer 80 jeaa In tho uso ot these poroljr Tosttabla temodieß warronta her (o oommoni) them io we OH of all snCTcrcra. Try Marupi for Influenza, and Karana for layer and Stomaoli disorders. .-■- --363 SHEARERS USE BEE OINTMENT MOTHERS USE BEE OINTMENT ATHLETES USE BEE OINTMENT EVERYONE USE BEE OINTMENT RESPECTABLE PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS SELL BEE OINTMENT HORSE OWNERS USE BEE OINTMENT EVERYONE PRAISES UP BEE_OINTMENT TRY IT. OBTAINABLE KROAi MR A. ECCLES, WnOLKSALE AGKNT FOR HAWKEB BAY. Or, FACTORY, A3HURST. W. J. TYERMAN, Only Agont, Hastings HAWKE'S BAY , PERMANENT BUILDING AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY! INVESTMENT SHARES OF THE 27th ISSUE CAN BE TAKEN UP AS FROM 3KD DECEMBER, 1894. ENTRANCE FEE 2s OD PER SHARK SUBSCRIPTIONS fjß PKR SHARE. PAYABLE ON THE FIRST MONDAY IN EACH MONIH. MONEY ADVANCED i ON FREEHOLD AND LEASEHOLD PROPERTIES. : IN SUMS FROM £25 OR MULTIPL : THEREOF REPAYABLE 1!Y MONTHLY | INSTALMENTS EXTENDING OVER PERIODS FROM 2 10 12 YEARS OR ON FIXED LOAN 8 FOR STATED PERIODS PrOßpootusea nnd all Information can ho obtained on nppllcutlon to Mn Joshua Bennbtt, Markot-strcot, Hnstings, or Society Oillco, Tonnyeon-Bt.roots Nupior. Monoys received on Fixed Deposit for Six Months, and ulao icuuynulo on Uirco duya notico. 7l:itcs o£ Interest, on ivpnlicution to Iho&cciutm-y. J. B FIELDER us . Soorotary MOTIOE. "DETANK COACHES. From J'etiuip, 8,30 a.m. to 2 p.m. J'rom Nnpio r ,11 a.m. and i :!'t p.m. 'i'ho Cone hr'j tit nit from Hoii-I :il, 10..50 and i.2U; I'odclie'rf lloLul at 11 a.m. and l.'M p.m. j Napier and Pclitno Hotel 1 ). SPECIAL COACHES LAII>^ON FOR PICNICS AND PAH'J'IKS. nnd Riding Horeos by arra^tro ■■MKlth teL H^Hk ' C. VILLERSMfa. Propriotcr, I )a 'Hfcfc, ,

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9897, 25 January 1895, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9897, 25 January 1895, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9897, 25 January 1895, Page 4