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4. Why is the Waterbury Watoh like the sun?— Answer: Because you can depend upon it being up to time. 5. What is the difference between the Waterbury \V ntch and most of our goldmining companies ? Answer : The ono is wound up, started, goes till it runs down, nnd you have a oapitai watch ; tho otber is started, yon havo to watch your capital going till it rniia down, and then— it's wound up. You know. Agent Waterbury Watch Co. I put the " cons." lirst, because I reckon that's the place they should occupy in youv list of prizes. I reckon, .like the baby, they can't be boat. So kindly send on the "ticker" ab your earliest convenience. If these don't take the cake (watch, I mean) just say so. I bave a few more by mo, and can trot them ont to suit ; in feet, I conld do 'em by contract. "Barkis is willin'," so just say the word and oblige "Kangaroo," *> C 92

PSOPL?! WHO OUGHT 10 REFORM. List No 2. The Lawyer The Eotdkteptr The Clergyman The legal roan, who includeth in his little bill of costs such items as — To perusing telegram nAvisiDg that Brown would be in town in time for tlie trial... 3s 4d Telegram in reply, expressing our approval, &c, paid transmitting seme, l>i ... 43 4a Conferrinf! with you when we ndvised you that, in our opinion, Smithson was " uo better than he ought to bo " 10a ftd The clergyman, who discourses ex ceedingly lengthy discourses, combats the pre-Adnmlio theory and Darwin's evolution theory reilnceth to ecclesiastical pulp nil those who ventured to express n doubt as to the author of the Pentateuch, unholils Armlnlanism, and criticises Calvanism ; denn\inceth the Baptists and the Mormons, John Wesley and Confucius, and oxposeth Montanism, Nestorianism, Aphthiutiodocetism, ancl Arianism all in tho snme sermon he ought, wo think, to reform. We ore sure ho ought to reform. The hotelkeeper, who colleoteth Buchanan's House op Commons Whisky Bottles, lilleth them with an inferior spirit, nnd is thus the direct cause of much iadigtiation and dissatisfaction. 133

BRIGHT'S DISEASE CUBED. Takaka News, June 23, 1892. MOTHER MARY JOSEPH AUBERT'S REMEDIES. Tbc efficacy of the New Zealand herbal remedies prepared by tlie Maoris Is too well knowu by fill old settlers to need comment, nnd the wonderful medicinal properties of several Native sbruba have been testified to by many in our midst. The experience of a long life spent amongst tlip Natives in the North Island liua induced a lady belonging to a Hellcious Order ot the Catholic Church to make known to the public the several preparations the marvellous eflects of which she has observed during her sojourn amongst tho Natives. The testimonials which will bo found lv another column are from those who, having; derived great benefit from the remedies, desire to testify to their i flicacy. When we find a Governor, v liishop, and a distinguished actor unite i" recommending these preparations it may be safejy assumed that it is because they deserve it. Full particulars of the recently established agency for this district will be found elsewhere. Evknixo Post, Jnno 21, 1892. From private letters received from Mr Orlando R, Kempthorne, who, a« we stated some few weeks ngo, was proceeding to Sydney and Melbourne to introduce tho Aubert remedies there, we learn (but ho hiiß been most successful in (jetting tho hulk goodi that he took to Sydney put up smartly, ami disposed of in » very short time. He has ordered more to bo forwarded at once, as he haH none left to take to Melbourne. He states that he has every reason to hope that hla tour will prove a K'K"ntlc "ucccs*. Tho New South Wales papers congratulate Mr Knnip.'horno on having Introdnccd into their colony a medicine that has become fo widely known nnd po warmly appreciated in New Z-aland. Waiharapa Daily, June C, 1592. Ijnsolicited t'-4iinoiiy still continue') to pour in retarding the wonderful ellicaey o) Mother Mary Joseph AubertV remedies. The marvelling- cures wrought upou prisons well nigh at ilentli'n door he caused a profound sensation, and n many tiioii'-iiii.l tur.tjues are. words of gratitude and hleising )nr the good lady who bus devoted Ikt life to the alleviation in tome measure of the. world's suffering. Otaoo Daily Times, June2S, 1592. Mr U. R. Ketnpthorne, of the New Zeal'ind Drup; Company, recently visited Sydney to introduce, there tho Rev. Mother Mary J, Mibrrt's remedies, made entirely from New Zealand herbs and pliut?, which have met with so much favor iv this Colony. He was most successful, the f.nnt! of the curative properties of the HMncdiiiß having preceded their arrival, ami it i-, tnitisfactory to lind that a new item Mi.m been added to our lint of expoitf, which it is expected will soon make iv way into the Old Country, win r<! the remedies have one warm friend in Lard OnMjw New Zealand Standard, June 17, 1892. Thfl Auhcrt Romedirs. — A new advertisement Mi?>rs Kcnipthorne, Prosser and Co., in leference to the above, appsaro in another column. These remedies (ire daily becoming more famous far the eflicncy in the treatment of nil sorts of ailments, ho much bo that increased facilities have had to be pro. viried by the manufacturer for their production. Mr George Foster ia tho local agent. Hawke's Bay Hkhald, July 2, 1892 Mr Kemptborne, ot the firm of Kempthorne and Prosser, has fctely been on a visit to Sydney in onncctioii with Mother Mary Joseph Aubert's remedies, and It appears that he bus bad wonderful succe-s there, (he remedies having come iuto great favor In New South Wales. 828

BRILLIANTINE FOR THK HAIR.Kvorybody now usos ihlrt In proforenco to hair rostororß and djoa ; tho purest and mont ocon.jmloal Is Rowlands' Alncaßaar OU, which presorvos and strong tbena tho hair, prevontu lt falling off, laip^u a brilliant luslro to It and renders It Bolt and silky ; it ij fj.r preforable to ordinary lirllMantlno, boing losa greasy and not bo drying In lta olltocta, and aB a littl j goes a vory long w.,y it la i n reality very ooonomlcal for gonoral übo; lt la tho ben' aoftonor and boautifler of laillei and children's hair, and Is uuiurpassed for whtskora and mouflt'tchoa -, also prnrnrod ln a golden color for fair hair. Slz»-a 33 lid, 7a, and 10s Od Rowi.AK '3 Kukonia Is it puro and fragrant toilet pow-lnr lv thrr-o !inl« —whito, ro«o ,-md cream. Rox*-8 lsinid'2< 111. Ask nny doalor In perfumery for Hnwln>ids' artlclos, ot 20, Hatton Harden, Loadou. 13<J

EDMUHD BLAOK, LAND, KSTATE, AND QENESAL COMMIS-ION AOKNT AOENrmsNorth Quoenrlard Ir.Biirauco Company N«w Vi,rk Ll'o In-mronco Conimuy Provident and ludUß'ri,il ljisurunco Cum pr>Dy of New Zealand Sharo Dioker.-Shares bought ned sold on OOMMIKSION ONLY. House Agent-ltents collected, and ovory deeorlptlon of Hou-jo Agency undcrtnuen oa reasonable teriDS. ProporlU-B of all descriptions can bo submitted to lntondlng purchasers upon application. Iloglster of do* strablo proportk-B k>*pt. I> Bumneeof ovory description undortaken at lowest current rates. »m l^.? neI * 1 , A Konr.-Hnms from jBSO to «20,00 Don hand for lnvo?tmont upon ap. proved security, Louna of all descriptions egotiated. atken^um offlcks, napikr. 2 I'INAI-iulaL. I EDMUND BLACK lias for invoit--<('ment tho following Hums at Current M "> BOYS' AND ODiLS" HIGH SOHOOLS^NAPIER. SOUND SECONDARY AND COMMBROIAL EDUCATION, Bo olarshlps open to Puplla of ono and two yoars standing ln the School Preparation for Civil Sorvloo and Matrloulation Kxiimlnf tlon. Foos- Junior, £3 go Senior, £9 os, por annnm. Only extras Mublo, Solo Singing, Painting and Dancing. Boardirs reoelved by tho Principals. Foe 610 per annum, Rednotlon to Weekly Boarders. Half Term oommenoos on TUKSDAY, 10th July. RKV. DAVID SIDKY, 230 Seoretary SIQHTOOIL OOHgRAO-J! A LL Communications of whatever **• nature referring to the Nlghtaol Con JOHN SPIWIN, fl

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 9145, 31 August 1892, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 9145, 31 August 1892, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 9145, 31 August 1892, Page 4