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A PRACTICAL Basil Tanner aud9 XX Dresser and Fellmonger. with many, .' years' experience, seeks an Engagement. - • Address '' Pelt," Office ot this Paper. d6l -,""., . mntffl. ;"'-... WPREBBLE lands this -week \ : • 100 Cases ISLAND. ORANGES' ■■ (highly suitable with Pie Melon for proserving), LEMONS, Bananas, Pears, Quinces, • and new Walnuts. Also BARRACOUTTA ' and Mullet. A quantity of Wild Pigeons for sale. . 339 ; ' WANTED KNOWN -Alteration in Timo-lable— Redstone and Co. 'a Carlylo-street 'Buses leave Masonic Hotel at . 3.45, London Hotel, Spit, at 9.15, and hourly afterwards during tho day. Last 'Bub leaves Masonic Hotel at 5.45. From Napier, or Spin '.:■ to Coate-road, 3d. '. 362 • WANTEP KNOWN— The Napie , Land,- Building, and' Investment So ciety (Permanent) has Money to Lend from' -•; £25 upwards, and offers unusual advantages. ; •■ Apply to Roopb Brookdjo, Secretary. r 114 MATRIMONIAL. JUST Published, in cheap pamphlet form, - NATURE'S . HIDDEN . TREASURE." by a FRENCH DOCTOR. A safe , and sura guide to HEALTH and HAPPI- •: . NESS. To married persons, or those about to -" marry, it is worth its weight in DIAMONDS. Price by post, enclosed in a secure .envelope,- „ Is 8d IN.Z. 1 stamps). Address Paris Agency,, . P.O. 80x 760, Sydney. . • 305,-, LADIES, throyr off your Summer ;/. ' Garments, nnd purchase your Winter \ - Clothing at Searle's Drapery Mart. Tfou.will' •.'■• find on comparing our Goods with other .- Houses they are cheaper, better assorted; and . v prices very low, to suit all pockets. : Marktho . - address, Seabik's Ready Cash Drapery Mart,.' , Emerson-street. ■ ■ : 293 , HPHE FRUIT ON SALE from ireefc- -*■ JL to week in ourwindows isaHcorreoUy, 1 .-,'; and distinctly named. .' : '." '. ■' . INTENDING PLANTERS •: . ' Would do well to make a selection from tho ■' sorts exhibited; thoy are the very beat and' - he most profitable kinds for orohard plant- ■ « ■" ng. Orders for Fruit Trees and all kinds of ■ Nursery Stock now boine booked. C: l E. and v H. Gibbons, Seedsmen, Plant Salesmen, &0.. Hastings-street, Napier. . 116 ••.■' WANTED KNOWN — That , H. ■ . Williams and Sons are offering tho- •■ Best English Cement delivered at their Stores ' . at 15s per cask. 117 . -• REMOVAL NOTICE. WANTED KNOWN— That T. J, . ; . Thompson has Removed into Erne/- : Bon-street, and though money is very scarce ■ and times as bad ns ever, you cannot do bolter - , han pay a visit to Thompson's Butcher Shop, • V for by doing so you will Bee that you can keep ,'■ down your Butcher's bill, which is a. 'greatconsideration in a large family ; and by paytag ''■";. Cash you can secure one of tho necessaries of ."■■> life nt a ridiculously low figure. Wehope.att- ■. .. our old Customers will find their 'way down *■ - Emerson-street To-Night; and we'll b# pleased •- -: to see as many new Customers as'can con- -' venicntly favor us with a call. ' - 118 . WAITED KNOWN — That H. " : Williams and Son? aro taking off. s • ; - to 10 per cent. Discount for Cash upon various .'. ; lines of Ironmongery. * ■ . jl9 ANTED KNOWN — That B: '* - Williams and Sons havo anethei. " .:'•. Shipment of the celebrated Jewel. Wnshera, .- . ' and also beg to inform their Customers that the success of these Machines is so genuine ' that they avo prepared to Ist intending Purchasors have a Trial of any Machine, and if not. approved of it may be returned. . . 120. , . ■ WANTED KNOWN — That H. :. Williams and Sons have the Largest- *' • and Best Stock of Sporting Uuns this season : that ha 3 over boon imported into Hawko'3 ■';"■' Bay, and they request their Friends and tho '■' Public, before purchasing elsewhere, to call - .-■ and inspect their Now Stock, as from their : ' long experience in the Gun Trade they can. pruarantcc better value than any otiier houso '; , '- -' in town. Wo would respectfully ask those - who want their Guns repaired to lot us have ; v them early, as this is going to be a busy; " season. 121 - * WANTED KNOWN — That a . ,' ! ' * Register of perjons needins employment is kopt nt tho Charitable Aid Office. :: ' Market-street, Napier. - 123 - : A CCOUNT BOOKS.— The Herald S\- ' Office is fitted with ruling and paging . machines, .And all appliances necessary, for: > first-lass work lnjiaccount books. All books hand sewn . . - '- '. T3OOKBINDLNG.— At the Hekalp Aj Offloo all classes ot Bookbinding are . - exeouted on the promises in firstxslaas style All books hand sowd, ensuring strength and- ' - . wear ...'•' COPPER PLATK PRINTING.— . VißlUng Cards, Bill-hoads, and all Jdnda of Copper-plate Printing are executed at the ' ' Herald Office. Only Copper-plato Printing estaDlishment in the Drovlnco. , • ■■ TITATCHES, JEWELLERY, AND . TV ELECTRO -PLATE. . FOR REAL VALUK VISIT STEWABT, DAWSON AND CO.'S Great, i ENGLISH WATQ& EXHIBITION, 91 Queen street, Auckland (Opposite Wyndham-stxeot). * , it is now ten years since STEWART DAW ' ' SON & CO., of Liverpool, first announced their new system of direct supply to thd public extinguishing at ono fell swoop the gigantic profits ot tho middleman. Siirco then tho fame of S. D. and Co. and tho marvoUous value of thoir ENGLISH LEVERS has spread to all ends ot the world, and business bos flowed to them in equal proportions. It is everywhoro acknowledged that STEWART DAWSON & CO., Liverpool, havo boon tho pioneers of English Watch enterprise ; and they Intend to maintain the position they have so universally and meritoriously earned. There is no watch in tho world to compare . with the English Lever for Durability, Solidity, and Timekeeping; but the price 3 charged for them have beon so systematically kept up by dealers that to most pooplo tho possession of such could only be looked upon as a luxury. Happily for the public though unfortunately for dealers, these days ot exorbitant profits havo gone for over. S. D. and Co., having added Jewellery an.d Electro-plate to thoir well-known Watch trade, hereby intimate to tho public that they havo in stock and recoivo monthly tho newest and best dosigns of Jewellery Goods of every >■ description, and tho public aro invited tocall » and inspeot tho Goods before purchasing thoir Birthday and Weddinc Presents. Call and recoivo gratis our splendid new Illustrated Watch and Jewellery Pamphlec, free on application or posted to any address for 3d— cost of postago only, - Compare ours with tho usual retail prices, and remember that wo sell 500 watchft3 where , - a rotailor soils one— honco the difference and Baying to Customors. £3 15s— S. D. and Co.'s well-known English Silver Hunting Levers. Worth £1 7s £1 15s— S. D. and Co.'s English Silver Hunting Levers, ohron. balaneo, oxtra jewollcd. Worth £8 Bs. £3 10s— S. D. and Co.'s now- Exoolsior j-nlate English Lover. Well worth £10 10s. £6 15s— S. D. and Co'.'s suporb Hunting Chronograph Levers, worth J212 103 ; or Crystal Glass, £5 15s, £6 10s— S. D. and Co.'s Silver Keyless Hunting Lover, value for £10 10s, Open faco £5 10s. £1 15s— The Wonderful Storling Silver Deflanco Hunter, worth JJ3s 10s. Open face £1 Ts 6d. , £6 108— S. V. and Co.'s Official Railway English Koyless Lover, unequalled £10 10s. £12 10s, £15 10s, £18 10s, and £25— S. D. and Co.'s Gold English Levers, nover equalled under iO per cent more. £6 10s and £7 10s— S. D. and Co.'s Ladies' 18---carat Gold Keyless Watches, perfect ' gems. Worth £10 10s £8 10s, £11 10s, and £11 10s— S. D. and Co.'s Ladies' 18-carat Gold, English Lovers. Save at. least 50 per cent, by purchasing from tho makers. Add Is 3d to tho price of either ot tho above Watches for postage and registration, and >■ send P.O. order for tho amount payable to STKWART DAWSON & Co., Auckland, and you will receive by first return of post tho Watch solected. together with Written Guarantee. REPAIRS ! Note:] REPAIRS • STEWART DAWSON & CO. repair and clean Gold nnd Silver Watches, no matter what maker or where bought. All v orkmanship guaranteed. Watches and Jowellery may now bo posted ; . nnd registered at book rates. If your Watch • wants cleaning pack it in a box carefully, enclosing full name and address only, and send by samo mail a letter of instructions, onclosing postal noto for 4s fid. and wo will return ' - tho wntch within a few days in good order post paid and registered. When Bending -..' lettor and postal noto ftato tho numbor of the . . Watch posted. S. D. & CO. will send their splendid now - Illustrated Watch nnd Jewellery Pamphlets to any address on rccolpt of 3d stamps cost of postago only. «3" All letters and communications to b« '■ ' : ' addressed to STEWART, DAWSON AND CO., >]' 91 QUEEN-STREET, AUCKLAND. • • : . Other Colonial Bronohes at Molbournev'Sydney, and Dunoduv" • ", ■ 110 , '-■ ' ,- V- ■ '--'S?ri

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 8034, 23 April 1888, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 9 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 8034, 23 April 1888, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 9 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 8034, 23 April 1888, Page 1