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jgttftttC gfltiiJCS' g);ottttff > &C. NOTICE. LOCAL OPTION POLL. MEANEE LICENSING DISTRICT. IN" accordance -with the provisions of "The Licensing Act, 1881," I, James Irvine, Chairman of, tho Licensing Committeo for the above-named Licensing Dis. triotydo herebyappoint SATURDAY, tho sth day of May, 188?, as the day, and tho Meaneo School as the placo, for taking the determination by a Poll of the Ratepayers in the said District whether the number of Publicans' Licenses, Now Zealand Wino Licenses, or' Bottle Licenses, mny or may not bo increased within such District. JAMES IRVINE. . Chairman of Licensing Committee. Meanee, April IStli, 188 S. 451 NOTICE. LOOAL OPTION POLL. CLIVE LICENSING DISTRICT. F accordance with the provisions of "The Licensing Act, 1881," I, Frederick Sutton, Chairman of, the Licensing Committee for. the above-named Licensing District, do hereby appoint SATURDAY, tho 28th day of April, 1888, as the day, and tho Public Hall as the place, for taking the determination of a Poll of the Ratepayers in tho said District whether tho number of Publicans' Licenses, Now Zealand Wine Licenses, or Bottle Licenses, may or may not be increased within such District. FREDERICK SUTTON, Chairman of the Licensing Committee. Clivo, 10th April, 1888. 433 NOTICE. LOOAL OPTION POLL. TARADALE TOWN BOARD LICENSING DISTRICT. F accordance with the provisions of "Tho Licensing Act, Iffll/l, George Alexander M'Donald, Chairman of tho .licensing Commlttep for tho above-named .licensing Distriot.dohoreby appoint SATURDAY, the 28th day of Aoril, 1888, as tho day, and the Mechanics' Institute, Taradale, as the placo for taking tho determination by a Poll of the Ratepayers in tho said District whether he number of Publicans' Licenses, New Zealand Wino Licenses, or Botllo Licenses, may or may not be increased within suoh District. G. A. M'DONALD, 436 Chairman of tho Licensing Committee. NOTICE. LOOAL OPTION POLL. HAVELOCK LICENSING DISTRICT. [*N accordance with the Provisions of L "The Licensing Aot, 1881," I, Thomas Gilpin, Chairman of the Licensing Committee for tho above-named Licensing District, do horoby appoint SATURDAY, the 28th day of April. ISSS, as the day. and tho dechanics' Institute, Havelock, as the place, or taking the determination of a Poll of tho Ratepayers in the said district whether tho number of Publicans' Licenses, New Zealand Wine Licenses, or Bottle Licenses may or may not be increased within such District. THOMAS GILPIN. Chairman of tho Licensing Committee Havolock, 10th April, 1888. 368 HAVELOOK ROAD BOARD. NOTICE is hereby given that an Election will bo held for three Mombers of tho Havolock Road Board in tho place of IIESSKB P. M. CriAJinKRS, T, Gilpin, and R. H. Maccknzik, who retire in accordance with Clause 32 of the " Road Hoards Act, 1882 " and its Amendments 1883. Nominations in tho prescribed form must be addressed to me at tho Mcchnnics 1 Institute, Havelock, not later than FRIDAY, the 27th day of April, 1888. and the Pell, if necessary, will bo taken at tho samo place on FRIDAY, • the Ith day of May, 1888. ROBERT BOYD HOLMES. Returning Officer. Havelock, 18th April, 1838. 428 Hawke's Bay County Council Office, Napier, April 17, 1888. I JOHN BENNETT, Chairman of > the Hawke's Bay Connty Council, do hereby certify that the following Special Order passed at a meeting of the Hawko'a Bay County Council on tho 20th day of February, 1888, was duly confirmed at a Special Jieoting hold on the lGth day of April, 1888. Resolved that it bo a Special Order of the Hawke's Bay County Council that tho Meanee Road Board be bounded as follows: — DESCRIPTION OF BOUNDARIES OF MEANEE ROAD BOAfiD. Commencing at tho mouth of tho Tutaekurl River, thenco bounded on the north by tho edge of the Ahurlri Harbor to the north-west corner of tho Meaneo suburban sections; thence following tho westorn boundaries of, the Meaneo suburban sections in a southerly direction to tho south-west corner of suburban section GO: thonco along tho southern boundary lino of tho said section No. 60, produced to the eastsido of Church-road; thonco • along Churoh-road in a northerly direction to the south-west corner of section 57; thonco following the southern boundaries ot sections • Nos. 57 and 11, Meanee, to tho Napier-Taradale road ; thenco bounded on tho south-east by tho north side of tho said road to suburban section 35, Meaneo; thenco bounded en the south-east by the western boundary of suburban section 35 ; thonco bounded on the southeast by tho north-west boundaries ot seotiona 35 and 36, Meaneo, to tho Purimu Creek; thenco bounded om the north-west by tho Purimu Crook to where it crosses tho western boundary lino of suburban section No. 36, Meaneo ; thence bounded on the north-west by suburban sections 33 and 37, across a road, and by suburban section 17, Meanee, and by tho eastern boundary lino of tho last-named section produced to tho Tutaekuri Riyor; thence following tho western bank of tho said rivor to tho commencing point. J. BENNETT, 437 Chairman H.8.C.0. Hawko's Bay County Council, Napier, April 16th, 1888. NOTICE is hereby given that it is tho intontlon of the Hawko's Bay County Counoil at its noxt meeting on MONDAY, May 21st, to Levy a Goneral Rate of three-eighths of a ponnv in the £1 upon all ratable proporty within the County of Ilawko's Bay, such rato to bo for the period from the 21st day of May. ISSB, to tho 31st day of March, 1889, and that the snld rato shall bo payablo on tho flrstdny of August, ISBB, mono laymcnr, at tho oflico of tho Clerk of the lawke's Bay County Council. Tho Rato Book will bo opon for inspection at this oflico during oflico hourß from and. aftor the 16th day of April iDStant, betweon the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., unless Saturday, when tho hours will bo between 10 a.m. and 12 noon. G. T. FANNIN, 413 Clork H.B.C. Copncil. Hawko's Bay County Counoil Offlco, Napior, April 16th, 1888. NOTICE is hereby given that a cony of the Electoral Roil for the Couutv Council of Hawko's Bay will do opon for public inspection betweon the hours of 10 o'clock a.m. and 2 o'clock p.m., on Saturdays between 10 a.m. and 12 noon, from the 27tn day of April, ISBB, to tho 15th day of May, 1888, at this offlco and at tho following places :— Havelook, at tho School-houso Clivo, Polico Station Mnmekakaho. Accommodation House Pukotapu, School-house Herotaungu, Mr Collingos Oflico, Hastings Meanee, Polico Station, Taradale Pctane, School-houao Paten, Mr A. Mncdonald'a Store, Kuripapanga Bridge Okawa, Mr Boamlsh'a Woolshed G. T. FANNIN, Clerk C.C. Hawke's Bay. Any person who considers himself or herself aggrieved by thoir name bolng omitted from the Roll of tho Ridings or the number of. votes allotted to him or her, may, on or beforo tho laßt day of May, appoal for relief at the Resident Magistrate's Court, Napier. 414 LITHOGRAPHIC AND COPPERPLATE PRINTING. THE "HERALD" LITHOGRAPniC DEPARTMENT is now. as well equipped as any Establishment in Now Zealand, and tho Work turned out will compote in quality and prico with that from Wellington or Auckland Houses. LABEL WORIFX SPECIALTY. tsr As ovidonoing tho oxcollonce of tho work in this Department it may bo mentioned that within tho last six months over a million labels havo been printed for business houses in Wollington, Canterbury, and Otago. PLANS OF PROPERTY FOR SALE Aro by lithography printed moro aoenratoly moro noatly, and at MUCH LESS COST than by nny other process, tho moro elaborate tho Plan tho greater being tho saving. BILL-HEADS, MEMORANDUM FORMS, \ND ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF COPPEIt-PLATE_PRINTING. Tho only Lithogrnphio nnd Copper-plate Printing Works in Hawko's Bay. DINWIDDIE, WALKER AND CO. (LIMITED), PROPRIETORS.

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 8034, 23 April 1888, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 8034, 23 April 1888, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 8034, 23 April 1888, Page 1