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AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Xx ' ' Aorangi," imported diroct from the Manufacturers, and mado specially to our ordor, , DOUBLE AND SINGLE BARRELLED BREECH-LOADING AND MUZZLELOADING a v n s, • RIFLES, CARBINES, REVOLVERS, At Pricks Lowkr Than Evkr. Tho ai'go Stook fo select from coinprißO tho very best taluk ever offered in Hawko's Bay, nnd intending investors wonid do woll to inspect them. SPORTING~7iEQUISITES, Including all lho Latest Improvomonts on hand as usual. RUDDOCK AND FRYER, NAPIER. In ordor to reduce our vory Large Stock ol BUILDERS' HARDWARE AND ' CARPENTERS' TOOLS. Those Goods will be offered at. Prices which Defy Competition. Zonlandin. Orion, and a number of other makes of OOOKING STOVES Always on hand at Lowoat Prioes. LEAMINGTON RANGES, All Sizes REGISTER GRATES at all Prlce3 GAS FITTINGS, LAMPS AND LAMPW AR E. ' Good Value Guaranteed. RUDDOOK ~AND FRYER, NAPIER. ELECTRO-PLATED WARE. Regular shlnmonts constantly arriving and to arrive, consisting of tho NEWEST PATTERNS MADE. Tho Stock in this Department will bo found equnl lo any in tho colony both for Quality and Low Price. CUTLERY. Customers may rely on being ablo to rqplaoo or increaao their supply of any particular pattern of tioso usually Btooked by us, which wo can safely recouimond as • Al. BEDSTEADS & CHILDREN'S COTS, Wo have at presont time an unusually largo Stock of, and in a number of qualities, sizes, and prices, giving purchasers a Largo Selection to choose from. ruddockTand fryer, . NAPIER. WATERBURY WATCHES In any quantity. Tho trade supplied. For rcliablo Watches npply to RUDDOCK AND FRYER, NAPIKR AGENTS. TENNIS GOODS. A Shipment of tho abovo landed ox " Sclembria. . TURNING LATH E 5 feet bed. First-class Muohlnc. Choap. ROCHFORT'S PATENT FLUSHI NJ3^ TANKS. RUDDOCK AND FRYER, SOLE AGENTS. 122 HASTINGS TIMBER, FIRE . WOOD, COAL YARDS, AND PRODUCE STORES. ON HAND FOR S A L KLargo Assortment of Sawn Timber con eiating of Totnra Pilings Koran Houbo Blooks " Matai Posts and Strainers Whit« Pina Shingles A Largo Stock of DOORS, SASHES, MOULDINGS, SKIRTINGS AND ARCHITRAVE 3 Coal Hay Charcoal' • Straw Firewood ChatT Llnio Cornsacka Urioka Potatoes Coment Oats . Flax-tow Gross Seod Mftizo Wheat Fowl Wheat Drain Pipes Junctions Chimney Tops Sink Traps General Merchandised Orders promptly oxeculcd ana dolivcrod at May Railway Station, or In any part of tho District, at very lowest current rates. Acen*i for Brooke's woll-knovrn 'hoop Dip. B. L. KNIGHT 245 General Merchant Hastings' 1 TAMAKI SAWMILL COMPANY, DANEVIRKE, HAWKE'S BAY. THE Proprietors having secured 5000 acres of tho best Totara, Rimu," Matai, and White Pino Timber in tho North Island, and connected with Stool Tram and Locomotive Engino with tho main lino of railway to Nnpier, this Company ro prepared to supply on the shortoat notico o Shippors, Sawmillora, Railway, Timber Merchants, Harbor Boards, Bridco Contractors Builders and the general public— LOGS PILES SLEEPERS FENCING POSTS STRAINERS BRIDGE AND BUILDING TIMBER OF TALL KINDS SPECIAL QUOTATIONS F. 0.8. AT NAPIER, Or on Railwiiv Trucks at Tahorailo, oa application lo , TH K MA N AGE R, DANKV IR K E on ' B. L. KNIGnT, Hastings, PREMIER STEAM SAW AND PIiANIWG- MILLS. H SMITH has much pleasure in • informing his many friends and tho public of llawko'H Hay that he is proparod to supply well cut Building and Bridge Timber t the shortest notico and at modorato prices. Noto tho Address: PREMIER SAW AND PLAINING MILLS SMirn ts Siding, via Makatok.u. GKO M'VAY AGENT 57 Nai'lKK. THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASStJ^ RANGE SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES. _____ 1 NEW ZEALAND DIRECIORS (With power to issue policies and pay .Sir Fukdeuick: Whitakkh, X.C.M G M.L.C Hon. Wai-thk \v. Johnson, M.L.C Dn. LnaAN C!,iMi'Br.Ui, Hbnky D. Bki.l, Escj. Assptfl over .. ...... .. £17,231,000 Cash Surplus over Liabilities .. 1,500,060 J, n< !om,e •■ .. 5,000,000 Paid Policy-holders 0,000,000 New Assurance for ISS7 .. .. 23,750,000 INSURANCKS IN FORCE EXCEED £100,000,000. BAKER & TAHUTEAU, 281 Agcnta for Hawko's Bay. NEW ZEALAND INSURANCE COMPANY. (ESTABUSIIKD 1859.) Capital .. .. fiICOOOOO ! Paid-up and Reservo Funds . . £125 000 With Unlimited Liability of Shareholder/!. FlßE.— lnsurances against Loss by Fife are otlccted by this Company upon every description of property on the most favorablo torms JiARINK - Morchandiso, Freight, and nulls Insured to and from all parts of tho world. T. J. BRASSEY. 203 Manager for Hawke's Bay. TIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND JU GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. Established, 1830. Unlimited Liability of Shareholders— Paid-up Capital and Accumulated Resorvo Funds (1870), £5,812,905. Insurance againßt Fire effected at tho lowest Rates. First-clas srisks treated vory liberally F. W. WILLIAMS k KETTLE. 209 Agents. AUSTRALIAN ALLIANCE -tl ASSURANCE COMPANY, PniNCiPAii Offices— 77 Collins-stroolj Wost, Molbourno. FIRE AND MAKIXE RISKS Of overy description accoptod by tho undersigned at LOWEST RATES. 2CO DAVIDSON. IRVINE & CO. STANDARD FIRE AND MAKINE INSURANCE CO. OF NEW ZEALAND. CAPITAL.. .. ..' .. .. ■61,000,000 Head Office; Dunedin 1 Agents for Hawko's . .ROBJOIINS & CO. 201 NOTICE. ALL Letters or other Communications for insertion in tho Herald should bo addrf ssed to THE EDITOR. All instructions rolativo to ADVERTISEMENTS, arid Birth, Death, and Marriago Nolice3 should bo forwarded to THE MANAGER

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 8033, 21 April 1888, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 8033, 21 April 1888, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 8033, 21 April 1888, Page 2