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THE LANCASTER " WINDOW HOLLAND. SPECIAL ADVANTAGES. Requires no washing aud will spongo Clean. Will roll up straight. Requires no hemming and can bo cut to any width without fraying. The colors aro eas liablo to fade or tho cloth to rot by exposure to tho sun or a dump atmosphere than any other make. Will stand exposuro to the weathor and may bo used for outaido purposes. Protects carpets and furniture from tho heat and bleaching glaro of tho sun more than any other make. ALL WIDTHS AT BLYTHE'S D.I.C. 337 NEWTON & CO. HAVE FOR SALE A splendid sample of imported T7AKLY WHITE FLUKE SEED POTATOES. AL3O— POLLARD, BRAN, WHEAT, MAIZE, OATS, AND WHEATEN MEAL. Just Arrived, A BARGE ASSORTMENT OF CROCKERY AND EARTHENWARE, Consisting of TEAPOTS, WATER JUGS. SPECIMEN GLASSES, &c, &c. A Choap Lino of odd Cups Is Gd half dozen. NEWTON & CO., IMPORTERS. HASTINGS-STREET. 35G R. HANNAH & CO.'S REDUCED PRICE LIST. Infants' Boots, 6d, Od, If, Is fid, Is lid Infaffts' Strnp Shoos. 9d, Is 3d, Is Cd, Is lid Girlß' Palont Strap Shoes, from 2s 3d Girls' Cloth Ton Walking Shoes. 3s 15d ■Girls' Levant Elastic Hides, 3s M Girls' High-leg Copper-toes, 2s lid. 3s Ud.Us lid Girls' Kid Elastic Sides, 10 to 13, Is ltd Girls' Leathor Slippers. Is lid. 2s Gd Boys' Copper-toes, 2q ttd, 3x 9<l, Is 9d Boys' High-leg Lace, ups, 4s fid, 5s fid Boys' Strong Nailed Ijacc-nps. 5s lid Boj-b' Strong Nailed Shooting Boots, 7s Gd Youths' Strong Nailed Lace-ups, fis lid Youths' Strong Nailed Shooting Boots, 8s 6d Youths' Strong Leather Slippers, 2s lid Ladies' Glaco Kid and Morocco Elastic Sldos, 3s lid Ladios' Glace Kid Button Boots, 5s ltd Imdies' Prunella Button Boots, is lid Ladies' Glovo Kid Klnslic Sides, 5s lid Ladies' CaHhmcro House Boots, 33 6d, 3a lid. 4s fid Ladieß' Walking Shoes (double soles), 4s lid Ladies' Otto Hertz Glace Kid Walking Shoes, 12s fid. 13s 6(1 Ladies' l'runella nnd Black Re)) Shoes, 33 Gd Ha lid Ladies Cordovan Balmorals Extra High-log, 8s 6d Ladies' Calf Kid, Button and Laco Bootn, 7s lid, 'Js Od Ladies' Lawn Tennis Shoes, Is lid, Us Gd Ladies' Glace Kidß, Button and Lace Boots Extra High, !>fl Ud Ladies' Feather Slippers (new lino), in Cd. isM Mon's Water-lighta (own make), 9a lid, 10s Gd, 12s fld Mon's Shooting Boots (nailed), 03 lid, 11s Gd, 123 Gd Men's Lace-up Boots, Toe and'Heol Plates, 8s Cd Men's Shoos, Plated Too and nool, 5s lid, 7s lid, 8s lid Men's Leather Slippers (own make), 3a fld Mon's East India Kip Elastic Sido3, 9s lid, lleGd Gentlemen's Cloth-top Button 800t I},1 }, 11s 6d Gentlemen's Walking Shoes, 6s lid, 7s Ud, 8s Ud, 10s 6d Gentlomon's Calf Goloshod Balmorals (Covo and Woat). 12s Gd Gontlomon's Brown Morocco and Crocodile Slippers, 4s Od. 5s Gd Gontlomcn's Tennis Shoes, Groved Soles, 4s Gd Long Gum Boo:s, for duok shooting, 255. Boot Protectors per card 3d, or 5 cards for Is ; Nubian Blacking per bottle Is ; Glycorlno per bottle la ; Peerless Gloss por boltlo Gd. All kinds of Boots made to order. Ropairing noally dono on tho Promises, Note the Address— IHE HAWKE'S BAY AND NAPIER CASH BOOT MARKET, HASTINGS-STREET. NAPIER (Oi'Positk Post-office), R. HANNAH & CO., PROPRIETORS. 223 THE HAWKE'S BAY BOOT COMPANY. ALL NEW GOODS. ALL ftEW GOODS. OUR PRICES Mon 8 Nailod or Plain Bluchers, fls lid, 7s 6d Men's Strong Nailed Shooting Boots, 103 tid, 32s Cd Men s Light Watcrtights, 10a Od, 12s Od Mon's Kxtra Heavy Watertights, 12sGd,14sGd Men's English-made Balmorals, kid leg, calf golosh, sown, 12s 6d, 14a tid Men's Strong Lnno Boots, leather lined. 9s Gil Indies' High Leg Leather Balmorals, 8s fkl Ladies' High Los Cordovan Balmorals, 9s 6d. 103 Gd Ladies' Calfskin Elastic Sides, 8s Gd, 9s 6d, 10s Gd, very si rong ' Ladieß' Cashmere Tloubo Boots, 3s lid, 4s 6d Ladlffl' Laco and Button Kid Walking Shoes, sown, !J3 lid, (ia Gd, 7s 6d Ladies' Evening Shoes, silver or gold boada, 4s6d.G3lJd. 8s Gd Ladies' Prunolla Slippars, 3s 6d Ladies' Carpet and Venetian Slippers, 33 Cd Is lid Ladies' Leather Slippor3, grand wear, 3i 6d. 4s Gd, 5s Gd We give the Boat Valuo In tho Province at tho money. '. Wo sell at Advertised Prices. Country Orders, accompanied with Cash, roceive prompt attention, and if Goods do not give satistaction the money will be returned at once. Repairs of all kinds dono on the promises at Lowest Current Rates. jtS>" I'LKABE Note tjie Aliduess— THE HAWKE'S HAY BOOT COMPANY, 1 lASTf NGS-STUEKT (Opposito Messrs Ruddock and Fryer's). F. WILSON AND 00. 224 " ZEALANDIA " BOOTS. 'rjiHESE Celebrated Boots havo X STOOD tho TEST for THIRTEEN YEARS ; thoy havo boon Hold throughout, the colony, and nro to-day ifOHE POPULAR THAN EVER ; in the busy city or in tho silent forest their fnmo is ltnown to thousands TnE SPLENDID WEAR And reputation of this brand havo arisen from- tho fact, that only First-class Materials are used, and nono but Good Workmen aro omployed in tholr manufacture. lESI'IMONIALS Have been rocoived from Hundreds of Customers, certifying to tho Splendid Wear of these Boote, and the Public are guaranteed • against loss from bad workmanahip. A Boot with such a reputation naturally leads to oilier goods being offered, purporting 1 robe "Zfur.ANDrA,' but this ia a registered Trade Brand, and every pair is stamped on tho solo Zealandia," and every othor Boot not a genuino "Zealandia." THESE CKLKBRATISD BOOTS Have had extraordinary success nt tho various Exhibitions. .In Sydney and Melbourne they obtained tho Highest Colonial Awards; at Chrlelchurcb and Wollington Exhibitions they obtained tho only Gold Medals, and have been placed first at local Shows and Exhibitions too numerous to mention: and at tho reeont INDIAN AND COLONIAL EXHIBITION they woro pronounced tho FINEST EXHIBIT in tho wholo Exhibition. (Sco Sir Julius von Hoast'a letter to Sir Julius Yogel.) And as this was in competition against tho British Empire, it ia something to be fairly proud of. Lot all those who want Strong, Hard wearing. Good-fitting Boots, buy a pair of "ZEALANDIAS," and thoy will nercr uso any othor. Sold by Storekceporsand Boot and Shoo Dealers throughout New Zealand, and manufactured for tho trade by LIGHTBAND, ALLAN & Co,, CHRISTCHURCH. Sco that tho brand "ZEALANDIA is' marked on the solo. Tho now " PARAGON " BOOT patented by us, and tho INDESTRUCTABLE TOK aro splendid things : and we nlso highly recom mond " Corriok a Patent Boot Back Pro tectors. LHJHTBAND ALLAN fc Cc , 225 DAVIDSON, IRVINE & CO., GENERAL IMPORTERS MERCHANT 3, AND -COMMISSION AGENTS, (SrATION-aTKKET NAPIKR. 229

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 8033, 21 April 1888, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 8033, 21 April 1888, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 8033, 21 April 1888, Page 2