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PtoltlUtCfl.t.7 ■ LANGLEY & .NEWMAN, ' CABINETMAKERS GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHERS, UNDERTAKERS, &c. ACKNOWLEDGED TO BE THE OHEAPEST HOUSE IN NAPIER. 118 REID AND GRAY'S IMPROVED NEW ZEALAND GRAIN DRILL. Drill your Grain and Savo your Seed from Birds, and onsure a better crop than by any other imethod. Fitted, if desired, to Sow Turnips in Drills or Rows, ■ OUR NEW BROADCAST SOWER FORCE-FEED, • FOR GRAIN, GRASS, AND TURNIPS, IS SIMPLY PERFECT. Tho discharge with both or above Machines will not vary moro thnn 10 ounces to tho nero, while the best cup feed varies from 7 to 101 b per acre. . OUR OHAFFCUTTERS Still maintain tho lead, fitted with new Wrought Steel Mouthpiece. OUR PATENT BAGGERS (Sin.le ok Double) ARE A COMPLETE SUCCESS. Copy of Testimonial :— _ , Tho Grove, Irwell, 20th March, 1886, I have thoroughly tried your No, 1 Chaft'Cuttor and Baggor, whicli I bought of your Christchurch house. It has given mo grcatost satisfaction, and I frequently havo much ploasuro in recommending this mako to my frionds who want a thoroughly good Chaffcuttor. (Signed) , HERBERT GARDINER. HORSE GEARS, ALL SIZES. PATENT DISC HARROWS, WITH BALANCING SCREW. Doublo-Furrow Ploughs, Harrows, Grubbors, Iron and Stoel Foncing Standards ; also, Gray s Patont Standards, for Folding Sheop and Fixing Wiro (Netting, reducod prices ; Foncing and Barbed Wiro (best brands). SOLE AGENTS FOR WALKER'S PATENT STRAINERS, CD EACH. 11 TAN G YE S s LIMITED, 110, BATHURST-STREET, SYDNEY. FOR ALL KINDS OF ENGINES, BOILERS, PUMPS, AND MACHINERY APPLY AS ABOVE. ENGINES IN STOOK FOR WINDING, PUMPING, SAWING, ftol From 2 h.p. to 10 h.p., withpoilers to suit, "TANGYE" DIRECT ACTING STEAM PUMPS, all sizes " TANGYE" PATENT CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS, 2in to 18in disohargo " TANGYE " GAS ENGINES CRANES, CRAB WINCHES, PULLEY BLOCKS, &c„ in endless variety. - TANG- TBS. LIMITED, 119, BATHURST-STREET, SYDNEY. G. T. CROSS, AGENT FOR NAPIER. 46£ A -. DERANGEMENT OF THE LIVES THE CAUSE OF DISEASE STOMACH, KIDNEYS, ' NERVOUS SYSTEM. Bolow will be found a brief summary of a Locturo upon tho Livor, delivered beforo thi Eclectic Colloge of Medicine by D E: J. H A Y - D °° K Tho Livor has beon known aa the groat Blood Makor and Blood Puriflor of tho Circulation From its sizo nnd spongy structure it plays a most important part in tho animal economy, ai rognrds assimilation and nutrition. Food taken in tho mouth and acted upon by the digestlvi organs of the stomaoh is converted into Glucoso and Peptone, and in these forms enters thi portal vein. Hoi - o, by the action of tho Liver, thoso substances aro converted Into a form o sugar, and. pass out of tho Liver by a large vein, called the Hepatic Vein, into the gonera circulation. Tho now material now formed serves two purposes, viz., tho maintonanco of hca In tho body, and assisting in tbe cell growth of tho systom. Dr Murchison says :•— " Tho composition of bilo and lt3 secretion is vory complox. It ii constantly being secreted by tho Liver, and, increasing suddenly beforo eating, graduallj docroasos as soon as tho appetito is Batisded and feeding consos." Now, if this most im portant organ of tho body becomes torpid, or tho passage of bilo interfered with, cmaciatior and disease ensue. I noto eight marked peculiarities that now occur, and which we al know of— 1. The pationt complains of a feeling of weight and fulness of tho stomnch. 2. Distonsion of tho bowels by wind. 3. Heartburn. i. A feeling of woarinoss, pains in tho limbs, nnd gront sleepinoss after meals. 5. A bad taste in tho mouth, especially in the morning, and furred tongue. 6. Constipation, with an occasional attack of diarrhoea. 7. Headacho in front of head. 8. Doprcssion of spirits and groat melancholy, with lassitudo, and a disposition to leave everything for to-morrow. All of tlio above symptoms go to show f anctlonal dorangomont of tlio Liver -and now eomos tho great importance of any error mado as to tho oondition of tho patient. Ho should immediately provido himsolf with a Livor Stimulant, tho most common form of whioh is a Pill. Daily oxporionco shows that this,' whon tho Pill is compounded proporly, is tho readiest modo of inciting and promoting tho action of the Liver, and can bo almost always relied on. I have devoted many years of my Hfo.jia many of you now boforo mo know, to com pounding a Pill that will act readily and systematically as a Bilious Romody. Ido not believo in great purgatives, and thoroforo have mado a Pill, ono of whicli is an activo and thorough doso. f have called it DR HAYDOOK'S JNEW LIVER PILL SUGAR COATED). Ono Pill is a Doso I One Pill is a Doso 1 Ono Pill is a Doso I For all Diseases of tho Kidnoys Dr. Haydock's Now Livor Pills aro a Perfect Curo. Om Pill will satisfy tho most scoptical. . For Feinnlo Diseases, Norvous Prostration, Weakness, Gonoral Lassitude, Want o: Appetito, and Sick Headache, Dr Haydock's Now Liver Pills will be found an Effectual Remedy. Thoy aro universal in thoir effects, and a Cure can almost always ho guarantood. Each phial contains Twonty Pills— Ono Pill is a^Doso. Prico, Twonty-flvo Conts. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Every Pill is Sugar Coated. If your druggist doos not keep thoin wo will mall them tret to any address on receipt of 25 cents. Fivo phials for 1 doi, Buy at onco. Do not delay. CAUTION.— To securo tho Gonuino naydock's Pills obsorvo that tho signature of J. H Francis, Agont for the United States, is writton on every dozon paokngos, Purohaso norn without this. • j As Dr Haydock's Livor Pills aro ontiroly different from tho 212 kinds now in tho mnrkot any scoptio can have a Sample Boltle sent him Free on roeoipt of his nnmo and address. JJAYDOCK & QO., J^EW V° EK > U - S , ■ i * B_"_ ttlP' I l__o_<Tt ffl _ni_ 'wl ''The blending Is entirely attended to U\S J L&£ A&%, M® ff A\ mby Mr Nelson himself, who io » <L___E_i I H_o»la' /O _ __ Taster ol great experience, and ha» W*f i_ VWW-M& /- (S» \ Wk had a special training In the art."'. ■i -i tut M __^!_^\ __ VMARU HSSALD k INTnt Ma Jk%£i-sS&j&-x w_ "This firm deserves the sup. i£_? m »^25C9sL_ __ P ovtl oI all purcbasors of Tea, . . „ <f^ _W lntmP?£ir\ m"» the M » cl ° the y oCtcr to *r nW V^t % \ fllr #Jm2E£§>l__\ » superior to anything wo havo «& %J iH_ L- V# _TlnO^l_^r B T_ %yctßcenintl.UColony." « 8 _w* B /IJ|SP£KS_ 5 -,\ % mess. _«~i _f / -Hrta%W. _C_l \ __ "Mr- Nelson is a pro- \ \_V 'J? ff _* _K*i3«gS!«._, \ «_. fcEsiounl Taster and -o\>i* v # \ B,o " dcr ' • Though # /£QI§BC| f\ \PRI CES copied B /j'l^Kll^A \ 2/-, 2/4-; JBYALL B£ £ MgsC i/ I ' ' MfiLyhy \rvll lf lit lilllißk^^^ ROED _»!__/ r " TS\w/ LS&ON " O S/-lSi_ y" chests J%^^^^|||y-. V^llSii^j\ TL AUCKLAND, WELLI NaTOW,CHRISTCHURCH,DUNEDIN, • AGENTS EVERYWHERE EOBJ 011 ¥~S ' & CO., AGENTS, NAPIER 122 • BREAKFAST, TJ ■_ 111 A _•_•_ UAlDTrnllfl JJ natural laws whichgovornthooporanlltffUl l.\ rUI II ill I tions of digestion nnd nutrition, and by a careJ_i.U If 11 J. JL U AllllJl.l ful application of tho flno proportios of well- *_ vl l ** &a M A AAA Ull JL 80l0C ' lcd Cocon> Mr El ,,, B 'jj,^ p roV ided our 'Lome Or" Split Wick anucapnic' breakfast tables with a dolicatoly flavored .... «v„ !,«_«. i- x-x ' j _t>. bovorago which may savo us many heavy ire tne best light producers. Thei doctor's Mils, it is by tho judicious uso of etm'ivf- tin PUIMMCV ..« CIMPI I such articles of diet that n constitution may q »ni._ IjHIMNtr, are OlNli'M bo gradually built up until strong enough to O TRIM, and Will KEEP A FUU resist ovory tondoncy to disease Hundreds M muc +.11 xUr. i aot nnnn ~f nil of subtlo maladies nro floating around us 'LAWt till the LAST DROP Ol UU rendy to attack whorovor thero is a weak S CONSUMED • point. Wo may oscapo many a fatal shaft by "uiiwuiiim, keoping ourselves woll fortified with puro blood and a proporly nourished frame."— Seo None genuine but those stamped , articlo in the ciett service Gantte. . £v_^_v.v _ ~*r^_.. «~ . rr.v.n.m • Made Bimply with boiling wator or milk. RO WATTS' PATENT,* Sold in jib packets by Grooors, labollcd thu :— -, To be had of all Respectable Dealers. noM(E ™. if_f Si STa , Sole Patentees & Manufacturers .- * Loudon - EnKlm,a ' m tf. ROWATT & SONS, i LONDON, EDINBURGH, AND DUBUIN.

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7526, 28 August 1886, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7526, 28 August 1886, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7526, 28 August 1886, Page 4