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TOWN AND SUBURBAN RACING OLUB. SPR ingTeee ting, To be held at the T. & S. RACING AND SPORTS COMPANY'S (Ld.) GROUND (Between Taradale and Redelyffe Bridgo.) 22nd SEPTEMBER, 1880. Judgo, R. Wellwood; Starter, W. Heslop; Clerk of Scales, John Joftares; Clerk of Courso, J. Lorrigan ; Handicapper, A. f. Danvers: Prosidont, W. Heslop; Vico-Prc-sldont, W. Broughton; Stewards, Messrs M. Ryan, T. Jeffares, jun., Wm. Lord, P. O'Shnnnnssy, T. Lawton, F. Pencock, L. Binnie, G. Rymer, J. Lorrigan, E. Broughton, J. Jcißircs, Wm. Stock. PROGRAMME. No. I.— Maiden Hurdle Raoe, 15 soys, , Becond horso to save his stakes ; weight, lOst up; entrance, lsov; over s flights of hurdles3ft Gin in height; distance, Hmile. No 2.— Town and SunimnAN Handicap Huudle Race, of 410 soys ; second horso to recoivo 7 soys and third horso 3 soys from tho Stokes; nomination 10s," accoptanco 1 soy; over not less than 7 flights of hurdlos 3ft Gin high ; distance, 2 miles. No. 3.— Maiden: Fr,.w Race, of 15 soys, second horso to save his stako ; for horses that have never won nn advertised race of any kind: weight, lOst up; entrance, 1 soy; distance, 1 milo No. 1.— Handicap Pony Kaoe, ol 10 soya, second pony to receivo 1 soy from tho stakes ; fourteen hands or undor; nomination ss, ncceptnnco 10s; onco round tho courso. No. s.— Taradale Handicap, of 50 soys, second horse to receivo 10 soys, third horso 5 soys, from tho stnkes ;' nomina-. tion 1 soy, acceptanco 1 soy ; distnnco, U mile. No. C— Sellino Race, of 15 soys ; winner to bo sold immediately after tho race for 10 soys, surplus to go lo tho Clubs Funds ; top woight 9st, 7ib allowed for ovory £5 « offsollingpricc; entrance, I soy ; distanco, IJ milo , No. 7.— Ladies' Purse, n Handicap of 20 soys, second horso to reooivo 5 soys from tho stakes; nomination, 10s ; ncceptanoo, 10s; minimum weight, 9st ;■ gentlemen ridors, nil horses to be nominated by Ladies ; distanco, 1_ mile. No. B.— Fly mo Handicap, of 20 soys, socond horse to recoivo 5 soys from stako ; nomination 103, acceptance 103 ; distance, 3mile. GENERAL CONDITIONS. All tho races at this meeting are conflnod to hacks only. All horses that aro nominated for a Derby, Guineas, w.f.a., or Handicap Race, up to tho date of nomination for this mooting, will not be eligiblo to compete, Hack Handicaps excepted. In the eventof less llian three horsos starting for any raco 50 per cont. of tho stakes only will bo pnid. All horsos to bo ridden in distinguishing colors. No entry will bo rocoived for any raco -oxcopt on condition that all claims, disputes, and objections arising out of tho racing shall bo settled by the Stewards or whom thoy may appoint, and their decision shall bo flnal, Rnlcs nnd weights •as adopted by tho T. and S. Racing Club will bo strictly adhered to. Any protest' must bo entered within flvo minutes of tho rnco to which it refers, and accompanied by a fco of &—. to bo returnod if tho protest is sustained, Fivo per cent, to bo deducted from nll winnings. First raco to start at 12' noon sharp. Weights will be declared on Saturday, 23th August, 1886. Acceptances for nbovo Handicaps and Entries for Maidon Hurdles, Maiden Flat Raco, and Selling Race will close on the night Of llth Septcmbor, 18SG, not later than 10 p.m Colors of ridors in nll events to bo in on samo dato. Winner of the Taradalo Handicap to carry 71b penalty in Ladies' Purse and Flying Handicap. All nominations, acceptances, nnd entrances, accompanied by tho necossary. fees to bo addressed to tho Sccrotary at Ryan's notol, Taradale. Admission, Is ; one-horso trap, Is ; vohiele3 drawn by two or moro horses, 2s ; 'passengers, Is onch. Admission to Saddling Paddook, 2s Gd. No horsemen allowed on the ground, but provision will be made for tho accommodation of horses, WILLIAM B. HILL, Secretary. Taradolo, July 17, 1880. 471 Pefltotf. RELIEF FROM COUGH IN FIVE MINUTES. BONNINGTON'S PEOTORAL OXYMEL OF CARRAGEEN OR IRISH MOSS, Cures Coughs, Colds. Bronchial Difllcultios Bronchitis, and all Diseases of tho Breathing Organs, lt soothes and heals the mombrano of the Lungs, inflamed and poisoned by tho diseaso, ana prevents tho night-sweats and tightness across tho Chost whioh accompany it Christohurch, N.Z., August 17 1885. Mr Geo. Bonninoton. Dear Sir,— Liko all "tenors" my throat is suscoptiblo of cold, and for lho last throo months I have beon troubled with honrsoness, and at times a hacking cough. Last week I was persuaded by Mr Stovons to try a bottlo of your "Irish Moss" preparation, and ono tcaspoonful had the ofFeot of giving mo n quiet night's rest— no cough— and my voice is nearly restored, having taken only two doses, —Yours faitlifully, 255 MURRAY ASTON. UKIN DISEASES are of two kinds : IO flrstly, thoso which are only skin doop (which aro not now to bo considered); secondly, thoso which nro caused by a bad state of tho blood, and which attack-various Sarts of tho body in different ways. Skin iscaso shows itself in tho Head, sometimes in the form of Dandruff, which no amount of brushing and combing will got rid of, and sometimes in the form of Scaly Eruptions, In the Neok, by an enlargement of the glands (oommonly called Glandular Swellings), which, if unchecked, becomo vory unsightly wounds. In tho Armpits, nnd the inside of the Elbows, by an inflamed Roughness of tho Skin, which is vory painful when washed. In the Hands, by deep Cracks or Fissures, wbich, if healed for a fow days, speedily opon again, or by homy-looking patches. In the Legs, by Hard, Shiny, nnd Inflamed Swellings, or by woundß moro or less deep. And on tno Body, in Red Scaly Patches, which, as often as rubbed off, form again, or in the discharge of a thin, watery fluid of a vory disagreeable naturo. In all those cases the treatment must bo twofold. An Ointment is required to rolievo Itching, nnd Modicino ; must bo taken to chango tlio stato of tho Blood, and rondor it pure. Both those requirements arc supplied by DR ROBERTS' Celebrated Medicines tho Ointment called " Tho Poor Mnn's Friend," and the Pills called Pilulro I Anti-Scropliulco, or altorativo Pills. Theso two Medicinos have now stood tho tost of 100 years' trial, having boon introduced to tbo public in tho nttor part of tho last contury. Tlioy may bo obtainod at all Chemists, or of tho Proprietors, BEACH & BARNICOTT, Bridport, Dorsot. Prico Is ljd, 23 9d, lis, and 22s each. Postago oxtra. 252 A WONDERFUL MEDIOINE. BEEOHAM'S PILLS. Aro aamitted by Thousands to bo worth a Guinea a Box for Bilious nnd Nervous Disorders, such as wind and pain in tho Btomach, sick headache, giddiness, fullness and swelling after moals, dizziness and drowsiness, cold chills, flushings of heats, loss of appetito, shortness of breath, costiveness, scurvy, blotches on tho skin, disturbed sloop, frightfulilreains.andnllnervousnniUrombling sensations, &c. Tbe flrst doso will givo roliof in twonty minutos. Tliis is no fiction, for thoy havo done it in thousands of cases. Evory Bufforer is earnestly invitod to try ono box of theso Pills, and tlioy will bo acknowledged to bo WORTH A GUINEA A BOX For lemaies of all ages theso Pills aro invaluable, as a few dosos of them will carry off all gross humours, opon all obstructions, and ring about aU that is required. No female should bo without them. Thero is no medioino to bo found to equal BEECHAM'S PILLS forromoving any obstruction or irregularity of tho system. If taken nccording to tno directions given with each box thoy will soon rostoro fomalCß of all ages to soundandrobust health. For a weak stomach, impaired digostlon, and all disorders of tho liver, they act liko "MAGIO," nnd a fow doses will bo found lo work wonders upon the most important organs in tho human machine. Thoy strengthen bo wholo muscular systom, restoro tho long-lost comploxion, bring baok tho koon edgo of appetito, and arouso into action with tho ROSEBUD of health tho wholo physical onorgy of tho liumnn frame. — Theso are " FACTS " admitted by thousands, embracing all classes of society; and ono of tho bost guarantees to tho norvous and dobilitatcd is, EECHAM'S PILLS have tbo largest salo of any patont mediolno in tho world. BEEOHAM'S MAGIO OOUGH PILLS As n romedy for Coughs in goneral. nslhnia, diflioulty in breathing, shortness or breath, tightness and oppression of tho chest, wheezing, Sec, theso Pills stand unrivalled. Thoy speedily remove that scuso of oppression and dilliculty of breathing which nightly doprivo tho pationt of rest. Lot any person givo Bkkoham'b Cough Pills a trial, and the most violont cough will in a short time bo removed. Caution. — Tlio public nro requested to notico lhat the words "Beeoham's Pius, St. Helons," aro on the Govornmont Stamp, nlUxcd to each box of tho Pills. If no on thoy arc a forgery. Propared only and sold wholesalo and retail by tlio Proprietor, T. Boccham, Chemist, St. Helons, Lancashire, England, in boxos Is ljd and 2s 9d each. /Sold ty nil Druggists and I'atent Medicine dealers throughout the Colonies. N.B.— Full directions aro givon with each bOX 257 LIFE AND HEALTH. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT. THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE EVF.t KNOWN. TnE PILLS ASSIST nature by PURIFYING THE BLOOD, thus ronovnting the very SPRINGS OF LIFE. Thoy sustain tho NERVOUS ENERGY in youth, and resloro il as ago ndvnnccs. Thoy promoto DIGESTION by noting certainly but gontly on tho LIVER AND BOWELS. And thoy can bo confidently recommonded to FEMALES OF ALL AGES ns a suro and secure remedy In tlio manifold complaints incidental to lho sox. Dropsical Swellings and Kidnoy Diseases quickly yield to thoir altorativo proporties. THE OINTMENT. As expcrionco lias clearly proved— for tho post 10 years— is unrivalled ns a healing ngenl in every kind of ULCERATION BAD LISGS, BAD BREASTS, OLD WOUNDS AND SORES. When rubbed into tho skin, ns salt is into meat, il searches out and romovos inward INFLAMMATION, CONGESTION AND SWELLINGS. Its application to any affectod part romovos and soothes NEURALGIA AND RHEUMATIC PAINS. For Soro Throats, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Abscesses, and nll Skin Diseases it has no equal. Manufactured only at PROFESSOR nOLLOWAY'S Establishment. 5113, Oxi _rd - B'l'UEE'r, London, And sold nt Is, l}d, 2s 9d, Is (3d, 113, 225, and 33s oach Box and Pot, by all Vendors of Medicines throughout lho olvllisod world, with directions for uso in nlmost evory liingunge. fc_" Purchasers should look to tho Labol on lho Pots and Boxos. If lho address Ib not 8 Oxford-Btroot, London, ct aro spurious, 171

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7526, 28 August 1886, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7526, 28 August 1886, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7526, 28 August 1886, Page 4