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vlli::liKf SJ Bif / SHEEP". ACT ».-'■- ' "ANALYSIS.. '"'fx Short Title. " 13. Notice of Draftings. . '2.' Be'D'eal. Olause. ■• 14 EemovinK Ear brand. •7 8. Interpretation Clause. 15- Driving Notice. 4.' Apbofritment of Inspectors. IC. Travelling to. -.7 6. Mes of. Inspectors. l£ ™f ""'?&?' J™*-? 1 inff S ho ep * ft Begistration of Ear-mark. ' 18. Trespasser Raim '' ' 7 : Annual Return of Sheep. 19- Harbournig Diseased Sheep. •,8. Annual Assessment. 20. Branding S&orn Sheep ' '" 9.' Importation by seal limited to Napier. 21. Penalties. _S: SffiSSSSKß^everi^ S Sties to lie paid into Treasury 12.BietuiialMus.erings. 24. Commencement of Act. A Bill to repeal various Acts relating to Sheep Wil fe make other provision in respect of 1. mHE Short Title of this Act shall be "The Hawke's Bay Sheep Act 1869. 2. The Acts specified, in the Schedule A to tbis Act are hereby repealed. jB. The meaning of 'the, terms and words occurring in tho context of this Act ' shall be ''governed by the following interpretations when not otherwise specially limited. , : "':' j v (aj "Province" shall mean the Province of Hawke's Bay. : ' "\. : ' (6) "Station" shall mean any land upon which sheep are harbored or depastured. ' - (c) " Sheep owner" shall mean the proprietor of a Station or any bailee of Sheep and when such owner or bailee is not resident on his Station shall include manager overseer head-shepherd or other person ostensibly in charge of the Station. ' '''" ' (d) "BrancTshill mean a distinguishing mark or marks for Sheep registered at :.v the principal office at Napier. ( c) "Diseased Sheep" shall mean Sheep infected by either of the diseases known as Scab or Catarrh. Also Sheep which have been dressed for scab within 40 days. Also any Sheep driven from a station not possessing a certificate from an Inspector in form No. lin Schedule Bto this Act. Also Sheep imported by sea or overland without a certificate from an Inspector in form No. 2. in said Schedule B 4. The Superintendent may from time, to time by Proclamation in the Hawke's : Bay Gazette appoint an Inspector or Inspectors of Sheep for the purposes of this Act as *he may 'think fit. And may at any time annul such appointments and make Others. ■ And may proclaim a principal office ih Napier for such Inspector or Inspectors. Provided always that the salaries of such Officers shall be voted by the Provincial Council. : 5. The duties of Inspector shall be as follows :— (a) To keep in a Registry Book at the principal office an Annual Return Of the number of Sheep above six months old which are to the ; best of his information in the Proviuce. Such Return shall show ; v the number of .Sheep registered by each separate Sheep owner with their respective earmarks and brands. Such Return to be 1 published in the Hawke's Bay Gazette., Such Registry Book shall be compiled in the form No. 3 in said Schedule B and shall be open at all office hours for inspection by anyperson applying to examine the same upon payment of one shilling. (' bj To collect in the month of August or so soon after as reasonably may be in every year the Assessments to be made under Clause 8 of this Act and to forthwith as the same may be collected pay the arboiint into the Provincial Treasury. ( c) To visit every Provincial Electoral District at least once a year, i and to visit every Station so often as may be expedient and at least once a year to report to the Superintendent the condition of the several flocks. ■(d) To take all lawful measures for preventing the importation by land or sea of diseased Sheep and to cause the same to be killed wherever found in the Province. ■(c) Generally to do all such acts as are -intended to come within his ■'■-■ scope under the provisions of this Act. 6. Every Sheep owner not having an earmark and brand registered before the passing of this Act shall within one mouth after the proclamation of the Governor's assent to this Act register at the principal office in Napier the earmarks and brands which he proposes to use. Provide^, that it shall not be lawful for any person to register any earmark and brancf already registered by another Sheep owner. All Sheep above six months old having no registered earmark or. brand shall be deemed to be the property of the person upon whose they 'shall be found depasturing. f: 7. Every Sheep owner shall in the month of May in every year send a written return to the Inspector at Napier of the number of Sheep above ~ six months, old in his possession or charge specifying the different ear-marks and brands pertaining thereto and distinguishing their sexes. 8. Every ; Sheep owner shall in the month of August in every year pay to the Inspector on demand or assessment at the rate of one penny for every 8 Sheop above six monthß old as returnable by such owner or bailee ■under Clauso. 7 of ihis Act. 1 9. It shall not be lawful to import any. Sheep into the Province by sea unless the same be landed at the Port of Napier. \[ ' 10. Every person landing Sheep at the Port of Napier shall previously give nbtice to an Inspector who shall forthwith inspect such Sheep and may cause them with all convenient speed to be efficiently dipped iv such place as he may deem to be most convenient at the expense of the Importer. ~ , 11. EVery Sheep owner or drover of Sheep shall before importing overland any Sheep into the Province give at least 21 days' written notice thereof to the Inspector by leaving the same at his office iv Napier Such notj.ce shall state the number and sexes of the Sheep intended to be imported and shall.state where such sheep shall have been originally purchased and whence driye'n And also the time and place adjacent to the Boundary of the Province when and whereat such Sheep will be mustered for examination by an Inspector under this Act And such Sheep shall not be permitted to continue their journey before ah Inspector shall have furnished the drover thereof with a certificate in the form No. 2 in Schedule B to this Act. 12. Every Sheep owner shall muster the Sheep iv his possession or charge before docfcing the same and before shearing the same aud shall give twentyfour hours' notice in writing of such musterings to the abutting Sheep owners. And every Sheep owner shall furthermore forthwith muster his flock before an Inspector who shall be entitled to call for a special muster by virtue of an order signed by any two Justices of the Peace who are hereby authorised to make such order upon sufficient causo being shown. ; 13-.' Every Sheep owner so often as he may draft Sheep for the purpose of sale or removal from his station shall before yarding the same give at least twenty-four hours' notice thereof to the abutting Sheep owners. Provided that this Clause shall not apply to Sheep depastured in securely fenced paddocks nor in cases where river floods may prevent such notice being given. 14. It shall not be lawful for any person to remove more than one-third of the ear of any Sheep. 15. Every drover or his employer shall give at least 24 hours' notice in writing of the precise day whereon he proposes to drive Sheep through another person's land by delivering such notice at the homestead or principal residence '6f the persons through whose land he proposes to drive except where such land abuts on a public road fenced on both sides. 16; Every drover of Sheep travelling through land not belonging to the owner or bailee of such Sheep shall weather permitting drive such Sheep a distance of not less than ten miles in every twenty-four hours. "" - 17. Every drover or person iv charge of travelling Sheep shall so often as and at every place where any portion of the Sheep in his charge may get intermixed with other Sheep give immediate notice thereof to the owner overseer or "■ shepherd of the Station where such intermixing occurred with whose consent ; the Sheep so intermixed shall be driven to the Station or nearest yard for the purpose of drafting. 18. Whenever any Ram or Rams shall be found trespassing the owner pr . person in charge of the land trespassed upon may castrate such Ram or Rams \l 7 ; vithout. being. liable. for any deaths or injuries except where ordinary care and ..skill have not been used : Provided that if the owner of the trespassing Ram v opßams be known he shall be entitled to receive twenty-four hours' notice in . -vWriting pf the : trespass before castration shall be resorted to. j .;.V .... IS}. Whenever an Inspector shall have reason to suppose that diseased Sheep r ? are, being harboured in or driven through auy part of the Province he may lay ..information pr make complaint thereof before auy two Justices of the Peace ,7 who after hearing such information or complaint may issue a warrant for the ,; flefltruction of .such Sheep or may authorise an Inspector to tako such measures 7 as may: in; his discretion be sufficient to meet the case. :?0, Eyery Sheep owner shall cause to be distinctly branded with a re- . gistered. brand or, distinctly marked with raddle or other pigment all Sheep - 7 shorn in his yards or premises previously to such Sheep being discharged v „^7 : fV! 21 » The damages" and penalties hereinafter authorised or required to be ...imposed by this Act shall be recovered or enforced in a summary way before v r £nyi tyro; pr Lmbre Justicesof the Peace in the manner provided by the "Resident .t^Jßlagistriites' Act 1857" ; Provided that nothing in this Act shall be construed M:^ Uwifeor ■ abridge the right of any| person to recover before the ordinary 1.,-_:^ibujn>ais;of law,, redress^or compensation from the owners of diseased sheep or . ? t jpjF trespassjngr rams for any loss damages or expenses suffered or occasioned by n thi} travelling or, trespass of diseased Sheepor, by the trespass of rams. \s iM L. . (i.) Any person obstructing or interfering with an Inspector in the execution of • & ■' his duty shall be liable toja; penalty for every such offence not exceeding n\'ii vi >' £50 and costs;:, j': V- 7,. : -.> „.V - V-- •-- •!>•.-.■ ■. ■• h-*i, o , ,(2.) Any person after- the passing of this Act usurping; or pirating the registered r h > /» . ',a J > i ear-mark or brand of another person: shall be liable to a penalty not ex- -.. w->-o/..^, \ \, ee'eding £10 for each 'and such penalty may^e cumulatiye from month to mouth -until the cause of action be finally removed^ j.,-, . . . .

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume 13, Issue 1071, 3 August 1869, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume 13, Issue 1071, 3 August 1869, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume 13, Issue 1071, 3 August 1869, Page 4