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Kennedy, & Co. J|^Sh^^&ndefßigned,have been instructed to offer £|?^j.<*r.BaU- fey public' auction,", at the Mean co .o'3rSale'Yardß,-..0n..'-'".'- - y ;;;-WedneSj)at, 24th June, 5-M^ BOUT; SbHead COWS and HEIFERS, ;l.:i4^--ivth.6-isr? B *'w P. art ;9f thorn springing. 4i'i7iy:7-44i'447 4 y . : -^ so >. "' ■- - . f ?p good Hacks, young and powerful. -4 : .?T&e above are well worthy the attention of -'"...intending. purchasers, the Cattle being of a '_. rijiperior quality. "''.'.• 1 V;; Sak ait 2 o'olock p.m. sharp. - ;>ROU^ &Ca, ' "'■■ .iV;_^o -.y;K. ; 'o ;: "V-'.' !.- -Auctioneers,. June 5, 1868. . 527 y; 1.0.0 F, M.U. "I^EMBERS 7 are hereby informed that, •-.U_fjL* ; bwii_g : to Hall improvements, no Lodge .■will be held on MONDAY, the 15th inst. ■} -4yyty ■4 1 -J.^.\ .. , .; ;W . W. YATES, 346;/;' '. .;. . ..•'•*.- : . '-; . Secretary. , •; ;vC :*,- ■: Kaikora Auction Sale. SETTLERS wishipg to of property ■ . ., , -at'iiie above sale^will please signify the „_ 'same,ip Mr. NEii Campbbij., or to v 1;;^ ''• '.'. smith & Co., Auctioneers. . Meanee, June 12, 1868. 555 Maps, of the Province of Hawke's Bay: FOR SALE, 35 by 38-iuch Lithographed , MAPS of the Province of Hawke's Bay, ; : including;' a sketch ofits geological formation ; compiled and drawn by August Koch, -Esq., .Napier. Price, highly colored, 10_. ; plain,; .fri; ' ', " Napierßook and Stationery Warehouse, Ten-nyepn-_street. \ y 7 Li: the. Supreme Court of New Zealand. 1 ... :: ; ;■;^-We-ohngtoi. Distbict. Tn '~ tKo- matter of the " Bankruptcy Act, .- , r . .1867^'; and , In tbe matter, o^ Edwin iN onus Smith, of Te . Hakowai, Sheepfarmer. T^ OTIOE-- is; hereby^ given that the first _i3l -Meteting.of the Creditors of the abovenamed Edwin Nonug Smith, advertised to be held at the Supreme Court Office in Napier at 2 d'clpetoh ERIDAY, the 12th day of June ■'. . -ins^Tisiißiebyradjourried till WEDNESDAY ..nes. ,; ; the 17th, day of June inst., at, the same not being the requisite ( '_of creditors present on the said day, advertised as above, to conduct the business \of the meeting. Dated this twelfth day of Juiie, 1868. , JAMES GRINDELL, 551 "■'- . - '""•.--* Deputy Registrar. HIGH SCHOOL, NAPIER. IN compliance with a very generally expressed wish, the above Academy will bo opened on or about tho Ist July next, under the management of Mr. J. Stables. ":'? Particulars .in a future advertisement. ' = Mr. Stables holds a JDiplo?wfrom the Trainikg'College, Moray Souse, Edinburgh ; a Certificate of Merit from' the Conwiittee of H. M. ... Most.Son. Privi/ Cb-imcil on Education: ahd thn ;dp'gieg of Associate nf tha. Educational . Ttnstitute of ' Scotland .. . .-'- ... ■ vliji addition, to tbe foregoing, the following certificates are.respectfully submitted :—• From Geobge Corkei., A.M., (of the Uni- . vereity of Aberdeen), Rector of the Aca--7-j - J ''\-_ 'y. demy, Coupar, Fife. , I have much pleasure in certifying that I hay known .Mr. John Stables, Teacher, long and intimately, s_nd have had ample means of becoming acquainted with his moral character, and his intellectual capacity, and general attainments;. as well as opportunities, by visiting his sohool and otherwise, of ascertaining his qualifications as a teacher. In all theso respects 1 have been led to form the highest opinion of Mr. Stables. I think him fltted atid likely to exercise a poworful influence for good in any community where he may be called to labor; not merely by the vigorous and efficient way in which he. discharges the duties of the schoolroom- but also by, his general conduct and deportment. * .1 know that his efforts have been highly appreciated' and very successful in the locality in Whiob he has labored for several years. I know him to b? f diligent, faithful, and conscientious in the dis"chargfe-- of his duty. And I have no doubt that wherever Providence may. cast his lot, he will prove himself deserving of the utmost confidence of all with whom he may be connected. : . . - ■■}•. 'i . . : •:. • : , '. • Geobge Cobken, A.m. FromrWk. Kennedy, Esq., of the Training " College, Moray House, Edinburgh :■— .Ihave much pleasure in certifying that Ihave known' Mr. John Stables for about four years, first as a'sti-dent at the Training College, Moray H ouse, Edinburgh j and afterwards as a teacher, and have had apple opportunities of ascertaining, his attainments in scholarship, and his qualifications as a teacher. He. possesses in my opinion accurate and extensive knowledge of all the branches required in a school course. I have had frequent opportunities, in his ojyn school-room ahd elsewhere, of observing that hecommunicates instruction in a lively and efficieflt manner.''' These qualifications, combined, as they are, withthorous.h Christian earnestness, and devotedness in the cause, of tuition, will render him, in my opinion, a successful teacher in whatever sphere Providence may cast his lot. ; '4^ i 4-7. -4 ' ''. ' "William Kennedy. Prom the Rev. J. Bonab, D.D., Convener of the Colonial Committee, &o. I have much pleasure in expressing my opinion of Mr. John Stables as a teacher. I consider bim a young man of excellent talents, superior attainments^ arid attractive disposition. He is evidently well grounded, and he communicates his knowledge with facility and effect. I had the pleasure of being present at an examination of his school, and 1 was most favorably impressed with all that 1 witnessed. Mr. B,'s scholars did credit to themselves and to their teacher in ;no Ordinary degree ; and I have no doubt 'that he will make a useful and efficient teacher in any place where Providence may cast his lot. . .-. V : r -,-•„-.'-- „,:. John Bonab, Minister, &c. Eronr the; Rev. D. Bbtjce, Minister of St. •-'• Andrew's Church, Auckland : — Mr. Stahles has been long known to me as a very successful educationist, both in theory and practice. In both the elementary and advanced departments of learning, he has the faculty of imparting knowledge according .to the receptive powers of the learner, and also of setting in motion the acquisitive powers of the youthful mind. He conducted very ably, for several years, a hi^h- class school in Auckland; under my own immediate cognisance, and he will, I am persuaded, give ample satisfaction wherever his talents and experience are rendered available for 'the public good. '-'•"-' ';.'.;.' '""'.". '. : -D- Bkuce, Minister, &c. Prom the Rev. John Macky, A.M., Minister, Otahuhu,,. and Chairman of the Board of V !-'„.-. .Education, Auckland. I had the pleasure of knowing Mr. John Stables from, tjxe) tog ofthis first entering upon his duties of master of the High School of the City of Auckland, and, of .observing the very efficient and successful manrier in which he performud them. As a schQolmastierjphis qualifications, both natural and acqtiiredj, ( at. ..of a high order. In the discharge of his^professiohal functions, I believe that the youth of Napier 'will derive incalculable advantages from , his,s,ei?ric,eß. 'y\ 4 4-7:: 7 :. - -:.- ■' John Macky, A.M. .' ;;4",y' :i '..,. ,-,_, (Of Trinity College,. Dublin.) ;--'■: Fjqm^^A^iBALD.OLABK, Esq., M.G.A., ■''-•" : .r- ."'?.'_.• -id -'.. . ..Vucklaud. ; --'.: •-,.. -I have much pleasure in recommending Mr. Stables as an .efficient, and successful teacher. During -;.. a^Sheltime'he conducted the High School here, "there 'were always two '-and sometimes more of my ■:•:^; children uunderr r his care, and I have every reason to ; >b(ssi.tisfied with their progress. - . .;. W^7o^y4y 7y!y' -^:. ARCHIBALD CLABK. ;:K-":..s£c^ Esq,, formerly of 11 (!'f'..^»- e r t) - I *y':--■?;.'lViM}ffedtoj4isuv-TAs you are about to close your -■': 7- .Pi. 59.4?. r "*. ■ 3 W rli - respite from your arduous duties. . ; t -:;L-.8houl(i^otsthin.k l :L had dolie my duty, as the V;>;parMfeoyj^ of yp«r pupils; if I allowedliho oppor■yMPi^MtiVMi f ; W.ithout showing Home mark of ni v ■; ■;^hi^W^y^p/afifi.feu^rg"eiio,ißnd' efficient manner' £%ain-_yhfl^yoU;-h^^ I cannot im thmk ;gsmyjMdr&-ippr6p_^ thah theac%r;Mimjp«^uig book, 6f,whioh I beg your acceptance.— g^i¥dujfßTeixtroly.' ,\\ SWU'__tr^^ ;-..' " S> GILLI NCHffAM. iJIM^P^"?-' " " ~ < 1

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume 12, Issue 951, 13 June 1868, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume 12, Issue 951, 13 June 1868, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume 12, Issue 951, 13 June 1868, Page 2