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SOUTH TARANAKI SCHOOLS CHAMPIONSHIP CONTESTS T A WHITT AND MATA.PU BOTH VICTORIOUS. The officials, of the South Taranaki Primary School Sports Association must be congratulated on the splendid manner in which yesterday’s events in connection. with the Dixon Banner and Bennett and! Button ’Shield championships were con<l net cd. Without proper organisation! 'the conduct of such a large gathering would have proved a stupendous task. Everyone concerned, however, fully realised the responsibilities' of Id’s position and by carrying out the duties, allocated in an efficient manner the whole day's work proceeded smoothly and' tire events w ere run off promptly to time. ' 'Although there- were numerous willing helpers, special reference must be made of the assistance rendered! by visiting tea'chers from outlying siehoois. Mention must also be made of the work done by the honorary secretary, Mr A. K. Fyson. For many weeks past he had devoted a good deal of his time to arranging the big programme, and organising the gala, and yesterday he was always on hand with records and information! for all' who enquired. The massed assembly of children was as animated as one could Wish, the young folks thoroughly enjoying the day’s outing. There were lolly scrambles for 'the younger children and immense quantities of cordials and icecream 'were consumed, Mr F. H. Oileron shaw and! bis staff maintaining a brisk business throughout the day. Luncheon. and afternoon tea were provided under the main grandstand, the catering arrangements being supervised by Mrs .T. YV. Harding.

Fifty hoys from 'the Eltham 'Salvation Army Home, together with .Captain and 'Mrs 'Perry and members of the house, staff, attended the sports' as the guests of the committee. 'The visit was made possible by contributions to a’ special entertainment fund by Hawera friends, and no one was more appreciative of the hospitality extended and of the efforts of those who attended to their welfare than the boys themselves. The committee provided liberal refreshments, fruit and sweets and, in addition, each child received a small memento in honour of the occasion. At. the conclusion of the sports Captain Perry expressed his appreciation, and l the' boys gave 'three hearty cheers' as they matched off the grounds.

CHAMPION,SHI]P HONOURS. Tawhiti and Matapu .'Schools, were the of the respective championship contests, both teams Scoring a runaway victory. Ini the ease of Matapu, winners of the Bennett and Sutton 'Shield, there was a margin of 4)2' points -when the final results were made op, Turuturu .School' being the runners-up. This is the fifth season in succession since I IPS6-27 'that the Matapu School has had the honour of winning this championship, and the pupils 'and their teacher deserve the heartiest congratulations on this fine record of athletic achievement. After six seasons Tawhi'ti iScliooi regained possession of the Dixon Banner, with 19 points to spare from the runners-up, Alanaia B. Eltham School previously ne-ld the .'banner for four seasons in succession. ‘The following points were scored m the respective contests: —- DIXON BANNED. Tamliiti, 8-6 points . . 1 Manaia B, 6'7 2 Eltham 18, 49 3 Hawera Moas, 41 ........ 4 Okaiawa, 37 5 Hawera Tiuis, .34’ 6 Hawera Wel»as, 3'2 7 Eltham O, 30 'S Elthami A, 3iß 9 Manaiai A,,TL Id Hawera. Kiwis, 7 IT SHIELD. Matapu, 143 points 1 Turuturu, 10T 2 Norm a lib y, 50 3 Kaponga, 43 4 Ohangai, 37 5 Tckaora, 29 6 YVhakamara, TO 7 The following’ results are in addition to those published in yesterday’s 1 late edition of the “'Star’’: — ■ DIXON BANNER. Bovs’ Events. Long jump, under 15 years.—T. Hunter .(HIM), 'l4ft. sin., 1; J. (Cooper (TIT) 14ft. 4in.. 2; N. Butler (OK), 13ft. Sim, Hep, step and jump, under nine ve; vs. —<K .'Shearer >(iGK), 22ft. Tin.. I ; .1. Reading (TIT), 22ft., 2; !R. Hart (HM), 2d ft. Dili., 3.

Hop, step and jump, under 10 vears. —A. Bark la. (MA), 24ft. Sin., 1; !R. Silky (MB), '23ft. 7im, 2; E. Blackstock (EC), :212ft., 3. Hop, step and jump, under IT years. —M. Mi lifer (MB), 26ft. 5 in., 1; 8. Thompson: (TA) Soft. 'sin., 2 ; F. Wards (OK), 24ft. Him, 3.

Hep, step and jump, undor 12 years. —B .Robinson (TA) 27ft. Sim., 1; Af. Alii lor (AIB) 20ft., 2; YV. Alanncrs (H'W), 25ft. Gin., 3. Hop, step and jump, under 13 years. —A. Pearce (TA), 27ft., 1; YV. Edwards (AllB), 26ft. sin., 2; C. Whittington (■HIM), 26ft. 4in., 3.

Hop, step and jump, under 14 vears. *—M. Ekdnhl (TA), 33ft. .mi., 1- .L. Manley (EC), 30ft. 1 in., 2; F. -Cox (lllv), 30ft. 2in., 3. flop, stop and jump, under 1." years. —J. Cooper (TIT) 30ft. lOim, A.' Jennings (OK). 2Oft., 2; T. Pritchard (TA) 28ft. !>im. 3.

■IOO yards, under !> vears.—R. Hart (ITM) 1. L, Mill (.MB) 2', L. Watts (HT) 3.

'IOO yards, under 10 years.—A. Parkin (MA) I. FT. Pickup (TA) 2, G. Wills (MB) 3. lOlt yards, under I'l years.—M. Miller (IMIB) 1, A. Campbell (EB) 2, D. Watts (FIT) 3. 100 yards, under d,2 years.—A. Ga-with (WB) 1, Y. Nicholas' (FIAV) 2, V. 'Robinson (TA) 3. 100 yards, under 13 years.—A. Hunter (HW) 1, C. Oakes (HM) 2, W. Edward's (MB) 3. 100 van Is, under 14 vears. —M Ekdahl' (TA) 1. L. Voiglrt (EC) 2. G. Tunes (MB) 3. •100 yards, under To years.—N. Butler (OK) and: B. Thompson (E|A), equal', 1, A. .Rye (EC) 3. 120 yards, under 9 years.—D. {Hague (’MA) r, L. Watts (iHT) 2, F. Brookes (TA) '3.

120 yard's, under 10 years.—R. Me- J Cav (UT) 1. A. Lethbridge (EA) 2, [ H. Pickup (TA) 3. 120 vards, under ill vears. —IL Richards (IHW) 1. M. Miller (MB) ,2, D. Watts (TIT) 3. 120 yards, under 12 years. —Y . Robinson (TA) and A. Gawitli (EB), equal. I, V. 'Nicholas (H!W) -3. il2o yard's, under 13 years. —A. Hunter (TT(W) 1, C. Oakes (IBM) 2, W. Edwards' (MB) 1 3. 1120 yard's under 14 years. —AI. Ekciahl (TA) 1, L. Yoight (EC) 2, G. Tunes (MB) 3. T2O vards, under To years. —L. Andersen'(EC) 1. B. Thompson (EA) 2. N. Butler (OK) 3. S2O vards, under 12 years. —A. Gawitli '(EB) 1, W. Manners (H'W) 2, V. Robinson (TA) 3. 220 vard's 1 under 13 velars. —C. Oakes' ('HM) 'l, A. Hunter (TEW) 2, W. Edwards (MB) 3. 220 vard's uinder 14 years.—M. Ekdahl (TA) .1. F. Cox (UK) 2, G. Innes (MB) 3. 220 vard's, under To voars. —N. Butler (OK) 1, ,T. Williams (EC’) 2, L. Lewis (ElB) 3. 440 vards, il'3 years and under 15.—-T. Thomas (EB) i, A. Rye (EC) 2, J. Cooper (ITT) 3. 440 yards relay, under .12 years.—El-ij tliam B 1, Hawera Tuis 2, Hawera Moas

440 yards relay, 12 years and. under lo.—Eitharn C 1* Tawhiti 2, Manaia B

120 vards hurdles, 12 years and under 15. —M. Ekdahl (TA) 1. L. Ritter (EB) 2, G. Innes (TIB) 3.


100 yards, under nine years.—P. Campbell (EB) 1, .J. Fyson (HAL) 2, J. Andersen (HT) 3. 100 yards, under .10 years.—M. Mculi (OK) 1, G. Marshall (HT) 2, 1. Cruick shank (TA) 3. 100 yards, under 11 vears.—N, -Marshall (HAD 1, J. Paic-e (TA) 2, O. Best (EC) 3. 100 yards, under 12 years. —N. Burrows (EB), At. Nowell (HW) 2, E. Parsons (OK) 3. 100 vards, under 13 years.— L. Foreman (EA) 1, At. Hall (OK) 2, AT. Rees (AtA) 3. ' 100 vards, under 14 vears.—E. Kcls'en (TA) 1, D. Gundescn (MB) 2, E, Blair (HW) 3. 100 yards, under 15 years.—E. Leppard (AIB) 1, E. Smith (TA) >B. AI. Hirst (EB) 3. 120 vards, under nine vears. . Stevens (EA) 1, P. Campbell (EB) 2, S. jKatenc (MB) 3. 1 120 yards, under .10 years.— -IU. Meuli (OIv) 1, I. Cruickshank (TA) 2, A. Afarshall (HT) 3. .120 vards, under 11 years.—N. Smith (TA) 'l, P. Ingram (AIB) 2. N. Alarshall (HM) 3. 120 yards, under 12 years.—N. Burrows (EB) 1, J. Williams (OK) 2, P. Ingram (AIB) 3. 120 yards, under 13 years.—L. Foreman (EA) 1, L. Burgess (EB) 2, C. Spavin (TA) 3, 120 yards, under 14 years.—E. Kelson (TA) 1, D. Gundescn '(AIB) 2, E. Blair (HW) 3. 120 vards, under 15 years.—E. Smith (TA) 1. E. Leppard (MB) 2, Al. Hirst (EB) 3. Relay race, 440 yards, under 12 years; —Tawhiti 1, Eltham B 2, Eltham C 3.

Relay race, 440 yards, 12 years and under 15.—Tawhiti 1, .Alanaia B 2, El tham B 3.

BENNETT & SUTTON SHIELD. BOYS’ EVENTS. jump, under nine years.—Al Eden (TU), 10ft. lOin, 1; C' Swindle /hurst (MU), 10ft 3in, 2; T. Alulligan (N), Bft lOin, 3. Long jump, under 10 years.—l. Brisco (MU), lift oin, 1; I. "Bootliby (TU), 30ft ,10in, 2; I. Kennedy (N), 10ft 6in, 3.

Long jump, under 11 years. —B. Trott (OH), lift Gin, 1; K. Kellv (AIU), lift lin, 2; I. Alaedonald (TO), 10ft lOin,

Long jump, under 13 vears.—N. YVan (TU), 12t’t, 1; H. Tippett (N), lift lOin, 2; L. Trott (Oil), 10ft Sin, 3. Long jump, under 14 years.—D. Simpson (MU), 15ft, 1; 'J. AlcCook (K), 13ft 3in, 2; A. Caldwell (YY’), 12ft Sin, 3. Long jump, under 15 years.—G. Hancock (TU), 13ft Sin, 1; j. Hurley (AIU), 13ft 3in, 2; L. Nicholson (N), 13ft, 3. Long jump), under 12 years.—S. Kennedy (N), lift 11-Ain, 1; G. Eden (TU), lift Sin, 2; K. Kelly (MU), lift .lin, 3. Hop, step and jump, unde.r nine years. —AL. Eden (TU), 24xt lOin, I; C. Swiudlehurst (AID), 24ft tin, 2; E. Scliickei (TO), 17ft Oin, 3. Hop, step and jump, under .10 years. —l. Brisco (AIU), 23tt lin, 1; I. liootliby (TU), 22ft 9iu, 2; J. Kennedy (N), 22ft Sill, 3. Hop, step and jump, tmcier 11 years. —B. Trott (OH), 24ft Gin, 1; L. Jnrd (N), 24ft, 2; A. McDonald (TO), 23ft oin, 3. flop, step and jump, under 12 years. —S-. Wrigley (YV), 26ft 94in, 1- A. Chadwick (TU), 25ft BA-i», 2; S. Kennedy (N), 25ft lin, 3. liop, steji and juinii, under 13 years. —ll. Tippett (N), 26ft 10in, I; N. YVan (TU), 25ft Sin, 2; L. Trott (OH). 25ft Gin, 3.

Hop, .step and jump, under -14 years. —D. Simpson (MU), 33ft, 1; E. Alartin (TU), 30ft 2in, 2; J. AlcCook (Iv), 38ft llin, 3.

Hop, step and jump, under 15 years. J. Frahm (OR), 32ft (Pin, 1; T. Thqumine (Iv), 32ft oin, 2; J. Hurley (MU), 31ft- llin, 3. 120 yards under nine years.—M. Eden (TU) 1, C. Swindlehuiist (MU) 2, F. Carrington (K) 3. 120 vards under 10 years.—l. Brisco (M,U) 'l, I. Booth bv (TU) 2, D. Patched (OH) 3. 120 vards under 11 vears.— K. Kelly (FIT) 1, B. Aim (TU) 2, L. MacDonald (TO) 3.' 120 yards under 12 years.—L. Brisco (Iv) 1, S. Kennedv (N) 2. L. Corbett (TU) 3. 120 vards under 13 vears. —H. Prime (TU) 1, H. Tippett (X) 2, J. Calder (MU) 3. 120 yards under 14 years.—D. Simpson (MU) 1, S. Aim (TU) 2, J. McCook (K) 3. • 120 yards under 15 years.—J. Fralim (OH) 1. T. Thoumine (Iv) 2, J. Hurley (MU) 3. 220 vards under 12 years. —L. Brisco (Tv) 1, L. Corbett (TU) 2, S. Kennedy (N) 3. 220 vards under 13 vears. —H. Prime (TU) j, 11. Tippett (N) and J. Calder (MIJ) equal 2. 220 yards under 14 years.—B. Simpson (MU). 1, S. Aim (TU) 2, J. Bryant (N) 3.

220 vards under 15 years.—T. Thoumine.(lv) 1. J. Hurley (MU) 2, E. McBetli (N) 3. 4-10 yards, 13 years and under 15. — S. Aim (TU) 1,1. Tiopett (N) 2, L. Birchall (MU) 3. 440 yards relay, under 12 years. — Normanbv 1, Turuturu 2, Matapu 3. 440 yards relay. 12 years and under 15.—Matapu 1, Kaponga 2, Turuturu 3. 120 yards hurdles, 12 vears and mider 15. —D. Simnson (MU) 1. H. Tippett (N) 2, E. Meharry (TU) 3.

GIRLS’ EVENTS. 120 yards, under nine years.—V. Hurley (AIL) 1, J. James (TU) 2, I. Anderson (K) 3- v . 120 yards, under 10 yeans.—N. Johnson (TO) 1, B. Beetham (AIU) 2, J. Thurston (K) 3. 120 yards, under 11 years —R. YVlietton (AI U) 1. AI. Barnes (TIT) 2. Al. Lee (OH) 3. 120 yards, under 12- years. —B. Johnson (TO) 1, AI. Kellv (AIU) 2, E. Caldwell (YV) 3. 120 yards, under 13 years—E. Frahm (OH) j, A. YVhetton (AIU) 2, S. Bertie < K > 3 - 120 vards under 14 years.—N. Rowlands (AIU) 1, S, Harper (K) 2, P. AlacDonakl (TO) 3. 120 vards under 15 years. —Z. Cleaver (AIU) 1, R. YVarren (TU) 2, B. Gulliver (YY 7 ) 3. Relay race, 440 vards, under 12 years.—Matapu 1, Normanby 2, Turuturu 3. Relay race, 440 yards, 12 and under 15 yeans.—Alatapu 1, Tokaora 2, Kaponga. 3.

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Hawera Star, Volume L, 18 December 1930, Page 6

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ATHLETIC CARNIVAL Hawera Star, Volume L, 18 December 1930, Page 6

ATHLETIC CARNIVAL Hawera Star, Volume L, 18 December 1930, Page 6