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MISCELLANEOUS. “ A NALGESIC BALM” is a proven remedy for Neuritis, Lumbago, Neuralgia, Headache, etc., 2/- per. tube at Tails’ Pharmacy, High Street, Hawera. \ LL the latest novels are to be found at Liddington’s Lending Library, the book lovers’ rendezvous.—High St., Hawera. A~RE your Corns troublesome? Use Strange’s Corn Cure; it relieves pain and removes the com; 1/- ad; Strange’s. _ _ TjVROM 10 to 25 per cent, reduction at Hart’s Great Sale. A KODAK for the Holidays 1 Everybody is making pictures and having fun without end doing it. Weekend trips and holidays axe full of picture chances which you can easily keep for the future with a Kodak chosen irorn the latest models at'Westwood's Pharmacy, .1.85 High St.. Haw era. _ pOCOANUT OLI Shampoo—Strange’s V real shampoo luxury gives lustre, tonic and cleansing; 3/- bottle. —W. G. Strange. Tyj UKRIS’ Diamond Engagement Kings “ LYI " are the Cheapest. ' r>ARGAINS too numerous to mention at Hart's Sale. DARGAINS too numerous to mention at Hart’s Sale. __ TAOR the convenience of mothers we now stock “Karilac.” All Plunket requirements on hand at Taits', the Chemists, High St., Hawera. XPOR Prescriptions and Medical Requirements —W. G. Strange, M.P.S., High Street, Hawera. Day ’phone 2481; night ’phone 2626. ’ IpOR - lack of Energy, loss in Weight, aud general Debility take “Maltophos,” a good general pick-me-up digestive tonic sold at 3/- and 5/- per bottle. Obtain from Taits’ Pharmacy, High Street, Hawera. DKOMTO tc 25 per cent, reduction at Hart’s Great Sale. TPROM lO to 25 per cent, reduction at Hart’s Great Sale. XpLECTRIC Light Shades in great variety just arrived at Lidding ton’s; price 9d, 1/- and 1/6, Your inspection is invited. fikUITE theTßest —Strange’s “Aneta” Hand Emollient for healing, sunburn, chaps, windburn, and hard toilworn hands; 2/- jar.—W. G. Strang^Hawera. ryUR Vinegar - Essence excels; there’s nothing to touch it. Suitable for pickling, salad dressings and table use. Procure only at Taits ’ Pharmacy, High St., Hawera. " rjVATCP n Camera with voul You’ll be able to show your friends where you’ve been. Cameras from 10/6, —W. G. Strange. MORRIS LTD. is the shop where your watch; clock and jewellery repairs are done the best. fX/TAJESTIC All-Electric Radio Receivers have created a sensation in the radio world; the most wonderful value ever offered in radio receivers, E. Dixon & Co., Ltd., have be-m ap point id solo agents fo* Hawera. CHAWS’ Popular Sale —120 dozen children’s jerseys; all shades; price from 2/11 rise 6d; for thousands of real bargains go to the Busy Shop, High St. JVTEW Stocks of Bathing Caps.— Dingle’a Pharmacy. T> ARGAINS too numerous to mention at Hart’s Sale. XpOR Holiday Kodaks, Holiday Films, A Holiday Developing and Printing Service, the rendezvous is Westwood’s Pharmacy, “Headquarters for every photo need,’’ 185 High Street, Hawera. T3HOTO . Service Strange’s SameDay Service is top-hole; you’ll get real pictures with our work; 10 a.m., ready 5 p.m.—W. G. Strange. CHAWS’ - Popular Sale—Men’s neglige ° shirts, with collar, fast colours, 4/9. Fancy shirts with stiff collar, 6/11, 7/6; stocks must go at the Busy Shop, High Street.

Under the Postal Eeuulations correspondence addressed to a nom-de-plume. or with initials only, to oare of any Post Office, will not be forwarded from off me of posting- If advertisers do not desire to disclose their names they may (> have replies addressed care of The Btar, an same forwarded to advertiser.

} CYCLES I | FOB SCHOOL BOYS \ | To school in a hurry, \ | Back home in a flurry. | | On errands for mother | I Or picnics for us. ~ = For Bike and for Trike | = Each kid is a rooter, l l For they carry them round 3 : Without worry or fuss! ; | For School Boys’ Cycles or = i Tricycles go to— = | Ira J. BRIDGER, ( | CYCLE DEALEE, ELTHAM. |

MEANS Wholesale Savings ON YOUR AUTUMN NEEDS If contemplating a new outfit—if requiring home necessities—remember that the Warehouse can offer you a most complete selection of Apparel, Household Drapery and Footwear at Wholesale Prices. Mantle Department LADIES’ COSTUMES, having short double-breasted coats, trimmed side panels and skirts, showing in Nigger, Mid-Brown, Fawn, Worsteds and Tweeds.— Wholesale Prices 79/6, 82/6 and sgns FUR NECKLETS in Eight and Dark Fox, Sable, Kolinsky, American Skunk, and Fitch; a correct finish to the Autumn Suit— Wholesale Price from 90/GOLF SKIRTS in Tweeds and Worsteds with two-toned checks, mottled and flecked effects, having spaced and side pleating in Brown, Fawn, Grey, etc. — Wholesale Prices from 9/6 to 23/6 Large Variety of ALLAYOOL and SILK and AYOOL CARDIGANS, in W. and O.S. fittings; in all the newest shades— Wholesale Prices 9/6 to 27/6 ATTRACTIVE GOLF SUITS, having Lumber Jackets, with adjustable collar and contrasting stripe border effect, plain ribbed skirt — Wholesale Price 89/6 Just Opened —A large and varied range of NEW WINTER COATS, in Face Cloth and Velour, in shades of Fawn, Brown, Navy and Black; all trimmed newest fur collars and cuffs, and lined art silk; women’s and out-sizes — Wholesale Prices from 59/6 to 7gns RAINCOATS; in all sizes and colours, Navy, Grey, Green, etc.; from 24-inch, Maids’ to full sizes— Wholesale Prices from 10/9, 12/6 to 23/6 ’Phone 2704 (Also Limited. HAW E R A New Plymouth) Box 199

WANTED KNOWN. ABGAINSfor all at Miss Stewart’s. Cotton Vests, fancy fronts, reduced from 6/11 to 3/11, 2/11 to l/6, 2/11 to !/-• woven cotton Bloomers, usually o/3 U o W 1/6: children’s woven Bloomers/navy and white, assorted sizes now 1/6: Ladies’ Momette and Sateen Underskirts, 24/6 for 2/11 and 4/11; odd sizes in Corsets, usually 32/6, 20/6, now 1/11: Children’s Sox at 6d, 9d and 1/- pair; coloured Aprons, usually 3/9 now 2/6; women’s Hose, art silk, Black and colours, now 1/11} Black Lisle Hose 3/11 now 1/11 j Crepe Nights 2/11, 3/6, Crepe Bloomers 1/9, Bugi Bloomers! 4/11 Corselettes from 4/11, Brassires 1/9; dozens of other lines too numerous to mention at Sale Brices. Miss Stewart, High and Victoria Streets, Hawera. * ixrANTED Known Bullock’s Big Store for better quality, lower prices and lasting satisfaction. Ox tongues, 3/3 tin; sardines, 4 tins 1/-J herrings in tomato sauce, 6d; herrings in tomato sauce, large tins, lid; pilchards, 6d tin; jellies, 6 pkts for 1/-; the one and only packet tea triumph, 2/10 per lb; sultanas, 31b for 1/2; BonTon seedless raisins, 3 pkts 1/4; best cleaned currants, 31b 1/11. We call your attention and invite you to inspect our large selection of decoiated china and novelty lines; prices.are sure to please. —Bullock’s Big Store, ’phone 2296. -VVT ANT ED Known —Visit Hart’s Sale yy and save money; from 10 to 25 per cent, reduction. XX7A.NTED Known Bullock’s Big * y Store. All sterling value at these keen prices: Eresh figs, 7d per lb; pkts of -dates, 6d; candles, 3 pkts 2/5; dessert pears, 1/- tin; pork and beans, 6d per tin; herrings in sauce, lid per tin; jellies, 6 pkts for 1/-; Nugget, 3 large tins 2/2; salt, 101 b for 1/-; onions, 101 b for 1/-. There is nothing like Triumph tea, 2/10 per lb; 3 large bars coap, 2/5; sardines, 4 tins 1/-. Our motto: Attention and civility, cleanliness and prompt delivery. Bing 2296, Bullock’s Big Store. WANT *<;•) Bniiv» n—E. Dixon it >io., D'l., have been appointed sole agents for Hawera and district for the M ijestie liadib Beceiver. The price is a revelation —only £43 complete. See Eauio Be cord for illustration. -yvrATSTTKD Known —Visit Hart’s Sale ■ '' and save money; from 10 to 25 per cent, reduction. ' yUr a T\r r . n F,P> Known —The weather for ’ sports wear has arrived and we are fully prepared to meet the demand with a very large and varied stock of Sports Coats and Trousers, Blazers, Belts, Sox, Hats, and a big variety of Bathing Suits. Every “sport” should see our stock before making a purchase. —J. C. Eobb, Boys’ and Men’s Outfitter. vyANTED Known —Where to get the Y ’ best value in Boys’ Wear. They are right here: Bathing Suits in nil sizes, Boys’ Canoe and Tennis Shirts in Silk and Cotton, Sun Hats, Belts, Braces, Ties, etc.; also the latest in Sac Suita for boys in navy serge; smart and reliable. Try us for boys' wear. — J. C. Eobb, Boys’ and Men’s Outfitter. "Vy AIT for the Majestic Badio Be- ‘ y ceiver; shipments arriving shortly. They are a wonderful proposition. We have heard the sample; it is excellent value—only £4B, including cabinet and moving coil speaker. —E. Dixon & Co., Ltd., agents. SITUATIONS VACANT. TV ANTED—Young girl just left school to help with light housework. Apply Mrs M. J. Luxton, Glover Boad, or ring 2696. "yy ANTED, at once > experienced waitress. Apply Central Hotel. "WANTED —Girl to assist with household duties. Apply Mrs W. Bourke, Sutherland Boad, Manaia; ’phone 113. yyANTED —Smart young girl to as- ‘ sist this week-end. Apply Golf Links, Beach Boad. lOE SALE. JjMJlv Sale—Gramophone, new; cheap! for cash. Apply Custodian, Soldiers’ Club. TpOB Sale —Henderson motor cycle in first class order and condition; absolute snip for cash; owner must sell. Write “Snip,” Star Office. TpOB Sale —Patent Orb No. 1 flush flue stove; in good order. Address at Star Office. TO LET. 'J'O LET—Motor ear shed. Apply Mrs McLaren, 9 Princes St. LOST. J^OST —Goodyear tyre- off truck between Elthani railway station and B. Cleaver’s, Hunter Boad; reward.—■ Wit Gower, Carrier, Eltham, ’phone 137. WANTED TO BUY. WANTED Beliable spring cart horse, dray and harness.-- -A. T. Wills, Hawera. Stocks of White, Tortoisesheh and Coloured Xylonite Goods juss landed in latest jhapes.- Dingle’* Pharmacy. gHAWS’ Popular Sale—Large shipment of men’s underwear, cotton from 1/11; cotton and wool from 2/11. We have the largest stocks at the lowest prices—The Busy Shop, High St.

Tf'OE Sale —Ford open 5-seater cars, J for £2O, £3O, £BO, £BS and £100; Ford Coupe £lO5, Ford Fordor Sedan £135. Four of above on original equipment tyres; terms. —C. C. Steamers, Ford Dealer, Eltham.

ON WHICH SIDE OF THE DESK WILL YOU BE 7 T AY now the foundation of a successful future by specialised commercial study under Hemingway’s skilled and practical guidance. For nearly a third of a century Hemingway’s have specialised in home study commercial tuition. To-day many of the most important positions in the business world of New Zealand and Australia are held by Hemingwaytrained students. Commence your studies NOW* While still young ensure rapid progress with frequent and substantial salary increases. HEMINGWAY’S POSTAL COURSES Book-keeping, Accountancy Prof., Law Professional, Matriculation, Teachers’ Certificates, Public Service Entrance, Salesmanship, Advertising, Land Agency, Pitman’s Shorthand, Business Letter Writing. START IMMEDIATELY. For full particulars of the course that interests you write TO-DAY to— HEMINGWAY’S CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS, P.O. BOX 516, AUCKLAND. Please send me post free, and witheut obligation full particulars of your Course. Name Address

'JOHNSON & JJEY, “ WAIATA’.’ QUALITY STOEE. Offer you a few Stocktaking Specials: Toilet Rolls, 3/9 doz,; Toilet Soaps, 1/6 doz. Enamel, China and Aluminium Mugs for. children, 10d each. Wire clothes lines from 1/6 each; odd cups, 2/9 half doz.; cups and saucers, 5/3 half doz.; Ensign wringers,. 28/6, Oddments in Aluminium and Enamel Kettles, Teapots, etc., at Very low prices. We have fresh stocks of Heinz’s, Crosse and Blackwell’s, and other English and Continental lines. Our famous ‘‘Waiuta” Cheese, Butter, Bacon, Ham, etc., was never better. All cheese is now fully matured and may be had in mild, medium or strong, whichever suits your palate. SEE OUR WINDOWS EOR STOCKTAKING- BARGAINS. We want space for new goods. You want bargains, so it is to our mutual advantage that you visit our Store. JOHNSON & JJEY, THE “WAIATA” QUALITY Tel. 2126 GROCERS Box 9

AUTUMN, 1929. We are now opening a Smart Range of all that is new in Ladies’ Fashionable Attire direct from the makers, including Frocks, Costumes, Hats, Coats, Necklets, Ties, and Hosiery, and invite comparisons in Style and Value. J & J. AULD, LTD., UNION ST. : : HAWEEA, NEAR MORRISSEY’S MART.

MR RADIO ENTHUSIAST ! TXAVE you considered your WIRELESS SET for the coining winter? NOW is the time to put in your order. They are coming in fast and the demand is greater than the supply. If you are interested come along and [hear the MODEL 200 METRODYNE, coupled to a KUPROX A. B. G. ELIMINATOR. There is nothing to touch it for volume and tone, and cost next to nothing to operate. This unit plugs into the light socket and attaches to any battery set, and does away with all battery troubles. When you buy a set get a METRODYNE coupled with a KUPROX and you will have a set not to be beaten at present on the market. We have the RIGHT article and give you the service after installation. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. Q.YDE & £JO., ’PHONE 2702 HIGH STREET, HAWERA.

IT APONGA— OKAIAWA— HAWER A car: service. LEAVE— Kaponga, 8 a.m. and 1 p.m. Kapuni, 8.10 a.m. and 1.10 p.m. Te Nguiu, 8.15 a.m. and 1.15 p.m. Okaiawa, 8.25 a.m. and (1.25 p.m. Normanby, 8.35 a.m. and 1.35 p-xn-Hawera (arr.), 8.45 a.m. and '1.45 p.m. Leave Hawera (Criterion Garage) on return 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. Arrive Kaponga 11.40 а. and 4.40 p.m. SATURDAYS and for Special Entertainments —Leave Kaponga 5.15 p.m. Kapuni 6.24. Te Ngutu 6.30, Okaiawa 6.40, Normanby б. arrive Hawera 7 p.m. Leave Hawera (Criterion Garage),, 10.30 p.m arrive Kaponga, 11.10 p.m PARES—Single: Kaponga-Hawera, 4/-; Ka-puni-Hawera, 3/-; Te Ngutu-Hawera, 2/6; Okalawa-Hawera, 2/-: Normanby-Hawera. Hi A / IN THE £ DISCOUNT Off All DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT RINGS From March lGlh to April 10th. DIAMOND RINGS DIAMOND RINGS We Excel in Sertiee, Value and Quality. E. M OEEIS ' L TD -> i/-. Telephones: Criterion 2310; Kaponga, 51. (I. AMON, Proprietor. Garage, Hawera, No LEADING JEWELLERS, ’Phone 2503. HAWERA.

IMPORTANT ! ring 2688 FOB PEOMPT SERVICE. HAULAGE & CARRYING OF EVER! DESCRIPTION. FURNITURE REMOVALS in town or to anywhere in New Zealand. Daily Motor Lorry Service to New Plymouth and Wanganui. CHARGES* MODERATE. JJOOKER JJROS., J^TD. REGENT STREET, HAWERA. P.O. Box 98. Head Office: Egmont Street, New Plymouth.

C. C. WARD Limited CASH DRAPERS HAWERA TheP C. C. WARD Limited CASH DRAPERS :: HAWERA The Latest Fashion Goods at Low Cash Prices! Never has this store had a more exquisite choice than now showing-. All departments invite your inspection of New Goods. For the Easter Holidays we are showing a selection of LADIES’ WINTER COATS in Velours and Face Cloths; SMART FROCKS in Wool, Crepe de Chine, Charmalaine; SMART COSTUMES in all sizes, and a wonderful range of FUR CHOKERS at prices to suit all purses. Great Value in FUR Trimmings. 5 1

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Hawera Star, Volume XLVIII, 21 March 1929, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Hawera Star, Volume XLVIII, 21 March 1929, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Hawera Star, Volume XLVIII, 21 March 1929, Page 2