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ANNUAL MEETINGS. SOUTH TARANAKI PREMIERS. THE OKAIAWA CLUB. The annual meeting of the Oka iaw a Football Club was held last evening in the Okaiawa hall, a large attendance of members (approximately 60) being present. Mr. A. Lees presided. The annual report which was presented by the secretary was received and adopted and was as under: “Your committee have pleasure in presenting herewith their annual report for the year 1928. From a football point of view the season had been fairly successful. The senior team again had the honour of winning the Southern Division, thereoy again holding the Stevens Cup. On the play-off for the championship of the province the_ team was beaten by Stratford, the winners of the northern division. Unfortunately in the play-off the team, were seriously handicapped by sickness, while other members were suffering from minor injuries received during the season with the result that the combination suffered accordingly. There is also the fact that as the club has only one junior team to call on for recruits it is at a distinct disadvantage as compared with senior teams in .some other districts, where several junior teams are in operation. “At the same time it is not intended to detract from the win of the Stratford team, and your committee heartily congratulate the _ Stratford team in winning the championship as on the dav’s play they were undoubtedlv the better team.

“Okaiawa players again gave mate- p rial help) in assisting Taranaki to up- t hold the honour of the province in re- ;i presentative fixtures with no less than four members, Messrs D. Johnstone, s Ike, R. Guv, and D. Crawford. These g players fully justified their selection e in all games in which they played. a “The juniors did well in the first round, being undefeated, while on account of the lateness of the season j, were unable to field a team in the travelling matches of the second t round. The fourths also did well, com- " sidering thev were a very light team. We would "like to congratulate the ' managers and selectors of the respect- . ive teams for the able manner in which j they carried out their duties. , “Financially, the club has gone hack somewhat. Starting with a credit balance of £4O Is, the balance sheet showed that the receipts for the year amounted to £l3O 13s lOd, making a total of £l7O 14s lOd. The total expend- ' iture amounted to £136 18s lOd, leaving - a balance of £33 16s to commence the incoming season. The travelling expenses were very heavy, while the club s ( -share of the Union gates showed a decrease of £l2 10s 3d. These two items are the principal cause of the balance. Your committee recommend to the incoming committee to try and arrange ‘ for cheaper transport of teams. “During the season the secretary, Mr. L. Houlahan, resigned and Mr. A. ' G. Robertson was elected in his stead. Your committee wish to place on record the interest taken in the- club s affairs bv Mr. Houlahan while connected with the club. The committee also extend their sympathy to him m liis unfortunate illness and express their best wishes for his speedy restoration to good health. _ . l “During the year a special meeting of members was held when it was decided that the club should become an incorporated body, and this has 'been duly accomplished. In conclusion, your committee wish to thank the iadies who assisted in helping with functions in aid of the club’s funds, also trust the club will have another successful season. Members are urged to get into training as soon as possible as the season for club matches is uxpeted 1 o open earlier than usual.” ELECTION OF OFFICERS. The election of officers for the ensuing year resulted as follows: Ration, Mr. \V. A. Guy; president, Mr. A. Lees; senior vice-president, Mr. J. O’Sullivan; vice-presidents, Messrs J. Johnstone, R. Roberts, Toro Hetaraka, and A. J. Mack; auditor, Mr. C. E. Evetts; lion, secretary and treasurer, Mr. A. G. Robert- | son; executive committee, Messrs. A. Birckall, J. Cran, W. Johnstone, O. Crawford, G. Hurley, P. Linn and K. Guy ;deiegates to Taranaki Rugby Union, Messrs. A. Birchall, W. A. Guy and A. Lees; senior selector, Mr. A.’Lees; junior selector, Mr. W. Johnstone ; third grade selector, Toro Heitaraka; club captain, Mr. D. John- ' stone; coaches, Messrs. J. O’Sullivan, R. Roberts, J. Johnstone and A. Birchall. It was decided to have the opening practice on Saturday, April 6. It was decided to forward a number of remits, as follow, to the annual meeting of the Taranaki Rugby Union. (1) “That a fourth grade player shall not he over 16 years of age on loth June.” (2) “That referees have no vote on the management of any football under the jurisdiction of the Taranaki Rugby Football Union.” (3) “That delegates of senior and primary schools have voting powers only on the grade which they represent.” i After considerable discussion it was decided to leave in the hands of the delegates the matter of alteration to the wording of remits two and three. The remit from The Old Boys’ Club “That three selectors be appointed one from South, on from North and a chairman, all of whom to be appointed at the annual meeting of the delegates of the clubs,” was dismissed, and it was decided to instruct the delegates j to support the present system. It was resolved to donate footballs I to the Okaiawa, Matapu and Normality schools. Messrs D. Johnstone and A. Birchall advocated the establishment of a gymnasium and dressing shed for the benefit of club members. As considerable assistance had been promised, the management committee were appointed to go into the question with power to take action. , The annual subscriptions were fixed at 12s 6d for seniors, 7s 6d for juniors and os for thirds and fourths. Honorary members subscriptions were fixed at os or over. Nineteen new members were elected. . A hearty vote of thanks was accorded the chairman. THE WAIMATE CLUE. REVIEW OF THE YEAR. * The annual meeting of the Waimato ’ Rugby Football Club drew an attend- ( ance of fifty spporters to the Manaia Town Hall last evening. Mr. J. W. Paterson (president) occupied the chair. In presenting the report and balance ■ sheet the committee congratulated members on the successful playing season of 1928. “The standard of play in all club teams has shown a great improvement,” continued the report.

“The 'senior team comprised mostly young players who performed very creditably. All fixtures were fulfilled and seven points in the championship annexed. v “The first junior team must be congratulated on their very fine showing, in virtually winning the southern division championship, and it is hoped that the rules of the Taranaki Rugby Union will be amended to prevent a recurrence of the trouble experienced in the latter part of the season. The fourths again performed very well, and had to play off in the Southern Division fourth grade final. “Your committee wish to congratulate J. Paterson on his selection in the representative team and Messrs. Sutton and Griffin in their selection in the various trial matches.

“It is regretted that the financial rn position of the club is in a very bad s -£ state. Your committee trust that p< members by paying their subscriptions to and travelling expenses will help the club to improve its financial position, pe “It is with deep regret that your s t committee report the -death of Mr. ]-,. Jack Daley, a brilliant old player and al in recent years a selector and ardent m supporter. to “In conclusion your committee wish m to thank the ladies for their assistance at the annual ball. Mr. and Mrs. m Massey for their hospitality, and the j selectors for their invaluable help. It a( is also desired to congratulate our worthy president (Mr. J. Paterson) on n ’ his re-election to the management n( committee of the Taranaki Rugby \ Union. It is hoped that all players pi will commence training early so that ( .; with their lovnl co-operation the com- s( ing season may be approached with a w spirit of optimism.” The balance-sheet disclosed a credit of £l3 on the year’s working, but as c . the result of circumstances outlined by « the president and secretary an excess p of liabilities over assets of £23. During the discussion, the secretary, replying to a question with reference to an item £6 shown as voluntary contributions. explained that the sum represented donations made by committee members towards the -liquidation ol accounts. On the motion of Mr L. Hughes, seconded by Mr C. A. Burke, who- congratulated the secretary on the clear explanation given, the report- and bal-ance-sheet were -adopted. 1 ELECTION OF OFFICERS. The election oi officers resuj ted ills Hollows:-— Patron, Mr A. G. Bennett (re- J elected); president, Mr J. V- Pateison (re-elected) ; vice-presidents, Messrs E. Bourke. C. L. Kaspar, E. J. Massey, i J. S. McKa-v, C. A. Burke, J. Hickey < (re-elected); A. E. McCracken Dr. C. R. Davies. G. Watts, and D. Murphy; t lion, secretary and treasurer, Mr A. J. i Christie (re-elecited); assistant-seare- j tary, Mr T. Hickey (re-elected) - execu- i tive committee, Messrs L. Hughes, L. t R. Hughes, A. E. McCracken, E. Long, < C. A. Burke, W. Bourke (re-elected). : and E. Snowden, D. Murphy and E. < Lavery; auditor, Mr G. H. Meuli; club t captain, Mr W. Bourke (re-elected); ] delegates to T.R.U., Messrs J. >Y. j Paterson, C. A. Burke, and A. ■> ■ 3 Christie (re-elected); senior selector, Mr C. A. Burke' (re-elected); junior ■ selector, Mr A. E. McCracken. The appointment of third and iourtli . ’ grade selectors was left to the club | committee. In expressing appreciation of the confidence shown in re-electing linn as the senior selector, Air O. A. Buike voiced congratulations concerning the manner in which players in various oracles had undertaken training during , the 1928 season, and appealed for .a , continuance of such app’ication. New members were elected as 1011-ow: ’ R Gra-v, C. Whalen, L. Bourke, W - ‘ Johnson, F. Hickey, T. McKay, D. Mor Kav. IV. Yates, T. Tamil, L. Hickey, ’ G. ‘Bigham. L. Vine, R. Tree, V. L Front,' L. Budd, F. Dick and V . Ed- ; wards. , REMITS CONSIDERED. 1 The delegates to the annual meeting 1 of the union - were instructed to -sup- , port the following remits from Die ' Okaiawa. Club : i ‘That a fourth grade player \shalj not he over 16 years of age on June I•>. _ ••That delegates of senior and- primary schools have voting powers only on the grade w hich (they represent. The Okaiawa remit “That rerorees have no seat on the management ot any football under the jurisdiction of the ’ Taranaki Rugby Union,” led to ooiisid- ’ erahle debate, and it- was decided to ’ authorise the delegates to use- their dis--1 cretion in accordance with fuller mtor--1 mation which might he available at /the union meeting. , . 1 Consideration was ai-so given to the following remit from the Old Boys j Club- “That three selectors be appointed, one from South, one from North and * a chairnian, a-H oi whom will he- ap- ' pointed at the annual meeting by the delegate*? of the clubs.” ‘The province has been iort-unate m having a particularly sound man -as sole " selector, and I am of the opinion that ’ the selection of the representative teams ' can ho made to the best advantage it entrusted to one capable- man,” said 5 the president. , Mr C. A. Burke pointed out that unli der the existing system north and south 1 selectors were engaged when the; trial i teams were selected, hut lie- considered 1 i the final selection of the provincial I fifteen should be left to a- sole so ector. ° After further discussion, the -cle-le- ') gates were authorised to vote a;s they ■" considered advisable on the remit. ) ' The delegates were instructed to y oppose the Eitliain Club’s remit pr°II posing that dlub boundaries be dispensed with. ... s Follow in”- a protracted discussion e concerning the rule under which cham- ° pionship points shall not count in respect of games plaved by a team wlnoh l} subsequently forfeits twice and is disc qua-lifted in consequence, it was cle-c-ided to forward a notice of motion to a the union to have the provision resemd- : s ( e d £ GENERAL. As a- means of solving the problem of is travelling expenses, it was decided, on r- the proposal of Air C. A. Burk, that subscriptions for seniors and juniors, l- including travelling expenses, he- 255. a The subscription for thirds and ie fourths, not including travelling expenses, was fixed as previously, at 5s n and 2s Cd respectively. . ie Honorary members’ subscriptions 5- were fixed at 7s 6d. “It appears grossly unfair that, as c- is at present possible, one diub should »r receive £8 from gates during the -seals. son and another £80,” said Air D. Alur•e phy during a discussion concerning financing. He suggested that instead 1. of a. flat rate of 40 per cent, being 1- taken bv the union the percentage accruing to the union -should be based on a sliding scale which would prove more equitable- to the clubs which, a.s their games were played in comparatively de-populate-d areas could not- possibly' obtain the high gate receipts eno joyed by (hits in more- highly pop-u- -- latod centres-. a It was decided to nominate- a senior, r . a junior, a third grade and! a fourth o grade team in the season’s competitions. 'Wednesday. March 20, was decided e on as the date of the club’s opening d pifi-ctic-e. ... ' Mr I . Hughes remarked that a prncy lice game with Oka to prior to the opent ing of tlie competitions might possibly be arranged.

! It was decided to nominate two loams for tli© Kaponga. seven-a-sid© tourney | on lias ter Saturday It was requested that all 1 players available should notify j tlio secretary immediately. Messrs T. Hickey M. Jiourhe E. | Long, T. liourke, J. Paterson It. Hdl. L. Hughes, O. W baton, E. Edwards, ID Grav \V. Johnson and H- Wiueera were appointed, with power to add, as a connntto© t© organise the annual ] ball, a Wednesday during mul-Api if , recommended as a probable date. \n offer of Mr S. Jones, of Kaupokonui, to donate a medal lor auaid to th© best tackier of the season m tlu club's first fifteen was accepted with 111 Then's access of the Wannabe Ma"!' 1 R.ugfi v team was referred to by Mi -> ■ \ G Cosorove in terms of praise. Atte.i winning the Katana Cup from the Egaraunui team early in I?2S, the team staved off successive challenges from Petone. Porirua, Awaihuri and W eliington fifteens, said Mr Cosgrove, and those who had seen the W annate M«m>i l team in action would agree that the standard of play was high.. The team has been a credit to the district, and 1 am sure that all members of the \V animate Chib will join in congratulations to the winners and hoi dels of the I Katana Cun.” (Applause). On the motion of . Mr Cosgrove, a motion of congratulation to the Maori j team and its supporters was carried b> acclamation. . . ~ ‘AYe are fortunate m having the right man in the right place. M o could not oct a better secretary, said Mn C. \ Burke in proposing- a ' ote or thanks to Mr A. J. Christie . m appreciation of his able stewardship a« club secretary. The motion was ondoised with applause. , ~ A vote of thanks to the popular president (ATr J AV. Paterson) was also carried bv acclamation foMowmg an annropriate reference made l>y. All •) • Hickey to Air Paterson’s service.

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Hawera Star, Volume XLVIII, 21 March 1929, Page 6

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RUGBY Hawera Star, Volume XLVIII, 21 March 1929, Page 6

RUGBY Hawera Star, Volume XLVIII, 21 March 1929, Page 6