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THE MERRY MONTH OF MAY BEINGS TO EVERYONE ALIKE THE VIGOUR AND JQY OF A NEW SEASON. THOUGHTS TURN FROM SUNSHINE AND FLOWERS TO THE INVIGORATING KEENNESS. OF WINTER, WITH ITS NUMEROUS. INDOOR ATTRACTIONS AND SPORTING OCCASIONS. MAY SPECIALS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. J . i IN MAY MORE THAN IN ANY OTHER MONTUT, COMES THAT ANXIOUS FEELING TO CLOTHE ONESELF ANEW TO. GREET THE NEW SEASON. LIGHTER CLOTHES MUST BE SET ASIDE FOR WEIGHTS IN KEEPING WITH THE COLDER DAYS, AND WHOLESALE PRICES ADD ZEST TO THE ENTERPRISE. j 'SHOP IN MAY AT i GEORGE & DOUGHTY’S AT & DOUGHTY’S, * Hosiery and Gloves LADIES r ' PUT?!} SILK HOSE, .Pencil, Chairej light Pawn, Tinsol, Silver, end Light Nude— Mayfair Price 8/11 pr. Our Famous 401 ART SILK lIOSE, in all nice shades — Usually 3/11 paii— Mayfair Price 2 pairs for 5/11 Julies 7 Black, Navy and Brawn ART-SILK HOSE, suitable for house wear — Mayfair Price 2 pairs for 1/8 Ladies ’ NAFFER GLOVES fancy t ops and' also Gauntlet Tops— Mayfair Price 7/11 pair A large assortment of Ladies’ and Children’s WOOLLEN ■ GLOVES all at Mayfair Prices LADIES’ ART SILK and COTTON HOSE, wool soles, good value; Opal, Grey, Soures Crevette and Airdale Mayfair Price 2/9 pair LADIES’ RAMA ALL-WOOL lIOSE, in all wanted shades, splendid value-r. Mayfair Price 2/9 pair LADIES’ FLEXCELLO. ALL-WOOL HOSE, special elastic Rib Tops, Blush, Peach, Silver, Black, . Aluminum, Champagne, Tanaura, Sunburn, Almond, Rose Beige, Oakapple, and Putty — . . .... ; Mayfair Price-3/9 pair LADIES’ SILK ami WOOL ITOSE full fashion, Nude, Cloud, Tanaura,- Oakapple. Mist and Almond— Mayfair Price 4/11 pair LADIES ’ SILK and WOOL FLEXCELLO HOSE, wide suspended • lops,j. Black, iSunburn, (Sahara, Grain,, Dawn, M*lba,- Blonde and Naturalle — Mayfair Price 5/6 pair LADIES’- ART SILK and WOOL HOiSE, ,non-ladder, wool soles. Light Fawn, Melba, Nude, Sunburn, and "Paris— Mayfair Price 5/11 Ladies* Underwear LADIES’ WINCEYETTE NIGHTDRESSES, in colours of Pink'anil Helio, plain hemstitched or embroidered styles— Mayfair Prices 4/11 to 7/6 CHILDREN ’iS FLEECY LINED BLOOMERS*. in Navy, Pink, (Saxe, Mauve, Blue and (Helio; from 1 to 6 Mayfair Price 1/3 to 1/11 LADIES’ VEDONIS VESTS, assorted styles, short,sleeves, no sleeves,.,or rib arm, W. and O S. —— Mayfair Prices 4/3 nd 5/3 LADIES’ COTTON VESTS, large size, shaped waist and short sleeves, splendid quality, British cotton — Mayfair Price 1/6 PLATED ART SILK BLOOMERS, elastic waist and knee, colours are Pink, Helio, Blue Grain, French Nude, Eau-de-Nil and " White— Mayfair Price 2/6 pair LADIES’ FLEECY LINED BLOOMERS, elastic waist and knee, good washingqualities and full woman’s size— Mayfair Price 1/11 pair "COSY” WINCE YETTE' NIGHTDRESS, neatly trimmed with pin tucks, art silk lace, or embroidered, large size, short sleeve or long sleeve — Mayfair Price 8/6 to 10/6 V Si S 3 0 'po>Si te. G 0 S 0 m © V, *4# m f say m Mayfair Specials in the Showroom Splendid Range of MAIDS’ COATS in all Wool Velour, double collar beaver Coney, side pleats and front belts, the effect which is carried on the sleeves in shades of Navy, Biska, Tfose and Grey. < Sizes, 27in, 30in, 33in, 36in, 3'9in— Mayfair Prices 30s, 335, 345, 365, 38s. W. and O.S. FACE CLOTH COATS, trimmed with fur collar and cuffs, very smart styles. — Mayfair Price £5/5/- to £6/6/Smart CHECK VELOUR GOATS, ' in a. variety of tones with and without belts — Mayfair Prices 63/. and 84/S.W. and- VELOUR COATS .in. shades of Navy, Henna, Rose and Light Brown, pleated panels, fur collars and cuffs: — Mayfa# Price 87/6 iMAYFAIR SPECIALS IN SILKS AND DRESS GOODS! Clothing and Mercery 54-in SUEDE VELOUR, in all good shades—- * Mayfair Price 15/- per yd. 54-in ALL WOOL ENGLISH VELOUR, in good weight and finish, all tue latest shades — Mayfair Price 11/6 yd. 54-in FRENCH .S'UEDE VELOUR, a nice cloth in good ■medium weight, in all good shades — Mayfair Price 8/11 yd. (30/5S WANGANUI TWEEDS, in nice checks and stripes, special costume lengths, no two alike — Mayfair Price 52/. and 43/9 length. 22-in BLACK VELVETEEN, good reliable make— Mayfair Price 2/6 and 1/11 yd. 54-in 'CHARMALINE, in Saxe, Alpine, Henna and Wine Electric — Mayfair Price 10/6 yd. 54-in ALL WOOL REPP, in all the best shades— Mayfair Price 12/6 yd. 54-in PRIESTLEY’S ALL WOOL NAVY SERGE, .just the thing for School Dresses — Mayfair Price 8/6 yd. 40-in DOCTOR DRESS FLANNELS, in all the best shades — Mayfair Price 4/6 yd. 40-in KASAHETTE CHECK and PLAIN, ideal for house frocks— Mayfair Price 1/6 yd. 27-in .VELVETEENS WOREALS, in all the latest shades— ' Mayfair Price 5/3 yd. 40-in TRICOLINE, in all good shades—- ' Mayfair Price 2/11 yd. 40-in CREPE DE CHINES, full range of shades — Mayfair Price 5/11 yd. 3G-in SHOT TAFETTA.S, good shades— Mayfair Price 6/11 yd. 39-in SILK GEORGETTES, a full .range of shades to • choose from— Mayfair Price 5/6 yd. 39-in COLOURED SILK and 'SILK and WOOL iMOROCAINS— Mayfair Price 5/9 yd. 39-in CREPE iSATIN, the latest, in. evening material Mayfair Price 11/6 yd. 39-in BEOCHE TAFETTA, in good shades —.. Mayfair Price 10/6 yd'. 36-in WASHING SATINS, in Black, Cream Ivory and Helio — Mayfair Price 5/3 yd. Large Stock of. BOYS’ GREY JERSEYS, wonderful value— May Fair Prices, 20in, 3d size. BOYS’ FOXES SERGE SHORTS, will stand hard wear— Mayfair Price 7/11 to 9/11 BOYS’ WOOLLEN GLOVES, in 'Grey .Fawn, and HeatherMayfair Prices 1/4, 1/6, 1/8, 1/10. BOYS’ OILY CANVAS COATS, all sizes— Mayfair Prices 30/6 to 39/6. MEN’S OILY CANVAS COATS—These Coats cannot be repeated at these prices. Buy one now at — Mayfair Price 47/6. MR. FARMER! Have you tried our FARMER NAP TROUSERS, splendid line for farm work — Mayfair Price 7/11 MEN ’S DUR'O NEGLIGE- SHIRTS, with two collars to match — Mayfair Price 7/11 MEN’S DOUBLE LIFE TROUSERS, the line We always stock— Mayfair Price 12/9 MEN’S PULL-OVERS, in a variety of shades just the thing far the winter— Mayfair Price 9/6, 10/6, 14/6 Laffe variety of MEN’S WOOLLEN GLOVES Mayfair Prices 2/3, 2/6, 2/9, 2/11 MEN’S Heavy Weight Cotton and 'Wool UNIDEEa PANTS and SINGLETS— Mayfair Prices 5/11 and 6/6 MEN'S ALL WOOL SOCK'S, unbeaten — Mayfair Prices 1/-, 1/2, 2/-, 2/11 MEN’S DOCTOR UNDER-FLANNELS in shades of Grev, Shetland and Navy— Mayfair Price 6/6 and 9/3 Large/ Stocks of MEN’S TWEED OVERCOATS, latest “cut and well finished—- . Mayfair Prices 59/6, 75/-, 85/-, 89/6. Large Stocks of MEN’S WOOLLEN-CARDIGAN S at— Mayfair Prices. For Values in May and Always, COME TO THE WAREHOUSE MANCHESTER AND FURNISHINGS genuinely reduced. MANCHESTER. SO-iu BLEACHED TWILL SHEETING — ... Mayfair Prices 2/3 yd, 2/9 yd, 3/3 yd. 54-ih’ BLEACHED TWILL SHEETING— Mayfair Prices 1/6 yd, 2/3 yd, 2/6 yd. IRISH LINEN FINISH SHEETS, hemstitched, ready for use, size 54 x 90 — Mayfair Prices 13/6 pr., 14/6 pr., 15/6 pr. TABLE DAMASK, new lines just to hand, superior quality in all the newest designs — 50-in Wide — Ivlayfair Price 1/6 yd 54-in Wide — Mayfair Price 1/11, 2/3 yd. 64-in Wide — Mayfair Price 3/3, 3/6, 3/11 yd. 7'2-in Wide Pure Linen— Mayfair Price, 5/11, 6/6, * 7/6 8/9. 9/6 yd. 34- PYJAMA FLANNELETTE, neat stripes— Mayfair Price 11/6 doz. 35- PYJAMA FLANNELETTE, heavy, woven stripes Mayfair Price 1/4 yd. 36- PYJAMA FLANNELETTE, extra good quality— Mayfair Price 1/6 yd. 27-in NURSERY FLANNELETTE— Mayfair Price 8/6, 10/6 doz. TOWELS—Every pair of Towels Space will not permit of u s enumerating prices. Come and see the “Mayfair Reductions.” BLANKETS —White All-Wool New Zealand Blankets, Single Bed size— Mayfair Price 22/6 Three-quarter Bed size — Mayfair Price 31/6 pr. Double Bed size— Mayfair Price 39/6 pr. GREY BLANKETS, single bed size— Mayfair Price 17/- pr. RUGS, 60 x SO. fancy checks, heavy quality— Mayfair Price 16/6 ea. FURNTgfHINGS. 38-in Fadeless Striped CURTAIN NET, cream, faney around — Mayfair Price 1/9 yd. 36-in* FANCY FLORAL CASEMENT — Mayfair Price 1/4 yd. 50-in Fadeless (Striped POPLIN, Gold, Mauve, Fawn, 3-eaeock Blue— Mayfair Price 3/3 yd. 36-iu CREME CURTAIN NET'S, a wide range to choose from— Mayfair Prices 1/6, 1/8, 2/-, 2/3, 2/5, 2/7 yd 30-in Light and Dark Ground CRETONNE'S— — y Mayfair Price 1/2 yd. m WE SELL FOR LESS Few only BLACK RUBBER. CQATS— Mayfair! Price 12/6 The very latest in ART 'SILK ' MACIN-■ TOSHES, in shades of Red; Blue,' Green. Mauve- — ... /• . Mayfair Prices 32/6, 34/6, 37/6. W. REPP FROCKS in Biska .shade, fancy pleated! skirt, . " collar cuffs and. front of Fawn;very sinaffe- . Mayfair Price 32/6 Four only REPP FRO'CKS, in shades of Light Brown, Biska, and Navy, pleated skirts faddy. braid' trimmings— Mayfair Price 42/- and 47/6. Large Assortment of the latest TWEED’ SKIRTS in a variety of shades and styles— Mayfair Prices 14/6, 15/6, 18/6 CARDIGANS, all wool, in shades of Pink, Green, Fawn, Grey Mauve in W. and O.iS. size— Mayfair Prices 8/11, 11/6 Striped Wool and Cotton CARDIGANS, in Green and White, Mauve and White, Grey and White,.Fawn, and White— Mayfair Price 5/11 W. and O.S. All-Wool CARDIGANS, made in New Zealand in shades of Motive, Blue, Red, Green —, Mayfair Prices 21/-, 24/6, 27/6. All-Wool SPORTS COATS in shades of Salniojti ? Saxes, Putty and Fawn — Mayfair Price 16/11 Striped WOOLLEN JUMPERS,, .square Neck, in Fawn and Red, Biska and Fawn Red and .Navy— ... , Mayfair Price 9/6 Three-piece Fine Wool . JUMPER SUITS in Putty- and- Red, Biska-and Blue, Putty and Cocoa —,- x Mayfair Prices 57/6, 65/-, 73/6 Fine Woollen JUMPERS, with high neck, shades of Biska, Helio, and Blue, collar and cuffs worked with gold self coloured tie—, . Mayfair Price 19/6 SPECIAL PRICES FOR EVENING FROCKS 1 S.W. Pale Green TAFFETA EVENING FROCK, short waisted effect, gathered' at hips, Madallions -of Ribbon on skirt, with gold lace centre — Mayfair. Price 59/6 SATIN EVENING FROCKS, with flounce beautifully embroidered and edged with l ae e— Mayfair Price 47/6 One each ROSE and SALMON TAFFETA EVENING • FROCK, flounce beautifully embroidered and scolloped, also embroidered on shoulder — Mayfair price 32/6 A Revolution in Footwear If it’s a working boot make it a “MISKO.” Misko spells the end of repair bills. It’s the only boot ever made of which the soles will out last the tops, as comfortable as a slipper, with flexible non-skid waterproof soles, it’s a money-saver “make it your next.-’ MEN’S 75 0L1D KIP WORKING BOOTS, no toe cap, waterproof, extra strong, soles nailed, heel and toe plate — Mayfair Price 24/11 'MEN’S S. KIP SHOOTERS, a good solid working boot, nailed, heel and toe piate— Mayfair Price 19/11 THE ROADMAN, as the name implies a great working boot, both for farm and road work— Mayfair Price 18/6 Purchase your 'Winter requirements in. Slippers, Gum Boots, 'Goloshes, Footholds, etc., at— Mayfair Prices BOY’iS STRONG CHROME DERBY BOOTS, unlined uppers, extra strong soles, suitable for school or best wear — Mayfair Prices 7x9, 9/11; 10, 12/6; 11 x 1, 13/11; 2x3, 14/11; 4x5, 15/11. BOY’S'GLACE DERBY BOOTS, suitable for the small •bovs best wear, smart wide fitting- boot — Mayfair Price 7x9, 18/11 MEN’S BOX BOOTS, English boot- of nice appearance, strong uppers, stout sewn soles 11 Mayfair Price 17/9 MEN’S BLACK and TAN DERBY FIELD BOOTS, strono- leather lined uppers, full tongue, double sewn soles — Mayfair Price 22/6 'MEN’S BLACK GLACE KID and WILLOW DERBY SHOES, leather lined uppers, strong soles and made on a wide fitting last— Mayfair Price 19/11 LADIES’ DEPARTMENT. LADIES ’ TAN CALF FANCY BAR SHOES, fancy design on vamp, low leather heels — Mayfair Price 17/11 LADIES’ FAWN KID FANCY BAR- SHOES, cut away on vamp and sides, 'Louis heels — !Maytair Price 12/11 LADIES’ FAWN KID BAR SHOES, with neat trim of brown kid, Louis heels — Mayfair Price 17/11 LADIES’ BLACK PATENT FANCY BAR SHOES, fauev sides, LouisLADIES’’ BROWN KID BAR SHOES, with latest design, lizard trims, low leather heels — -. Mayfair Price 25/9 LADIES’ GREY KID ONE BAR 'SHOES, fancy stitching on vamp, low leather heels — Mayfair Price 25/11 Several Smart Designs in LIGHT COLOURED SHOES Louis and flat heels, one price— Mayfair Price 24/11 LADIES’ xE'ACfEI KIKD BAR SHOES,.fancy sides and trims, medium Louis heels — Mayfair Price 25/11 INFANTS ’ and GIRLS ’ CAMEL-HAIR SLIPPERS, in good serviceable colours — Mayfair Price 4x6, 2/4 7 x 9, 2/9; 10, 3/3; 11 x 1, 3/9. MAIDS’ and. GIRLS ’ BOX CALx BROGUE BAR SHOE'S, a good strong shoe for winter wear— Mayfajr Prices 10, 13/9; 11 x 3, 16/6; 1 x 2, 17/6; 3 x 6, 18/6. ! Box 199 George & Doughty Phone 2704

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Hawera Star, Volume XLVII, 2 May 1928, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 Hawera Star, Volume XLVII, 2 May 1928, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 Hawera Star, Volume XLVII, 2 May 1928, Page 10