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Last 3 Days of SALE ! | Thursday, Friday and Saturday EH I!lllL_|_|_LU—!—l—.^—U—L——Ll—^———WUUMUHil llMßTßir' -WW 4 ""* ÜBI II MUI HU I EIWI GztvGQ C-nnpr Analitv Art «4ilk Cheeked Table Cloths BUTTONED WOOL MATTRESSES. Made from spe- j 80in. Superior Quality Heavy Ladies’ AprOU Lengths. ■ 54x68 buper yuallty Art bllK UneCKea laoie Uiorns Cially prepared wool. Good Strong ticking. Guar- | . In attractive designs, with pocket and ties Attached. In guaranteed ■ Guaranteed fast to boiling. Worth 5/11. s"nGLeVeID Sat,SfaCt '° n ‘ 2 9/6 to 32/6 ' I Linen Finish Sheeting material. Dozens of patterns. Worth 2/11. ■ Sale Price 3/11 each DOUBLE BED 39/6 to 45/- I Absolutely free from dressing. I Sale Price 1/11 each I ■ KAPOC SINGLE BED 39/6 I , ■■■■ ■ ■■ ■ L KAPOC DOUBLE BED 49/6 I 4/11 VaiCl R # pillows to match 4/6 each | I Rosedale Underwear and Dress Flannel I - 27111 Heaw Quality Art Silk. ROLLED EDGE BUTTONED KAPOC MATTRESSES. I 1 ~~ I Pre-shrunk. Super quality. Splendid washing Easily worth 3/6 yd. | W ‘ In Blue and Gold. Floral ticking. Extra strong. | , „. , ■Rarl fl’pmmPfl I Exceptional Value 2/8 yaid || E Suitable for fancy dress drapings, underwear, etc. In a full range Well filled. R blllglC 15011 Acllllu I g E of new shades. Easily worth 1/11 yard. SINGLE BED 63/- g Gl-ipptct - ■ DOUBLE BED 79/6 I PIICCUO . ninn-ha™ ■ Sale Plaice 1/- yard I PILLOWS TO MATCH 4/11 each I .. weari ng. Splendid wash- x , „ h , dDIIL VT1 + n § n u ai ? . . c ., th BE I «——■■—w———g I Extra nara wean a H p as t colour in all shades and assorted checked designs. Easily worth R I THE NEW SLEEPWELL. Coiled spring, air conditioned in 9- irn 1/6 yard. E ■■ S mattresses. 10/b pair Sale p rice lld yard B| Single Bed Doubleßed u ■ The Famous English “Spun Joy” Silk regent" 7. //’ 5t 0 Ve 0 « n r+ . Si An uncrushable material in a wonderful range of shades and designs MYSTIC 60 0 715 0 21x33 Qua 1 y 36ih. Fast Colour MilOreUe £ Easily worth 3/11 yard. SUPREME 710 0 99 0 Bath Mats A heavy floral material. Ideal for smocks, frocks, aprons, coverings, ■ Exceptional Value 2/6 yard art Sfe_K BEDSPREADS. Heavy quality, hard wear- Thick and absorbant. Easily worth etc< AH colourin 9 s - W ° Jnentidnal Value 1/3 Yard I R . » 'ng. Brocaded pattern in Green. Single Bed 5/11 JJjXCep bIUHd.I V ctllAD X/O.y<a u a K - ■- ■■■" ■■■"" only. Worth 8/11/ Sale Price 3/11 | H ' Special Price 4/11 . „ ~ w | £ - ■ 111 - ——45 in. Floral Cottage Weave | ■ dom. rnnieu AZll-l TOWELS. We have a large range of English TOWELS. Whi+o nawqqk A new line just opened. In all new shades and designs. Ideal for | I A heavy quality linen finish fabric in many attractive all-over and ““ d ™ 54x54 Plain White Damask cuBhions , drapings, etc. Easily worth 3/6 yard. | | “ J* Table Cloths Exceptional Value-2/3 yard E y ard - - , — . n/o jj 22 x 44 4/11 pair. Good quality. We cannot repeat at this ridiculous ■mw ■ Sale Price 2/3 yard 24 x4B 5/6 pair. Super quality. price. « . i . , . M 26 x 50 . . 6/11 pair. Super quality embossed. 3/11 CcLCll 46i11. StripCu Cottclge \V63/76 ■ - Cannot repeat at these prices. Get yours while stocks last .... H rwmi ■■ mu mi Full range of tonings. Fast colour. Suitable for drapings, cushions, H Big Savings on Eiderdowns KABE CREPES. Wonderful washings. Guaranteed un- Plain White coverings, etc. Worth 2/11 and 3/11 yard. M . , , , . t- ■ shrinkable. All fast colours. Ideal for Under- . ~ CJalp Pripp 1/11 flTld 2/6 Vard H We have a wonderful range of s.ngle and double bed, genuine Fairy wear , B(ouseSj etc Get yours whj|e stocks |ast Serviettes , bale -^ ric e ± / ±± Bl Down Eiderdowns, at prices that will save you pounds. 30i n Plain 1/9- Floral 1/11 ■ ' ’ Linen Finish. Assorted designs. ■ Single Bed from 32/6 travelling rugs. Pur e nz. wool rugs. Large fid -ph 1 Piece Only 29in. Striped Shadow Tissue I Double Bed from 32/6 to 84/- > - vy »X£ e^Li^ ra qalp Price 1A vard ■S—— — — — — b mews' pyjamas. TROUSERS TROUSERS TROUSERS Men s AU Wool Tweed Overcoats ■ TTon-rrTr AnalifTr Plannplpftp PTrinmac! * Made in our own mi,ls and factot, y from selected N.Z. wool. No ■ Heavy Quality iianneieire pyjamas middleman’s profit, hence the tow price, worth 79/6. ■ Made in our own factory. Easily worth 6/11. a wonderiul Selection to choose from at prices that defy , o ■ Sale Special 4/11 competition anywhere in New Zealand. Sale Price 45/- to 57/t- ■ Men's heavy quality all wool Grey Worsted Trousers. . „ T . . , , « , ■ Boys’ English Interlock Singlets 25/- value. Our Price 17/11 Men s Pure Wool Singlets and Pants I' ?r anteed *° 3ive excep ' Men’S super quality all wool Saddle Tweed Trousers. Pepper A " 9 S' cuTp'rlce- ° w " mi " and M Sleeveless 1/3 to 1/9 and salt design. 37/6 value. Our Price 25/- 7/6 per Garment I Short Sleeves 1/6 to 1/11 Men’s super fine Navy Serge Trousers. Fast dye. 35/- value. ■ * —• Our Price 22/6 Men’s Red Drab Singlets Men’s Heavy Fleecy Lumber Jackets Men’s Brown Herringbone Serge Trousers. 29/6 value. Guaranteed unshrinkable. Your last opportunity to procure these at m zipp front. Two pocket.. size, wjnd ; Q ur Price 21/- ' s p " ce ' Men’s 4/11; O.S. 5/6 I Sizes 38 and 40_ I Men’s heavy quality all wool Tweed Trousers. Grey only. I 1 1 H Sale Price 4/11 17/6 value. Our Price 11/6 Men’s Durable Cotton Whipcord Trousers ■ ”■ Men’s woollen Whipcord Trousers. 19/6 value. Our Price 12/6 specially constructed for an classes of heavy work, wor th 12/6. H Boys’ All Wool Flannel Shirts Men’s all wool Trousers. 29/6 value. 1 Our Price 22/6 Sale Price 8/11 Regulation School style. Guaranteed to give every satisfaction. un usually 6/11. sizes 7,8,910 only. Men’s all wool superfine English Worsted Trousers. Pleats bale Price 4/11 and tunnels. 27/6 value. Our Price 19/11 Men’s Grey Cotton Work Shirts —mw r———i■—m—M—i——naaiUfiM ■mfcoaMu.'j.niM«»am»imißiiiioiißMßii iiniiiiiin " Men’s all wool heavy Tweed Grey Trousers. 19/11 value. Guaranteed to give absolute .ati.fact.on, worth 4/6. Boys’ Strong Worsted School Shorts Q ur p r i ce 15/6 Sale Price 211 Double seats. Sizes 3to 14. General price n.—i mui • n ■ —■_———> Sale Price 2/11 Men’s strong wearing Nap Work Trousers. Every pair „ guaranteed. Our Price 5/6 MEN’S SPORTS WEAR Boys’ Navy .Serge Shorts Men’s hard wearing blue Denim Trousers. Our Price 5/11 Pure Wool Tweed Sports Coats I Double seats, i ast dyes. General P Q^ r l2^ 6 p e^J lz g/ 6 to g/g Men's Tufwear Work Trousers. Our Price 4/11. Smartly cut popular action back style ‘ A " the new ... Men’s Khaki Work Trousers Our Price 5/11 Boys’ Heavy Quality Fleecy Lumber Jackets Men’s Khaki and Blue Bib Overalls. Our Price 7/11 & 8/11 Boy’s Heavy Quality Flannelette Pyjamas m Zipp fastener front. Two AISO a Very large Selection Of SPORTS ’"all Something we can thoroughly recommend for comfort and hard wear. | according to size. the latest shades in flannel and fine worsteds from 11/6 to 22/6. Special Low Prices — 3/11 to 4/11 pair H Boys’ Strong Leather Shoes Men’s Leather Lumber Jackets 1 R Made in New Zealand, in streamline and other Fully lined. Zipp front with two zipp pockets. -Rnyrc’ CtnnPT’finp All Wonl Worsted SinffletS ■ Men’s Heavy All Wool Work Jerseys styles. Guaranteed to give good service. Save I Special 39/6 I BoyS bUpei Ue 0 o ’ B J J yourself 7/6 in the £ by making your purchase F vu/ v — Extra large size. Button front. Wo.»th 10/6. at Millers. ‘Dlan+.-./J t ee / „ H Sale Price 7/11 Prices from 10/9 to 14/6 I ®'? ,teCl 55/- O u t They Go Prices —5/6 to 6/b 9 according to size. Full length Leather Coats. 60/- I - PH 1 MW ANT Ct * OP- jj c< +,-« S6in. Smock Cloth SINGLE bed heavy quality grey blankets. t XVXiITXX^iXIXI XK7 Obm. Brocaded batm. Guaranteed fast colour. Splendid wearing. Ideal for Made in our own mill from Specially Selected New ALL HALF PRICE. Splendid wearing. In shades of Rust, Apple, Emerald, smocks, frocks, aprons, cushions, etc. Easily worth 1/11 Zealand Wool. A few pair only——Brai■,«—■—mas■^™» Green and Blue. Ideal for bedspreads, cushions, drap- ar • , 22/6 pair “■Ro Paon” Printa ings ’ etCl Easil X worth 1/11 yard. Sale Price 1/3 yard pu r uep xriiuub . cannot repeat at this price. " A guaranteed fabric in dozens of all-over and striped Salp PriCE 1/3 Vard , , , . . t, ■, , floral designs. Wonderful wearing. Ideal for maids “ 30ill Hpaw Onnlitv Strinpd Kabp CrPUP 80 X 100 Double Bed Art Silk Bedspread.. a " d ,adiM ' Value-2/! yard — » ' B '” a " d we have a large range of— Sale Price 1/3 yard Cearance Price 6/6 36in. Unbleached Calico Madras Curtain Muslin cannot repeat at this price, . n Good quality. Hard wearinq. Splendid washing. Just opened. In tonings that will suit every room. As- v 7O rion Piio-a I Heavy Quality Linen Finish Billow Lase v - ■ Worth 1/11 yard. sorted designs. ® 3b X (Z Ulan ItUgS Hemstitched and taped ready for use. Worth 4/11 pair. Sale Price 1/3 yard Exceptional Value—l/6 and 1/11 yard Extra hard wearin 9- ln all shades. Sale Price 3/11 pair ■—l,l,llll.■■■■——"—■■■—rannan—a,»saitKaKS9aaa—Haiaßms9aßa—B—^ Mß^^B , aM ,,oß—a——MiMaaaß»"" IB > a » a > aH>aß^"IB ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■— Millers on the Quay - Phone 611 j Ph I l—M|i|lilli lIIIIIHIIBIIIiMI^^MMMMMBrMIFI'O-lMnnMMMlWMrMMMWM—WiHiiiiaiiinißl—l——ll WMMMT—WWnH'Uinir

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Grey River Argus, 1 August 1940, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Grey River Argus, 1 August 1940, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Grey River Argus, 1 August 1940, Page 4