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[Our Own Correspondent.] High Water, Port of Westport (N.Z, Standard Time): Thursday, Feb. T 0—5.38 a.m., 6.25 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 12—8.10 a.m., 8.40 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 13—9.4 a.m., 9.29 p.m. Monday, Feb. 14—9.50 a.m., 10.15 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 15 —10.35 a.m., 11 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 16—11.20 a.m., 11.42 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 17— —, 0.2 p.m. Friday, Feb. 18—0.25 a.m., 0.44 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 19—1.5 a.m., 1.25 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 20—1.44 a.m., 2.5 p.m. Monday, Feb. 21—2.22 a.m., 2.46 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 22—3.6 a.m., 3.35 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 23-—4.3 a.m., 4.54 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 24—5.38 a.m., 6.35 p.m. Friday, Feb. 25—7.4 a.m., 7.39 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 26—7.56 a.m., 8.23 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 27—8.35 a.m., 8.58 p.m. ' Monday, Feb. 28 —9.10 a.m., 9,30 p.m. Shipping: , . . WESTPORT, February 10. ■ • The Kaiwarra completed unloading rails yesterday, and is loading coal to-day for Wellington, expecting to be dispatched at 6 a.m., to-mor-row. , The Wingatui arrived from Wellington this morning, with general cargo, and loads coal for Wellington, sailing for that port on Saturday. The Kaimai was to have sailed from Oamaru at 10 o’clock last night and is due on Saturday to load coal for Timaru, Dunedin and Port Chalmers.

The Alexander is due from Nelson at noon to-day, and is to sail later this afternoon-with coal for Picton. The Titoki is due to-morrow with general cargo, from Onehunga and Nelson, and loads coal for Nelson, returning immediately to load coal for Tarakohe.

The Rata is expected from Tarakohe'. on Monday to load coal for Wanganui. The Canopus is expected to return from Auckland during the week-end to load coal for Auckland. The Hokitika arrived from-Wel-lington this morning, and after discharging general cargo, is expected to sail for Greymouth at midnight to-night. The Te Aroha arrived from Wellington and is discharging cargo today, sailing at midnight to-night for Little Wanganui and Wellington.

Personal: , Canon J. W. Bloyce and Mrs Bloyce returned last evening from a holiday visit to Christchurch. Mrs Morley has returned from a holiday visit to Christchurch. Mrs B. Baker and her daughter, of Karamea, left' this morning on a visit to Christchurch and Wellington. . Mr D. J. Archer, Chairman of Directors of • the Buller Valley Daiiy Company, leaves next Monday to /represent the West Coast at the Dairy Conference at Wellington. Misses C. Woodhead and K. Carey, nf Westport, leave to-day for Christchurch, where they will attend the Teachers’ Training College. The death took place at Dovedale, Nelson, last Friday, of Miss Jordan, sister of Mr J. Jordan, of Nikau. Mr H. R. ‘Young expects to be leaving for England in June, in connection with mining propositions. Mr J. Hutt, Birchfield, left to-day for Wellington, to meet his cousin, Mr J. H. Patterson, who is captain bn the Bendeli, which is due in Wellington this week-end. Mr H. S. Batchelor, who died suddenly at Christchurch, is a grandson of Major' and Mrs Batchelor, formerly of Westport, and a nephew of Mrs W. T. Keesing, of Westport, who left for Christchurch on receiving the sad news. The sympathy of the community is extended to the relatives of deceased. Buller A. & P. Association:

A meeting of the General' Committee was held last evening. There were present: Messrs W. H. Martin, junr. (Chairman),.C. J. Lemon, S. Lowe, A. Vincent, P. Roselli, J. A. R. Bailey, G. Campbell, H. V. Palmer, A. Ferguson, J. Stowell, R. White, W. H. Hateley, N. Archer, M. Durkin, T. Carter, J. P. Burley and J. H. Enright. The Chairman reported that Mr Hateley and himself had interviewed the Stationmaster in connection with provision for loading stock at Nikau. Mr Rasmussen had agreed to •give every assistance possible. Mr Roselli reported that Mr Fountaine would erect poultry cages and pen exhibits. The Secretary was instructed to write and thank Mr Fountaine for his assistance.

The report of the Ladies’ Committee was adopted. Mr H. J. Petch of Christchurch, was appointed Judge of the butter classes. Messrs Hatley, Durkin, Lemon, Lowe and J. P. Burley reported re. the canvass of several districts. Messrs T. Ryan, M. B. Scully, F. Slee, J. and G. Walker, Ray Lines, A. E. Lines, F. Delaney, Junr., V. Della Vedova, De Filippi Bros. W. D. Inwood, junr., F. J. Collins, S. Neighbours and Sons, O. C. Watson, and A. Woodward were elected members. It was decided to award the cup donated by Mr A. G. Petley to the Children’s Calf Class. Ail, application from Messrs Neighbours and Sons, for space for exhibit -was granted. Mr Hateley reported that Mr Prictor representing Black and White Whisky had promised to donate a silver challenge cup for competition next season. A vote of thanks to the donors was carried. The Secretary /reported that entries show a substantial increase on last year’s figures.

School Picnic: The public primary schools of Westport are holding their annual picnic to-day at Carter’s Beach, and glorious weather has favoured . the occasion. Hundreds of highly delighted children, along with their teachers, were conveyed to the beach by Gibbs’- Motors, and, no doubt, will spend a most enjoyable day.

Karamea Women's Institute: The Karamea Women’s Institute intend holding a flower show next Wednesday. Record entries are .anticipated and from all indications, one of the most successful shows ever held in the district, will be staged. Mrs Hodgson, the energetic secretary is sparing neither time nor energy in trying to make the event a success.

Millerton Women's Institute: The monthly meeting of the Millerton branch of the Women s Institute was held in the Rechabite Hall on Wednesday last, Mrs Strang presiding over a good attendance. The roll call, “How I Spent my Christmas Holidays," was well responded to, all having had a real good hoh-

day. The social half-hour was spent in a talk among those present. The hostesses for the evening were Mes-. dames Orman, Swan, Woods and Ninnes. Public Meeting at Birchfield: A public meeting was held in the Birchfield School on February 7th. The business was to consider the transfer of the schoolteacher (Mr RHarden) to Seddonville School. Best wishes were accorded Mr Harden in his appointment to a higher position. It was agreed,-to have a social and dance to farewell Mr Harden on the evening.of the 19th February, at 8.30, when a large turnout is expected. Mr R. Griffiths was. the chairman for the evening. Another public meeting takes place on Monday, the 14th, February, when -a large attendance is requested. Card Tournament:

The Labour Party’s card tournament' attracted a large attendance last evening. The euchre prizes were won by Mrs Higman, Mrs Brown 2, and Mrs Bird 3. The 45’s competition was won by Mrs Hazeldine. The Ladies’ Social Committee saw to the comfort of patrons in their customary capable manner. N.Z. Workers' Union:

At a recent meeting of the Buller District Committee of the New Zealand Workers’ Union, the following delegates were present: A. Wathey (Tiroroa), H. Calwell (Inangahua), Junction), J. J. Chapman (Denniston), H. Hawes (Karameq), H. Hennessey (Pakihi Section), J. Wall (Coast Road), J. Caldwell (Cascade) and W. J. Coppersmith (Organising Secretary). Messrs H. Caldwell and H. Hennessey were nominated for the position of Chairman. The former declined, and Mr Hennessey was declared elected. Mr’Wathey outlined the result of a deputation to the engineers regarding Clauses No. 1937/77 as it affected Tiroroa men. It was also agreed to ask that Clause 7 be made applicable to Tiroroa workers, who reside in Westport and failing this, that suitable accommodation be provided for these men and their families on the job. The meeting agreed to make application to have the West Coast brought under the heading of a wet climate for the purpose of improvements in accommodation, such as open fireplaces, etc. It was decided to ask that a worker who is engaged on steel binding in the construction of bridges and reinforced concrete work, be raised to the status of a tradesman. It was also agreed to ask for danger money for men -working on bridges and that a point be defined at which it would be considered’ dangerous in regard to height. It was also decided to ask the local Trades Council to make investigation from the Government Information Bureau with regard to the effect on the health of workmen who are called upon to work under compressed air, such as bridge cylinders and sand blasting. It was decided to ask the Minister to define what wage a co-operative worker should be permitted to earn. Head office is to be asked to state clearly whether the Buller District Committee is to be given recognition by the Department. It was agreed that the national executive be asked to make further representations to Cabinet with a view to having the rates of pay brought up to the recent pronouncement of the Arbitration Court and that it be made retrospective.

Westport Fire Brigade: The monthly meeting of the Westport Fire Brigade was held last evening, when a full muster was present. A large amount of correspondence was received from the New Zealand Fire Brigades’ Association dealing with the forthcoming conference which this year is to be held at New Plymouth. Deputy W. Phibbs was elected to act as delegate representing the Westport Brigade, and Superintendent Daily was nominated for the executive of the Accident Branch of the U.F.B.A. It was decided to apply for the 1939 conference and demonstration to take place in Westport. Secretary B. McDonagh read out the six-monthly roll-call, showing for that period 19 musters as follows: Six meetings, 7 practices, 6 fires, The total fire loss for this period was f 4. All the musters were well attended and four members obtained full calls. The average attendance out of a membership of 20 was: Fires 17, meetings 19, practices 18. Senior Foreman Jones was presented with a 2-years’ silver _ bar, making his service with the brigade 17 years. ... ~ It was decided to confer with the Chief Postmaster re. unauthorised persons making use of the telephone at the Station. Another matter dealt with was overcrowding of theatres to the danger of the public, and it was left in the Superintendent’s hands to go into this matter. As the brigade’s funds are at.a low ebb, it was decided to canvass the town for honorary members for the coming year.

Five rinks from the Denniston Club visited Millerton on Sunday and played a challenge match for the Ballinger Buckles. The green was heavy with occasional showers. The local club retained the trophy, winning by 104'to 85. Mr Henderson thanked the Millerton Club for the hospitality extended to them. Mr Harker president of the Millerton Club suitably replied, and then called on Mr F. Riddell to accept the buckles on behalf of his rink, Messrs Nichol, Milligan and McKinley, who had the highest aggregate. _ Following are the results, Dennist on skips being mentioned first:— Jones 23, Clarke 12; Meek 8 Riddell 31; Lightbourne 13, Boswell_2l, Fairlie 18, Adams 19: Smith 23, Russell 21.

Mahar Cup Committee: A full meeting of delegates of the Mahar Cup Clubs was held on Saturday evening, at Nelson, Mr J. W. Russell (Nelson), presiding and extending a welcome to the representatives of the various clubs. The principal business arose ironi remits from the Westport and Nelson Clubs, concerning the events on the programme. • Westport proposed that the original programme of events be reverted to and any additions be made only bv unanimous/ consent of the delegates Nelson, on the other hand, desired the addition of four new events —women’s 90 yards hurdles, men’s 120 yards hurdles, pole vault and long jump. . ' It was generally recognised that the events should not be increased in number beyond the capacity of the membership of the clubs. It was mentioned that the original pro-

gramme comprised only nine events and had since grown to 18. On an amendment to the Westport remit, it was decided that the present 18 events constitute the Mahar Cup programme. Mr Alex Dey, Westport, was. reelected secretary of the competition. It was left to the Nelson delegates to recommend to the clubs- a Axed order of events for future meetings. 'lt was confirmed that the next contest would be held at Blenheim, about the first Saturday in February. 1939. , , J Lists of records and standard performances were presented and approved, and it, was decided to have certificates printed, their award to be made retrospective to the co-;. - mencement of the competition.

Nelson Swimming Team: The following is the .Nelson swimming team, competing in the local baths on Saturday night. The visitors are a.very strong team:—r. e. Boulton (manager), R. Colebourne, D Kerr, J. Frank, N. Davey, J. South, W. Gasquoine, P. Hansen, A. Gilbert, G. Clarke, J. Puklowski, L. Grenem, B. Kean, J. Smith, D Dodson, J. Gough, K. McKenzie, E R. Coote, Misses J. Riddell, L. Potton, V. Saunders, G. Levein, L. Levein, V. West, K. Glass, M. Marks, J. Carpenter F. Quinton, A. Stewart.

Westport Poultry Club: The adjourned annual meeting or the Westport Poultry Club was held in the Elite Tea Rooms. Mr Jas. Dowse was in the chair. The balance sheet was read by the Secretary (Mr D. Broad). , , , , A motion was moved and seconded that prize winners at the recent show receive their prize-money at the meeting on the 12th February. This will be the deciding meeting, whether a show will be held in June 1938 so all members are requested to take note and attend and give the chairman and committee some encouragement to keep the ball roll winner of the competition held by the club was won by Mr Wm. Roche, of Westport.

Borough Affairs: At the monthly meeting of the Westport Borough Council, the Mayor (Mr J. Kilkenny), Crs. E R. Fox C H. Thomas, J. Bird, G. Tay lor and O. L. Nahr were present A letter was received from Hon. p C Webb, stating Lord Hamilton could not land at Westport owing to bad weather and lack of hangar accommodation for his plane. - Mayor said he had discussed this matter with Rear-Admiral Sydenham, and they agreed the English schoolboy visitors should be entertained at dinner at the Hotel Bulle. with an equal number of boys of their own age from Westport. All old people would be excluded from the gathering. Westport Aero Club wrote that visiting airmen had complained of the colour of the wind socks, black and gold, which did not show up on the Westport aerodrome. —It was claimed that the wind socks were erected according to regulations, but a change will be made to white, if the position allows. The abattoir manager reported on stock slaughtered for the’month of January, 1938, with the figures for the same month last year in parentheses:—Cattle 173 (170), sheep 53i (512), lambs 70 (77), pigs 104 (171), calves 29 29). Fees £125 15s lid £(131 3s). T The works overseer, Mr J. Comerford, reported that defective cisterns had in many cases been responsible for blocked sewers, which the Council men had beeii called on to attend to. He considered that it was a job for plumbers. —The Mayor said it would be better to have the cisterns inspected, instead of cutting the footpaths up.—The matter was referred to the Waterworks Committee for attention. The Mayor reported that me Health Inspector, Mr McGeorge, and Mr Jope, had formulated schemes for rubbish collection. J, Taylor, carpenter, applied for bicycle allowance. —Granted. A. McDonald, Rintoul Street, ap plied for a position on the Council’s staff.—Filed for reference. The A. and P. Association asked for renewal of the annual grant.— Granted. , _ T ~ Several residents of the North Beach asked for bitumen roads and footpaths to be laid down in front of their residences to combat the dust nuisance.—lt was decided to include this job in the big tar sealing programme. H. Pickering asked on behalf of a Methodist body for permission to run street stall on Lynch’s corner on March 5. —Granted. H. E. Elley offered £5 for an old shed at the abattoirs.—Referred to the abattoirs committee.

D. Hardie, A. Hunter, and secretary of Orange Hall committee applied for water and sewerage connections to properties.—Granted. Sister M. Francis, St. Canice’s School, asked permission for pupils to use the baths at a certain period during the day—A suggestion was made that the St. Canice’s children might use the baths on. the same day as other school children.—The request to use the baths was granted, the period to be arranged by Cr. Thomas and the Town Clerk. The secretary of the Westport Swimming Club wrote re the inadequate seating accommodation at the Municipal Baths and asked the Council to attend to the matter.—The Mayor said that negotiations for the purchase of timber had been started to provide the necessary seats. However, heart timber was required, but it was difficult to get it, and the matter had been let to stand over in the meantime, as it was not much good making a poor job with inferior timber. —Cr. Thomas said it .should be pointed out that the job would be done as soon as possible.—Cr. Taylor; The Council is in sympathy with the Swimming Club, but can do nothing at the present time. The Town Clerk read a letter from the Hon. P. C. Webb, stating that he had ascertained that no funds could be granted by the Government to provide the seating accommodation required. However, the matter might be investigated under fhe Physical Welfare and Recreation Act, which was to be brought down in the near future—lt was decided to advise the Swimming Club of the position. Rear-Admiral Sydenham wrote stating that he had been advised by the Royal Empire Society, in London, of the proposed visit of a party of English schoolboys to Westport on March 4on a Dominion tour. One important aspect of-the tour was that the vistiors desired to meet members of their kind in other parts of the world. The organiser, Lord

Malcolm Douglas Hamilton, intended to visit-Westport by special plane on January 30, but bad weather upset his plans.

Buller Herd Testing Assn: January results of the Buller Herd Testing Association is as follows: — Herds tested 32. Cows tested 948. Monthly herd average: Milk 859 lbs, test 4.7 per cent., fat, 40.89 lbs. Highest herd average, 31 cows, 941 lbs of milk, 5.5 per cent, test, 51.87 lbs fat. Highest cow 73 lbs fat.

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Grey River Argus, 11 February 1938, Page 11

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WESTPORT NOTES Grey River Argus, 11 February 1938, Page 11

WESTPORT NOTES Grey River Argus, 11 February 1938, Page 11