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There will be no publication of. the “ Argus ” to-morrow (Saturday), April 25tli, otting to it being Anzac Day. | French, Italian. Spanish and Portu- , guese Wines are obt&inabi-a* at Bill Rosenberg’s Twelve Mile Hotel, Buller Gorge.—Advt. . Mr E. Kirby, of Hari, SoutlT Westland, ig a • winner in the Lucky Dog Art. Union, securing a. prize of £lOO. “Come in please. Go out pleased. Is the motto of Jim Rhodes, Ladies’ & Gents ’ Mawhera Quay 1 (two doors from Jack Morrisey’s Railway Hotel) Greymouth.—Advt. The Westland Racing Club has agreed, to hold'at Riccarton Racecourse a combined meeting along • with the Ashburton Country Racing Club' on Saturday, May 23r-d. W. A. Stapleton, of Tattersail’s' Hotel, Christchurch, i s sufficient guarantee that no better service or accommodation is offering i n Christchurch.— Advt. The Government’ s contribution of £75 per annum to the Greymouth Fire Board h-as come- into the Tine of the 10 per cent, cut, having been reduced by £7/10/*-. Mr W. H. Parffitt, Chairman, states that like the’ rest of the members of the Fire Boards throughout New Zealand, exception is taken to this cut, as th© local estimates had alI ready been approved. I Here are a few suggestions for Wed--1 ding and various gifts: Salad Sets. Supper Sets, Glass Bowls, Vases, Fern I Bowls. Cake Stands, Card Tables, Cutlery, Tea Sets; all at prices to suit , any pocket.—At Johnston’s Economi- [ cal Crockery Shop, Mawhera Quay.— ! j Advt. I A. collision occurred at the interseci t»on of Cowper- and Raleigh Streets 1 yesterday morning between a Ford car driven by Mr McAllister, of Kumara Junction, and a Chevrolet milk van, driven by Mr J. J. Shannahan. The milk van was coming out of Raleigh Street, and having got well acros a the eor-ncr, was turning towards Grey? mouth, when tffe other car struck it I

on the rear, damaging the van’s mudguard. The other car suffered more seriously, having. extensive damage done to the front wheel aaiH mudguard. Fortunately, nobody was hurt.

At Nelson the othe r day a school teacher was taking a junior class in mental arithmetic. Addressing th* top boy he said: “Now, supposing your father had three plugs of tobacco and gave you one plug seven-eighths of another plug —how much would h»* have left?” “Please, sir,” replied the top boy, “father doesn’t smoke.’* The teacher roared with laughter. And apropos of tobacco, what do you think of our New Zealand toasted brands, with their rare bouquet and fascinating flavour? Those are points, but the chief merit of this tobacco is that it is toasted, which process absorbs most of the nicotine i-i it, and renders V perfectly harmless You cannot smoke more than a pipe or two (at a time) of the imported tobaccos with any comfort, owing to. the quantify of nicotine they contain. But you can smoke any amount of toasted New Zealand not only with keen enjoyment, but with absolute safety. There are only four brands manufactured: Riverhead Gold, Navy Cut No. 3, Cavendish, and Cut Plug No. 10.

Special trains between Grc'ymoutli find Rewanui this evening, are adver tise.l in this issue. We have just landed a great selection of Torches and Electric Bulbs. Torches from 1/6 to 8/6; the best selection in tswn; worth inspection.—At, Johnston’s Economical Crockery Shop, i Mawhera Quay.—Advt. Ata recent meeting of the Ngahere Sports Club, it was decided to increase the total prize money for the Underhand Chop by £6, thus making the prizes, Ist, £2O; 2nd, £5; and 3rd £2. Parents and guardians are notified that W. Reid, Bookseller and Stationer. Mawhera Quay, has just landed a splendid assortment of School Books and Requisites. All selling at published prices—Advt A settlement; ha s been reached in the Denniston Mine dispute and worx resumes to-day. The Company proposes to make every effort- to provide the Power! House staff wlTh full shifts, instead of only partial ones for the future. snug and warm these cole nights—nothing invites pleasant, comfy sleep so much as good warm blank ets and eiderdowns, and a good kapol bed. All these essential articles for the bed are stocked by Harley ’s at the . lowest prices in Westland. Call and inspect at the Showrooms, Mackay St., Greymouth. —Advt. , The Grey Hospital Board, like several others, including that of Gisborne, has that the .((jiovernqiept cut in tile subsidy shall ndt entail the reduction of the wage s of any of the Hospital staff. This decision will bo genefjllly endorsed. i-i Special Job Purchase Sale now on: 10 qnh Ladies’ fawn and grey Eox Fur .■Necklets;, less than half usual prices, 14/11 and 19/11; Ladies’ Fur rrinijhod Coats. 29, 11. “We 4©r 'Less? ’ —Thorpy’s Economy ! Warehouse, Greymouth,Reef ton and few e s ijft> r t. —A dV t. , Our Parliamentary reporter wire* that the National/Council of the Trades and Labour Councils’ Federation has appointed Mr Mc.Combes, M.P. 'to be the Council’s advocate in pre uting its case to. the Court of Arbritration in defence of the workers’ • wages, thig. hearing of which will beigin May 12. 1 Jotf Purchase Sale now s:i. All wool i White faoloriial Blhnteets, Single Bed 19/6, Double Bed 29/6 pr.; Double Bed (White Honeycomb Quilts, 8/11 and 19/11; White Twill Sheeting. 5 4 in. 1/6 | yd., BQin. £/ff*yd.’“ We Sell for Less.” j—Thorpy’s Economv Morehouse. Greymouth, Reefton and Westport.—Advt. Under the auspices of the National Industrial Committee, a. meeting of /Unibn representatives will be held in the “Argus” Office, Greymouth, at 2.308 p.m., to-morrow, Saturday, April 25th ■ for the* purpose of forming a ■ local committee for thk? Grey district. : All .Unions in the district are invited to send delegates. Brace yourself against the cold weather., with a flip of Dewar’s Imperial | Whisky, “The Whisky of Distinction”. I Thef?mellow and natural flavour of i “Dewar’s” has made it the favourite of the man that wants the best spirit thaty science and maturity can give.— • West" Coast Agents: Griffen & Smith, > (Greymouth a» T estport.—Advt. The proposal to borrow £16,000 for the . improvement of the Municipal i water supply will not come before the I ratepayers for decision at the poll on j Ma/ 6. This i s due to some informali ity in procedure followed in connection with the rating security for the. body, I and the particulars of the proposals will ' require to be advertised. The date in~ which thfe loan will be submitted to a vote has yet to be fixed. Hurl/ up your New Year’s suit to measure. I can do it. Nothing better obtainable in the Dominion at the money. Navy blue worsted Suits made to measure from Five Guineas. English and Colonial Worsted and Tweed Suits [made to measure from 92/6. Let me 'have your order this week; satisfaction guaranteed. Alex Ogilvie, the cash Outfitter, Mawhera Quay.—Rhone 101.—Advt.

The Reeftan Cricket Club’s annual ball will be held in the Criterion Theatre Reefto n on Friday next May Ist. Last year’s ball can be said to have been one of the most successful functions of that nature during the year. This year a strong committee have everything in preparation in the hopes of making it an even greater success. The music will be supplied by Steel’s Orchestra, whilst there will be a sitdown, supper. Attendants will be in charge of the cloak room, floor and the gorgeous surroundings.

On Tuesday night. May sth. Les Grummiitt and his Band are holding a grand dance at Sehaef’s Hall. This clever band c-f five professional musicians will feature all the latest music. The programme will consist of mixed da a res. This dance will require no further recommendation when you realise the band is direct from the Dixieland Cabaret, Christchurch, anj the Majestic Cabaret, Wellington. Fuller particulars will be found on Pago One of this issue.—Advt.

At a recent meeting of the Dairy Farmers’ Union, at Kopauie, in the Manawatu district, a resolution was carried to the effect that, in view of the fact that farmers are being driven off their farms and many others camu t pay their way and live, a request be made to the Government to deal immediately with general interest charges with a view to lowering same. It was further resolved that the Government’s action in reducing the salaries of Public Servants and giving instructions to the Arbitration Court to generally reduce wages was not in the interest i f the country or the farmers of New Zealand. Kopauie is a soldier-settle-ment area.

Clean new stocks for everyone. Specially selected togs or the working man at low prices. Working nailed Bluchers 12/6 pair. Heavy Chroma Balmorals 22/6 pair. Canvas Oily Butterfiys, 10/6, Canvas Oily Roadmen’s Coats 13/6, Oi y Canvas Leggings 11/6, Untearable Workers' Trousers 8/11 pair. Navy Lammies chemically waterproofed 39/6 45/-, all sizes; all wool Socks 1/- pair; summer Athletic Singlets 1/6 and l/ll each. Lace Rubber Gum Boots 19/6 pair. Every articha guaranteed or- money refunded.—Alex. Ogilvie, Upper Mawhera Quay. Phone 101.—Advt.

Mrs R. T Bush, of the Ardkeen Floral Studio is exhibiting a display of bridal bouquets from to-day (Friday), until Monday m S. BWhite’s window next t<> Murray’s Ltd. in Mackay St r eet, all the latest styles. ■ Smart in appearance and serviceably —good service, too—is the slogan at Alex Ogilvie’s mercer’s shop. Low rent, small overhead expenses, discrimination in buying for cash only enables me to give old and new customers bright cheery goods. Start the New Year and deal with Alex Ogilvie’s —the shop where you get satisfaction. Next Jack Morre e ey’s Railway Hotel, near Railway Station. Rhone 101.— Advt. A Wellington ;an with r. n extqhfdve business connection throughout the Dominion told a Dunedin “Star*’ reporter that he had found* business very much better in the South Islam). He added that other business meh had ha.d a similar cxpericnjte*. For furniture that is better go to S. Burnett White’s. Hundreds of West Coast homes have an added ehartn. through their Burnett White Furniture, yet White’s furniture costs no more. For every room in your hotisfe there Whites’ furniture available —Jigtter and finer furniture and furnishings to make your home an'even bettei 4 plhce to live in.—B. Burnett White, High Furnisher.—Advt. The gymnasuim Ijvdhe, Cobilen Football Ch»b suWn£ n Doui.uu U proving an acquisition to that Club :i2 each evening tne members art ir? seen training strtaatousiy in preparation for the coming seasop. The haTF-^vhVh--w-W 4: ally Lgliled,. and has a.i earthern floor ,-.rvere<T wnh sa wd u’JJxe jne m bers of the Club were rrtsponsiftg for the er?gti(^F r bL,th t - building enterprise is ei'iiiinendablr. . We recommend Ladies whevhave the sNghtest havrng Coat this season, not to fail to see the besi tiful .modejs from Glasson’s Wait house. Christchurch. o n view in the temporary p^gj^iggg^^ jn Ma•whora Quay, next BanT 'fTs.W. The many who have also been,tailored to measure have been ~ wonderfully pleased with the smartness of the cut and the way thek.4»;Uru«&aßfeuh*Fe been carriefl out. Their visik.W»» distinctly profitable i n terms of price. —Advt. Blackball School Committee has r • cbive<t /from the r Canterbury .-Scifool Committees’ Association a cbfe <if the Education Minister’s letter, regwding ■the |»ro|p)sal for n district high school in r giving ehrejul consideratio® to the of es|ab- . -i<hing ;i district High school.a ball. Hon. H. Atmore advised the Canterbury School Committees’ Association that he was unable to fcupport-their representations. “In view of tire fact that the children are already receiving instruction at Greynv-uth and bearing in mind the present .situation, ’ ’ wrqte Mr Atmore,’ c • X am of the op&rion that I would not be justified in the meantvne in incurritig'' the expense of the additional starff that would be necessary, even though’ temporarv accommodation mav be available. “ To-day (Friday) at 2 p.m.. Harley and Co., Ltd., will sell at their Rooms 1 Mackay Street: Household furaituru and effects, including Chesterfield Suite, Bedroom. Dining Room and Kitchen Furniture. Carpet Square, 2 Oval Squares, Hearthrugs, 3 pairs Blankets, 6 2oyds Floral inlaid linoleum, S remnants of Linoleum, Knitting Machine, 2 Coppers. 24 Gramophone Records, 12 Bundles of Books, Violin in case, Crockery, Cutlery, Typewriter in good order. Carpenter’s Too-a, also 10 cases apples, -etc. Bargains always obtained at the?q popular sales.—Advt. To Hawera belongs the distinction of having the first military band in a priftary school in New Zealand. The first step towards forming the band was taken in February of last year, when an anonymous donation of £2O was made to form the ; nucleus of a fund to provide a military band for the Hawera School. Two donations of : £4O each soon followed, and a commit- , tee brought the fund to £233. A full I set of band instruments was obtained ; from England, mostly from the Royal Artillery Baud, which was ehanging 1 its instruments on account of a lower pitch being adopted at Home, says the ; ”ffara:iiiki News.Many of these instruments have actually been played in Zealand when the Royal ■ Artillery Band was at Hie Auckland . Exhibitio n just before the war. The ' committee was fortunate in obtaining [these instruments for £201; they have been valued at £370. Parkinson’s Inhalant has a decidedlv pleasant odour. It protects the mem branes of the nose and throat against ’ infection. It assists the expulsion of ! mucus in catarrh and bronchitis. Put 1 a little on your handkerchief, vour pil--1 low, or on the end of your cigarette. ■ Take four or five drops on a spoonI ful of sugar. Rub a little on the chest with olive oil. There are no- coal ta r products in Parkinson ’<< Inhalant. It is composed entirely of aromatic volatile oils distilled from herbs and trees, and dissolved in spirit. Taken in time, an inhalation will ward off an attack of the common cold. Price 1/6 and 2/6 at Parkinson’s.—Advt.

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Grey River Argus, 24 April 1931, Page 4

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LOCAL AND GENERAL Grey River Argus, 24 April 1931, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL Grey River Argus, 24 April 1931, Page 4