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. .:■ : ><> : i\ .■ .... . ' :^.-:.-.m .; .' A little episode has beeu: related* to us wliich is too go'o*d ; t'o > be:lost. s A Certain gentleman, in this, town, notorious for his intense interest in local, politics, .andwho once qould' affxx^. Mv I. tV.ito'pnt^aJettei?/ to the Chairman of the '{lmprovement Committee [oA^Tuesday iif teriiboh., ~ Anxious toto know tlie fate' of jhis missive,^ a'nd ; "wishing I only to tnist his ow ( n.ear3;.in^the matter, ].• adopted^the'ingenious- plan pf creeping under ■ Uhe floor of,the Committee room, doping thai the crackslti the' bdards 'wbuld'allb'w h'irn to : hear what took "place. * Whether^ liisVauxiety was relieved or rot 'we dp^not.know, but it isy .said that being discovered he was dragged by the heels fjrt>nf'His' ; liicUng place. A Such inge-J nuity in the pursuit of knowledge under difficulties is sel'dbm .eXercised,;and the mdi. vidual in question certainlydeseryes; all thj/ credit hisperforjuaijceeiititiesthini to.; We trust the Committtee- will in future- provide better- aCcomlnpdation- for thtir pertinaceous correspondent than that which he selected oM the occasion referre'd to. > :i : ' : '"''' : V ' c ■'■ The performance at the Union Theatre tonight has special claims on public patronage. First andiforemoat it is given ifor'theiberiefit ; pf the Hospital^ and last though not least, it will be' supported' chiefly -by 'auiat'eiirs, with " the ; assi,st{),ncd freely given. of. two talented: artiste*.' The dramas 'to be performed ..are' "The Honeymoon", and vTiuie Tries' All" -fr-i both excellent a.nd,actrapt)iye productions, anil judging f nnii what \\ r e ha ye already seen we may. predict } .tl\a,t^^ihe, -amateurs y.,wilL ; do,] /full justice to them. ;• Miss Rosa Cooper and -Mr Lionel; Handing have services, ;; and we may- expect a thoroughly successful perfornianco. There ought to be, awl lip doubt will be a crowded house. The Wejit. Oo'ak Time* informs us-that the two members for Hpkitika in' the Provincial i Council met their constituents on Monday |eyeuirijg at 'the Supreme Court : House, the., 1 ~use of:iW.^iieh.-ha{| ? been g^^ute^.by .Jtjr. Sale,; » who^e . . courtesy; wa« acknpwle^<lge(j by Mr Bright on belhalf o| Mr' Cassius and hiihself . The meeting w;is; presided over 'by liis Worship the Mayor, and was one of the most

'crowded and ihfluenti.-it^tbat been held in, Hokitikft, Both" me^lMrs for the town wore exceedingly^ wel] :ieceived, and entered at leugfti intb <w exp^knatlon of the coursVthey had taken during the session of Council, A vote of confidence and thanks was passed unanimously on the motion of Mr KnoXj eeeoude.d by-Mr- Shaw, -and -duly, acknowledged. . The usual Qomp]iment,A¥;as paid to the Cliairman. '* During the evening - several questions-were put-to? the members,.. thpir replies to. which appeared, to give Satisfaction, It Is very satisfactory to find that two gentlemenwho have taken part in the business of a ppotraoted session, find themselves ;in a' position to present | themgelves to their constituents without any fear of boiug accused of neglect of duty ; but it is more aatlsfaotpiy still ta^find that the course they have pursued proves to be one that aocbrds with the public opinion of the district, ._; :-.;.; -„-.. ;; >■„ j. . j; ■- ; -„•-. ■■. : . ,. Every f^oUity for visitors to the forthcoming Greymouth Races' is being liberally afforded, as the owners of' the' Dispatch an-! nounce their intention of followiugithe ex-; ample of the Brace's, cheap excursion^ trips from Hoki^kfti by running tp^nd frpniFpx's.. and th c Pakihi at only single fares . We fancy that o\\r rising litUp tp\ynship will be, like Chester- in the '<Cup \Veek,"'viz. ., , that" shakedowns will bo at a premium, and the first seats at meal tables a luxury tbbti'alinost 1 fought for/ ; ; . " ;; ' Later news from Auckland states tliat the claims of friendly natives to land in the .Wait katp have been :ssnt' to; ,the-i illative \ Lands Court. These claims exceed in extent the area confiscated, and coyer ali the blocks open for sale on March 12. Mr Whitakey hasgoiicto the'Waikato to satisfy h'iiusejf ; as vto;|the validity of these claims. ■lii'thcip present; aspectthey^oan^only he regarded aslikely to prove an insuperable, obstacle to a successful, sale bejng held QH the.ftcliVertised; day, .....,,. . :.,. ' ':. ; ,',;■ ..'. .... ..'.; .:■'.'•-'. " ■ ;.. The Wellington linhptnUmi contains the following paragraph : —We are informed that: by the last' ihail frpm Eiigland Lord Cafiiar-' yon has intimated to the Governor that the latter was to understand that, (>yith one exception) he was not at liberty to exercise any control over the movements or disposition of her Majesty's troops; aud that Lord Caniarvon -would request the Secretary of State for War to inform . Majoi^Geiieral Ch'iite that (witli the same exception) disposal of all those troops would hereafter rest exclusively with that officer ; that it was not his duty torscek the Governor's authority for moving them, biit'that lie was at oiiceto' concentrate them in ; such aj nianner as would . be niost ; economical jvnd most convenient for embarkatisn, liml tlien to eniDark them as epeedily as he could obtain transport ;• that the Governor's duty would be confined to that of providing to the utmost of his power that General Chute should receive every facility that the .'GJolonial. Government could afford him in giving effect to his instructions ; but that it'wauld re?'t Svith thatGoverhineiWto be prepared for the conseqii&rices of a. withdrawal of troops/ on the propriety of' wliich 'the InV- ' . perial aud Colonial Governments were agreed jand on the faith of which her: Majesty l& Government had entirely- ceased -to interfere \nth their nalive policy. V' M,r D. Maclean's newly started and iuuch desired horse auctions, at the Cosmopolitan yards, seem to have already attracted^ the notice of owners, inasmuch as we notice that he advertises to offer intending purchasers, at noon this day, several supericr' animals specially selected for the West Gpas-fc iii.the dhristchurch market. '"" ' ' ! '■ . - • ,-, The prospectus is published in Duriedin of -a ne\y, daily paper, Tlie. Otttgo Free ' Press- y with , ji capital of L7o()pi in. 3(JpO' shares of L 2; lOs.each. The company is* to be^incorporated, under the Limited' Liability Act. 1 "• The uhmay 'be credited'to ■•'tlie'^party which has so triumphantly carried Mr Muc^ andrew's election, in opposition, to t^e behests' of the Duily Times. The rlatcst news, from the present theatre of hostilities, Tauranga, is given by the.^ejo Zealand Herald of- the. jyth iustaiit^as follows : — By the'arrivaryesterday of the p.s. [Sturt,: Captain Fairchild, yi& ai-e in. receipt^ [of information from Taurangaup* to 'Wednesr dayliight last. No further engagements had ltakeni)lace,;i)ut a by the! Wat • i kato Militia and Arawas , qn , Jbhe • Piriahaka) |ettlemeiit(thc Hau-hau nest) was.tovbe.made 'to-day.' : "| ; The' ■••* Start^brought • ' fifty - : ArawaS' fromMaketu on^ecliiesXlay.'la^t; alid ! tHey at. once. marched'- out to join their ..comracKs at. the front, ;about twel ve aniles f rou^Te; Papa. -: The heavy rains of' Saturday and'SumlayilaSt caused great freshes .and floods in the various creeks, cutthTg off nearly every .* cohimunicar' : it being ; dangci^usi. f or'-' the natives to cross them?>..' The 'natives there say that they i/never knew of such heavy ; floods before.' 1 '^A 1 I passenger., informs us, that, jrist'.bcfpfe he left^ j'Tauraiiga, a' native came in and 'delivered to the Defence Minister a letter containing the account of the capture, the sau-haus. of one of our EngineefX^rps,' aiid'that he was ; ; still in their hauds. As for the truth of it lie further/Btatei that, tlie i editor.iof. the ranga Argus infonued him alsb'thalb' he received^ a ; copy of itheHoriginal document for-, publiciitidri in th'eif next issue. The'Stuft has conic up. for ! coals and amniunitioiif Uifd will leave again .for" Tauranga 'fo-riiorro^v morning-'. .. . ■ ;,' v Another death by drowning ocicurred at Kaiapoi aiew days ago., 'i^heLj/Uelton-Tinies says that on - Thursday last, sifter '^chbbl hours, about 5 p.m., three little felldwa dfe'tennined on, haying a- bathe, and' x respi'ted to ; ;the Blind Creek^which is a small tributary of ;the north branch; pfjthe Waiinakariri. One? little fellow, named James Wyli' . aged aboutjj nine years,- 'stripped/ and jumped in at a part )| of the-, creek opposite, the^ Island, cooperage,,, j where the depth of water, could- not liemuch \ more than ' about fiy;e ,iset. ' H«. .proceeded some distance down the stream, arid suddenly sank. ; 'The' other ■ ''youngsters; I*'naturally^1 * 'naturally^ miade off to get assistance, when Mr jC;E Dudley, aftei', searching -about. the place,; "for some time, at last fp^utjtlje. body floating" partially covered.: 'This J"watis "about ' twenty niinutes after the) little; fellow' issupposed to hajve goiie iii. Medical assistance was procured, aud every'offo.rt rpsorted to in the |iope of 'recovery, bu.t.'iVithout avaiV ■' ". ;:. : ;v."' ■'■: ti ;■' ."■.;.-; /.;' :v, . ".■

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Grey River Argus, Volume III, Issue 180, 7 March 1867, Page 2

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Untitled Grey River Argus, Volume III, Issue 180, 7 March 1867, Page 2

Untitled Grey River Argus, Volume III, Issue 180, 7 March 1867, Page 2