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The number of hotels d«-i^eosed since 1907 throughout V*ompensa--1750 and the amount of con SUtf f» v f tor in is 1781.—P.A.

An air mail iltaW January 20 between ' tliat ! Hokitika and return, In correspondence from connect at Wellington it matt unposted here not. later than 0.1-j on January 18. j

“The principal, witness till,” explained Detective ALL * tlie : Police Court Messrs. Join Jackson and J. H.; Ormond,-E M., yesterday when Tei at poured on a charge of the thclt ’ Gisborne op January 9, ol a suitcase and contents, the property of John Charles Fuller.. A remand was granted to January 20. Air Y. Beaufoy appeared lor accuseu.

A resident of a Taranaki town developed a great thirst oil a recent Sunday morning. To effect a cUI ° J eonilived 1 at*‘a sly visit to one of th local hotels, furtively entering by the, back entrance lest lit* be observed -by u-eonstable! He found tire bar wide open and business in full swing, ri then discovered that it was Saturday morning—the holidays liaving „ c^ n ' fused him regarding the days of tlie week.

Charged with obtaining the sum of £2 from C. B. Oman on January 9 by moans ol a valueless clique that amount drawn on tlie I3ank or New South Wales and signed by himself. George Campbell, 44, appea rod before Messrs. Jolm Jackson-, J'.sP., in tho Police Court yesterday,—Mr. H. D. Clirisp, on behalf of defendant. applied for a remand to January 25 and this was not opposed by Detective McLeod, the bench making an. order, accordingly.

After an interval of over six months, during which time- the police, have been making continuous inquiries, an arrest lias been made in connection with the Ocean Beach freezing works payroll robbery, Invercargill, message. Acting on, information supplied by tlie Invercargill, detective branch, the Dunedin police yesterday afternoon arrested a man at Dunedin. He will be charged there this morning with the theft of tlie money.—P.A.

Gross railway revenue in New Zealand for tlie period of 35 1 weeks from April 1 to December o, 1931, was £4.205.134, or £858,320 below the figure for the corresponding period in 1930. The aggregate expenditure for the period was, however. £3,958,451, or, £890,453 below the 1930 figure.

II was announced in Napier yesterday that tlie re-building of the Masonc Hotel,. facing Marine Parade. Tennyson street, and Emerson street, had been arranged for. This is the biggest- single undertaking since the earthouake. The cost is estimated at £50.000.

Shortly before the Maunganhi left Wellington yesterday for Sydney, tho Customs officials detained . a Hindu passenger, who was found tq bo in possession of a sum oL. money believed to be about £IOO. • The regulations provide-that tlio maximum sum of £5 in gold currency may he exported from New Zealand with permission of the Collector of Customs or any larger sum with tho permission of the Minister for Finance. The Hindu was permitted to leave by the Maunganui, but tlie gold was detained bv the Customs authorities. —P.A. “ . ... ; - -

An experiment is being carried out iby the North Canterbury Acclimatisation .Society in the" rearing of pheasants for liberation. The pheasants are being incubated and reared by Mr. 11. A. Dawber. of Ouruhia, who; is supplied bv the society with approximately 100 eggs per week. Tlie -society takes delivery of the young bird as each hatch reaches six weeks of age. There will be weekly hatches from time to time. The first lot of chicks, about 60. were hatched on the first of the month, and it is stated by Mr. Dawber that they arc strong and healthy. The rearing cf pheasants with incubators and brooders is in the experimental stage in the Dominion.

“A friend told me the other day that she had been trying New Zealand butter, but found it horrible—so intensely salt.” This is an extract from a letter which an Aucklander has received from his sister in Edinburgh. “I told her that real New Zealand, butter was most delicious,” continued the writer,, “au<l that I took it for a long time after f came bade from New Zealand. I insisted on the store where 1 dealt keeping it, but the price as- well as tho quality varied like a jumpingjack. It Js a pity Unit we cannot get real, pure New Zealand butter here.,” The Aucklander who got the letter said tlio merchants at Home could net be blamed for using New Zealand butter 'for ,blending purposes after they bought it, but New Zealand had a real grievance in the fact that inferior butter was sold with a New Zealand label on it. It was doing New Zealand butfifer -a great deal of harm, and it is urgent that steps should be taken to deal with tho matter.

Willi preparations unrmi way for dealing with a record crop, Gisborne apple growers have received a severe shock by the announcement that tlie Government will withdraw its subsidy on exports during the coming season. Strong representations in favor of the continuation of the guarantee are being made to Cabinet and hopes are held that a reversal of tho decision will be secured. Fruit exporters bare been making preparations for the building. up,,of, a fund of their own, so that they would, bo independent of the Government guarantee, but sufficient progress has pot yet been made with this movement. ]t is understood that no Gisborne grower has yet been compelled to call: on tho Government guarantee, blit the low prices ruling recently have reduced the margin very, considerably and growers in other parts have had to obtain assistance from tho Government. The guarantee provides. sufficient aid for tlio grower to bring.his average gross return for exports ui> to at least 11s .per case.

Quito a popular way of making pinmoney nowadays is to t take snap-; sliots of some popular gathering, sports, busk or picnic scenes, etc., and, send .'.thorn to : a "newspaper, the 1 payment being quite liberal considering the 1 iitle, laher involved, Somo poverty Bay residents,. it is said, add quite substantially to > their iiieonio by this means. In some cases, however, ‘photographs urc rejected, not because they are uninteresting, but solely because they are badly print' ed. Tho moral, therefore, is to have ,|»qur_ films, either for your own use or with the. idea of sending away, developed and printed by an .expert, and this connection you cannot do better than send them to BramwelPs Pharmacy. The latest apparatus, added to a practical knowledge of the business, ensures success and moreover, only work of the highest grado is; allowed to be sent .oqt Hom,the establishment.. Films ,nent iii bfrlO aim are ready for. tho customer , at o nhm iand _ this quick. service. • needless .say: is much ’appreciated. Mail, orders aw despatched the same "dav as received. ; . • t

A Svdner P-A. cable states that • ihl Nortbcote Cup, the third heat m the VictoVian yacht T<xr'/ooloowoo Jl, which defeated the defender' lolaire by 1 minute 22 seconds The Toogooloowco takes the 'cSp, having won , three successive heats.

- a l.lessin'* written in gold on parchment "tudded with jewels and signed by the Pojie was presented U> •Miss Nora JUx at her wedding at, Gateshead in England-recently to Mr. Hugh P. Donnellv, or Glasgow, a . feuding Roman Catnolic worker.-

“Well ” said a, after* having heard . a client’s story “your ease appears to he good. - u c-m secure a verdict without. mudi troSio wto* I«>M my wife,” said the man, “and yet she insisted ut first that, ought to engage a first-class lawyer.

' When a ha-lf-toji truck was travelling along the road below .1 araml Rise, Auckland, the’ other afternoon, the tvre of tL front right _ wheel blew ’out. The driver ' drew the vehicle to a haß.heside iho keyb m order to ascertain exactly, what had happened. He found that tie ‘inner tube had come completely oiXt of the tvre and had wound round Dio axle adjacent to tl/e wheel spokes. - The tube bad to he cut away from .the axle.

The prejudice that appears to exist in the minds of sonic people against encouraging the tourist trad'*, was mentioned bv Air. W. J- Broadfoot M.P., for Waitcxno, who was the principal guest at a luncheon meeting bitlie Travel M<*n s League, in Auckland. Mr. Broadlooi said uti acquaintance of his, a business man. had roundly declared that he did not approve of the tourist trade, beeaute lie did not want to see New Zealand become a. nation of waiters and vod-ele-rs. “'I told liim there wasn’t much danger of that,” added Mr. Broad foot. “W c would import any yodcßers that were needed.”

A new farm, implement, invented in the United States, for want of a better name, is being called a “waffle” machine. Hs operations leave" a field, looking much like a liuge waffle. Cultivator shovels, working up and down as the machine mores forward, scoop the soil into small hills, and leave holes that will hold two or three gallons of water. The; water thus held is given a chance to soak into tlie ground. A set of ordinary cultivator shoyels is fastened to the machine just in front of the digging shovels, 'and they may be used if necessary. Surface' soil in a field thus cultivated does not wasir away after lieavv rains. The pockets dug by the eutlivator number on. an average 10.090 to the acre.

; Ail ingenious new device just placed upon' the market in' the United. States permits a typist to makes inked copies of a letter without, tho use of carbon paper. It consists ot a" metal frame with notched ends, holding a replaceable ribbon. Two sheets of paper are. inserted in tho typewriter and the frame is then dropped upon the platen with the ribbon between them. The typewriter’s paper guide, lowered upon the notches, keeps the duplicator from turning. In this way duplicates are obtained without smudging. Either black or two-color ribbons may bo used in the duplicator, giving a copy always .identical, with the original. Replacement ribbons have metal tips for clean handling. An attachment enables more than one copy to Irma de at one time.

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Bibliographic details

Gisborne Times, Volume LXXIII, Issue 11539, 16 January 1932, Page 4

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LOCAL AND GENERAL Gisborne Times, Volume LXXIII, Issue 11539, 16 January 1932, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL Gisborne Times, Volume LXXIII, Issue 11539, 16 January 1932, Page 4