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HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL GATHERING! ■ JHkutifnl won tier condition • ton •Monday and a largo crowd lrom all parts of the district lavorcd the Nuliaka A:. * and I’. Association’s •show, which was one of the best- gatherings organised for many years. L he quality and quantity of the exhibits in stock, horfrieulfinc. and homo industries were of a higli standard and numerically in many cases exceeded thosq' oT" previous years and reflectedthe highest credit on the exhibitors. The results are as follows : —- ' AWARDS

HORSES Judge: Air S. A. Dickie, of AVairoa. DRAUGHT Pair farm horses, mares or geldings (3); Rewi Karangaroa’s Tike and Draught mare or gelding (3): Kararifinroa 1, Karangaroa 2, Dan Kopoa 3. Milk cart horse, to he driven (o): K. Gilmore 1, l 7 '. Young 2. Dan Nepia 3. Champion draught : Rewi Jvarnngaron’s Dusky. SAB DL E Judge: Mr C. Gankrodger, of AVliatntutn

Marc calculated to breed saddle hoises or hunters (2): A. H. ling's Alajostv l. K. Stewart s Zelda 2. Maideirliaek (0): Kahn Stewart 1, \ H Hiekling 2, B. P. Shield 3. Best paced Tinck, 14.2 c.r over, owned In Wairoa or Cook County (3) : j • '*• Shield 1.-L. Woodward 2, G. Parker 3. Eleven-stone hack (4): L. ** oodward 1. Kami Stewart 2. P. B. Shield 3. Tliii teen-stone hack (1): Gao H. Coop 1. L. AA'nodward 2, Ed teenstone hack to) : L. Woodward 1, M. Roe 2 AA' Ormond 3. Lady s, hack (.4): O'. H. Coop 1. L. AVoodwnrd 2, R Shield 3. Cob,, under 15 hands (3): AV. Torhett 1. Geo. Mclntyre 2. Each 7 rider (2): Airs G. H. Coop 1 Miss B. Leach 2. Cob. 14.2 and under f2): Geo. Mclntyre 1. Pony. 13 to 14 hands: Geo. Mclntyre 1. G. Parker 2 Pony 13 haiwh and under (4): F. Sch wa ss 1. AlacG hack (11): Tore Waerea'l, D. Kaipuke 2. Te AA'aerea ,3. AAF Ormond h.c. Horse, suitable for remount (9) : C . H. Coop 1, w. Torhett 2. Tore AA'aerea 3. D. Kaipukc h.c. Lady's hack (•»): Tore AA’acrn l. .Toe Horeras Smith 2, ; T. Rei 3. Walking horse. (4). Airs. A. G. Nolan 1 (>. H. Coop 2, L. Woodward 3. Girl rider, und-r 14 12) : Shirley Orrnerod 1, Rae AYright 2. Roy rider, under 14 (2): E. Schwa ss l v ßoy ogirl rider, I I years or under (2): Doreen Shaw I,'Gordon Shaw 2. Horse suitable for hunters (6) : L. AA’oodward 1, G. H. Coop 2, AA T . Torhett 3, L. AA 7 oodw'ard h.c. Champion hack : G. Jl. Coop’s Locarno. HARNESS Single harness horse, owned and driven by Maori: Rewi Karangaroa 1 H. Tomana 2, «I. Alitchell 3. Singleharness horse, over 14.2 hands: AV. Torhettt 1, Alf Kirk 2.

COMPETITIONS Judge: Air C. Gankrodger Pony leaping, 14.2 and under: C. Nugent’s Zara 1, T. AA’. G. Tom hipson’s Runty 2, AA r . Alatenga’s Sheik 3. Maiden jump: L. Woodward’s, Sheila 1, C. Nugent’s Zara 2. G. Mclntyre’s Pretty Mickey 3. Turning competition : AY. Torhett 1, G. Parker 2, L. Woodward- 3. Flag race: L. G. AVoodward 1, T. AA 7 . G. Tomi'losqn 2, W. Torhett 3. Hunters’ competition: AV. Torbett’s Southerly Busier 1, L. G. 'Woodward’s Gerzireh 2. IF Bowen’s Royal A lac 3. Bodies’ hunters : .AV Torhett’s Southerly Buster 1, L. Woodward 2, G. H. Conn 3. Open leaping competition: R. Bowen's Royal Mao 1, L. AVoodward’s Gerzireh 2, 0. IT. Coop 3. SHEEP

Judge : Mr A. Symos, of Hasting* Lincoln rams, any age (2): M. Shaw 1, M. Smith 2. Romney Marsh ram, 4-tli or over (3): AA r . M, Stokes ]. Rornnev Marsh ram. 2-th (10): G. J). Tod 1 and 3, T. AY. G. Tmnhleson 2. Flock 2-th ewes, Lincoln cross (2): Whaanga 1, Smith 2. Three Flock 2-th ewes, Romney-cross (5): Air. Shaw 1, W. M. Stores 2, \Y naanga 3. AAethers, 2-th (4): Al. .Shaw 1, AA r . M. Stokes 2, AVhaanga 3. Wethers, 2-th (4): M. Shaw 1, N. AA’haanga 2, W. AL Stokes 3. Child’s pet lamb, ewe or wether (3): lan Shaw J Isabel Tod 2, L. G. Woodward 3. Three Southdown rams, any age (3): M. R. Hickling 1, T. AY. G. Tumbleson 2. FAT SHEEP .fudge: Air AA r . J. Hill, of AAYiiroa Three heavyweight wethers, 6-th or under (7): Opoho Station 1 and 2. Kahu Stewart 3. Three wethers, most suitable for export market, (-5): Opoho Station 1 and 3, Al. R. Shaw 2. Three heavyweight ewes, any age (8): Opobo Station 1, G. !). Tod 2, IC. Stewart 3, M. IF Shaw h.c. Three ewes, most suitable lor export market (6): Stewart 1, AI. R. Shaw 2, N. Whaanga 3. Three fat 2-th. either sex (6): R. Mclntyre 1, Opoho Station 2 and 3. Five lambs, up to 3611 p each for freezing, (6): Opoho Station .1, Kalin Stewart 2. Pen of five lambs up tr> 361 b each, suitable for freezing (2): Kahu Stewart 1, Al. 11. Shaw 2. Champion Romney ram: AA'. AI. Stokes. Champion Romney ewe: T. AA'. G. Tombleson.

cattle DAIRY CATTLE Judge: Dr. It. L. Freeman, Senr. Jersey, .hull, under 3 years (2): F. G. Jardine 1. Jersev hull, 3 vears and over (6). E. Cullen I, R. Block 2. Jack Mitchell 3, K. B. Crombie h.c. Holstein bull, under 3 years (4): R. Karangaroa 1. .J. Al. Taylor 2, R. Gilmore 3. Holstein hull, 3 years and oyer (1) : J. Al. Taylor 1. Dairy cow, any Freed, in profit- (14): K. B. Crombie 1,2, and 3. Dairy iieifer, three years and under, any breed, m profit (9): G. F. Jardine 1. J. AI. Taylor 2, K. WTniata 3, K, B. Crombie h.e., P. O’Sullivan h.c., Rae Gilmore h.c. Yearling Holstein lieifer 16): J. AI. Taylor 1, R. Gilmore. 2 and 3. Group of any dairy breed (6) •. K. R. Crombie 1, .)!» AI. Taylor 2, G. F. Jardine 3, R. Gilmore ii.e. Yearling Jersev heifer, (10): K. B. Cromhie 1, K. AATniata 2, T. Alete 3. G. F. Jardine h.c., K, AA'iniata h.c. Dairy heifer, hand-fed, calved since July 1, 1927 (16): J. Af. Taylor 1, and 2, 11. Gilmore 3 and h.c.. G. F. Jardine h.c. Champion dairy bull : E. Cullen’s- Ronnie Oaks. Champion dairy cow: K. B. Crombie's Darkie’s Love. •: SHORTHORNS Judge: Afr H. Atkins, of Patiltahi Shorthorn bull, three years and over. (1): ;,R. Karangaroa 1. Champion bull;, R. Karangaroa. : HEREFORD S ■ Hereford, bull, 3 years and over (1) : N. AYhaanga 1. Hereford bull, under 3 years (5): R. Jefferson 1 and 2, T. AY. O’. Tombleson 3. Hereford r:oir,.any ago (5): R ; . Jefferson 1 and 2, T. AY. G. Tombleson 3. Champion bull: R. E. Jefferson. Champion cow: it-. E. Jefferson. POLLED ANGUS Polled Angus cow, any age (3): T. AY. G. Tombleson 1,2, and 3. Pen of three heifers, 2} years, of.age or 'under, suitable for beef breeding (H :. N. Whaanga 1. Champion cow: T. W. G. Tombleson, Bell of Nuliaka. fat CATTLE N- • Judge : Mr AY. J. Hillj of AYaiyoa J7at cow. (4.): T. AF. O, Tombleson 1

PICS Judge, Dr. D. L. Freeman Berkshire hoar, any age (5) : R Gilmore 1, E. Cullen 2, K. AVmiata h.c. Tamworth hoar, any age (2): E. Cullen 1 and 2. Middle AVhite hoar, anv ago (1): P. O’Sullivan 1. Berkshire sow (3): E. Cullen 1,2 and 3 R. Pluck • h.c. Tamworth-Berkshire sow (5): Al. Young 1, E. Cullen 2, B Gilmore 3 and h.c. Two porkei pi‘„S (3): R. Gilmore 1, F. Cullen 2, R.” Gilmore 3. Two weaners, age not over 10 weeks (1): AI. Young 1. Champion hoar: IF Gilmore s Omana Champion. Champion sow: F. Cullen’s Tahaenni Fancy. DOGS

Judge: Mr IT. Atkins, of Pa Fatahi - Smooth-hair collie (7): J. Small 1, Tv. Stewart 2, I*. Tklswell 3. Longhaired collie (10): L,.Woodward 1, l>. O’Sullivan 2. C. Nugent 3. Beardie collie (41: H. R. Hiekling 1, K. Gilmore 2, IF AlcTntyre 3. Sporting dog or bitch (1) : A. Moore 1. Special prize for best looking slicep dog: 3. Smaill 1, L. Woodward 2, R. Gilmore 3. VEGETABLES AND FRUIT

.I’uclge: Air T. Perston. Gisborne. Beans, broad (1): Mrs Gibson 1; beans. butter (3) IF Gilmore 1, g, and 3. Beans, French (I): 3. Steed 1. Beans', runner (3): 3. Steed 1. An s Brewster 2,1). Bovd 3. Bert, turnip ft): Sister'Mav 1. CaFhage, largest (2) Airs Gibson 1, J- Stood 2.'Cabbage (2): Jack Stood 4, Airs. IF F. Brewster 2. Carrots (2): Airs Gibson I Sister May 2. Onions (1): Airs Ben Taka I. Pea's (2): Airs Ben Taka 1, Jack Steed 2. Potatoes, white, any variety Cl): M. Gibson 1. Airs Brewster 2, Airs AVi Nepia 3. IT. Boyd h.c. Potatoes (Dr Mrs C. Sturm I. Potatoes, collection (2): Sister Al.ay 1, Mrs AVi Nepia 2. Marrow, white (2) : Mrs Ben Taka 1. Rhubarb (3) : Airs Wi Nepia. 1 and 2. 11, Boyd 3. Collection vegetables (5): AAF Gilligan 1. Jack Steed 2, Airs R- F. Brewster 3, Sister .May h.c. Vegetable, collection, bv a Maori exhibitor: Airs AA i Nepia 1, Airs Ora'To Npaio 2. Cherries (1): M. Shaw 1. Peaches (1) : Mrs Ora Tc- Ngaio 1. Gooseberries (3) J. Austen 1. AF Shaw 2. D. Pioyd 3. Dessert apples (1): Airs C. Sturm 1.

FLOV/ERS CUT Judge, Airs Sylvester, Nuliaka. Dahlias, cactus (3) : Airs C. Sturm 1, Miss R.. Boyd 2. Airs C. McKenzie 3. Dahlias, any other varieties except cactus (2)4 Alls Oro Te Ngaio 1 Airs Ryan 2. Carnations, three varieties (7): Mrs C. Sturm 1, Airs C. McKenzie 2, Airs C. AlcKenzie ,3. Bessie Steed h.c. Nasturtium (3): Airs 0. McKenzie 1, Airs C. Sturm 2, Airs AA'i Nepia 3. Phlox Drummond! (3) : Airs Arthur 1 and 3, Airs C. Sturm 2. Stocks, ten weeks (4): ATrs C. AlcKenzie 1, Airs C. Sturm 2, Airs Ryan 3. Airs J, Arthur h.c. Sweet peas (1): Airs C. AlcKenzie 1. Sweet peas, 3 varieties (4): Bessie Steed 1, Airs C. Sturm 2, Airs C. AlcKenzie 3, Airs Ryan h.c. Sweet peas, vase of color, blending and effect (2): Bessie Steed 1 and 3. Airs. Q. AlcKenzie 2. Roses six blooms (3): Mrs C. Sturm 1, Airs C. AleKenzie 2, Miss B. Steed 3. Roses, .3 blooms ,(4): Bessie Steed 1, Mrs Sturm 2, Airs Rvan 3, Airs R. C. Sturm h.c. Rose buds, G Blooms <z): Airs. O. AlcKenzie 1, Airs. CF Sturm 2. Rose buds, 3 blooms (5) : Mrs R. C. Sturm 1, Airs Ryan 2. Airs C. AlcKenzie 3, Airs C. Sturm h.c. Collection blooms grown by pakeim: Airs Sfokes 1, Airs Arthur 2. Airs R,. Sturm 3, Miss B. Steed h.c. -Collection cut flowers: ATrs C. Sturm 1, Mrs O. AleKenzie 2. Airs J. A. Duley 3, Airs P. Boyd, h.c. Gladiolus (6): Airs Higgins 1, Miss I>, Jloyd 2. Miss P. Boyd 3, Airs Rvan h.c. Shrub flowers (1): Airs C. AlcKenzie 1. Collection native hush flowers and berries, collected hv children under 1G (4): Gordon Shaw 1, Laurie Tidswell 2. Jasper Sturm 3, G. Tidswell h.c Collection blooms, grown by a Alnori (5): Mrs Ryan I, Ales Neri Whnnnga 2, Airs B. Taka 3, Airs \V. Nepia h.c. COOKING

Judge Airs IT. Atkins, of Patutalu. Bread, home-made (3): Airs. \\ i Nepia i and 2. Girdle scones (3;: Airs. C. iUcKenzie 1 and 2. Plain scones (7): -Mrs. C. AicKcnzie 1, Airs C. McKenzie 2, Airs, i . n. Yomm 3 Fru.t scones (4): Airs. C. McKenzie I and 2, Mrs. Wi Nepia- 3. Pikelets = Alay 1, Airs. F. H. Young 2. ShortOread (only entry): Airs, d '.Sturm J. Plain sponge sandwich, jani nllmg (8,; Airs. W. Al. Stokes 1, airs Ben 1 aka. 2, Airs. Ui Nepia 3. •Sponge sandwich (4): Airs. \Y. Ai. ocokes 1, Airs. \A i Ncpi a 2 and 3. Ginger bread (only entiy): Airs. L. Sturm 1. AVhole fruit cage (3): Airs. Arthur 1, Alls. C. S'turm 2, Airs. Aloore 3. Decorated pound cake (2): Airs. F. H. Young i, Airs. C. Sturm 2. Cream puffs (3): Miss Jane Taylor 1, Airs. F. H. Young 2. Aladoira cake (i): Airs. G. Scurm 1. Jtair.butter, without salt (6): Airs. H. j.;,, Hickling 1, R. Gilmore 2, Aliss Florae Taylor 3. Dairy butter, with salt (o): It. R. Hif.jdmg 1, R. Gilmore 2, and 3. Home-made soap (6): Mrs. C. Sturm 1, Airs. Wi Nepia 2, Miss •lane Tavlor 3.

POULTRY SECTION Judge Afr. 'I. Crosby, of Gisborne. Light breed, hen or pullet: Don Wilson. Heavy breed, cock: j.i Rose, Heavy breed, hen: T. H. Stewart. Host bird m show: 11, Rose. .Miss A. 1. Black I. Wyandotte, any variety,, male (2): G. ii. Tod J. Wyandotte., any variety, female (if: T. if. Stewart 1, G. i)’. r l’od 2. Rhode Island Red, mate: 11. Rose 1, Geo. Tidswell 2. Rhode Island Red, female (5): A. Noble 1, Goo. Tidswell o Bantam: Game, Bantam, male (3: 'Shirley Wilson 1, J. Rarminter 2. Game bantam, female: Shirley Wilson 1. Rhode island Bed, female (3) : H. Rose l, R. Noble 2. Any other variety, heavy, breed, Jemale '(1): T. 11. Stewart 1.

.Ducks: Indian runner duck (5): G. D, Tod l and 2. Indian runner, drake (6): Airs. F. H. Young 1, Airs \Y. Ai. Stokes 2. Any other variety, duck (1) : AA'i Nepia 1. ...

CHILDREN’S CLASSES -SEWING. Judge, Aliss Austin, of Alorere. Special prizes.—Standard I. and 11, handkerchief,: Nelly Symes 1, Elizabeth Raruhura 2, Kathleen Hook 3. Standards HI. and IV. pillow case or similar article : 'Kate Kahukura 1, Julia Smith 2, Olive Body 3, Punia Terito, h.c. Standards V and VI., child’s dress, Catherine Christy 1, Alanutake Aintnera 2, AI. Godding 3; Alary Smith h.c. Wanting.—Longhand, under eleven years: Afcanaroa Rauete 1, Dorothy Nichols 2, Dorothy Hall 3; Alargaret Craig h.c. Longhand, under 12: Eve Napier 1, Rita Atkins 2, Kathleen Ryan 3, Teira Solomon h.c. Longhand over 12: Renata Smith 1, Catherine, Christy 2, Alargaret Cooper 3, Ata Tc Ka'rau h.c.

WEIGHT ESTIMATING Two sheep (correct weights 5541 b. and 8341 b. total 138') j Bert Gardner and Bert Kirk, tie, with correct weight. •

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Gisborne Times, Volume LXVII, Issue 10475, 4 January 1928, Page 6

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NUHAKA SHOW Gisborne Times, Volume LXVII, Issue 10475, 4 January 1928, Page 6

NUHAKA SHOW Gisborne Times, Volume LXVII, Issue 10475, 4 January 1928, Page 6