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NAPIER, Jan. 24. The New Zealand swimming championships were commenced in Napier municipal baths on Saturday, night before a very large attendance of spectators. The whole of the available space was occupied. Competitors in satisfactory attended from all parts of New Zealand. Very keen interest was taken in the swimming, which in practically all the events, was of a high standard. The 100 yards men’s championship final provided a great race in whien N. Dowsett (Wanganui) not only defeated the holder of the record time and the championship (Adamson), but clipped two-fifths of a second off the record. In the 75 yards intermediate girls’ breast-stroke, Miss J. Vhyman (Wanganui) swam a splendid race and equalled the record. The intermediate boys’ 220 yards race was won in good style by G. Bridson (Auckland) who covered the distance in three-fifths of a second over record time. ICO yards men’s championship (Now Zealand record time 59sec by L. L. Kronfeld, Auckland; holder of the championship, A. Adamson, Auckland). First heat: A. Adamson (Auckland) 1, I). P. Lindsay (Canterbury) 2, L. Fairgray (Auckland) 3. Also started: J. Emvright (Auckland), R, Rose (Hawke’s Bay), C. Claridge (Wellington). Time, 501-osee. From a good start, Fairgray took the lead and maintained it for two lengths, when ■Adamson overhauled him in a beautiful finish, winning by two feet. Second beat: M. Dew-sett (Wanganu') 1, D. Sutherland (Canterbury 2, J. Cameron (Wellington) .3. Also started: C. Lound (Hawke s Bay). R. Lanibie (Hawkes Bay). Time, 59 2-5. Dowsett. who swam splendidly, maintained the lead throughout and won easily by five yards. Sutherland jfust got home from Cameron for second place by a touch, Lound being close up fourth. . Final. N. Dowsett (Wanganui) I A. Adamson (Auckland) 2 L. Fairgray (Auckland) 3 Also started : D. P. Lindsay (Canterbury), W. Sutherland (Canterbury) J. Cameron (Wellington). Time, ■SB 3-ssec.—a New Zealand record. The 190 yards championship final was easily the most exciting race of the evening. The field of six got away to a perfect start and from the first stroke the pace was a cracker The end of the first lap saw the six almost dead in line, hut, on the turn, Dowsett drew slightly ahead, followed by Adamson, holder of the title, with Fairgray lying third. _At the home turn, there was very little between Adamson and Dowsett and a ding dong battle commenced, the former maintaining a slight lead. Fifteen yards from heme Dowsett gained a little and finished in brilliant record breaking style barely''half a yard in front of Adamson, the same distance between second and third men. Dowsett’s great victory was accorded round upon round of cheering from the delighted public. 100 yards ladies’ championship (New Zealand record time, lmiu 5 3-ssec by Miss Stockiey, Auckland; holder of the championship, Miss E. Stockiey, Auckland). Miss E. Stockiey (Auckland ... I Miss J. Bell (Auckland) 2 Miss P. Page" (Auckland) 3 Also started: Miss V. Edser (Hawke’s Bay). Time, lmin 7sec. From a splendid start, Miss Stockley immediately took the lea,d and, swimming superbly, had gained a yard on the completion of the first iap. In the second lap the champion forged ahead and, on the turn for home, was leading Miss Bell by four yards, there being two yards between the latter and Miss Page.. In the final dash, Miss Stockiey touched three yeards ahead of Miss Bell, who headed Miss Page by a yard, Miss Edser being a bad last. Both the winner and second were well under the New Zealand standard time of 69sec. 75 yards intermediate girls’ breaststroke championship (N.Z. record time, lmin 7 4-ssec by Miss Scot-ten, Otago; bolder of championship, Miss V. Scotten (Otago).

Miss V. Wliyman (Wanganui...) 1 Miss L. Broadman (Wanganui) 2 Miss E. Anderson (Wanganui)... 3 Also started: Miss K. Miller (Otago). Time, lmin 7 4-ssec. The four struck the water together and almost immediately Miss Whyman crept ahead until at the turn she was leading Miss Bvoadhead and Miss Anderson by a yard. Miss Miller being a similar distance behind. The second lap saw Miss Broadliead gain a little, but not enough to trouble the leader, who finished strongly two yards ahead. A yard separated second and third. The time was splendid, equalling the New Zealand record. 220 yards intermediate hoys’ championship (New Zealand record time, 2min 3Ssec by E. V. Connolly (Auckland) ; holder of championship, D. P. Lindsay, South Canterbury.) First heat: G. Bindson (Auckland) 1. L. Fitch (Canterbury) 2, G. Field (Ashburton) 3. Also started: W. Penman (Taranaki), H. Holies (Hawke’s Bay). Time, 2min 4osee. Tiie winner captured the lead from the start and was never troubled, winning easily by a quarter of a length. Second heat': W. Cameron (Wellington) 1, W. Hylands (Wanganui) 2, P. Matthews (Wanganui) 3. Also started: N. Tronson (Hawke’s'Bay). Time, 2min 52sec. A very fair start saw Cameron forge ahead to lead Hyland home by a. fair margin. Matthews was a close third, while Tronson died away early. Final: G. Bridson (Auckland) 1 L. Fitch (Canterbury) 2 W. Cameron (Wellington) ... 3 Also started: W. Hyland (Wanganui), P. Matthews (Wanganui), G. Field (Ashburton). Time. 2min 33 3-3 see. The six got away to a splendid start and finished the first lap all together. The second lap saw them separate, however, Bridson leading Fitch and Cameron. On the turn into the third lap, Cameron overhauled Fitcli and chased the leader, who was going splendidly. On the fourth Jap the order was Bridson, Cameron and Fitch, with the res t strung out. Spurting a lit + le, Fitch again got into second position and, .as the turn was made for home, Bridson held the lead from him by ten yards, maintaining it till the finish. Cameron finished well, five yards behind Fitch. Time, 2min 38 3-ssec—three-fifths of a second over the record. 50 yards junior girls’ championship (N.Z. record time 32 3-ssec by Mass L. Coutts, Auckland; holder of the championship, Miss L. Couits, Auckland). M's.s B. Hanlon (Auckland) ... 1, Miss S. Brown (Auckland) ... 2 Miss 0. Harvey (Auckland) ... 3 Also started: Miss J. Malcolmson (Canterbury), Miss A. Sven son (Wanganui). Time, 31 ‘!-sscc. The winner led the field away to a good start and at the 331-3 yards 'distance glield. the dead., from;.., Miss Brown unid Miss Harvey. Miss Hfinloii - finished- : strongly three yards ahead of Miss Brown, - with kM&s Harvey well up third' and Miss M&I----cplmsori fourth. The time-was weljrlbelow the standard.

100 yards junior boys’ championship (N .Z. record time lmin 7 4-ssec by V . McTigue, Canterbury; holder of the championship,-W. Cameron, Wellington.) T. Cade (Wanganui) ' T L. Olds (Otago) 2 G. Rose (Hawke’s Bay) o Also started: J-. Lyons (Canter bury), and W. Stockiey (Auckland). Time, 75 2-ssee. . All took things* easily in the first lap, Cade turning first, a yard ahead of Olds and Lyons. The same order prevailed in the second lap except that Stockiey surrendered fourth place to Rose. In the final lap, Rose pulled further up and Cade led in to win by three yards, a yard separating Olds and Rose, Stockiey, being a similar distance away fourth. Hie time was not brilliant. One mile men’s championship (N.Z. record time, 24min 39sec by M. E. Champion, Auckland; holder of the championship, E. V. Cunnold, Auckland.) A. E. Baird (Auckland) 1 L. Hill (Canterbury) 2 D. McKeague (Hawke s Bay) 3 Also started: E. V. Cunnold (Auckland), L. Russell (Hawke’s Bay)). C. Eversleigh (Wellington), J Emvright (Auckland), H. S. Wistoc (Taranaki). Time, 25min 19 l-ssec. The field of eight were sent off with a perfect start, Emvright making the pace for the first three or four laps. ,iiU Baird, Cunnild, Enwnght, and McKeague appeared to be all going smoothly until the twelfth lap when Hill led slightly from ’ Baird, with Cunnold a few yards back third ana Knwright ten yards still further behind. The quarter mile saw five left m the running, still in the same order, but, on the fifteenth lap, the number was reduced to four, Enwright throwing up the sponge. Clinging together, Baird .and Hill entered on the 20th lap with Cunnold ten yeards away and McKeague well over a length behind. Stroke for stroke the leaders kept on and, on reaching the half mile had drawn five yards further away from the title "holder. After a lap or so had been covered on the third quarter, the pace tightened *nip and on the threequarter mark being passed, Cunnold left the pool and McKeague was swimmingly doggedly over two lengths behind. With 100 yards to go Hill headed the Aucklander slightly and the pace began to liven up. On the second turn from home Baird drew level and then began to spurt. On the last turn Baird captured the lead and then sprinted to win in a slashing finish by ten yards. McKeague, who was three laps behind, swam a plucky race. The time was the second best yet recorded in New Zealand.

66 2-3 yards open handicap. First beat: H. J. Thomas (New Plymouth) 7sec, 1; J. Meikle (Waitemata) 2; 9. Bolam (Canterbury) 3. Also started: J. 14.I 4 . Alexander (Maranui). Time, 50 2-ssec. Bolam led in the first lap, but was caught by Thomas, who won easily. Second heat: T. Fitzgerald (lieretaunga) llsec., 1; M. Daly (Teawa) 9sec, 2; W. J. Toomey (New Plymouth) 7sec, 3. . Also started: R. Pelham (Walternate), W. Penman (New Plymouth), L. Kenny (\Vaitemata). Time, 50sec. The limit man led all the way to win by a touch. Third heat: C. Welson (Auckland), osec, 1; R. Lambie (Napier) 7sec, 2; H. G. Smith (Canterbury) 4see, 3. Also started: C. Lound (Napier;, W. Sutherland (Canterbury), F. Newell (New Plymouth), P. Wilson (Napier). Time, 50sec. Lambie led in the first lap but was caught by Welson, who won by a touch.

Fourth heat: R. Blewden (Teawa) 7sec 1; D. Graham (Heretaunga) 9see 2, J. G. Leask (Wellington) 3see, 3. Also started: M. Waller _ (Wanganui) and R. D. Rawson (New Plymouth). Time, 50 l-ssec. Blewden swam a pretty race won by a yard. Fifch heat: Ri. Wilkinson (Canterbury) 4sec, 1; A. Watson (Wellington) 7sec, 2; L. Rawson (Waitemata) 7sec, 3. Also started: W. Clarke (Marunui). Time, 50 l-ssec. Wilkinson won easily all the way. First semi-final: C. Welson (Auckland) osec, 1; T. Fitzgerald (Heretaunga) llsec, 2; M. Daly (Teawa) 9sec 3. Also started: H. J. Thomas (New Plymouth), J. Meikle (AYaitemata). Time, 51sec. Hardly a touch separated the first three. Second semi-final: R. Blewden (Te Awa) 7sec, 1; R. Lambie (Napier) 7 sec, 2; R. Wilkinson (Canterbury) 4sec, 3. Also started: W. J'. Toomey (New Plymouth), A. Bolam (Canterbury). Time, 50 2-osec. Blewden led all the way, but only won by a touch. Final: R. Lambie, (Napier) 7sec, 1 Blewden (Te Awa) 7see 2 C. AA 7 . AVelson (Auckland) ssec 3 Also started: T. Fitzgerald (Heretaunga). Time, olsec. - Blewden led most of the way, but, in an exciting finish, Lambie just touched home. 33 1-3 yards ladies’ handicap, first heat: Miss C. Anderson (AVanganui) lOsec, 1; Miss K. Miller (Kiwi) 4sec, 2; Miss L. Copplestone (Canterbury) 3sec-, 3. Also started: Miss B. Gayton (New Plymouth), Miss M. Ryder (Te Awa). Miss M. Simmonds (Te Awa). Time, 24 2-ssec. There was very little between first and second, both swimming lySecond heat: Miss ,T. Lynch (Te Awa) 2sec, 1; -Miss J. AVhyman (Wanganui) 3sec, 2; Miss A 7. Edser (Te Awa) 3sec, 3. Also started: Miss I. AVilson (Te Awa), Miss M. Morrison (Kiwi). Time, 27 2-ssec. Final: Miss E. Anderson (AA’anganui) 1 Miss K. Miller (Kiwi) ri. 2 Miss L. Copplestone (Canterbury) ~3 Also started; Miss T. Lynch (Te Awa); Miss J. AVhyman (AA 7 anganui), Aliss V. Edser (Te Awa). Time. 25 2-ssec. The limit girl had too much lead and was only challenged at the finish by Miss Miller. Handicap teams race (one lady and two gents.) AA 7 aitemata (Bsec) 1 Te Awa No. 2 (llsec)... 2 Napier No. 1 (lOsec) 3 Also started: Napier No. 2, Te Awa No. 1; Canterbury No. 1; Canterbury No. 2. Time, 64 3-ssec. AVaitemata were never troubled at any stage of the race. In the first round of the polo championship, Hawke’s Bay defeated AVellington by three goals to two.—P.A.

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Gisborne Times, Volume LXIV, Issue 11011, 25 January 1926, Page 6

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SWIMMING Gisborne Times, Volume LXIV, Issue 11011, 25 January 1926, Page 6

SWIMMING Gisborne Times, Volume LXIV, Issue 11011, 25 January 1926, Page 6