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For the weekly sale, or stools at the Matawihero yards yesterday there was a good attendance of buyers. The yarding of sheep was only moderate, but bidding took on briskly and prices compared favorably with the pre r vious week.

There was a yarding of 390 fat sheep, prices ranging from 15s for light ewes up to 21s for prime ewes. Forty-six head of cattle were yarded, prices ranging from £4 10s for cows up to £4 12s Gel for heifers, and £5 10s for bullocks. A small yarding of 33 head of' pigs were . brought forward, prices ranging from 10s for weaners, 11s for slips, 16s 6d for light porkers, and 35s down to 15s for baconers. There was a heavy yarding of store sheep, approximately 6000 being brought forward, hoggets bringing from, 12s Tip to 16s for good sorts; 2-tooth wethers from 21s up to 22s lOd for small sorts; owes in lamb from 14s Gd up to 18s; and empty ewes from 13s up to 17s 6d. The following sales were made, (p) signifying that the lines were passed in :

Fat Sheep: 28 ewes. light, (p) 15s; 13 do., light, 17s, lid; 20 do., light, 18s; 13 lambs, do., (p) 14s 6d; 8 ewes (p) 17s; 14 2-tooth wethers, 23s 3d; 50' good owes, 21s; 50 ewes, (p) 17s 9d; 23 do. (p) 17s; 27 good owes, 19s; 52 do., 19s 3d; 30 do., 20s 4d; 68 do., 19s <Jd.

Fat Cattle: 2 heifers, (p) £4; 1 cow, 4 15s; IS heifers. I'.A. cross, £4 12s 6d; .3 do., Hereford cross, £4 12s 6d; 6 cows, Hereford, (p) £4 17s 6d ; 5 do., Hereford, (p) £4; 3 bullocks, (p) £5 ] Os; 1 cow. £4 10s; 7 heifers, no bin.

Pies: 2 light porkers, 20s; 8 do., 16s 6d; 1 haconer. heavy, 50s; 1 do., 465; 3 slips, 13s 6d; 2 porkers, 355; 6 weaners 15s; 8- do., 10s; 1 haconer, 355; 2 porkers, 21s; 1 slip, 11s; 3 baConors, £2 2s OJ. Store Sheep: 387 2-tocth wethers, (p) 22s 9d; 211 s.m. ewes, 17s Gd; 149 s.m. do., (p) 15s: 184 4-year ewes in lamb, (p) 16s; lOC 5-year ewes in lamb,' no bid; 28 s.m. empty ewes, (p) 15,s 3d ; 'lB s.m. do., 14s lOd ; 28 in.s. lambs, 12s- 8d: 33 s.m. empty owes, 11s; 38 4 to 5-year ewes in lam-b no bid ; 214 m.s. woolly hoggets,' 16s; 61 do.. 15s 'tOd; 58 s.m. empty owes, (p) 13s; 32 2-t-octh v ethers' 22s 10d : 32 empty ewes 11s 5:1; 170 s.m. do!, (p) 15s'lOd; 90 s.m. ewes in lamb', (o) 14s Gd; 234 2-tooth wethers, (o) 21s; 171 ewes in lamb, (p) 17s 'Gd"; 70 s.m. ewes, empty, (p) 12s (id: 70 s.m. do., (p) 13s Id; 77 s.m. empty ewes, (p) 15s; 283 m.s. woolly hoggets, 18s Id: 158 4-tooth to 5-year ewes in lamb, (p) 17s ; 30 4-th to ;>-vr do., no hid; 34 s.m. empty owes.' (p) Ss; 33 f and f do., 13s; 37 do., 13s 6d; 30 do.. 14s 9d ; 67 m.s. small woolly hoggets (p) 12s 2d; 53 m.s. woolly hoggets, LSs 2d; 17 m.s. woolly hoggets'. 18s 2:1; 17 m.s. small do., 12s 3d; 16 woolly hoggets, ISs 8d; 14 d 0.., 14s ■ 48 4-th to 5-yr ewes in lamb, poor, (p) 10s; 79 s.m. cmr»ry ewes. (o)~12s;»34 s.m. do., (p) 7s; 142 fat and forward do., (p)„ 15s; 95 s.m. ewes, empty, 15s : 130 2 and 4-th owes in lamb, (p) 17s 6d; 220 2 and 4-th do., (p) 14s; 21.0 2-tli to s.m. ewes, empty, (p) 15s; 263 s.m. d0._1.3v; 351 5-year ewes in lamb, 235; 170 5-year do., (p) 20s: 190 s.m. empty ewes, (p) 15s; 100 2-th wethers, 23s 6d : 87 empty ewes, low condition, (pi 7s: 98 5-year owes in lamb, 21s 9d : 87 2. 4. and 6-th ewes, empty, (p) 18s 6d ; 50 s.m. ewes, empty, (p) 12s 2d; 51 s.m. do., (n) 7s Gd ; 57 s.m. do., (p) 12s 0d ; 37 s.m. do., (p) 9s; 125 s.m. empty ewes, (p) 13s ; 47 s.rn. do., no bid : GO s.m. ewes in lamb, (n) 15s Gd ; 29 s.m. do*. (p) 16s 6:1; 96 s : year do., (p) 16s; 33 m.s. woolly hoggets, (p) l2s; 11 2-th ewes, small 16s 9d ; 32 m.s. small shorn lioggets, (p) -Is; 52 m.s. shorn hoggets, (p) 12s 6d : 23 s.m. empty ewes, noor, 5s Gd ; 19 2-th ewes, empty. 17s 2d; 40 m.s. woolly hoggets, 13s 8:1; 20 s.m. empty ewes, 7s Bd.

ADDINGTON YARDS. FAT CATTLE AND FAT SHEEP IMPROVE IN PRICE. CHRISTCHURCH, June 4. The ya.rdings at Addington to-day were smaller than they have been for some time. Fat cattle and fat sheep improved in price, and fat lambs were firm at current rates. There was a good demand for store sheep with the exception of old ewes. In the store sheep section all classes sold well with the exception of old ewes. Sound mouthed Romney cross in lamb brought 29s Gd to 35s 2d; failing-mouthed halfbred in lamb 25s 4d to 30s 6d: aged halfbred in lamb 15s 7d to 19s 2d; aged cross-

bred in lamb 12s 6d to 19s 2d; lorward mixed sexes threequarterbred lamb 24 s 4d to 26s HJd; ordinary wether 19s lid to 22s 6d; forward 6 and 8-th wetliers 33s 7d; forward 4 and 6 toothed threequarterbred 32s lOd; ordinary 4 and 6-th 29s to 31s; late shorn 26s 116 - cull 2-th 23s 6d. The entry of fat lambs totalled 19,060. The sale was keen and late rates fully maintained. Prime under 421 b made up to 11 Id per lb; extra prime lambs 39s Id; prime 34s to 88s; medium 31s to 345; light 26s to 30s.

The smallest entry for some time was in mutton ewes; the average price per lb being Is 6d. Extra prime wethers made 52s 6d; prime 40s to 455; medium 36s to 395; light 31s to 35s 6d; extra prime ewes 40s; a few special 445; prime 32s 6d; medium 28s Gd to 31s. Gd; light 24s 6d to 27s 6d; aged and inferior 17s Gd to 23s Gd.

The entry of fat . cattlo was 400 against 511 last week. The drop of a week ago was recovered and values improved £1 a head. Primest beef realised 34s per 1001 b; prime 30s to 325; medium 26s 6<l to 295; light 22s to 25s 6d; and rough 15s. Extra prime steers made £l7; prime £l2 to £ls; medium £lO to £ll 15s; light £4 5s to £9 10s ; extra prime heifers £lO 2s; prime £6 10s to £9; ordinary £4 to £6 ss; prime cows £5 to £9 7s 6d; medium £4 5s to £5 15s; aged and inferior £3 to £4. A few vealers were entered and good prices obtained. Runners mado £5; good vealers £3 15s to £4 10s; good calves £2 10s to £3 ss ; small calves 10s to £2. The store cattle sale dragged. Values wero fair. Three and four-year old steers made £3 12s 6d to £4; medium £3; yearlings and 18-month steers £1 15s to £2 I2s 6d; two-year-old heifers £1 10s to £3 lUs; yearling £1 10s; best cows £2 to £2 15s; medium cows £1 10s to £1 17s 6d; inferior cows £1 to £1 ss. The entry of dairy cattle numbered 50 cows and heifers close to calving which sold well. Best second and third culvers made £9 to £l3; medium sorts £6 to £8 15s; best heifers close to calving £8 to dill. There was a small entry in fat pigs which made prices firm. Choppers realised £3 to £6 9s; light baconers £4 to £4 IDs; heavy £4 15s to £5 15s; extra, heavy £6 os—average price per lb 74d to 8 Pi; light porkers £2 Is to £2 14s ; heavy £3 to £3 £l! —average price, per lb 8d to Sid.

In the store pig section there was a moderate entry. Weaners (small) made 9s to 12s and bettor sorts 15s; small stores 16s to 2U.-J; medium 28s to 35s.—P.A.


AUCKLAND, June 4. At Westfield tinge was a very huge yarding of beef and prices again were lower. Extra choice ex realised 24s per lOOlbs, choice and prime 20s to 235, plain and unfinished 15s to 19s, piime young cow and heher IDs to 225, other cow 15s 10 18. Rough beef 10s to 14s. Extra heavy prime steers made from £.12 to 613 10s, heavy £9 15s to £ll 10s, medium £8 IDs to £9 10s, light £7 to £B, smaller and unfinished £4 10s to £6 10s, heavy prime cows and heiiers £5 Los to £7 10s, medium £4 10s to £5 10s, light £3 5s to £4 7s 6cl, forward cows £2 to £3, inferior and poor £1 to £1 17s 6d.

Calves: There was a large yarding and prices declined iu value. Runners realised 50s to 645. heavy vealers 80s to -Us, medium vealers 20s to 28s, light 10s to 18s. smaller 6s to Bs. suia’l mid fresh dropped 3s to 6s. rough 10s to 20s.

Sheep were yarded in average numbers and sold readily at late quotations. Heavy prime wethers made 38s Gd to 39s Del, medium 35s to 38s. light 32s to 3 !-s 0(1. small and unfinished 28s to 31s Gd, heavy prime ewes 29s to 31s Gd, medium 27s to 28s 6d, light 24s to 26s 6d. inferior 18s to 23s (3d. Lambs; Small numbers sold at improved pi ices. Heavy prime made 80s to 33s Gd. medium 26s to 29s 6d, light 23s to 265, unfinished best 17s to 21s, others 8s to 8s 6d.

Pigs: There was a large yarding. Prices declined. Choppers realised 50s to 655, heavy and medium baeoners 75s to S3s, light haeonors and lieavv porkers 40s to 595. large stores 1 4s to 18s, slips 9s to 14s. weaners 7s to 16s.d- P. A .

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Gisborne Times, Volume LX, Issue 9723, 5 June 1924, Page 2

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LIVE STOCK MARKETS Gisborne Times, Volume LX, Issue 9723, 5 June 1924, Page 2

LIVE STOCK MARKETS Gisborne Times, Volume LX, Issue 9723, 5 June 1924, Page 2