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To-day’s Racing News


MEETINGS TO COME. Aug. 19. —Pakuranga Hunt . Aug. 19. —Egmont-Wanganui. Sept. 2. —Taranaki Hunt. Sept. 2.— Otago Hunt. GRAND NATIONAL MEETING. BIG TOTE INCREASE. CHRISTCHURCH, August 12., The, Canterbury Jockey Club’s Grand National Meeting concluded today. The weather was glorious and the track was in splendid order. The attendance was large and the tote investments totalled £32,343/10/- (win £15,192, place £17,151/10/-) as against £24,459/10/- last year. The total for the meeting was £91,382, as compared with £69,679/10/- last year. Results: —

Canterbury Steeplechase, 2ft miles. —l/2 Kaokaoroa (Thomson) 1; 7/7 Broadfield (Beale) 2; 6/3 Sir Richard (Langford) 3. Also started: 3/6 High Pitch, 5/5 Jen, 4/4 Speak Easy, 2/1 Gay Jim, 8/8 Dukla. Dukla ran off at the kennels double, High Pitch at. the sod wall and Speak Easy, balking the top brush, ran off, forcing Gay Jim off also. This left Kaokoaroa, who had been third, with a safe lead and he went on and won by four lengths from Broadfield. Sir Richard was five lengths back and Jen fourth. Time 3.13.

Longbeach Handicap, 6 furlongs. — 5/5 Southdown (L. J. Ellis) 1; 1/1 Sweet Agnes (K. Voitre) 2; 2/3 Silvox (A. E. Ellis) 3. Also started: 3/2- Nightly, 12/13 Verden, 8/8 Acceptable, 13/12 Gilpit, 6/6 Glandovey, 9/11 Top Bank, 4/4 Quebec, 9/10 Silk Arrow, 9/9 Helen Gold, 15/16 Davolo, 14/14 Haere Tonu, 16/15 Bright Red, 17/17 Bright Shade, 7/7 High Rank. Top Bank, Silvox and Sweet Agnes were among the early leaders, but those most prominent at the distance were Top Rank, Sweet Agnes, Silvox, Haeretonu, Southdown, and Nightly. Southdown did best in the run to the post and won by a neck from Sweet Agnes, with Silvox a head away and Haere Tonu fourth. Time 1.12 3-5. Sydenham Hurdle Race, 2 miles. — 3/3 Hounslow (Pascoe) 1; 2/1 Adventus 5 (Jenkins) 2; 7/7 Royal Limond (Murfitt )3. Also started: 1/2 Prince of Orange, 4/4 Membo, 5/6 Morena, 6/5 Advance Camp. At the six furlongs the order was Morena, Adventus, Prince of Orange, Royal Limond, and Hounslow, all in close order. Morena was still in charge rounding the home turn with Adventus, Prince of Orange, and Hounslow next. Hounslow was first over the last fence from Adventus, while Prince of Orange fell bringing down Morena. Hounslow won by four lengths from Adventus, with Royal Limond three lengths away and Membo fourth. Time 3.41 2-5. Styx Hurdle Race, Ift miles.—l/1 Rasouli (Thomson) 1; 7/7 Henry of Navarre (McDonald) 2; 4/4 Polling Day (Langford) 3. Also started: 2/2 Mount Boa, 6/6 Rational 11, 5/5 Joie de Vai, 8/8 Huntley, 9/9 Paleta, 3/3 King Comet, 11/12 Night Parade, 12/11 Lady Rene, 10/10 Lady Valkyrie. Lady Valkyrie fell at the second fence and Lady Rene at the third. Polling Day led Rasouli and King Comet round the far turn and the order across the top was Polling Day, Rasouli, King Comet, Henry of Navarre, Joie de Vai and Rational 11. Polling Day and Rasouli wore together at the last fence where King Comet fell. Rasouli won by three lengths from Henry of Navarre. Polling Day was four lengths away and Rational II fourth. Time 2.55. Lincoln Steeplechase, 2ft miles — 1/1 Luna Lux (McDonald) 1; 4/4 Callamart (Thomson) 2; 3/3 Lucess (Thomson) 3. Also started: 5/5 BiUy Boy, 2/2 Thurina, 7/7 Omeo, 6/6 Copey, 8/8 Kapuna. Callamart and Thurina led over Cutts and going down the back the order was Thurina, Luna Lux, Lucess, Callamart, Billy , Boy, Copey, Omeo, and Kapuna. They all got over the Kennels double and the top sod wall, but Thurina came down at the top brush. Lucess led past the stands from Callamart, Billy Boy and Luna Lux, with a gap to Copey, Omeo and Kapuna. Billy Boy, Callamart, Lucess and Luna Lux was the order over Cutts where Copey ran off. Kapuna fell at the first sod wall and Luna Lux took charge after the Kennels double and led across the top from Billy Boy, Callamart, and Lucess. Callamart followed Luna Lux over the last fence. Luna Lux won by six lengths from Callamart, with Lucess two lengths away and Billy Boy was fourth. Time 5.52. Heathcote Handicap, 1 mile. —2/2 Cricket Bat (A. E. Ellis) 1; 9/9 Ranelagh (MacKinnon) 2; 3/3 Palantua (Jones )3. Also started: 1/1 Polydora, 5/5 Eminent, 6/6 Tout le Mond, 8/8 Water Power, 4/4 Ramo, 7/7 Jaloux, 10/10 Charmaine. Ranelagh and Charmaine led into the straight from Cricket Bat, Jaloux, Eminent, and Ramo. Cricket Bat caught Ranelagh inside of the distance and beat him by half a length. Palantua was a length away and Eminent was fourth. Time 1.39 4-5. Redcliffs Handicap, 1 mile—ll/12 Tea. Garden (Eastwood) 1; 5/7 Epigram (Wiggins) 2; 1/4 Worship (Didhara) 3. Also started: 2/3 Drum Fire, 6/6 Elude, 3/2 Mantheo, 9/9 Water Polo, 12/11 High Speed, 4/1 St. Joan, 7/5 Fleeting Glance and Silver Sight, 12/12 Pharaoh, 10/10 Jeremy, 14/14’Sky Lass, 8/8 Double Shot. Tea Garden led to the straight with Elude, Worship and Epigram following. Tea Garden stayed on and won by half a length from Epigram, with Worship a neck away, and Silver Sight fourth. Time 1.41. Selwyn Handicap, 7 furlongs.—l/1 Cottesmore (L. J. Ellis) 1; 3/2 Martian Chief (Broughton) 2; 5/5 Spoon (Russell) 3. Also started: 2/3 Beacon Fire, 7/7 Meprisant, 4/4 Foreign Queen, 6/6 Playground. 9/9 Clirysologyj 8/8 Grecian Prince. Cottesmore was leading when the course proper was reached with Spoon, Martian Chief and Playground next. Cottesmore was not extended in the run homo and won by a length from Martian Chifef-, with Spoon three lengths away and Playground fourth Time 1.26. NOTES ON THE RACING. [SPECIAL TO “STAR”.] CHRISTCHURCH, August 12. Gay Jim Unlucky: Kaokaoroa scored a lucky but none the less popular victory in the Aylesbury Steeplechase. He disputed the lead with Gay Jim over the first circuit, but dropped back half a mile

'from home and was three lengths behind Speakeasy and Gay Jim going to the top brush two fences from home. Speakeasy ran off and carried Gay Jim with him and Kaokaoroa was left to go on for an easy win from Broadfield, who struggled home clear of Sir Richard. Jen completed the course a long way back. Dukla jumped the first fence and ran off at the next the first of the kennels double. High Pitch gave a pool- display, and after narrowly missing a fall at two fences in the second round, ran off at the second sod wall.

Both Speakeasy and Gay Jim were going well when they were eliminated, and would have fought out a close finish. Gay Jim gave a finished display and was unlucky to be alongside Speakeasy when the latter shirked his task. The remainder of the field were outclassed. This was Kaokaoroa’s first win. He is owned by Miss Douglas, a member of the well-known T e Mahanga family. The colours were last successfully carried on the course by Maunga, who won the Homebv Steeplechase at the Christchurch Hunt meeting three years ago.

Southdown Surprises: The Longbeach Handicap was won in an impressive manner by Southdown after one of the closest finishes of the meeting. Top Rank was the smartest out and led on to the course proper from Sweet Agnes, Silvox, Haere Tonu, Southdown and Nightly. All of these, with the exception of Top Rank, engaged in a sustained tussle, and passed the post in a bunch, Southdown getting the verdict by a neck from Sweet Agnes, who beat Silvox by a head, with Haer e Tonu another neck away and a head in front of Nightly. Top Rank, Bright Red, Bright Shade, Helen Gold and Acceptable were next. This was Southdown’s first race since Spring, and his second success. He was offered for sale in Christchurch at Easter, but was not sold, and he entered A. Mculay’s stable at Riccarton. He is destined to visit Sydney in the Spring, and may be an A.J.C. Derby contestant. Sweet Agnes ran another good race, but seems fated to get on the winning list.

His Third Win: Hounslow demonstrated that his win in the Grand National Hurdle Race was not as lucky' as at the time considered, by easily accounting for the Sydenham Hurdles, thus recording his third success at the meeting. Adventus and Morena led the field from the outset and were only displaced at the last fence. At the end of a mile the pair were followed by Prince of Orange, Royal Limond, Advance Camp and Hounslow, but with another half mile covered Prince of Orange and Hounslow had moved up to the leaders, while at the home turn the whole field were running in close order. Adventus was first into the straight from Morena, Prince of Orange, and Hounslow, with the others close up, but Hounslow had run to the front before reaching the last fence, and landed over clear of Adventus. Prince of Orange crashed and Morena fell over him. Hounslow then had another easy task and went on to win by four lengths from Adventus, who beat Royal Limond as comfortably. Membo finished strongly into fourth place, while Advance Camp was tailed off. _ Hounslow was kept in behind until half a mile from home, and was a winner at the top of the straight. Adventus did not jump some fences well and failed to stay on. Royal Limond showed an improvement, but both Membo and Advance Camp made poor showings. Prince of Orange and Morena were well beaten when they fell.

A Promising Hurdler: Rasouli, favourite for the Styx Hurdle Race, had a convincing win. He and Polling Day raced abreast for practically the whole journey, and they entered the straight two lengths in front of Henry of Navarre, with a gap to King Comet, Rational 11. and Joie d e Vai. Once over the last fence, Rasouli drew away and Avon by three lengths from Henry of Navarre, who headed Polling Day early in the run home. Rational 11. Avas a poor fourth, some distance in front of Joie de Vai, Night Parade and Paleta, with Mount Boa a long Avay back last. King Comet fell heavily at the last fence and breaking Ins back had to be destroyed. Rasouli Avon Avell. His record over fences to date is a win, a second and a third in three starts. Henry of Navarre shOAved a big improvement, xvhile Polling Day gave another dashing display, but the distance again found him out. Mount Boa made a very poor showing and Avas at the tail of the field from the barrier rise. Lady Valkyrie, Lady Rene and Huntley fell. Rasouli Avas sold after the race to Mr H. Elworthy, of South Canterbury, and goes into E. J. Ellis’s stable.

The Big Steeplechase: Luna Lux Avas responsible for a most attractive effort in Avinning the Lincoln Steeplechase. He Avas always one of the leading division, and his jumping Avas faultless throughout. His task Avas made easier by Thurina hitting the top brush the first time and dislodging his rider Avhen in the lead AVith Lucess and Luna Lux. Lucess had charge passing the stands the first time, but Billy Boy jumped to the front at Cutts’, only to be soon displaced by Luna Lux. There Avas not much betAveen Luna Lux, Billy Boy, Callamart and Lucess at the kennels double, but crossing the top, Imna Lux commenced to draw away and Avas three lengths in front of Callamart, with a similar gap to Billy Boy and Lucess approaching the last fence. Luna Lux was not further troubled, and ran home a winner by six lengths from Callamart. A long struggle for third money Avas staged by Lucess and Billy Boy, the former staying on the better. Copey ran off at Cutts', and Omeo, well in the rear, was pulled up before the last fence was reached. Luna Lux deserved his win as lie did not put a foot Avrong. He was ridden a good race, and both horse and rider received an enthusiastic reception. Callamart did not jump well at stages and narrowly missed falling at the first sod Avail the last time. Lucess gave his usual clear exhibition but was outpaced. Billy Boy Avas rushed up to the leader each time at the kennels double and gave no trouble, in fact he made sterling efforts in both rounds. He was done Avith, however, half a mile from home.

Cricket Bat Prevails: The Heathcote Handicap provided an interesting race and a stirring finish, Cricket. Bat recording a brilliant victory. Charmaine Avas the early leader,but Ranelagh had charge at the half mile from Charmaine,

Cricket Bat, and Jaloux, with Polydora in last place. This was the order into the straight, and inside the distance Ranelagh had a useful advantage and appeared to be the winner until Cricket Bat put in his claim. In a hard tussle, Cricket Bat gradually got Ranelagh’s measure and beat him by half a length. Palantua was a length back, a head in front of Polydora and Eminent together. Jaloux. Water Power, Ramo, Tout le Monde, and Charmaine followed in that order. Cricket Bat was always going well, and reeled off one of his characteristic telling, finishing runs. Ranelagh at last performed up to his ability, and his place supporters received a good return. Palantua did some solid work in the straight to get up into third place. Polydora was last away and did not make any forward move until half-way down the straight. He then essayed a run through on the inside, but although making up a lot of ground she was decisively beaten. Her defeat dealt investors a severe blow.

A Big Surprise: The day’s biggest dividend was returned in the Redcliffs Handicap, Tea Garden recording his long-deferred first victory. As in most of his previous races he was one of the early leaders, and after two furlongs had been covered, he was in front, with Double Shot, the pair being then followed by Worship, Elude, Epigram and Manetho. Tea Garden was first into the straight from Double Shot, Worship, Elude, Epigram and Manetho, and stalling off a solid challenge by Epigram, beat him by half a length. Worship was a neck away, a neck in front of Silver Sight, and then came in a bunch, Elude, Manetho, St. Joan, Water Polo, and Drum Fire. Tea Garden gave his trainer, T. H. Gillett, his fourth win for the meeting. He was ridden by C. Eastwood, who has only lately resumed his calling after a long spell, following a mishap off Errantry, a stable-mate of Tea Garden, at the Easter meeting at Riccarton. It is a coincidence that Pixie Gold won this race last year and paid a sensational dividend.

A Hollow Victory: Cottesmore had the easiest win on th e hat throughout the meeting in the concluding event, the Selwyn Handicap. He took charge after two furlongs had been covered, and led round the top and into the straight from Spoon, Martian Chief, Playground and Beacon Fire. There was no change in this order to the post, except that Martian Chief wore down Spoon in the last fifty yards, Cottesmore winning without any pressure by a length from Martian Chief, who beat Spoon by three lengths. Playground was next in front of Beacon Fire, Chrysology, Foreign Queen, Meprisant, Water Power and Grecian Prince, in that order.

TOTALISATOR INCREASE. CHRISTCHURCH, August 12. J. W. Jennings Avas severely reprimanded by the Stewards for having failed to obey the order of a. doctor to go to hospital after his fall off Grecian Prince on Tuesday. The totalisator increase at this week’s local meetings Avas £34,577 10s. DUNCAN’S APPEAL. [special to “stab.”] CHRISTCHURCH, August 13. The Canterbury District Committee held a special meeting on the Riccarton racecourse on Saturday to consider an appeal by G. W. Duncan against the suspension of t\vo months imposed on him by the Judicial Committee of the Canterbury Jockey Club. After hearing the representations of Duncan’s employer, J. Fryer, the Committee decided that, the sentence be reduced to- one month. AUCKLAND MEETING LOSS. AUCKLAND, August 14. The Auckland Racing Club’s extra meeting, held on July 22, in aid of the Governor-General’s Winter Relief Distress Fund, resulted in a loss of about £3OO, but as the Government decided to remit half the totalisator tax, about £4OO will b e available for the fund. FIELDS FOR WANGANUI. WANGANUI, August 13. The Egmont—Wanganui Hunt acceptances for the meeting on August 19 are: —• Maiden Hunters’ Steeples, 2 miles.— Danzof, Caro. Mangatapu, Don Cossack, Sir Glamis, Coma 12.0. Wereroa Maiden Plate, five furlongs —Roseric 9.2, Treasure Hunt 9.2, Inahrua 8.11, Hawora, Icier 8.9, Tommy Atkins 7.13, Etiquette, Hest, Rust 7.8. Whenuakura Handicap, 7J furlongs. —Arisus 9.0 Inflation 8.12, Midinette 8.4, Awaken 8.2, Knollmere 7.9, Ganpat 7.4.

Hunt Cup, 2ft miles.—Acervate 12.6, Invictus 11.2, Arikitea, Waitaunaha 10.13, Sir Glamis 10.5, Hanway, Caro 10.0.

Waihau Handicap, 1 mile.—Arisus 9.10, Midian 8.12, Wasteland 8.3, Auctioneer 7.4, Ythan, Count Lendroff 7.0.

Ladies’ Bracelet, l’ ( miles—Count Palantine 12.6, Arikitea 11.11, 'Black Man 11-6, Count Lendroff 10.13, Danzof, Silver Band, Sir Red, Hauwai, Brocwood 10.7.

Waverley Hack, 6 furlongs.—Midian 9.9, Spiral 8.2, Gipsy Love 7.11, Auctioneer 7.5, All Supreme, Hawora 7.2, Icier, Roseric 7.0.

PAKURANGA HUNT ACCEPTOR. AUCKLAND, August 12. Gastronomy, 10.7, should be included in the acceptors for the Ladies’ Bracelet at Hm Pakuranga. meeting. AUSTRALIAN STEEPLES. [BY CABLE —PRESS ASSN. —COPYRIGHT.] MELBOURNE. August 13. At Victoria Amateur Turf Club's races, results yesterday were: — Australian Steeples. — Redd itch 12.13 (Inkson) 1; Mosstrooper 11.11 (Hynes.) 2; George William 9.2 (McInnes) 3. Ten started, including Hyde Park. Acceleration led in the early stages, but Redditch and Daily Mail were equal with Acceleration the first time passing the stand. At the back they headed the field. Mosstrooper being next. Acceleration pulled up at the nine furlongs post. Mosstrooper, though ridden vigorously, was unable to overhaul Rodditch, who won by three lengths. George William was six lengths away, and Hyde Park five lengths further back fourth. Time 6.54:]. This is a course record. Balaclava Stakes. —High Brae 9.4 (Heather) 1; Heroic Prince 8.12 (Bracken )2; Segati 7.12 (Simmonds)

3. Ten started. Ilulf a length each way. Time 2.20:]. Mellisande ran fifth in the Chatswood Plate. JOCKEY’S FATAL INJURIES. (Received August 14, 11 a.m.) MELBOURNE, August 14. The Tasmanian steeplechase rider, J. Stubbs, died in the hospital from injuries received, when Mount Prince and Flaviol crashed in the Knowsley Steeplechase at Caulfield on Satuiday. Stubbs who suffered concussion, had a. spill earlier on the same day, but the doctor declared him fit. He had a successful career. Il<- was aged twenty-five. ROSETIILL RESULTS. SYDNEY. August 13. Results at Rosehill races yesteia'a.v were: — lUaidmi. Brush 1 lurdles.—Blue Ensign 9.0 (Guy) I; Stanley Gut 9 8 (Pearce) 2; Hunt the Slipper .10.7 (Fielder )3. Won by two lengths. Time 2.46. Parramatta Mile—Persian 9.1 (Bartie) 1; Speldon 8.9 (Simpson) 2; Tenacious 8.0 (Stanton) 3. Seven started, including Love Song, which was fourth. Won by a length and ahalf; half a. neck. Time 1.41 ft. Antique and Bayacre were unplaced in the Dundas Handicap.

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Greymouth Evening Star, 14 August 1933, Page 11

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To-day’s Racing News Greymouth Evening Star, 14 August 1933, Page 11

To-day’s Racing News Greymouth Evening Star, 14 August 1933, Page 11