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HUGE WINTER SALE I ,-k 1 S:' AT McGRUER’S, COMMENCING SATURDAY, JUNE 27 | 1 ■ ■ : ' / ■’ p;. GRFATFR CLFARANGF OF ALL WINTER GOODS RECORD REDUCTIONS 40 PER CENT. TO 50 PER CENT. OFF MANY LINES, EVERY ARTICLE MARKED DOWN |TO BEDROCK. OUR STOCKS ARE LARGER AND THE VARIETY OF GOOGREYERTHE RAPID O GROWTH OF OUR BUSINESS HAS BROUGHT IT UP TO THE CITY STANDARD. NO NEED TO SEND AWAY. YOU CAN GET IT g/ CHEAPER HERE PRICES DEFY COMPETITION. THE BIG BARGAINS GO TO THE EARLY SHOPPERS. DOORS OPEN AT 9 O’CLOCK. COME EARLY. g< lIUnPRCI nTMINfi nFPT Extra heavy Axminster Hearth Rugs; 22in. Velveteens in super quality, ex- INFANTS’ DEPT. Small Boys’Tweed Overcoats. Usually FANCY DEPT. ||| c UPiUCnULUi nirtu UEr I. usually 7 22/6 29/6 and 32/6 each tra deep pile. Sale Price 5/9 yd.. 24/6 each— Sale Price 16/6 each. j== 30 nairs Corsets slightly soiled Now 19/6' 25/6 and 28/6 each.. New Coatings in smart overcheck de- Infants’ Winceyette and Flannel Petti- 20 only Men’s Blue Drill Combina- Colgate’s Choice Talc Powders asstd. To’Clear 5/11 6/11 7/11 Pillow Cases,'good size and quality;. sign, 54 inches wide. 2 ends only. coats with silk stitching; were 2/11 tion Overalls. Usually 12/6 — perfumes, Sale Price 1/4 = 50 pairs B. and C. Corsets/sizes'22 to -w ' / 1/3 and 1/6 each. Usually 18/6 yd- and 4/11. Sale prices 1/11 and 3/11 Sale Price 8/11 suit. ♦ Bath Salts, Dainty Perfumes28; were 5/6. ' Now 2/11 pair Extra large size White Heavy All-wool Sale Price 13/6 yd. Infants J’lannel Barias, were//ll and G onlyj Men’s All wool Roslyn Sac fil ,nrf == Ladies’Fancy Winceyette and Flannel- i Petone Blankets, single bed; Wonderful Value in Fuji Silk, extra ' , 6/6 , wl k al . e J s s- Ces Suits. Usually 90/- to £5/10/-. Dainty Face Ple 5 h and ette Nightdresses; were 8/11 - 42/6 to- Now32/6 pair heavy pure silk. 30 inches wide. Inf ' a J? ' Sale Price 63/-. White, usually 6/6- - g Now 6/11 Double bed 57/6 pair— Now 44/6 - Usually 5/6 yd. Sale Price 3/11 yd. 4/6 5/11 and g/g.» ’ Heavy Dark Woollen Shirts. Usually i « o i ea te’s Mirage Vanishing Cream 1/6 .SS 24 only ladies’ navy and grey fleecy Double bed Extra Heavy All-wool Grey Velour Coatings. Good shades. 54 ins. ’ g l nrice’s 3/6 4/6 and 5/6 14/6. 'Sale Price 9/11. ' g , ' „ T f\kes mire — • lined Bloomers; werW/11 Blankets ; *re 42/6 pair- wtee.-. Sale Price 13/6 yd. Intots . ' ' r “q Pri£ 'Tod K ■ Now o]o pair Now 37/6. pair Velvets in beautiful shades, with rich Sale Prices 1/6 and 1/11 nr QI-UIV/RClflM ~ " ... Ladies’navy and grey Woollen Bloom. All-wool Colonial Flannel- finish. 3,6 Inches wide. Dress Large assortment of Muslin an/ Si?k SHOWROOM Wenthol aS °°XIJTS H eis, were 8/11 and 9/ Now 1/11 yard lengths- of 3 yds— Bibs; Sale prices 1/-, 1/6, 1/11 Ladies’ Woollen Jumpers and Sports x , i „ d ‘i ie _ Sale Price Is SS T r , • , . ermie All-wool Bress Flannels, in fine soft Sale Price 16/11 yd. Infants’ cream Woollen Bonnets and Coats. Were 14/6 to 59/6- relief of headache Sa Price Ladies ivintei Combinations cieme finish; grey fawn, nigger and Winceyet t eS) all double width and Caps; Sale prices 1/11, 2/6, 2/11 Now 4/11, 9/11, 14/6 each Furihoto Wax Polish, gives a lasting s and natural; were 911 andl 11 p cardinal; worth, 4/6 yari- h nt Nice finish> __ In[ants - Coloured Coats> smarfc styles ; 12 0111 y Ladies’WooHen Tenuis Wraps, polish to all classes of furniture, = ■r y 67 ' 'nw 3/il, 4/11, 5/U. Nowell y“d wearing and unshrinkable.- Creain Woollen good quality; Ladi(!s . Woollen Dresses , J e re 59/6 .to Boot Polish unequalled hr all g . - Ladies’ heavy Cotton Vests with long Alette Cot Blankets, site Sale Prlces 5/3 5/9 ' ' Sal prioS 21/. to 35/-. 84/- Now 14/6, 19/6 and 29/6 -=°hured Ms patent eath- g sleeves; were 5/6 . N°w 3/11 ~ p/ , , 2/q ’ h _ l. j, . Ladies’ Woollen Costumes, were 75/. to. eis oaie ruce x/ Ladies’ Roman. Satin Underskirts all ’ Now 1/9 and 2/3 each B ’nd FRV A IMR C! RVFQ MFRFFRV RFDT 126/ — Now 29/6, 39/6 and 59/6 Toilers Barilla Soap Sale Puce 9d === shades; wore 7/11 9/11 11/6 3 2i„: Striped qua «iOSI ERY AND GLOVES MERCERY DEPT. 3 0 „ ly kds’Navy sirge Blasers, gold Tooth Paste, large tubes best ,«l £ y g n . , OW + ? y Jj Z lity; usually 1/6 yard— 6 dozen Ladies’ superior quality, cash.- Men’s White Hemstitched Handker- piping, were 27/6v-\ , Now 14/o oaie xrnce x Fancy Camisoles, with and without y, Now 1/2 yard mere finish Hose, black only; chiefs. Usually 9d. each— 15 only Ladies’ Superior Quality Writing Pads, exceptional value—n,w SmT tri Woollen 36in. Superior Quality Twill and worth 3/6 pair. Sale price 1/11 pr Sale Price 2 for 1/-. Gabardine and Marocain Dresses, Sale Price 1/m iL? nil re- Double Warp Striped Flannelette’; Ladies’ Lisle Hose in black and cham- Extra ; large Plain Handkerchiefs. fancy stitchings, riewest styles, Tennis Racquet Covers, special quality = SduSd ’ usually 2/3 yard- Now 1/9 yard pagne; were 3/6 pair.. Usually 1/3 each.- were 110/ to 168/- Sale Price 4/6. Vnvv 2/il 3/11 4/11 and 5/11 nair 29in. Heavy Wool Union Unshrinkable Safe price 2/6 pair ( Sale Price 3 for 2/6. Now 59/6, 69/6, 84/ « ClDildren’s Flanielette and WiW- S“ rtin /’d ight / rOunds ’ USUally Ladies’ all-wool Cashmere Hos e in Dark Working Handkerchiefs Usualiy 2 only Ladies’ Three-piece Costumev, HABERDASHERY ;,= 44. xt- i.4j 3/11 4/ii 2/9 and 3/6 yard— black only; were 5/11 pair. 1 ? fnr o/n Gabardine, were 105/ and 252/ — and 7/11 C Now 3/11 4/11 and 5/H Now 2/3 and 2/11 yard Sale price 2/6 pair Silk Collars all sizes Usually Now 59/6 and 105/ Safety Pin Sets. McGruer’s Special === Children’/ Winter ambinations, all Special line of superior qudity Heavy Hoeenx tan, 1/. each. Sale Price 3 tor 1/6. 30 rally Ladies’ Serge, Tweed and Quality. Sale Price 1/- = sizes; these are a great bargain— Unbleached Herringbone Sheeting, , by> / Men’s Heavy Shirley Police Braces. Costu ™/' s ’ 5^ 6 1Q t / 2 Linen Buttons assorted sizes. Best = 3/6, 3/U and 4/H pair. M ~ 20 Radies-Su»W Quality.- Saio Price 64 per set. g R.AhinnrnTrn nrnT 80in., usually 4/11—Nojv 3/11 yard Hose m black, navy, grey and . 6 dozen Men s Light Braces. Usually ai-dine and Fine Serge Costumes Gartering Elastic Black J-inch wide. MANCHESTER DEPT, 80in. Good White Twill Sheeting; us- mole; were 5/6 pair . 2/9 pair Sale Price 1/9 pair. latest styles, fancystitchings, were Strong and lasting.— ~ . , . 1n ually 4/6 yard- Sale price 3/11 pair 12 dozen Black Knitted Ties. Usually £g Q/ £IQ 1Q J , 6 > Sale Price 9d . yd . = 28m plain navy or striped Drill; us- , J Now 17/6 nair of 5 yards Ladies’ all-wool ribbed hose, grey only 1/11 each—Sale Price 2 for 1/11. New W/fi 75/and 05' , • t> 4-# ici 4 cm, == , price 3/6 pair ~ Tice, ueuaiiy X/H to m | variety ; 28. n and 56m Domestic or 2? . H a]l li nen Forfar aid Tea Silk and wool Hose in grey, nigger, Sale Price 9d and 1/- each. Seigo 511 s ’ Now s/HanTg/ll silks in new® and dx/lusfve■ Purnishmg Cretonne; usually 1/11 Towelling; usually 1/9 yard- fawn, beaver; were 9/11, 7/6, 5/11 Heavy Woollen Sox, Usually 1/11 pr. Ldi , T d , Veto Coats were ’ g 4 ’ b'u? delusive f and 2/3 yard; Now 1/6 yard 5 ’ •, J , N ow 1/4 yard and 4/6; . Sale Price 1/6 pair. Cadres 1 need and Velour boats, were sha des 4 qz. balls.- « 50m Casement and Curtain Cretonne, Wincevett e, with block stripe; Sale prices 8/6, 6/6, 4/11 and 3/6 10 dozen Extra Heavy Woollen Sox. 39/6 to^^ !6 19/6 29 / 6 an d 59/6 Sale PnCe 4/6 baH ’ ’ ..W 50in U heaiy civeiS jnd Curtate! usually S/3 yard- Now 1/9 yard Children’sall-wool 3-4 coloured Cask Usually 2/6 . Sale Price 1/n pi , Cldldron>s N Gre Jand Woollen Fanc y Geters in new and popular xYcnX a/fi A/11 vard- ,neieHC clV lZ ■ ™ 7/11 Men’s Heavy All Wool Ribbed Under- Dresses were 19/6 to 39/6— styles, all colours.— == . tonne; usually 4/6 m^4/H. vc A , . Salo pnees 2/11, 3/6 3/11 pants. Usually 9/11.- ’ Now 9/llaTd 14/6 Sate Prices 1/11, 2/6, 2/11 each. ,gg Large variety white and creme short DRESSES Children s all wool half socks 111 bac <, g a I e Pr j ce g/6 garment. 59 on j y Children’s Woollen Jerseys, . Knicker sets of elastic complete with ff - '.=== Curtain’Nets.; usually 1/11, 2,0 , tan unci navy > wO, Men’s Cotton Sox. Usually ,1/- pair. were 10/6- Now 4/11 Bodkin for threading- ' - = and 2/11. . Smart Ripple Cloth m new floral s all . wool So ck rir S axe s arey . Sale Price 2 pair for Yu Children’s Grey Flannel and Woollen -* Sale Price 4d set.. Now 1/6, 1/9 and 2/6 yard design. 40 inches wide. putty, champagne and emerald; Fleecy-lined Underwear. Usually 6/11 Dresses, were 19/6 to 39/6— Dainty Laces and Insertions, all s 23in Tapestry Carpet Runner; usually Sale Price 2/1 . 2 to 6- were'2/11 nair Fl ’i ce £ arme nt. Now 9/11 and 14/6 widths in broken ranges of pat- = 7/11 yard; Now 6/11 yard Attractive pmart shades — ’ Bale prici 1/il'pair Men ’ s Cotton Football Jerse y s - Children’s and Maids’ Serge and Gab- 'ems.Heavy quality twisted Matting Mats, 36m wide. Dress lengths of 3 yds. Ladies > a n. woo l Gauntlet Gloves, in Vertical stripes. Usually 9/11.— ar dine Dresses, fancy stitchings, Sale Prices 3d, 4d, sd, 6d, 9d yd. S 27—54; usually 6/11; Safe Pn .e 28/6. brown, grey, fawn and cream; were Sale Price 5 / n eacllt sizes 27in to 42in, wete 25/to 65/ All Wool Scarves slightly soiled— i= 7 t e each striped Dress Flannels . double width 4/6 pail ? Sa i e price 2 /ll pr. Boys’ Black Oilskin Coats. Usually Now 14/6, 19/6 and 29/6 AH T Y°° 54m heavy wool Art Serge, brown and g mart ghades with contrasting Ldi , n . wool F Gauntlet '' 19/6 to 24/6. Sale Price 9/11 each. Ladies’ Ready-to-wear Hats, latest : fi/fi s/11 onrb ' green; usually 5/11 yard; strlpe3 _ Sa te Price 4/6 yd. LlUl, gi ove : V fi X, beavZ, taw/"Sfe Boys’ Heavy All Wool Jerseys.- shapes, wie 14/6 to 39/6- Mending lUoi S White or strined Towels usually 2/3 Check Dress Flannels, double width and cream; were 7/6, 6/11 and 4/11 Usually 6/6 to 7/11- Now 6/11, 9/11 and 14/6 ® ? gate Pr | cc 8d skein ■ and 3/6 each- J Overcheck in white on dark pair; Sale prices 5/11, 4/11 and Sate Price 5/11 to 6/11. L „ dics . M(xW Velvet 1-tets, lutes* fane in Syd Rolls assorted WMths' '■ and 3/6 2;u grounds.- Saje Price 5/11. 3/11 pair. Men’s Neglige Shirts, fast colours. sl , ape s, were 39/6 to 59/6- ’ ’ aPe p'- c „ 3 X' for 1/-' H Tanestrv Hearth Rugs; usually 8/6, Astrachan Coatings, 56in. wide in Ladies’ all-wool Gloves in grey, fawn, Usually 7/6. Sale Price 5/11 each. Now 19/6 and 29/6 . t ' S 12/6 and 16/6 each • shades of Fawn, Nigger, Grey, brown and cream; were 4/6 pair; Men’s Single and Double Linen Col- gqjn white or creme Curtain Nets; us- Children s Picture Handkerchiefs ==• Now 7/6, 10/9 and 14/6 each Black.— y Sale Price 14/11. Sale price 3/3 pair lars.—. Sale Price 2 for 1/6. ually 3/11 yard. Now 2/11 yard Sale Price 4 for 1/-. s= ’j| THE LEADING DRAPERS McGRUER’S (Westland) Ltd

■* The Alaska Fur Depot j / Specialises in Remodelling | & Renovating Furs / Skins dyed, tanned , and made up to any 7 style. Send us your last season’s furs to be ■ remodelled on this f&Uil season’s lines. wrnfyl ? All Fur Work Guaranteed. ffiM ALASKA « • FUR DEPOT 103 WILLIS ST. (Upitiin) ‘ '/W/i c ' 3, li® \L ' SEA^ sS j|i| : / coP I •' V Ask Your Plumber ! ;No seams to burst or leak. Tinned to prevent tainting or discolour".y ing of water. '■>i. Meth ven’s, Ltd., Makers, Dunedin. /Stocked by all ironmongers &/.. z AND PLUMBERS. F/ \ t g/ v ■v, - frdGt is as easy to make as Tea or Cocoa NEW METHOD Place Club Coffee in heated jug (quani" tity—one heaped teaspoonful of ‘Club’ . makes two large breakfast cups). Lift Z“ boiling kettle from fire, wait 2 seconds for bubbling to subside, then pour water on to coffee. Stir, and stand • on warm range for 3 minutes. Strair, -jf desired. Add sugar and milk to aaSte. ‘ I , An appetising, stimulating, strengthen-* ing, and healthful -Vink. After Dinner— CLUB COFFEEj

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Greymouth Evening Star, 27 June 1925, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 Greymouth Evening Star, 27 June 1925, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 Greymouth Evening Star, 27 June 1925, Page 8