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BIG SHOW YESTERDAY AN ALL ROUND DISPLAY J LENGTHY PRIZE LIST The Hon. J. G. Colibe, M.P.. and Minister of Defence, officially opened the fourth annual show iJf the Young Farmers’ Club at the Agricultural High School yesterday. From small beginnings the Show lias grown to such large extent that it is an afternoon’s work copying out the prize list uloue. leaving no time to inspect tli e exhibits. It was the general opinion that ail round the shew was easily tlie best yet, tlie qua lit v of the stock, the cookery, tlie needlework, art work, etc., .showing a marked improvement. Boys who had stock exhibits had evidently a good working know ledge of the leading breeders, and secured some of the best dairy stock, horses, anil other animals for competition. In addition. students and primary school children made the inside show with some excellent, samples of their own work. This year’s show was strong in art craft exhibits, the result of having an expert art instructor on thestaff of the High School. The organisation was excel hint. Mi*. J. M. Campbell, the genial ami capable secretary, tlie stewards and all officers carried out tlielr duties well, and the show proved well worth while. Tlq. trophy, a beautiful rose bowl, presented by the Hon. J. G. Cohlie for tlie competitor-securing tli© highest aggregate of points throughout th e show \vn s won by R. A. Robinson, and the sain e boy won Mr. IN'. G. Booth’s handsome trophy for most points in the root crops section. Following is the prize list:—BHEEI’. Southdown ram lamb natural condition: S. Christopher I, M. McLean 2. 11. Wild 3. Southdown ewe la ml), natural condition: 11. Henson 1, I. Me!.-can 2. N. Brice 3. Southdown five, two-tooth or older, natural eonndition: l>. Mitrgitis- 1, D. Hills 2. Southdown group c we, rum iamb and ewe lamb: 11. I Jenson 1, N. I’rehhlu 2, L>. Mingiiis 3. Romney ram lamb, natural condition: I/. McDonald I and 2, M. I’rebble 3. Romney ewe lamb, natural condition: L. McDonald 1 and 2, G. Newland 3. Romney ewe. two-tooth or older, natural condition : L. McDonald 1 and 2. Romney group, ewe. rum lamb and ewe iamb: L. McDonald 1 and 2.

FAT SHEEP Three wethers, Down crosses, most suitable for freezing: 1). Miugins 1 and 2. Ditto, Longwool crosses: D. Minginus 1 and 2. CROSSBRED EWES Three best suited to the production of fat lanib s for export: D. Miugins 1 and 2. WOOL Best collection of wool for educational purposes, mounted and names and giving tli e count: H. C. Wild 1, J. Williams 2, P. G. Theveuard 3, E. Hunter 4. Ram lamb, any other breed, natural condition: J. Neilson 1, J. Neilson and D. McDonald 2. Ewe lamb, any other recognised breed, in natural condition : A. Moor e and J. Neilson 1, J. Neilson and D. Newland 3. Ewe, two-tooth or older, a.0.h., natural condition: J. Neilson 1. FAT LAMBS Three woolly Down Crosses: R. Shartall 1, J. Turnbull 2; E. and D. Field 3. Shorn Down crosses: J. M. Campbell 1, *2 and 8. Shorn Longwool crosses: D. Mingins I. Pet lamb: R. Shoriall 1, R. Hills 2, S. Sliortall 3. DEMONSTRATIONS Best demonstration of live stock, cattle and pigs: S. Christopher 1. G. Hair 2. Sheep: G. Mitchell 1, 11. C. Wild and V. B. Old 2. Bees: I. Carmine 1, If. Berry 2. A. Inixinoory 3. Field or jitnimul husbandry: IS.. Hunter 1. HORSES. Farm draught mare or gelding: If. A. Robinson 1 and 2, A. Moore 3. .Spring cart horse in harness: R. A. Robinson 1, T. Thurston 2. Pair draught horses: R. A. Robinson 1. Best groomed, paced and mannered pony, not exceeding 14.2 hands: I. Brown 1, R. A. Robinson 2. Best groomed, paced and mannered pony not exceeding 12.2 liannds: F. Brown 1. P. O’ Regan ,2. K. Calvert 3. Best pony: F. Brown 1, P. O’Regan 2, D. Adsett 3. Best hack: R. Humphrey 1, A. Lobb 2.

CATTLE Jersey bail calved since July 1, 1020: L. Hills 1, It. Hubert.son 2. T. Baker it. Jersey or grade Jersey heifer, on Iced since July 1. 1929 : S. Christopher 1, E. J. Sinclair 2. H. A. Itoliiuson it. Jersey or grade Jersey liclfcr, calved since July 1. 1028: K. Clifford I. Jersey or grade Jersey cow, any age: J. Turnbull 1 and 2 It. A, Itobinsou 2. I'Yiesinn or grade Friesian heifer, calved since July 1, 1020: M. I'rebble 1. Friesian or grade Friesinn cow, any age: I’. G. Tlievenard 1. ited Poll bull, calved since July I, 1020: G. Mitchell 1. J. M. Campbell 2 and .'l. Ited Poll or grade Ited Poll heifer, calved calved since July 1. 1920: A. Moore 1. G. Hair 2. J. Alien 3. Kcd Poll or grade ited Poll heifer, calved since July 1, 1028: W. Fitzgerald 1. li. Wild 2, I>■ Anderson ;t. Ited Poll or grade Ited Poll eow, any age: L>. Morrison J. 11. Henson 2, X. Bruce 3. Bull, any other recognised breed, calved since July 1, 1920: G. I). Golleu 1, J. Guyford 2, It. Waiter 3. Heifer, any other breed or grade, calved since July 1, 1029: E. H. Hunter 1. Heifer, any other grade or breed, calved since July !, 1928: B. Corkill 1. Cow. any other breed or grade, any age: It. A. Itobinson 1, K. Gollan 2, l". Schofield 3. Best dairy cow, in milk or dry: J. Turnbull 1, It. A. Itobinsou 2. X'. Bruce 3. Clinmrnoin dairy cow: J. Turnbull. Dairy cow regularly tested this season accompanied by record of production: it. A. Robinson 1. POULTRY White Leghorn cock, G. Allen 1, K. Elliott 2, I*. Wells 3. Whits Leghorn lieu, G. Allen I and 2, X. Christensen 3. Any other utility cock, G. Yllen 1. Any other utility lieu, 0. AJI« 1 and 2, i) Taylor 3. Black Orpington cock. N. Christensen 1. 11. o<vry 2. Black Orpington Ken, J. Williams 1, X'. Christensen 2. Homing Pigeon, A. Hayward 1. J. Short 2, R. Berry 3. Indian Runner drake, R Berry 2. Any other variety drake, D Field. Pair Buff bantams, )■. CiiridteiiKon 1, N. Christensen 2. FOOT .END FORAGE CROPS I ield carrots, R. A. Robinson 1. 2 and 3. Mangolds, Yeilow* Globe, primary Kcliedls and boys’ and girls’ clubs, H. Bcatso.'n 1. Kiwi tea School 2. M. Foivles and L. Caa-thew 3. Ditto, secondary scliools pupils and conijieticora not attending school, J. Bennett I. K. J. Sliortuli 2, R. A. Uobinson 3. Mangold, long red, R. Cowan. Mangolds, any other variety, R. A. A anti 2, Form JI - S 3. Four named varieties of mangolds, A* aliuri School 1, Alungulds, intermediate red, f{. A. Itobinson 1 and 2, G. Mitchell 3.3. Sweds, It. A. Robinson I, A. K. Carey 2, VA H.S. 3. Yellow fleshed turnips J. Bennett I. White flushed turnips J. Simpson 1. Three cobs red maize, Cheltenham School I. tit. liiggs School 2, Ditto, white, H. Beatson 1, R. A. Itobinson 2, H. Boatson 3. This:: cobs yellow maize, Cheltenham School 1 and 2. Written history «*f any crop, primary schools, R. lluclmnan. Record of maize or mangold crop, Mt. Biggs School 1, Tiritea School 2, Aratiku and Halcombe schools 3 (tie). VEGETABLES Carrots, short, R. Mooi-e 1, g. R. H. Tlievenard 3. Carrots, intermediate, R. Weulleaaiß I, D. Cowan Carrots, long, Form Y a 1 ami 2, Awahuri iSdliool 3. Onions, Brown Spanish. M. Cranston 1, Cbeletenham School 2, R. Moore 3. Onions, A.0.V., M. Minoguo 1, I>. Conun 2. Escballots, pickling, 1). Cowan 1. Hscliallots, any variety, C. Ramsay 1, M. Killeney 2, P. G. Thovenard 3. Parsnips, long, A. Smitliers 1, R. Wcalleans 2, It. Moore 3. Table potatoes, round or oval, white, D. Cowan J, 1 . Mcl.'.a.ii 2, J. Bennett 3. Table puts ties, kidney, R. 11. Tlieve-n----ard 1, J. Bennett 2. Collection, liameu varieties table potatoes, Form lVa. Beetroot, long, Awaliuri School 1, E. Huugey 2. Beetroot, turnip, T. Baker 1, Awahuri School 2. Pumpkin, iron bark, R. A. Robinson 1 and 2. Pumpkin, other variety, R. A. Robinson 1 and 2. Pumpkin, stjuash, R. A. Robinson j and 2. Marrow, green, ■ft. Moore 1, G. Hoffmeister 2, R. H. Theyonard 3- Cabbages, 11- Moore t, R. A. Robinson 2, Tlievenard 3. Cwulif lowers, D. CJowlan 1. Bunch rhubarb, R. A. Robinson 1. Silver heel;. T. Wcalleans 1. Collection table vegetables, p. Moore 1, Id. Martin 2,

FRUIT Dessert apples, Stunner, X". ShortMi l, I>. Cowan 2. It. Moore 3. Ditto Delicious, R. Moore 1. Ditto, pippin E. Svendsen 1, R. Moore 2,1). Co--van 3. A.0.V., apples, R. Mills 1 IC Svendse-n 2, D. Cowan 3. Washington, D. Cowan 1, R. Mourn 2. A.O.Y. E Sveudseu 1, L. Sim 2, M. Salt 3 Collection, P- Lange 1, D. Cowan 2 G Moore 3. Cooking pears, C. AnLows 1, R. Moore 2, T. Baker 3. To. matoes. smooth. Ib. 11. Tlievenard 2. i 0.V., J- Williams T, Quinces, J. Mills 1, Collection, C. Andrews.

BIGS Ct-rkshiro sow u ib'i litter of not less than «, F. Schofield J. Berkshire *ov under 14 months, 1). laeFarland 1. Berkshire s< »- under 8 months, I>. McFarland 1 and h. h. McNeill Tam-worth so. with litter ot not less than G, L. Thurston 1, K. Cox 2. Tamworth sow under 8 months, L. lhurstlon 1. liargei Whito boar undei I. months, G. Mitclicdl j. 1-urge ■Whit-, hoard under 8 months, D. It. Golhi.n 1, J. Herbert 2. l-arge White low. N. Prebblo. Cargo White sow under 1-4 months. G Hair 1, S. Christopher 2. Ijargo White, son- under 8 months, R. Thoanasseu 1, 1.. Red 2. Pig, apy breed or crpss. most suitable for bacons, not f a exceed 2101 bs live weight, L. Thurston 1. Pig any breed or cross, most suitable for pork, not to exceed 1200>s live weight, I>. MacFarland 1 a.nd 3. L. Thurston 2. DOGS AND DOG TRIAL Sin no tb ! jd C 01l o under <3 months. It. J. Sliortall 1. Ditto over 6 months. It. J. Short all 1, J. G. Neil.son 2, Fergus son 3. Dough liaired Collie under G months, T. Gilbert 1. Cook 2. Ditto over G months, it. Calvert, 1, It, J. Campbell 2, J. M. Gayford 3. Most points, It. J. Shortall. HONEY Light amber honey, It. Taylor and 1<; Simpson 1. Fu l frame comb honey, It. Taylor I, J. Turnbull 2. TYPING Business letter and Official letter. H. Quay.e 1, M. Shelton 2, M. Fowler 3. Joint Stock Company’s Balance-Sheet G. Lawson I, M. Shelton 2, M. Desmond 3. BOOKKEEPING Set of books, M.. Legan J, L. Hunt 2. 1 Porter 3. SHORTHAND Shorthand cxeicise book, Juniors, A.. Jenkins 1. Shorthand exercise book, Seniors, V. llanghey I, B. Gorki 11 2. PHOTOGRAPHY Landscape, T. Thom})son 1. Animal Study, M. Luurie 1. Study of Child, J. Williams 1, L. McEwen 2, Tliompsuu 3. School Study, indoor, T. Thompson 1, L. McEwen 2. Photograph of aii3' school sport, P. G. Tljevonardj 1. Group of G Photographs, P. Lange 1 and 3, I). Hunt 2. HAND CRAFTS Article in Wood, Taylor 1, G. Guthrie 2, It. Bishop 3. * Artie’e in wood. Primary Schools, T. Hayward I. T. Baker, L. Edhouse 3. Most useful article from benzine case, K. Beazer 1, J. G. Neilson jjf, L. Carthew and A. Harford 3, G. Zotov v.h.c., R. Berry h.c., J. ltosomai* Most useful article} from benzine tin, A. Hayward, P. Dawson 2, J. Rosoman 3. ART Animal Drawing, M. Lowrie 1, Newland 2, J. McDonald 3. Outdoor sketch. C. Dealing 1, L. Alderson 2. Design in colour primary, B. Dungey 1. M. Weaken's 2. Working Plan, Farm Building, K. Mair 1, it. Thomassen 2. Working drawing of woodwork model, Primary Schools, D. Jenkins 1, C. Fowler 2. P. Milner 3. Ditto Secondary Schoo's, Todd 1. Regan 2, Durrant 3. Drawing oi boot, side view G. Little 1, D. Dungey 2, V. Woodman 3. Sketch, black and white, G. Dealing 1, C. Humphreys 2. Drawing to illustrate story or verse, Primary Schools, B. Dungey 1. Water Colour Sketch. J. Bowers 1 and 2. Monogram. R. Carter and D. McEwen 1. Illuminated verse or prose, G. Lawson 1. ART CRAFTS Poster. O. Eade 1. Article in Batik M. Pearson 1. M. Fitzpatrick 2. Leather Purse. C. Andrews 1. M. Hills 2. Leather Article, E. Hunter I, A. Hunter 2. Block Priutingz, J. Brewers 1, E. Bailey 2, J. Benson 3. Raffia. F. Tutty 1. Raffia, Prima.ry Scliools. D. Jessop 2. Cane Rallia, J. Svendsen 1. P. Mailieson 2, M. Coulter 3. COOKING Plain scones, P. Bailey 1, V. Whisker 2. R. Thurston 3. Shortbread. Irene Fitzpatrick 1. Vera Whisker 2. D. Bennett 3. Sponge Cake, Irene Fitzpatrick i. J. McLeod 2, lh Williamson 3. Jam Tarts, R. Thurston 1. E. Merritt 2. Biscuits, C. Andrews l. J. Hobday 2. Picelets, J. Beating I, I. Fitzpatrick 2. B. Baillio 4. Collection Sina’l Cakes. J. Hobday 1, Plato Clear Toffee, M. Minogue I. V. Whisker 2, Ik Gray 3. Plate nut or fruit Toffee, B. Gray, A. Hancock 2. V. Whisker 3. Fudge, M. Shelton 1, Y. Whisker 2. Co'ooaiiut lee. H. Quayle I, N. Desmond 2. E. Merritt 3. Preserved peaches or apprieots. J. Mair 1, J. Pearson 2. Preserved Fruit, any variety, F. Tutty 1, E. Merritt 2, B. Gorki l 3. Pickled Onions, V. Whisker 1, B. Wiliiamson 2, B. Gray 3. Jar of Jelly, I'. Tutty 1, E. Merritt 2, Ik Cor kill 3.

Not of Jam, 1. Porter 1. B. Gray 2. E. Merritt 3. Mb Dairy Butter, E. Merritt, 1, AI. Hills 2. N. Shortall 3. N EEDEEWOHK Summer frock, AT. Hills 1 . Baby’s hand-sown garment, Y. Whisker 1, K. Simpson 2. Apron. C. Andrews. 1, V. Whisker 2, G. Overend 3. Gymnasium dress, Muriel Fitzpatrick and Vera Whisker 1. Shirt • louse, F. Shepherd 1. Nightgown cr underskirt, At. Hills 1 and 2, AI. Fitzpatrick. 3. Article from sugar'.sack, D. Bennett 1 and 2. AI. Hills special. Article from Flour bag, AI. Hills 1. Knitted garment, M. Eliott 1, T. Kilgour 2. Embroidered d’Oyley, AI. Fitzpatrick 1, E. Merritt 2, E. Simpson 3. Eimbroiderel table 'centre, calmed, C. Andrews 1, E. Simpson 2, T. Kilgour 3. Darned stocking, N. Desmond 1, V. Whisker 2. Patched garment, V. Whisker 1. I>. Bennett 2, AI. Taylor 3. FLOWERS Bowl of flowers, Eva Shepherd 1 , Florence Shepherd 2. Bouquet, D. Nasmith 1, AI. Hills 2, A. J.anksliear 3. Buttonhole, M. Hills 1 and 2, C. Andrews 3. Collection cut flowers, F. Tutty 1, J. Short 2, C. Andrews 3. N ATU liAli H 1 STORY t OEBECTIONS Collection of grasses, G. Mitchel l, G. Zotow 2, AI. Kinder 3. Collection •of grasses, primary schools, B. Carter 1, V. Woodma,n 2, J. Pask 3. Collection of useful pasture plants, G. Mitchell 1. Collection -of soxls, G. Mitchall 1, S. Christopher 2, R. H. Thevenard 3. Collection of weeds, P. G. Thevenard 1.. Open section. G. Mitchell 1, B. Hill 2, P. G.» Thevenard 3. Ditto, primary schools, T. Weal lens 1. V. Woodman 2, J. Task 3. Collection of insects, D. G. AHngiiis and G. Allen 2.

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Feilding Star, Volume 8, Issue 2572, 3 May 1930, Page 6

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YOUNG FARMERS Feilding Star, Volume 8, Issue 2572, 3 May 1930, Page 6

YOUNG FARMERS Feilding Star, Volume 8, Issue 2572, 3 May 1930, Page 6