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Trotting at Addington De Soto Wins Autumn Handicap Increased Totalisator Returns Grand National Week in Christchurch was opened on Saturday with the New Zealand Metropolitan Trotting Club’s meeting at Addington. The weather was fine, but the track was heavy. The attendance was good, and the totalisator investments reached £27,920, compared with

INTRODUCTORY HANDICAP, 200sovs. Ifm. 2-3—Mr . W. Hosking’s b g RUSTLE (Nelson Bingen— Jingle mare), scr (J. S. Shaw) 1 13- —Mabel Chimes, 24yds bbd (S. A. Eagan) 2 14- —Norman Fox, scr (T. G. Fox) 3 Also started: 9-9 Gala Day scr, 12-13 Little Beta scr, 11-14 Resound scr, 3-1 Sister Mary scr, 16-16 Tyrone Lass scr, 7-10 Worthy Star scr, 6-6 Amonos 12yds bhd, 4-4 Groat Wood 12, 5-5 Helen’s Bay 12, 8-8 Silk Coat 12, 17-17 Header 24, 2-3-Knim 24 bracketed with the winner, 1-2 Reward 24, 15-17 Canton 36, 10-7 Wahnooka 48. Won by a length and a-half, with two lengths between second and third. Gala Day was fourth. Times: _ 3niin 45 3-ssec, 3min 44 2-ssec, 3miu 46 3ADVANCE HANDICAP, 200sovs. IJm. 2- —Mr H, J. Delargey’s b g GOLDEN MIST (Rey de Oro —Nan Brent), 4yrs, scr (D.. • C. Watts) 1 I- Blair Athol, 12yds bhd (S. A. Edwards) 2 4- —Gallant Knight, 12 (A. Cranston) , 3 Also started: 10-10 Broughshane scr, 6- Cadiz scr, 8-7 Full Hand scr, 5-8 Wild Dreams scr, 3-3 Stilling Lady 12yds bhd, 7-6 Grand Finale 24, 12-12 Lone Derbv 24, 9-9 Kibo 24, 11-11 Raydon d’Or 24. ' • Won by a length, with four lengths between second and third. Stirling Lady was fourth. Times; 2min 59 3- 2min 51 2-ssec, 3min 0 2-sscc. AUGUST HANDICAP, 600sovs. 2m. 1- —Mr C. Johnston’s ch g DE SOTO (Rey de Oro—Bribery mare), 12yds bhd (J. Bryce, II- Rollo.'fct (L. A. Maidens) !!! 2 2- —Grand Mogul, scr (J. Fraser, jun.) 3 Also started: 4-4 Gold Tinge sor, 2-3 Tempest 24yds bhd bracketed with Grand Mogul, 9-10 Kingcraft scr, 10-9 Queen Author scr, 6-5 Taxpayer scr, 7- Llewellyn’s Pride 12, 5-6 Rey Spec 24, 3-2 Willow Wave 24 and Sunny Morn 36 bracketed, 8-7 Harold Logan 84. With half a mile covered Gold Tinge, De Soto, Grand Mogul, and Taxpayer were the leaders. De Soto and Gold Tinge led down the back and were followed past the stand by Taxpayer, Queen Author, Grand Mogul, and Kingcraft. The leaders were the same with half a mile to go, De Soto leading into the straight from Gdld Tinge, Grand Mogul, Taxpayer, and Rollo. De Soto stayed on to win by a length from Rollo, with Grand Mogul half‘a length away. Gold Tinge was fourth. Times: 4miu 45sec, 4min 44 1- 4min 46 2-ssec. TRIAL HANDICAP, 250sovs. 2m. 6-6—Mr B Grice's b g VILLAGE GUY (Guy Parrish—Colene Pointer), 12ycls bhd (M. Holmes) 1 8- —On Parade, scr (J. Bryce, jun.) ; 2 2- Southern Smile, scr F. G. Holmes) 3 Also started: 10-10 Eighteen Carat scr, 4-3 Fairhaven ser and Big Author 36yds bhd bracketed. 1-1 Frisco Lady scr, 3-4 Happy Knight scr, 7-7 Radiant Gold scr, 8-9 Treasure Bond scr. 11-11 Marie Celeste 24. 5-5 Subsidy 24, 12-12 Isabel Derby 36. 13-13 Plain Pearl 36. Won by a lcr"tb. with a neck between second a"d third. Marie Celeste was fourth. T :,, ics; 4min 50 3-ssec, 4min 51 4-ssec, 4min 52scc. STEWARDS’ IT VNDICAP, 250sovs. IJm. 9- —Messrs Arch?” and l M'Farlane’s b g SEA G'FT (Wrack —Paul Huon marel, aged, 84yds bhd (E. J. Smith) 1 3 0 -Teviot Downs, 36 (J. Fraser, jun.) 2 1-2—Discoid, 24 (11. J. Rapley) ... 3 Also started: 2-1 Flotsam scr, S-8 Garner scr, 3-3 Guy o’ Mine scr, 10-8 New Metforcl scr, 7-10 Sandy N. scr, 4- Norma Bingen 24yds bhd, 5-4 Bessie Parrish 48. 11-11 Wrackler 60. Flotsam led down the back from New Metford, Norma Bingen, Sandy N., and Teviot Downs. With a round

covered Flotsam and New Metford were followed by Norma Bingen, Bessie Parrish, Teviot Downs, Sea Gift, and Discord. Flotsam led into the straight from Teviot Downs, Norma Bingen, Sea Gift, and Discoid. Sea Gift finished strongly to win by a short head from Teviot Downs, with Discord three lengths away. New Metford was fourth. Times: 3min 37sec, 3min 41 l-ssec, 3miu 42 2-ssec.


2m. 1-I—Mr S. G. Hedley’s b m BONNY AZURE (Blue Mountain King—Bonny Bingen), 4yrs (L. O. Thomas) 1 6-6—Craganour, 48yds bhd (S. A. Edwards) 2 4-4—Avernus, 48 (G M'Kendry) 3 Also started: 7-7 Gay Gordon scr, 2-3 Noble Prince scr, 5-5 Waress scr, 3-2, Bingen Palm 24yds bhd. Won by three lengths,, with four lengths between second _ and third. Waress was fourth. Times: 4min 52sec, 4min 51sec, 4min 52 l-ssec.

SELWYN HANDICAP, 250sovs. lira s.s—Mr C. P Cameron’s b g GUY JUNIOR (Real Guy-

Princess Perfection), 6yrs, 24yds bhd (G. M'Kendry) ... 1 6-B—Reporter 12 (T. H. M‘Girr) 2 1-I—Gamble, 24 (S. A. Edwards) 3

Also started: 10-10 Aristotle ser, 12-12 John Jinks scr, 3-3 Rocks Ahead scr, 4-4 Young Frank scr, 9-9 Gunfire 12yds bhd. 7-6 Homeward 12, 8-7 Mocast 12, 11-11 Francis Lincoln 24, 2-2 Graham Direct 24. Won by a length; with two lengths between second and third. Graham Dirfect was fourth. Times: 2miu 57 2-ssec, 2min 58 3-ssec, 2rain 58 2-ssec. INTERNATIONAL HANDICAP, 300 sovs. lim. 2- —Mrs Mackenzie’s b m SURE (Peter Chenault Our Nurse), aged, scr (S. •A. Edwards) ; 1 1-2—Cloudy Range, scr (J. Fraser, jun.) 2 3- —Supertax, scr (R. Townley) ... 3

Also started: 6-6 Blue Mountain scr, 7- Grace M'Elwyn ser, 5-5 Rey Spec scr, 9-9 Sir Guy scr, 11-10 Vesuvius scr, 10-11 Kewpie’s Triumph 12yds bhd, 8- Sunny Morn 12, 4-4 Worthy Light 12. Sure was the early leader and was followed past the stands by Sir Guy, Kewpie’s Triumph, Supertax, and Worthy Light. Sure maintained her position along, the hack and entered the straight attended by Supertax, Cloudy Range, Sunny Morn, and Worthy Light. Sure won by half a length from Cloudy Range, with Supertax a head away, and Blue Mountain fourth. Times: 2min 55sec, 2min 55 i-ssec, 2min 55 2-ssec.


[By St. Reward (211 and 314), Rustle and Kmm bracketed (195 and 212), Sister Mary (152 and 342), Great Wood (147 and 271), and Helen’s Bay (146 and 229) were the best backed for the Introductory Handicap. At the end of half a mile Rustle was racing just clear- from Gala Day, and then the favourite ran up into third place. Passing the stand, Reward was just in front of Gala Day, Mabel Chimes, and Amonos, but had to cover that extra ground out of the straight, and Rustle and Gala Day led him along the back. Before reaching the far turn Reward was beaten, and Rustle (a Nelson Bin-gen-Jingle mare) led Mabel Chimes and Norman Fox into the straight. Rustle was not headed in the run home, and beat Mabel Chimes by a length and a-half. Norman Fox, two lengths away, was third, with Amonos, Gala Day, and Kuini nest.

Blair Athol (1,157 and 64), Golden Mist (292 and 517), Sterling Lady (194 and 402), and Gallant Knight were the best backed for the Advance Handicap, and Beau Athol and Wild Dreams led Golden Mist and Sterling Lady for a mile. Then the favourite went on from Wiki Dreams, with Golden Mist just in behind them, and Sterling Lady at the head of the others. Approaching the home turn Wild Dreams broke, leaving the favourite to lead Golden Mist and Sterling Lady into the straight. At the distance Golden Mist had the favourite’s measure and beat him home by a length and a-half. Gallant Knight was three lengths off third, with Wild Dreams, Sterling Lady, and Broughshane next. The winner put up an attractive performance. as he lost some ground at the start.

De Soto, by Bey De Oro—Bribery nare .1,920 and 1,086), Grand Me-ul-fempest bracket (863 and 847), Willow Wave-Sunny Morn braclet (690 and 1,012), and Gold Tinge (150 and 404) wore the best backed for the August Handicap. Kingcraft was a little slow to move off. and Gold Tinge began best of the limit horses, and after goin°; two furlongs the favourite moved up alongside him. This pair led Grand Mogul, Taxpayer, and Hollo at the end of five furlongs, and there was little change in the next half-mile. Entering the last lap Gold Tinge and De Soto wore together, just clear from Taxpayer, Queen Author, and Grand Mogul. Willow Wave got a good run on the rails turning into the back, but then broke. De Soto and Gold Tinge led across the top, and were first into

the straight from Boy Spec, Grand Mogul, Kollo, and Harold Logan (who had been forced to cover extra ground). In tlig run home Do Soto drew away, and then Hollo, who was an extreme outsider, put in a good run, but failed by a length to reach Do Soto. Grand Mogul was half a length away third, followed by Gold Tinge, Harold Logan, Hey Spec, and Kingcraft.

Frisco Lady (1,257 and 928), Southern Smile (356 and 602), Happy Knight (285 and 511), Fairhaven—Big Author bracket (285 and 566), Subsidy (224 and 450), and Village Guy (222 and 445) were the best backed in the Trial Handicap. Frisco Lady lost several lengths at the start, and On Parade led out. At the end of five furlongs Village Guy was in charge from On Parade, Happy Knight, Radiant Gold, and Fairhaven, and this order was not changed excepting that Happy Knight broke at the end of a mile, until entering the last lap, where Southern Smile ran up into fifth place. Village Guy held his advantage, and won by a bare length from On Parade, who beat Southern Smile by a neck. The favourite was unlucky to lose ground at the start, as it left her in a bad position from which she did not get clear.

Discord (747 and 773), Flotsam (661 and 795), Guy o’ Mine (320 and 632), and Norma Bingen (236 and 459) were the best backed for the Stewards’ Handicap. Guy o’ Mine and Garner broke at the start and Flotsam led into the back from New Metford and Norma Bingen, the backmarker, Sea Gift, making up his handicap quickly. Entering the last lap, Flotsam was •showing the way to New Metford, with Bessie Parrish, Teviot Downs, and Norma Bingen racing abreast close up next. At the home turn Flotsam was, still two lengths clear from Teviot Downs, New Metford, Norma Bingen (who broke), and Sea Gift. The latter finished very fast, and just caught Teviot Downs on the post to beat him by a short head. Discord was three lengths back third, followed by New Metford, Flotsam, and Guy o’ Mine. Sea Gift (by Wrack—Paul Huon mare) but up a good performance, and returned a big dividend, having only £34 invested on his win chance.

Royal Drusus and Grand Mogul were withdrawn from tho Queen Mary Handicap, leaving only seven starters, and Bonny Azure (670 and 470), Noble Prince (385 and 454) and Bingen Palm (379 and 468) were the best backed. Gay Gordon and Noble Prince lost their chances at the start, leaving Waress with an eight lengths’ lead, but she was joined by Avernus at the end of five furlongs, the pair being followed by Bingen Palm and Bonny Azure. At the end of a mite Waress retired and Avernus went on from Bonny Azure and Craganour. Bonny Azure led Avernus into the last lap from Craganour, but at the far turn Avernus took charge, then skipped racing across the top, and Bonny Azure led into the straight from Craganour, finishing wide out. Bonny Azure (by Blue Mountain King—Bonny Bingen) beat Craganour by three lengths, Avernus a similar distance away third. Bingen Palm was a bad fourth. » * » • Gamble (1,367 and 1,061), Graham D’rect (607 and 875), Rocks Ahead (-194 and 810), Young Frank (433 and 712), and Guy Junior, by Real Guy— Princess Perfection, were the best backed for the Selwyn Handicap, which was run in a bad light, the horses not being seen as they were sent along the back. Young Frank, Arisffetle, Rocks Ahead, Mocast, and Reporter were the early leaders, Graharn Direct being slow 7 to move off. Entering the last lap Young Frank was in charge from Rocks Ahead and Aristotle. The favourite was carried out wide at the home turn. Guy Junior • was fairly close up at the home turn, and, finishing very fast, won by a short length from Reporter, _ with Gamble _ two length away third. Graham Direct, Francis Lincoln, and John Jinks were next.

The concluding event, the International Handicap, was ran in a fading light and 55 minutes late. Cloudy Range (1,186 and 828), Sure (754 and 857), Supertax (428 and 669). Worthy Light (412 and 559), and Key Spec (218 and 368) were the best backed. Sure, Kevvpie’s■■Triumph, Cloudy Range and Sir Guy were the early leaders, and Sure led Supertax and Cloudy Range into the straight. Sure hung on to beat Cloudy Range by half a length, with Supertax a head away third. Blue Mountain, Sunny Morn, and Worthy Light were next. TURF IN AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIAN STEEPLECHASE WAKERIFE'S FINE PERFORMANCE Pre« Association—-By Telegraph—Copyright MELBOURNE, August 9. Jumping badly throughout, th“e warm favourite, Santa Casa, could finish no better than sixth in the Australian Steeplechase, over 30 lengths from the winner, Wakerife, whose performance was remarkable. Wakerife made light of the jumps and the distance, and cleared away from the field six furlongs from home, easing up at the finish and beating Fulham’s course record by OJsec. AUSTRALIAN STEEPLECHASE, l,soosovs. About 3im. Mr P. ■ B. Quinlan's ch g WAKERIFE (Sea Prince— Everillc), aged. 9.5 (JFoley) ... 1 Actaeon, 9.9 (Dillon) 2 Character, 10.2 (Douglas) 3 All started. Won by 20 lengths, with two lengths between second and third. El Darnaroyal was fourth and Cold Spring fifth. Time, 7min 3isec, a course record. Actaeon led until six furlongs from home, followed by El Darnaroyal, Christmas Gift, Strobus, and Wakerife. When Wakerife shot to the front the race was all over. Gay Lot was unplaced in the Chatsworth Plate, Gay Circle was unplaced in the Balaclava Stakes, Meinbo was unplaced in the Knowsley Steeple, and Palatinate was third in the St. Aubin Welter

Following Santa Casa’s dismal showing in the Australian Steeplechase, a veterinary surgeon, under instructions from the stewards, took a swab from the favourite. This was done at the request of Santa Casa’s owner, who is reported to have told the stewards that the horse’s form was so bad that he thought it must have been “got at.” R&SEHILL MEETING ■Press Association—By Telegraph—Copyright SYDNEY, August 9. At the Ttosobill races Hands l r p was second in the Maiden Handicap. The following were unplaced;—Mala,

Stalin, and The Palmist in the Thrce-vear-old Handicap; Egmont in the Flying Handicap; Col Is tar and Miramoncl in the August Handicap; and Limoux and King of Diamonds in the Parramatta Mile. Mala’s chance was prejudiced by starting badly. He was second last in a field of 18 entering the straight, and finished fifth, a little over a length from the winner, Water Waggon. Egmont. having his first run since the Sydney Cup, showed promising form in the Flying Handicap, finishing brilliantly in sixth place after being well back early. The Magpie colt. Talking, having his first run since April, led all the way to win the Wentworthville Stakes comfortably from the favourite, Canegrass, with Loud Applause coming home well in third place. The Wentworthville Stakes, 250sovs, 7f, resulted: — Mr S. Cash’s b c TALKING (Magpie—Society), 3yrs, 7.11 (W. Cook) I Canegrass, 9.0 (Shean) f Loud Applause, 9.0 (M'Cartcn) ... •> Five started. Won by two lengths and a-balf, with one length and aquarter between second and third Time, liniu 26 l-ssec. SILVER RING, SILVER STREAK. AND GUSTOS Press Association—By Telegraph—Copyright SYDNEY, August 9. Mr A. H. Walton states that no set programme has been fixed for Silver Ring, who will just take races as they come. He is in all the big spring races, and, provided he trained on well and was fit, he would go through with all engagements. Critics are favourably impressed with the appearance of both Silver Ring and Silver Streak. Gustos and bis stable mates made an appearance on the training tracks. All have settled down well in their new quarters. ,

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Evening Star, Issue 22413, 10 August 1936, Page 2

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GRAND NATIONAL WEEK Evening Star, Issue 22413, 10 August 1936, Page 2

GRAND NATIONAL WEEK Evening Star, Issue 22413, 10 August 1936, Page 2