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HANOVER BAPTIST. The above club held its three-mile junior cross-country and sealed handicap at the old junior course at Tahuua. The runners started at a fair pace, ami at the turn into Lawyer’s Head road five were running together. Further up the road, I. M'lntyre, C. Olds, and A. Young went into the lead. These three were still ahead going over the sandpit, and then M'lntyre and Olds went ahead, with D. Bilson coming up fast. At the first time round, the order was: M'lntyre, Olds, Y T oung, and Bilson. There was very little between these four at this point. IV ben the sand pit was approached for the second time, D. Bilson had gone into the kad, with thp other three close behintL This order was maintained till the Tainni School, where J. Olds went into second place. D. Bilson then forged right away, and, running with plenty of reserve, entered the gate and down to the finishing point, to win by a good margin from J, Olds, who ran a very good race, with I. M'lntyre closely behind in third place. The sealed' handicap was won by J. Olds, with I. M'lntyre second. After the race the senior members of the club went four times round the course, and had a fast run, with I: D. Craig always prominent. ANGLICAN. Anglican held their run from the Anderson’s Bay School with a fair attendance of members. The pack was in charge of Road-captain Divers, and followed a trail from the school into Highcliff road, thence on towards the soldiers’ monument. From., here they branched across paddocks, going downhill towards Tomahawk, and reaching the road again at the Lagoon. Continuing towards St. Kilda, the pack branched off at Chisholm Park, passing Tahuna School, thence on to the school via Norman street and Spottiswoode road. In the run home Main was first, followed by Scott and Grindley. ST. PATRICK’S. St. Patrick’s Harriers held their six and a-quarter-mile club championship at Wingatui. Although the track was heavy, overhead conditions were ideal. The field went away at a good medium pace, set by Lex Greaney and R. Carroll, with the rest in a bunch. At the sod wall L. Greaney still maintained a slight lead, with Carroll, Hannan, Daly, and Scott lying handy By the time Janefield road was reached Noel Greaney had moved up to the front, and established a lead of about 20yds over the rest of the field. Coming on to the course the first time round, the order was as follows: —N. Greaney, Carroll, Hannan, Daly, and Scott. These positions were maintained until the ploughed paddock was reached for the second time, when Scott moved up to displace Daly, with the rest of the field remaining in the same order. Finishing easily Greaney went on to win by a good two minutes from Carroll, with Hannan, Scott, and Daly in that order. Hannan and Carroll both ran well-judged races, and Hannan thoroughly deserved his win in the sealed handicap. The sealed handicap resulted as follows:—Hannan 1, Scott and Carrol] """’ab 2. Daly 4. The team to represent the club in the Otago cross-country is as follows: —N. Greaney. R. Carroll, J. Hannan, 0. Scott, J. Daly, W. Cox. DUNEDIN. Tho above club held its senior 61-mile championship and sealed handicap and tho junior 3-mile cross-country championship at Wingatui. In the junior race a fair field faced the starter (Mr R Thompson). V. Marshall jumped into the lead" from the start, followed by T. M'Donell, L. Bell. I. Walker, R. Cameron, and J. Hastie. This order was maintained until the top of the hill, where L. Bell displaced M'Donell in second place. Going along Janefield road tho baekmarkers were starting to close np with the leader. Coming on to the course V. Marshall still had a good lead on the field, which he held to the finish, to be followed by L. Bell 2,. T. M'Donell 3, I. Walker 4, R. Cameron 5, and J. Hastie 6. The course for both races was very muddy, which made the going heavy. In the senior race L. Hill, followed by J. Mann, was the first to show out, closely followed by F. Mouat, E. Hastie, and J. M'Laren. Mann and Hilt were running together, closely followed by M'Laren, until the Janefield road was reached. Here M'Laren went into the lead from Mann and Hill. At the conclusion of the first round J. M'Laren had a good lead on the rest of the field. The order of.placings was not changed until the course proper was reached, when Mann left Hill. The finish of the race was:—J. M'Laren 1, J. Mann 2, L. Hill 3. The sealed handicap resulted in a win for L. Hill. The following will represent the club in the senior 6i-mile cross-country championship:—J. M'Laren, J. Mann, L. Hill, F. Mouat. E. Hastie, J. Ferguson. , The junior three-mile team will be: — V. Marshall. L. Bell, T. M'Donell. 1. Walker, R. Cameron, aud J. Hastie. ST. KILDA. The club’s annual 62-mi'le handicap race for the Bell memorial cup was held. The course was the same as that for the Otago cross-country. The course was very heavy, and those, without spikes found it difficult to • keep their footing. Twelve members faced the starter (Mr Bissland), and the limit men—J. Middlemiss, J. Fraser, and J. Michael—got away at a smart pace, to be followed 7imin later by the scratch man,' L. Dickison. J. Middlemiss left his co-markers at.the sod wall, and held this position throughout. He finished first'about 10yds ahead of L. Dickison, with K. Clark third, and A. Smith fourth. L Dickison gained fastest ime. (37min 45sec), A. M'lntyre was second (39min 48scc), and E. Cope third (39min oosec). The team feu- the senior cross-country race next week is;—A. M'lntyre (caplain), L. Dickison, A. Smith, D. Lumb, A. Carter, R. Beatson. Tho team for the juijuar cross-country race is:—L. Still (captain), K. Clark, E. Cope, A. Fraser. J. Middlemiss, V. Crimp. UNIVERSITY. University held its trials at Wingatui to select teams in the Otago championships. and ' 3 the team to represent the University at the university championships in Auckland on August 22. Tho field bunched together at the start, but at the sod wr'l Woods and Stewart wont into the load with Whitehead and M'Gregor close behind. Little sepa—iterl the leaders, lint Woods gained on the obstacles and led at the gorse fence. Stewart took the lead going up "the hill, but on the second hill the field closed

in, Whitehead and M‘Gregor coming up. Woods, who had displaced Stewart, being 30yds in the lead. Stewart again took the lead in the Janefield road, but he and Woods were teaming together well, the latter gaining ground on the obstacles. Taking the ditch smartly. Woods led again into the straight at the end of the first lap, but Stewart made a sharp break and gradually drew away in the second lap to win by 150yds from Woods, who came in 300yds ahead of M‘Gregor, Whitehead and Garland following. The following teams will represent the club in the provincial championships on Saturday;— A Team. —W. A. Stewart. I/. W. Woods, A. W. Snhterland, J. D. M'Gregor, 1. Whitehead, F. G. Garland. B Team. —J. Matthews, A. H. Marsh, A. Loan, T. K. Cowan, E. S. Munro, R. G. Pilling. Tho following team will represent the club in the New Zealand University championships at Auckland;—-A. W. Sutherland (captain), J. D. M'Gregor, I. Whitehead, F. G. Garland, J. D. Matthews, and A, H. Marsh. L. W. Woods and W. A. Stewart were not available. LEITH. Leith held their junior and senior cross-country championships at Wingatui, the course being very heavy underfoot, although tho weather conditions were good A small field of three contested the junior three-mile championship. R. Dillon went into the lead from the start, although L. Kerr was close behind him until the railway fence was reached. Dalton gradually drew away at this stage, and won by a good margin. The winner’s time was 19min 12sec. R. Dalton also won the sealed handicap, L. Kerr being second and A. Hanna third In the senior race there' wss a good field of 17. D. V. Scott took tho lead from the start, closely followed by G. Markham and R. M'Kiulay. At the first time round the order was: Scott, M'Kiulay, Fincham, and Stephenson. Scott continued in the lead, though he was challenged by M'Kiulay in the straight. He held on to win by 10yds from M'Kinlay, who made a good finishing effort. Fincham ran a good race to stave off a strong effort by E. Reid, and take third place. Reid was well ahead of Stephenson and Watson, with the rest of the field well strung out. Time, 39min Msec. The teams for next week will be as follows:—No. 1: D. V. Scott, M'Kinlay, Fincham, Reid Stephenson, and Markham. No. 2: Watson, Peterson, Thomson, Strachau, Morgan, C. D. Scott. CAVERSHAM. The Caversham Club held its senior and junior cross-country championships at Wingatui. In the senior event a field of 25 runners faced the starter, Mr J. W. Holley. From a good start Colston,' Austin, and L. Hebbard quickly went into the lead, closely followed by G. Hebbard and J. Dever. with the remainder of the field bunched close behind. Going down the hill from the pines the first time the field was well spread out, with G. Hebbard, Austin, and Colston still making the running. At the end of the first round Austin had left the other two leaders and was 120yds in front of Colston and L. Hebbard, then came J. Maddocks, G. Hebbard, and R. Abernethy, with tho rest of the field well spread out. In the second round the positions remained practically unchanged. Austin led on to the course, and continued to win easily by 200yds from G. Colston, who headed L. Hebbard by 30yds, then 100yds away came J. Maddocks, who was 50yds in front of S. Bartlett and G. Hebbard, who dead-heated.

Results: — Championship.—G. Austin 1, G. CoJston 2, L. Hebbard 3. Sealed Handicap.—G. Hebbard 1, J Maddocks and S. Bartlett (dead heat) 2.

L. Hebbard, who actually won the sealed handicap, was ineligible to take the prize, owing to being placed in the championship. Nine starters lined up for the junior event over three miles. All getting away to a good start, Emmerson and Honeybone showed out from Stewart and Miiburn, with the rest of the field well bunched. When the course was reached Miiburn had established a goefd lead on G. Crossan, which he maintained till the finish to win by 130yds, with Emmerson 100yds behind Crossan, closely followed by Harwood and Honeybone, who had the misfortune to get caught on a fence. Then_ followed Petherick, Stewart, and Gerric. Results:—

Championship.—A. Miiburn 1, G. Crossan 2. 11. Emmerson 3. Sealed Handicap.—Petherick 1, Harwood 2, Gerrie 3. CIVIL SERVICE CLUB.

The Civil Service Club senior and junior cross-country • championships were held at Wingatui. In the senior event, in which there were 20 starters, Geddes and Barnes went to the front from the gun, closely followed by Asher. Broad, and W. M'Kinnon. Geddes and Barnes ran together until the steep hill at the Pines, but here youth told, and Geddes shook off his clubmate. At this point Asher dropped back, while Coutts came up to run into third place, which position he maintained until the end of the race. For the commencement of tlie second lap Geddes led from Barnes, who had macie up a good deal of lost ground, and then came Coutts, W. M'Kinnon, Broad, and ’Gerken. _On the hill the second time Gerken ran into fourth place, while W. M'Kinnon and Broad were running together. _ It was here that Barnes lost one of his shoes, and had to complete the course with-, out this footwear. At the Pines Geddes increased his lead and continued on to run in a winner by 90yds from Barnes, with Coutts third, Gerken fourth, and Broad fifth; while Asher displaced W. M'Kiiinon for sixth place., The time of the winner was 36min 12 sec, while Barnes’s time was 36mm 27sec. The sealed handicap was won fty L. R. M'Millan off 4miu. the time being 35min 25sec, while the club captain, J. Gerken, was second off 2ruin SOsec. If N. Coutts had not secured a place in the race he would have won the sealed handicap. Nineteen runners completed the course.

The junior race resolved itself into a keen tussle for first place between Wilkinson and Herhison. These runners were together all the wa}’, and in a spirited run home Wilkinson won by a foot in the good time of 17min 55sec. Eric Asher, who ran a good way with some of the seniors, had no club mate in his race, and ran into third place. Wheeler and Tracey ran together, and in the run in Wheeler was placed fourth and Tracey fifth. Fox and Scott were, the next to finish. There were seven starters, and all finished. The sealed handicap was won by E. Asher, off-4osec, his time being 18min Idsee, while G. Scott, off 2min 15sec, was second. It was unfortunate that Watson was unable to compete in the race. The following are the selections for the Otago cross-country championships next Saturday:— Xo. I team; A, K. Geddes. ,T. G. Barnes. N. Coutts. .1. L. W. Gerkcn, C. A. Broad, and J. S. Asher. Xo. 2

team: W. M'Kinnon, L. U. M'Millan, G. T. M'Kersey, R. Whittleston, G. F. Garbutt. B. A. Brown. Emergencies: M, M'Kinnon and E. L. Botting. (11. ,S. Anderson was unavailable.) —Junior. — R, Wilkinson, 1. Herbison, E. Asher, W. Wheeler, M. Tracey, R. J. Watson. Emergency, D. Fox. Those members not taking part in the cross-country races ran from St. Kilda, G. Grander being in charge of the colts, and J. Hollands led the others. Club members are reminded of the church parade at the South Dunedin Presbyterian Church at 6.20 p.m. on Saturday. MORNING! ON. Mornington held its senior and junior championships at Wingatui under ideal racing conditions.. The junior race was started first, commencing at the one-furlong mark, and leading down to tho sod wall, then on to the road and across the paddocks coming out on Janefield road, then on to tho Central Railway line, which was for about 300 yards, then across the fields back on to the track, finishing on the straight near the judge’s box. From the start Munro went into the lead, followed by Moore and Hanley. After half the distance had been, covered Munro had 20yds lead on Moore, with tho rest of tho field spread over 300 yards. On entering the straight Munro maintained his lead to win by 100 yards from Moore, with Hanley 400 yards back third. _ The handicap resulted in a win for R. Thomson, with Everett second and Tennett third. Munro’s actual time was 18min 21sec. In the senior event the president (Mr C. Lucas) got the field away smartly, and Crooke and Barton took tho lead, and opened tip a lead from the rest of tho field. By the time Janefield road had been reached Hall had improved his position, and had passed Crooke. Burton at this stage had dropped well hack. At the end of the first lap Hall was 20 yards ahead of Crooke, with. Graveson third. After tho sod wall the second time around Crooke started to move up, and passed Hall on entering the paddocks. On reaching Janefield road he increased his lead, while R. Roxburgh was close behind him. On entering the track the order was: Crooke, Hall, Roxburgh, Wilson, Graveson, and Pullar. From her© on Crooke was never challenged, and went on to win from Hall by 45sec, with Roxburgh 12sec ' behind third. The sealed handicap resulted-R. Wilson 1, Pullar 2, Birchall 3. Crooke s time was 39min 51sec. Tho teams for next week will be:—

Seniors. —Graveson. Crooke, Hall, Roxburgh, Pullar, Wilson; emergency, Sanders. , Juniors.—Munro. Moore, W. Hanley, Kroone, Tennett, Everett; emergency, Armstrong.

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Evening Star, Issue 22413, 10 August 1936, Page 14

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HARRIERS Evening Star, Issue 22413, 10 August 1936, Page 14

HARRIERS Evening Star, Issue 22413, 10 August 1936, Page 14