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Will correspondents please note that items intended tor Wednesday's ‘ Star ’ must be in the office by Tuesday afternoon,' and those intended for insertion on Saturday by Thursday afternoon, or at the latest Friday morning. In the latter case they must be brief. Mrs T. Chalmers, St. Clair, is visiting relatives in Invercargill. Mrs R. M. Passmore, who has been visiting her son in Christchurch, has gone on to Wellington. Mr and Mrs Bernard Falck, who have been visiting Dunedin, left yesterday for Christchurch. Mr and Mrs H. C. M'Queen and son left to-day for Auckland, where they will in future reside. Miss I. Todd, who is visiting Wellington, is the guest of Mrs E. F. MacLean, Tinakori road. Mrs H. Macandrew is visiting Christchurch and is the guest of Mrs W. N. J. Thacker, Merlvale Lane. Mrs J. R. StevenSoh, Ashburton, is the guest of her sister, Mrs John Keenan, Short street, Burnside. Mrs Robertson, of Kaikohe, North Auckland, is at present visiting friends at Invercargill. Mrs A. H. Tonkinson will leave on Monday by, the Marama for an extended tour of Australia. Mrs A. Brown, Palmerston North, is spending a holiday in Dunedin visiting relatives and friends, and will remain until Easter for wedding engagements. She is the guest of her mother, Mrs Edwards.

Mrs Arthur Pratt will leave on Monday by the Marama to visit her daughter, Mrs Borten, of Melbourne.

Miss Natalie Grey left, this morning to join the Orion on route for England. Mrs Len Hudson will accompany her sister as far as Sydney'.

Mr and Mrs Holden Mirams left this morning by car for Fairlie, to attend the Barton-Talbot wedding, which takes place this afternoon.

Among those who disembarked from the Marama on Tuesday was Miss Ven Read, who has been on a holiday visit to Melbourne.

Mrs James Begg and Miss Katharine Bcgg left on Thursday for Oamaru, en route for Wellington to embark on a tour abroad.

Miss Marjorie Blackburn, of England, and Miss Nancy Storey, of Waikato. Auckland, are the guests of Mrs H. Mandeno at “Tylecote,” Belleknowes.

Mrs Ledger has returned to Christchurch after visiting her daughter, Mrs J. Herbert, wife of Lieutenantcommander Herbert, at Malta, and afterwards in England.

Mr and Mrs C. Denny-Brown, of New Plymouth, will leave in April for England to visit their son, Dr Derek Denny-Brown, of Wimpole street, London.

Mrs Arthur Anderson, accompanied by her daughter Iris, has arrived from Fiji for an extended holiday, and also to fulfil wedding engagements. They are the guests of Mrs Edwards.

Mrs E. Smith, Invercargill, was the guest of her sister. Miss Turnbull, Gordon road, Mosgiel, for the KeenanM'Keeman wedding on Saturday, February 22.

Mrs F. Gair was hostess at a tea party on Wednesday afternoon-at the Savoy, given as a farewell to Mrs H. C. M'Oueen, who leaves shortly for Auckland. Other guests were Mesdames Billing, Focken, Oswald Stephens, and Lovey. Mrs Denton Leech is leaving on Monday next for tho usual visits to the smaller branches of the League of Nations Union throughout Otago. The first stop will be Gore, where several meetings have been arranged in anticipation of her coming. Consequently the office in Stuart street will be closed for a fortnight.

Mrs R. Gilkison will leave on Monday for Wellington to visit her son and daughter and to meet her _ husband on his return from a visit to England and South Africa.

Mrs Reg. Evatt and Miss Nancy Evatt, of Wellington, are at present staying at the Grand Hotel. Next week they will bo the guests of Mrs L. P. Whelan, London street.

The engagement is announced of Anna, only daughter of the late Arthur B. Plimmer and grand-daughter of Mr J. - A. Plimmer, of. Wellington, to Walter, vounger son of Mr C. MTvinnon, llighgate, Roslyn,

Three hostesses—the Misses Lexie Macarthur,' Ilona Nicolson, and Edna Jones—combined to give a “ crystal ” party on Friday evening in honour of Miss Greta Runnerstrum, who is to be a March bride. The guests were entertained at bridge.

Mrs James Davis, of Eglinton road, and her sister, Miss Black, have been farewellcd at numerous parties during the last few weeks. They leave Dunedin on Monday to join the Bendigo in Sydney en route to England. Mrs Davis is visiting her son, Mr Norman Davis, who is at Oxford, and hopes to spend the next vacation with him tounng England and the Continent.

Miss Bessie Gallien was hostess at an enjoyable afternoon tea on Wednesday last at her residence, when members of the Teschemaker’s Expupils’ Association were invited to meet the president, Miss M. M’Carthy, from Oamaru. Those present were-Mos-dames Collins, Cossens, R. King, and S'. Spiers (Oamaru), and Misses Al'Carthy, A. Gourley, P. Brown. M. M’Cormack, M. Frisk, and B. Gallien.

A delightful morning tea party was given to-day at the Savoy in honour of Mrs J. A. Matbewson and Miss Greenslade. The dark polished table was very effectively decorated with bowls of brilliant-hued dahlias. Those present were Mesdames F. H. King, R. Nichol, W. Aitken, F. W. Hoddinott, Charles Speight, F. G. Sharpe, Norman Speight,’and the Misses Hoddinott (2) and King.

The patients in the children’s ward of Dunedin Hospital were entertained recently by Mr George Wilson, one of Australia's leading ventriloquists, the happy faces of the children amply rewarding his efforts, and those of his pal Jimmy. Uncle Ben was also present and entertained the children with his accordion, each child choosing his own request numbers. Several patients gave recitations and songs, thus bringing to a close a very happy afternoon’s enjoyment. A very enjoyable social evening was held at t’he residence of Mr and Mrs T. B. Wilson, Reynoldstown, as a farewell to Mr and Mrs W. Fairbairn and family, who are leaving the district, when some 40 neighbours came from far and near to say nu revoir. The evening, which was arranged by Mrs W. Lott and Mrs J. Matbewson, was spent in dancing, cards, and general games. After supper Mr Wilson, on behalf of those present, presented each of the guests of honour with a small gift in remembrance of pleasant times spent in the neighbourhood. Mr Fairbairn suitably replied. Music for dancing was supplied by Messrs D. Carey and S. Wilson.

An afternoon tea party was given on Thursday in the Otago Women’s Club, in honour «f Mrs Diana Watts, who is revisiting Dunedin, where her demonstrations on poise and movement, based on a study of Greek statuary, are very pleasant memories. The otber guest was Russell-Fergusson, distinguished for her rendering of Hebridean folk songs, which she accompanies on her Celtic harp. Mrs A. G. Melville, in the absence of the president, Ladv Ferguson, welcomed the guests. Afternoon tea was served and members were given the opportunity of meeting these two distinguished artists.

Mrs H. Perry and Miss Nan Leyland, of St. Clair, were “ at home ” on Saturday afternoon to a large number of friends, prior to leaving next month on a trip to England.

Tho engagement is announced of Eunice Anne, only daughter of Mrs W. Hamer, of Leith street, Dunedin, and of the late Hugh Morrow, Alnlkeeraugh Co., Londonderry, Ireland, and James Hamilton, only son of Mr ami Mrs J. Mitchell, Wylie’s Crossing, Mosgiel.

Delegates to the Press Conference in Napier and their women folk, mum beriug about 120, were entertained at afternoon tea in the Hastings Women’s Club rooms on Wednesday by Mr and Mrs W. A. Whitlock, of tke ‘ Hastings Tribune ’ (formerly of Christchurch). The motor drive from Napier was greatly enjoyed, and the gathering itself was an outstanding success. On Wednesday night Mr and Mrs Trevor Geddis, of the Napier ‘ Daily Telegraph,’ entertained more than 100 guests from the conference at a card evening at their beautiful home. It was a brilliant assembly, and will live long in the memories of those who were privileged to be present.

Mrs Gordon Bell was hostess at the first meeting of the Y.W.C.A. Auxiliary held last Monday, there being present Mesdames W. Stevenson, J. Lemon, Chas. Speight, C. Tait, H. Mandeno, A; Begg, H. Guthrie, J. B. Dawson, H. L. Cook, L. Hobbs, Misses Scott, Spillman, Glendining, and Lynn. Officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows:—President, Mrs Gordon Bell; vice-presidents—Mrs H. Price, Mrs J. B. Dawson, Mrs Chas. Speight, Mrs H. L. Cook; secretary, Mrs W. Stevenson; treasurer, Mrs J. Lemon. A report was given of the recent summer camp, and a sum of £3 10s voted from the funds to meet the deficit due to a number of girls being taken at reduced fees. The gas heater to be installed in tho Y.W.C.A; Hall was exhibited, and further ways of assisting in the coming year suggested. The first activity was to be responsible for a stall at the Octagon on the Y.W.C.A. Street Day to be held late in March. A dainty afternoon tea and a sale of goods brought a happy afternoon to a close.

The Taieri branch of the Women’s Institute held its first meeting for the year in Kinmont Hall on Thursday, February 20, Mrs Kirkland presiding. Before the business, the president made reference to the death of King George V, and members stood in silence as a mark of resepet. Expressions of sympathy were extended to the following members in their bereavements:—The Misses M‘Donald, Mrs Mitchell, .and the Haigh family. An interesting article on the history of tatting was read by Mrs Williamson; Miss Smellie gave a demonstration in this work. A demonstration in smocking was also given by Mrs A. Murray. Hostesses were Mesdames Beale, Gillan, Duncan, Massev, M'Millan, and Miss Wright. It was decided to enter a bay at the Dunedin winter show, Mrs Johnstone and Mrs Murray to be in charge. Mrs Williamson was appointed delegate to discuss arrangements for the drama festival.

Mrs Richard Hudson was hostess at an afternoon tea ,party yesterday in the Otago Women’s Club, when the Social Committee of the Repertory Society was invited to bid farewell to two of its numbers—the Misses Margot Garrett and Kathleen Falconer, who are leaving on a trip to England. Tea was served in the dining room, the table being charmingly decorated with a basket of asters, across which was thrown a wide blue ribbon with “bon voyage ” in gold lettering. Each of the guests of honour were given a spray of lovely pink carnations. The other guests were Mesdames E. T. Moller, Wakefield Holmes, W. Garrett, E. R. Harty, D. Smeaton, and the Misses Bessie, Thomson, Billie Mitchell, Joyce Brugh, Pat Hanlon, Dorothy Clark, Mary Jolly, Alma. Browne, Joy Barnett, Mercia Hardman, E. Moloney, and Zoo Hudson.

The February meeting of the Sawyers Bay branch of the Women’s Institute took the form of a flower show, held last Wednesday afternoon. The following is a list of the prize winners: —Floating bowl: Mrs Lewis 1, Mrs Lynn 2. Roses, Mrs Lynn 1 2. Pansies, Mrs Lewis. Violas. Mrs Nelson. Asters, Mrs Munro. Lilium. Mrs Fraser. Antirrhinum. Mrs Hewitson. Collection cut flowers: Mrs Nelson 1, Mrs Newsome 2, Collection four hardy shrubs: Mrs Perry 1, Mrs Latta 2. Carnations: Mrs Latta 1, Mrs Millar 2. Larkspur; Mrs Lynn 1 and 2. African marigolds: Mrs Perry 1, Mrs Hewitson 2. Calendula: Mrs Newsome 1, Mrs Nelson 2. Clarkia, Mrs Lynn. Iceland poppy, Mrs Perry. Stock: Mrs Hewitson 1. Mrs Latta 2. Nasturtiums: Mrs Latta 1, Mrs Perry 2. Gladioli, Mrs Perry. Primulina: Mrs Lynn 1, Mrs Perry 2. Readings were given by members during tho afternoon. Mesdames Perry (2) and Lynn were hostesses for the flay, everyone enjoying a cup of tea and a social half-hour.

Recent guests at Wanaka Hotel, Pembroke, were: Mr and Mrs T. B. Shore (England), Miss E. Lankester, Mrs V. Stanchau, Mrs H. Gillespie, Misses Hankin (London), Mr A. D. Maltwood (Jersey Channel Island) j Mr T. R. Sapswortn, . Aliases E. M. and Dora K. Weir (London), Mr and Mrs Ward Frost (Surrey), Mrs B. Wingfield, Lieutenant-colonel and Mrs Mr, Mrs, and Miss Siley (London). Mr and Mrs Maurice Davis (Wnrehara, England). Miss A. Duval (Dublin), Miss Edith Robson (Melbourne), Mrs A. R. Taylor, Mr R. B. Taylor, Mrs E. Daw (South Australia), Mr T. N. Rutherford, Mr W. Bqnytbern (Adelaide), Mr T. D. Martin (San Diego, California). Mr and Mrs Fitzhugh Green (New York), Mrs C. L. Paterson (Scotland), Mr W. J. Jordan, Mrs Jordan (Auckland), Miss P. Ikin, Mr and Airs T. Brock, Air F. Myers, Mr J. O. Sanderson ( Wellington), Air and Airs L. Baker, Air Williams, Aliss Munroe, Aliss E. Lawrence, Alisa R. Al'lntosh, Air and Airs C. C. Davis, Mr- Malcolm Davis, Mr and Airs B. E. Whitcomhe, Aliss Joan Whitconibe, Aliss G. M. Petre, Airs A. Patterson, Captain C. F. E. Patterson,

Mr !)■ M. Foreman (Christchurch), Sirs I. A. Cunningham, Sirs F. Johnson, Sirs SI. J. Mackintosh, Dr and Sirs G. Pottinger, Sirs L. J. Thomson (Invercargill), Sir J. R. Anderson, Miss J. Stover. Sirs J. Christie, Sliss J. C. Anderson, Sirs J. C. Laurier, Sir J. W. Johnson, Sir and Master Kean, Sir W. R. Gordon, Sir C. Hartmann, Sir H Smith, Sliss SI. F. Cargill, Sir and Sirs H. Slitchell, Sir and Sirs J. Lawlinson, Sliss P. Harbrow (Dunedin), Miss SI. Nelson ( Wairarapa), Dr and Mrs Norris (Waipawa), Me C. Mercer (Napier), ■ Miss SI. Deccon (Now Plymouth), Sliss SI. Frear (Te Aroha), Miss T. Pearce, Sliss E. Anderson (Palmerston North), Sliss C. Rudsall (Nelson), Mr and Sirs W. Urwm (Bluff), Sir and Sirs Sl‘Kay (Blenheim).

The following is a list of recent guests at the White- Star Hotel. Queenstown :—England : Colonel and Sirs Elwes, Sirs B. Wingfield, Sir and Sirs I. E. Neale, Mr and Sirs D. SI. Clark, Mr and Mrs W. E. Slitchell, Sir and Mrs Ward-Frost, Sliss S. Greaves, Mr SI. Michell, Sliss E. Lankester. Scotland: Sliss D. Warren, Sir T. Johnston, Miss L. Whitehead, Sliss I. Peden. Sirs C. L. Paterson. U.S.A.: Sirs Coney, Sliss Coney, Sir and Sirs De Golia, Sir L. D. Martin. New South SVales: Sir R. C. Rollins, Sir J. F. Rollins, Sir S. C. Hodgson. Mr Paul Frank, Mr and Sirs D. Sl'Kay, Sliss R. Sl'Kay, Sliss K. Si‘Kay, Mr and Sirs F. Simpson. Auckland: Sir and Sirs Valentine, Sir D. G. Riley, Sir Sandford. Palmerston North ; Miss S. Pearce, Sliss E. Anderson. AVellington: Sir F. Slyres. Nelson: Sira C. Birdsail. Christchurch; Sir and Sirs R. A. Whitbrock, Sir R. Bishop, Sliss E. Lawrence, Sliss G. Slunroe, Sliss A. Williams Sliss E. SlTntosh. _ Alexandra: Mr F. Calder. Dunedin: Sir E. Rhodes, Mr G. Anderson, Sir J. W. Trimes. Invercargill: Sliss M. Stewart.

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Evening Star, Issue 22276, 29 February 1936, Page 24

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SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Evening Star, Issue 22276, 29 February 1936, Page 24

SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Evening Star, Issue 22276, 29 February 1936, Page 24