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SATURDAY’S GAMES A GRADE NORTH-EAST VALLEY r. K A IT UNA. (Valley names first.) Men’s Singles.—Hurring 4, Pliillipps I); Morrow 9, Peake 2; Smith 9, llobiu•son 5; LuhTlo 5, Laurenson 9. Ladies’ Singles.—Miss Hinklcy 4, Miss VVliito (i; Miss Wilkie 6, Miss M'Kellar 1; Miss Keasfc 4, Miss Logan G; Miss Anderson G, Mrs Laurenson 3. Men's Doiiblcs.-rHurring and Morrow 4, Pliillipps and Pea Ice 9; Smith and Lichllo 6, Robinson and Luurcuson Ladies’ Doubles.—Misses Hinklcy and Kcasb 4, Miss White and Mrs Lanronson 6; Misses Wilkie and Anderson 3, Mrs M'Kellar and Miss Logan 6. Mixed Doubles.—Morrow and Miss Hinklcv 4, Pliillipps and Miss White 9; Hurring ami Miss Keasfc 2, Peake and Mrs M'Kellar 9; Smith and Miss Wilkie 9, Robinson and Miss Logan 1; Liddlo and Miss Anderson 9, Mr and Mrs Laurenson 4.

Totals: Kaitnna, 10 sols (94 games); North-east Valley, G sets (8S games). MOANA r. ANDERSON’S BAT. (Moana names first.)

Men's Singles.—-Guy 9, Pearce 4; Dutiiio 9, Ross 2; Galo 9, Orion 2; Davis ", 'Barsdell 9. Ladies’ Singles.—Miss Partridge C, Mrs Orton 1; Miss Moloney C. .Miss Reid 0; Miss Sberrilf 6, Miss Hill 3; Mrs Guy G, Airs Dyke 4. Men’s Doubles.—Guy and Dntliic 9, Pearce and Ross 1; Gale and Davis 9, Barsdell and Orton G.

Ladies’ Doubles—. Misses Partridge and Moloney 5, Airs Orton and Aliss Kill 0; Airs Guy and Aliss Sherrill’ 6, Aliss Reid and Mrs Dyko 4. Alixed Doubles,—Guy ami Aliss Partridge 9, Rcarce and Airs Orton 0: Dutiiio and Aliss Aloloney 9, Ross and Miss Reid 1; Gale and Airs Guy 8, Orton and Aliss Hill 9; Davis and Miss Sherrill' 8, Barsdell and Airs Dyko 9. Totals: Alcana, 12 sets (121 games); Anderson’s Bay, 4 sets (65 games).

UNIVERSITY v. ROSLYN. (University names first.) Men’s Singles.—Fulton 0, Al‘Donga II 9; Chisholm 9. Black G; Alcrcer <>. Welding 9; Earle 7, Boddy 9. Ladies’ Singles.—Aliss Howell 5, Aliss Bagiev <>; Miss Gloyn 5, Airs Tregear G; Mbs Grigor 6, Aliss Soiuxtag 5; Aliss Brownlee G Aliss Eaton o. Aten’s Doubles.—-Fulton and Earle G. Af'Doiigall and Black 9: Chisholm and AlerceU9, Welding and Buddy 4. Ladies’ Doubles. —Alisses Houcll and Gloyn 0, Airs Tregear ami Aliss Bagley I : Aliases Grigor ami Broanlee G, Alisses Sonntag ami Eaton 4. Alixed Don tiles. —Fulton and AU-s Glovu 9. APDougall and Aliss Bagley 5; Chisholm and Aliss Howell 9, Black and Airs Tregear 3: Alerccr and Aliss Grigor 9, Boddy and Aliss Eaton 2: Earle am! Aliss Brownlee 4, Vebbng and Afiss Sonntag 9. Totals; Uuiversily, 9 set-' (K 1 - games); Roslyn. 7 sets (92 games).

C GRADE ST. I’MTEII'S v. PORT CHALM F.US. i£t.' Deters iKimt'S firs!-..) Men's Singh's.—Flinders G. AVhylo f). ''.Vebb S, Wnlkinshaw Dj Foster 1), Jack ] ; Davies t), Hoy 5. Men’s Doubles. —Flinders and Mebb 0 AVlivlo and Walkinshmv G; Foster a lid Davies !>. Jack and Boy 3 Todies’ Singles. —Mrs G. Homan 2. Miss jjoolli 0: M-M l .Xcc 0, Miss Osborn 1; Mrs farter -Miss . ones Ik Miss Hce.son 6 Miss M,‘Donald -1. Ladies’ Doubles.—-Misses G. Homan and M‘Noo 2, Misses Booth and Osborn (i; Mrs Carter and Miss Beeson G, Misses Jones and M‘Donald 5. . Mixed Doubles.—Miss G. Homan and li’limlem :j, bliss Booth and MJiylo i ; bliss M-Nec and Webb 7. Miss Osborn and AValkinsliaw G; Mrs Carter and Foster 3, Miss Jones and Jack <; Mi>s Beeson and Davies C. Miss M Donald and Boy 7. . , 0 - Tolals: SI. Beler s, S m"U • ■;» panics); Fort Chalmers, b sets (D games).

Oi’OHO v. TRIANGLE. (Opobo names first-.) Men's Singles.—Douglas 9, Lymkey 1 ; Jl.ouisoa I). Bair inters 9, I'Jett S; ] louston 9, Porter Ladies’ Singles.—Miss ji- Leiln G, Mil'll. Miss V. Jiijls «. R. Woods 4; Miss Al. Beadle 0, -Miss R. Cunningham 2; Miss 0 . Douglas 0, Miss M. Hunt 5. . r • Men’s Doubles. —Douglas and iiou isnn 9, Harr and Flett 5: Winters and Houston 9, Lynskcy and Porter 0. Ladies’ Doubles.—Misses L. EmlK and Bills 4, Misses Vallis and Cuuumslunn 6; Misses Beadle and Douglas 0, Misses Woods and Hunt 3. Mixed Doubles.—-Miss L. -ted y and Douglas 7. Miss Vallis and Lviiskey Miss Bills and Howison 0, IM'ss Mwds ami Barr 7; Miss Beadle and Win Hus 7, Miss Cunningham and T' led 1: Mis.. Douglas and Houston i, Miss Hum and *SSI£ Opobo,J 1 sols m-J games); Triangle, 2 .sets (71 games).

T.UEJ.M v. WESLEY. (Taicii names first.) M.u's Singles.—d. Swallow 9 J’mss- r, Swallow G, Hinton 9; V ilson y Graves 7; Miiclioll 2, Blackburn 9. ’Ladies’ Siugks.-Miss Souter b, Miss Smith 4; MBs Bryce 0, Mrs Mult Miss Wheat-ley (>, Miss erugiceu o, Miss Allan 0, Miss Bac b. Men’s Doubles—Swallow ami Shallow 9. Prosser and Hinluii i ; DUsou and Mitchell 9, Craves and blackb Ladiod Doubles.—M is-es Sou Hr and Brvco 4, Miss Smith am Mrs Ho t 0; Aliases Wheatley and Allan 1, Misses Vorngi;cen and line U. Mixed Doubles—J. Swallow and Miss Bryce 6, Prosser and Mrs Hull i ; L. Swallow and Miss Sou ter Hinton and Miss Smith G; Wilson and Miss Wheatley 7, Blackburn and Miss \ erugreen 4. , Totals: Taicri. 0 sets (92 games); Wesley, 7 sets (9S games). ST CLAIR v. NORTH-EAST VALLEY.

(St. Clair names first.) Men’s Singles.—Green 7, Arnold V); Macdonald 9, Hislop 4; Evans 9, Brown Gj Barltrop !), Fleming 1. Men’s Doubles.—Green and Macdonald 8, Arnold and Hi slop 9; Evans and Barltrop 9, Brown and Fleming o. Ladies’ Singles.—Miss D. Gray 0, Miss llowlatt 4; Miss M. 1 onslord 1, Mrs Leggett 6; Miss F. Barltrop b, Miss 17. Wynne 2; Miss D. Davy i, Miss Lotting G. _ , , . Ladies* —Aliases Liny aiui Ponsford C, Miss llowlatt and Mrs Leggett ;}; Miss F. Barltrop and Mrs Davy 0 Misses 'Wynne and Lotting 6. ’Mixed Doubles.—Green and Miss Pension! 7, Arnold and Miss llowlatt 2- Macdonald and Miss Gray 5, Hislop and Mrs Leggett 7; Evans and Miss Barltrop 7, Brown ami Miss Wynne S; Barltrop and Sirs Davy 4, Fleming and Miss Lotting 7. Totals; St. Clair, 9 sets (9< games); North-east Valley, 7 sots (S2 games). TECHNICAL v. COSY DELL. (Technical names iirst.) Ladies’ Singles.—Miss M'Laohlan 4, Miss S. Cameron 6; Mrs Foxcroft 0,. Miss N. Cameron 1; Mrs Johnston 4, Miss Johnston 6; Miss Jeffs 1, Miss Doodyward 6. Ladies’ Doubles. —Miss Al‘Lachlan and Mrs Foxcroft G, Misses S. Cameron and Johnston 3; Mrs Johnston and Miss Jeffs 6. Misses N. Cameron and Doodyward 2. Men’s Singles.—Harris 9, Wako 5; Johnston 9, Lewis 8; Gorton 5, Uakey 9; Osborne 9, Med dor 4. Men’s Doubles.—Harris and Osborne 9, "Wako and Lewis 6; Johnston and Gortpn 7, Oakoy and Medder 9.

Alixed Doubles.—Miss Al'Laclilan and Harris 7, Aliss S. Cameron and Wako 2; All's and Air Johnston 7, Miss N. Cameron and Lewis 2; Airs Eoxcrolt and W. Gorton 7, Aliss Johnston, and Oakey 2; Aliss Jeffs and Osborne 7, Miss Doodyward and Aledder 5. Totals: Technical, 11 sets (103 games); Cosy Dell, 5 sets (75 games).

WATAIANA v. CONCORD. (Waimana names first.) Men’s Singles.—Lennon 9, M'Ycigh G; Gilmore 5, Cornish 9: Al'Quecn 6, Samson 9; Sherwood-4,■ Miller 9. Men’s Doubles. —Lennon and Gilmore 6, Al'Veigh .and Cornish 9: Al'Queon and Sherwood 9, Samson and Miller 8. Ladies’ Singles.—Airs Cornish 6, Aliss P. Piper 4; Airs Jeffrey 6, Aliss Keenan 0; Miss Hetheringtoii G, Aliss Miller 0; Aliss Aleinung 6, Aliss R. Piper 1.Ladies’ - Doubles.—Airs Cornish and Airs-Jeffrey G, Aliases Piper and Keenan 0; Aliases Hothcrington and Helming 6, Misses Aliller and Piper 2. Alixed Doubles.—Lennon ami Airs Cornish 7, Al'Veigh and Aliss P. Piper 5; M'Quecn and Aliss Aleinung 5, Cornish and Aliss Keenan 7; Gilmore and Airs Jeffrey 7, Samson and Aliss Miller 2 • Sherwood and Aliss Hetheringtoii 7, Miller and Aliss B. Piper 4. Totals: Waimana, 11 _sets (101. games); Concord, 5 sets (75 games).

ANDERSON’S BAY v. BALAIACEWEN. (Anderson’s Bay names first.) Aten’s Singles.—Bennett 5, Park 9; Service 9, Horn 3j Dyas 9, Seymour 5; Toomey 9, Wilkinson 5. Ladies’ Singles.—Aliss Alartm 6, Aliss AlacDonald 3; Aliss Reid 2, Aliss RackIcy 6; Aliss Dobbio 6, Aliss Mathewson 4; Aliss Frapwell 5, Airs Goodley 6. Aten’s Doubles.—Bennett and Service 9, Park and Wilkinson 7; Dyas and Toomey 9, Horn and Seymour 8. Ladies’ Doubles.—Alisses Alartm and Read 4, Aliss AlacDonald and Miss Alatlicwson 6; Alisses Dobbie and Frapwcll U, Aliss Rackicy and Airs Goodley Alixed Doubles.—Bennett and Aliss Read 4, Park and Aliss AlacDonald 7; Service and Miss Alartiu 7. Horn arid Aliss Rackicy 6; Dyas and Alisa Dobbie 7 Seymour and Miss Mathewson o; Toomey and Aliss Frapwell 4, Wilkinson and Airs Goodley 7. Totals: Anderson’s Bay, 9 sets (95 games!; Balmaccwcn, 7 sets (93 games). UNIVERSITY v. EAST TAIERI. (University names first.) Aten’s Singles.—Sattertb waite 9, Walker 8; Stevens 9, Miller 0; Bnekell 9, Aliller G; Williamson 9, Aluirhcad 6. ’ Aten’s Doubles—Satterthwaito and Stevens 9, ‘Walker ami Aluirhcad 4; Briekcll ami Williamson 7, Miller and Aliller 9. , Ladies’ Singles.—Aliss Drummond Alias Burn C; Aliss Campbell 6, Aliss Aliller 5; Aliss Cowle 5, Aliss Bedford J,adies’ Doubles.—Alisses Drummond and Campbell 0, Alisses Burn and ALU lor 5; Alisses (kiwie and Lawson G, Aliases Bedford and Kirk 4. Mixed Doubles.—Satterthwaito and Afiss Campbell 7, Walker and Aliss Burn Elevens and Aliss Drummond 7, Miller and Aliss Miller 1; Williamsnn and Aliss Lawson 4, Aluirhcad ami Aliss Bedford 7; Brickell and Aliss Cowio 7, Aliller and Alias Kirk 3. Totals: University, 12 sets (109 games); East Taicri, 4 sets (73 games). UNION MATCHES KAIKORAI A v. KENSINGTON A. (Kaikorai names first.) Men’s Singles.— I Cbeyno G, Gilkison 3 ; Algio 6, Jeffs 2; Haigb G, Holley 3; Ridd G, G Mason 2. . Men’s Doubles.—Cbeyno and Algio G, Wilkinson and Jells 1; Haigh and Ridd G. Holley and Gibson 3. Ladies’ Singles.—Miss Sligo G, Aliss Clark- 1 • Aliss Walker G. Aliss Hobbs 0. Ladies’ Doubles.—Alisses Sligo and Walker G, Alisses Clark and Hobbs 4; Alisses Douglas and Forsyth G, Alisses APConnaek and Mills 8. Mixed Doubles.—Cbeyno and Aliss Slmo G, Gilkison and Aliss Clark 2; Atom and Aliss Walker G, Jeffs and Afiss Hobbs 3; Haigb and Aliss Douglas 4, Hoi lev and Aliss Mills G; JUdd and Aliss Forsyth C, Gibson and Aliss APCormack 2. Totals: Kaikorai, 12 sets (82 games); Kensington, 2 sets (39 games).

FIRST’ CHURCH v. MORNINGTON, (First Church names first.)

Men’s Doubles.—North and A. Salmond G, Hope and Morrison 2; Allan ami G. Salmond 0, Ford and Blyth 3. Ladies’ Doubles—Misses Rae and Morton G, blisses Kennedy and, Hope 3; Misses M'Queen and Herrington 6, Mrs Neill and Miss Haig 4. Men’s Singles,—North G, Hope 3; A. Salmond 5, Morrison 0; Allan 6, Blvlh 1; G. Salmond C, Ford 2. Ladies’ Singles.—Miss Jiao C, Miss Kennedy 5; Miss Morton G, Miss Hope 5,

Mixed Doubles,—North and Miss Rao 6, Hope and bliss Kennedy 4 ; A. Salmond and Miss Morton C, Morrison nud Miss Hope 4; Allan ami Miss M'Queen 6, Blyth and Mrs Neill. 1; G. Salmond. and_ Miss Herrington G, Ford and Miss Haig 3, Totals: First Church, 13 sets (83 games); Mornington, 1 set (R) games).

HEW SOUTH WALES BEATS ENGLAND Press Association—By Telegraph—Copyright. SYDNEY, November 2-L New South 'Wales defeated tho English team by seven rubbers, 20 sets, and 178 games to five rubbers, 10 sets, and 171 games. Yesterday’s results were us follow ;—■ Singles.-—Collins (England) beat Willard, G-l, 1-0, 0-3; Crawford beat Austin, 0-2, 0-4; Gregory beat liopman, G-S, 0-2 6-4. Doubles.—Kalms and Willard boat Higgs and Collins, 7-5, 0-1, 1-6, 5-7, 6-1 . The weather was windy and cold. ‘ The best match was that between JTopnian and the British captain, Gregory. The latter’s smashing and volleying were forceful and clever, and ho made tho game fast. Austin had an off dav, and lacked vim, needing a spell. Collins again proved solid and determined. The New South Wales players’ strength in the doubles, however, carried them to victory. Practise with Ayres' Championship Stitchless Tenuis Hal 1 t bail officially selected by the Otago Lawi Tennis Association for use in its championship tournament this season.—[Advt.]

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Evening Star, Issue 20033, 26 November 1928, Page 14

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LAWN TENNIS Evening Star, Issue 20033, 26 November 1928, Page 14

LAWN TENNIS Evening Star, Issue 20033, 26 November 1928, Page 14