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HIGH WATER. ■—To-morrow.— Si. Clair: 4.29 a.m., -1.53 p.m. Taiaroa Head: 4.39 a.m., 5.3 p.m. Port Chalmers: 5.29 a.m., 5.13 jv.m. Dunedin: 5.19 a.m., 6.13 p.m. THE SUE. Sots to-day, 7.17 p.m.; rises to-mor-row, 4.58 a.m. PHASES OF THE MOON.

Sets to-day, 9.31 p.m.; rises to-mor-row, G. 13 a.m. WEATHER REPORT. The Dominion Meteorologist (Dr E. Nielson) supplied tiie following at 9 a.m. to-day:—

Wind.—o, c:ilm; i, lifjht uir, 2, slight hroezo; 'i, gentle braie j -1, moderate breeze; 5, froth breeze; O', strong breeze; 7, high wind: 8, gale; lb strong gale: 10, whole gale; 11, storm; 32, hurricane. \Vcathn-.--r», blue sky; be, blue sky and detacked clouds; c, cloudy; o, overcast: g, gloomy, dull; u, ugly, threatening; r, continuous or steady rain; s, snow; d, drizzle; p, passing showers; li, hail; q, squally; I, lightning; I, thunder, I, fog; m. mist; z. haze. Forecast. Tho Dominion Meteorologist (Dr E. Kidson) supplied the following at noon to-day:—Tho indications aro for moderate southerly winds; there is a prospect of fair to cloudy weather, with a few showers on tho coast, cold night and warm day temperatures; barometer little movement; sea moderate, tides good. ARRlVED.—November 11. Kasama, s.s. (9.25 a.m.), <1,635 ions, D. H. Metcalf, from New York via northern ports. VESSELS EXPECTED AT DUNEDIN. —Coastal. —• Breeze, Wanganui, iports, to-day. Calm, Wang, via ports, Nov, IG. Holmdale, Wang., Well., Nov. 16. Wingatui, Auckland, ports, Nov. 17. Urcti, Invercargill, P. Craig, Nov. IS. Kartigi, Westport via. Bluff, Nor. 18. Kaluka, Napier, Gisborne, Nov. 19. . Gale, Wang., ports, Nov. 20.

Corinna, N. Plymouth, porks, Nor. |

Storm, Wanganui, ports, Nov. 2E Kurow, Auckland, ports, Nov. 25. Progress, P. 'Waikato, ports, N.ov. 20.Waipiata, Auclc. via ports, Nov. 28. —lntercolonial and Overseas. — Kasama, New York via ports, to-day. Hertford, Liverpool via ports, Nov. 15. Canadian Highlander, -Montreal via ports, Nov. 20.. Matakana, Liverpool via ports, Nov. 21. Wirral, Montreal via ports, Nov. 21. Copenhagen, Ocean Island, Lyt., Nov. 22. . Kawatiri, Sydney, ports, Nov. 21. Waitemata, Los Angeles via jjorts, Nov. 25. Tainui, Sonthampton via Wellington and, Lyttelton, Noy. 26. Kairanga, Adelaide via ports, Nov. 28. Bcnholm, New York via ports, Dec. 2. Karctu, Newcastle, SycL, Doc. 4. Manuka, Melbourne via ports, Dec. 6. Maui Pomaro, Apia, Niue Island, Dec. 11. PACIFIC MAIL SERVICE. Makura left Wellington November 6 for San Francisco via Rarotonga and Papeete; duo San Francisco November Maunganui left San Francisco on October 31 for Wellington ami Sydney, via Papeete and Rarotonga; duo ■’Wellington November 19. Aorangi leaves Sydney November 15 and Auckland November 20 for Vancouver via Suva and Honolulu; duo Vancouver December 7. Niagara leaves Vancouver November 14 for Auckland and Sydney via Honolulu and Suva; due Auckland December 3. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Manuka, Melb. via ports, to-day. Breeze, Wanganui, ports, Nov. 15. Calm, Wang, via ports, Nov. 16. Kasama, Wellington, Lyttelton, Nov. 16. Holmdale, 'Wang., ports, Nov. 16. Wingatui, Auckland, ports, Nov. 19. Kahika, Gisborne via ports, Nov. 19. Hertford, N. Plymouth direct, Nov. 1). Gale, Wang., ports, Nov. 2(1. Orcti, Invercargill, P. Craig, Nov. 20. Kartigi, Oaniaru, Timarn, Nov. 20. Comma, N. Plymouth, ports, Nov. 21. Storm, Wang, via ports, Nov. 21. Progress, P. Waikato, Nov. 26. Kurow, Auckland, ports, Nov. 26. Waitemata, Nelson, New Plymouth, Nov. 23. Waipiata, Auck., ports, Nov. 29. Tainui, Bluff, Lyt., Nov. 29. Karctu, Sydney, ports, Dec. 5. Maui Pomare, Lyt., Wei., Dee. 11. The Kartigi was expected to leave Westport to-day, with coal for Bluff, Dunedin. Oaniaru, and Tiniaru. Tho Kurow is to leave Auckland about Saturday with general cargo for discharge at Lvttclton, Dunedin, and Bluff. . The Calm is duo here on Saturday from-Bluff to load general cargo for discharge at Timahi, Lyttelton, Picton, and Wanganui. Tho Breezo was due this afternoon from 'Wellington. She will dischargeand load general cargo for Timarn, Lyttelton, Wellington, and Wanganui. The Kauri, which has been acquired from tho Union Company by a Singapore firm, has been renamed tho Minnie Mollcr, and is expected at Port. Chalmers to-day to go into dock before proceeding to her new port. 'The motor vessel King Edgar sailed yesterday morning after discharging tho local consignment of her asphalt cargo. Sho will continue discharge at Lyttelton, ’Wellington, Castlccliff, and Now Plymouth.

Tho Kotaro, which has had her passenger accommodation improved to enable her to copo with tho excursion traffic, was expected to leave Port Chalmers this afternoon for Bluff. Tho Karetu left yesterday for Lyttelton to discharge her general cargo for Lyttelton and to complete unloading her cargo from Newcastle and Sydney. Sho will later proceed to Sydney via Oaniaru and Bluff. Tho Wingatui was to leave 'Wellington to-day for Lyttelton and Dunedin. Sho is expected to arrive on Friday, and will load for Auckland via East Coast ports. Tho C. and I), liner Port Bowen is ho leave Liverpool on December 22 for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin, I The Katanga, which is under charier to flic A. and A. Line, is scheduled to leave New York on November 26 for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin. Tho S.S. and A. liner Maudlins is ho leave London on November 23 for Suva, Lyttelton, Port Chalmers, and Tin. 1 am

THE FERRY SERVICE. The ferry steamer Maori arrived at Lyttelton from Wellington at 6.55 a.m. Passengers and mails connected with iho express for the south. WAITEMATA FROM PACIFIC COAST. The Union Company advße.s that the i Waitemata is to leave New Plymouth I to-day for Nelson, Lyttelton, and Duujediu to discharge tho remainder of her general cargo from Pacific Coast ports. ! Tho vessel is due at Dunedin about 1 November 25. i j WIRRAL FROM! MONTREAL. i The New Zealand Shipping Company i advises t hat iho chartered steamer : Wirral loft- Auckland on Monday evon- ' ing lor Wellington, Lyttelton, and ! Dunedin to discharge the remainder |of her general cargo from .Montreal. , The vessel is duo at this port about : November 21. I .EASTMOOR PASSED PANAMA. Cabled news has been received by the Canadian National Steamships that iho Eastmoor arrived at Panama on November 2 from Montreal, and sailed again on November 3 lor New Zealand ports. The vessel is due at Auckland on November 30. and at Dunedin about December 11. ISLAND SERVICES. The Tqfua, from Suva, arrived r.v Nukualofa yesterday. She will sail today for Ajvia via Haapai and Varan. The Mocraki, which left Sydney on Friday, is due at Norfolk Island today, and will proceed thence to Lantoka, Suva, Levuka, Suva, Norfolk Island, and Sydney. The Waipahi, from Suva, is due at Auckland to-morrow.

| NORTHUMBERLAND FOR NEW j ZEALAND. I “ | Tho Federal liner Northumberland is scheduled to leave Liverpool on November 24 with general cargo for Auckland, Wellington, Port Chalmers, and Bluff. She is expected to arrive at Auckland about January 1. EASTERN CARGO. ■ The Union Company advises that the Waiotapu will load during the mouth of November ami December at Calcutta, Penang, Singapore, and Sama-i-ang. Her discharging port's in New Zealand are Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, and Bluff. MATAKANA LEAVES AUCKLAND. The S..S and A. liner Matakana left Auckland on Monday afternoon for Wellington, Lyttelton, ami Dunedin, in order to complete discharging her Liverpool cargo. .MANUKA’S PASSENGERS. The intercolonial steamer Manuka arrived yesterday afternoon from Melbourne and Blulf. She berthed at the cross wharf to discharge general cargo and land passengers. Melbourne was left on Wednesday last, and the Manuka reached Blulf on Sunday afternoon. Thu passengers were :—Saloon: Mr G. P. Blue, Miss D. Bradford, .Miss F. Brooks, Air F. Cana, Airs F. Cann, Mrs M. and Master J. Cherry, Mr ami Mrs E. Clark, Rev. amt Airs A. Don, Air F. G. Duncan, Air A. J. Kemp, Mr H. M'Douald, Air and Airs H. AlAPherson, Air and Airs F. O’Brien, Miss M. O’Neill, Air L. W. Potter, Air W. T. Robertson, Airs A. E. Robinson, Mr D. L. Stuart, Airs E. R. and Misses (2) Varlcy, .Mr R. Al. Wisliarl; and twenty-five steerage. Tho vessel left this afternoon lor Lyttelton, Wellington, and Aielbournc. KASAAIA ARRIVED. Running under the auspice;, of the American and Australian Line’s Eastern service, to the agency of the Now Zealand Shipping. Company, the Ellennann-Bueknall liner Kasama arrived in tho stream at. Dunedin this morning, and berthed at the "Victoria wharf, where the local portion of her cargo of case oil and general mcrchau-H diso from New York is to bo discharged. Tho Kasama Jell- England in Alaivh, and proceeded to Now York via India. Sho cleared New York on September 22. and Panama on October .1. Fair weather prevailed until the vessel passed Pitcairn Island oil October 13. During the remainder of iho voyage there was a succession of gales, accompanied by rough seas. Tho crew numbers sixty-four all tonl, fourteen Europeans and fifty .Indians. Captain D. H. Metcalf is in command, and the following aro tho officers; Chief, Mr R. Ward; second, Mr J. Joss: third. Mr G. C. Longficld; chief engineer, Mr C. Wooster; second, Air G- °AlTvonzic; third. Air AV. Seales ; fourth, Air C. Alackio; link, Air b. Williamson; wireless operator. Air A. Pragnell; chief steward. Air H. BlenTho Kasama is io he despatched from Dunedin on Friday next lor Newcastle diicct, FAST .MOTOR CARGO SHIPS. •Many shipowners nho have made a careful studv of the operation of motor ships on various trade mutes have decided in favour of a standard class vessel capable of maintaining a lughei speed than tho steamers which they have now abandoned. An example of the rate of progress in this direction is reflected in the October issue of the ‘Motor Ship/ which publishes an outstanding: article dealing with ten 14Jknot 9,500-ton cargo liners ordered hy an owner who, since taking delivery ol his first motor ship in 1921, has not contracted for a single steamer, having at the present- time twenty-four motor cargo ships of over 120,000 tons gross in service. Ultimately, there . will he thirty-two motor ships in this particular fleet. Included in iho -same issue are details relative, to a service ol Russian-built motor ships trading lie-, tween London and Leningrad, while full particulars aro included ol Iho largest Dinscl-elci Inc vessel hitherto constructed. NON-STOP ENGINE AIOTOR SHIR PERFOR.M ANTES. 'The recent completion by. (ho Norwegian owned motor snip Bianca, built by the Gotawerkeu. of Gothenburg, of a' rouai-the-workl voyage without slopping her engines, recalls the I act that; the motor ship Siljestad, built by Messrs Burmcislcr and Wain for Klave- j ness and Co., of Oslo, last year, lias aI- j ready made two such voyages (slates j tho ‘Shipping World’). On September 30. 1927, after completing successful trials, the Siljestad left Alessrs Burmeister and Wain’s yard at Copenhagen and proceeded via Antwerp to the Mexican Gull. She then passed through the Panama Canal via. Sail Pedro to Japan, and, aller visiting Shanghai and Yladivostoek. iruturued via the ' Dutch East Indies to Aarhus, in Danmark. The, last pari of Iho'voyage—namely, Jmm the Indies to Aarhus occupied thirty-eight, days; but the wholo round-the-world occupied closo upon six months, during winch period the engines were not slopped on a single occasion.

SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. AUCKLAND. November 13.—Sailed: Canadian Traveller (3.2() p.m.), for Wellington. WELLINGTON, November RI.-.-Ar-rived; Kaiwarra (7.45 p.m.), Innn Westland. Sailed; Calm (12.10 a.m.), for Lvlleltoii: Turakina (1.10 p.m.), for Napier: Gale (6 p.m.). for Wanganui; Mako (6.20 p.m.), for Napier; Maori (7.50 p.m.), for Lyttelton; Kurow (5.20 p.m.), for Auckland; Kaliika (midnight), for Napier. .November 14.—Arrived : llawcra_(2.3o, from Pa Ira; Wingatui (5 a.m.), for Napier: Ngaio (5.20 a.m.). from Nelson; Nikau (7,5 a.m,-), from Nelson ; AVakihe (7 a.m.), from-Lyttelton.

.LYTTELTON, November 13.-Ar-rived : Wairau (6 .p.m.).. ..from Blenheim; Calm: (9-5' p m,)., from Wellington. ■ Sailed: Dunedin; Corinna- (0.10 p.m.;), for Wellington; Wnhine (8.20 p.m.). for Wellington. November 14.— ; Arr : King Edgar (6.5 a.m.), from Dunedin; Waipiata (7.35 a.m.); Progress (7.5 a.m.), from Tiniaru; Karctu (9.30 a.m.), from Dunedin.

SUVA, November 13.—Sailed: Diomede, for Auckland.

(For continuation sec Into shipping.)

l'’irsL quaKot* Nov. 21 ] .(> iun. hull moon Xov. ‘ r / 1.6 Last quarter J)cc. "■1 2..‘32 p .m • iSC'imoon Lee. ]2 5.6 p.m.

liar. T)i ci W. Wellington—SAY. 1 ,‘10.08 00 HZ (irevmouth 0 M0.07 5(1 0 Cliristcli’ch—N.E. :{ ;,io.o;3 56 u .Timaru—SAY. ... 5 ;io.]5 56 ■Ji 0 Oanuirn—S. 2 30.17 60 c Dunedin 0 30.20 55 0 Queenstown 1) 30. J 3 63 () Nuggets—S. ... 2 30.20 50 0 Al. Bluff —SAY. • ... 5 30.23 50 UD

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Evening Star, Issue 20023, 14 November 1928, Page 1

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SHIPPING Evening Star, Issue 20023, 14 November 1928, Page 1

SHIPPING Evening Star, Issue 20023, 14 November 1928, Page 1