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HIGH WATER. —To-morrow.— St. Clair: 10.43 a.m., 11,14 p.m. Taiaroa Head: 10.53 a.m., 11.20 p.m. Port Chalmers: 11.33 a.m., p.m. Dunedin: a.m,, 0.3 p.m. —Monday.— St. Clair: 11.41 a.m., 0.3 p.m. Taiaroa Head:’ 11.51 a.m., - p.m. Port Chalmers; 0,3 a.m., 0,31 p.m. Dunedin- 0.33 a.m., 1.1 p.m. THE SUN. Sets to-day, 4.50 p.m.; rises to morrow, 7.38 a.m. Sets to-morrow, . 4.51 p.m., rises Monday, 7.37 a.m. PHASES OF THE MUON.

Set to-day, 0.17 p.m.; rises to morrow, 3.1 a.m. Sets to-morrow, 0.49 p.m.; rises Blonday, 4.14 a.m. WEATHER REPORT. The Dominion Bletoorologist (Blr D. C. Bates) .supplied the following at 9 a.m. to-day ;

Wind.—L, light; b, breeze; ib, fresh brc««; m g, moderate g. whole or heavy gale; w, gale of exceptional severity. ' Wcsthcr.—B. blue sky, be the atmosphere dear or heavy; C, clouds, passing clouds D, clrittUng rain; l r , foggy; G, gloomy, dark weather; H. hail; U lightning; M, misty: O, overcast, the whole vky covered with thick clouds; P, passing showers; IJ. squally; K, rain, continued rain; £>, snow; T, ‘bunder; U, ugly, threatened appearance; Z, naav Forecast. The Dominion Meteorologist (Mr D. C. Bates) supplied the hollowing at noon to-day:—The indications are for south-easterly winds, moderate to strong, the weather will probably he cold and changeable, rain probable, and snow on high country, the weather should improve shortly, and there will probably he a hard frost to-night; barometer has a rising tendency; seas rough, tides good. ARRIVED.—Juno 22. Oreti, s.s. (6 p.m.), 174 tons, M’Kenzie, from Port Craig. ARRIVED.—JuIy 23. Rimiitaka, s.s. (11.15, 8,997 tons, F. A. Hemming, from London and Southampton via Panama and Wellington. SAILED.—JuIy 22. Breeze s.s. (11.5 p.m.), 542 tons, Sheppard, for Wanganui via ports. SAILED.—JuIy 23. Mafatua, s.s, (11.30 a.m.), 0,518 lons, F. Green, for Oainaru. The repairs to the Waihomo will probably be completed on Monday, when the vessel will sail from Port Chalmers for Bluff and Now I’lyrnoiitJi. The Corinna leaves Nelson on Tuesday for Dunedin direct to load for Nsw Plymouth and Nelson via ports. The Katoa was to leave Wellington to-day for Lyttelton and Dunedin. She is to load out from here oh Tuesday for Tiinaru, Lyttelton, Wellington, and Auckland. The Kamo is to load at Westport on Monday for Lyttelton and Dunedin. The Kahika was expected to leave Timarn to-day, and is due to-morrow to load on Tuesday for Napier and Gisborne via ports. The Gale, from Wellington, was expected this afternoon. The vessel will sail ,on Tuesday for Timarn, Lyttelton, Wellington, Picton. and Wanganui. _ The Storm is due on Thursday from Lyttelton, and is to sail the same day for Timarn, Lyttelton, Wellington, and Wanganui. The Wnikuuaiti, which left. Sydney on Thursday for Bluff, Dunedin, Timarn, and Lyttelton, carried freight for this port, which includes transhipments ex the Largs Bay, Hobson’s Bay, Tango Maru, Mooltan, and Vile de Amiens. The Waikouaiti is duo here on Thursday. The Matatua sailed this morning for Oainaru to commence loading for London. THE FERRY SERVICE. The Wahine, from Wellington, arrived at Lyttelton at 6.50 a.m. to-day, and passengers and mails connected’ with the 8.50 express. ULIMAROA RESUMED. Her overhaul and survey completed, the Huddart, Parker Company’s steamer Ulimaroa resumed in the intercolonial service yesterday, sailing from Sydney for Wellington. PASSENGERS FROM HOME. ’ The following passengers, ex fhe Mooltan from London, are booked for Now Zealand ports:—Per Niagara (leaves Sydney, July 28) ; Mrs Rosen. Per Ulimaroa (left Sydney for Wellington’yesterday) ; Mrs Oldridge and two children, Miss Macdonald, Mr lioeby. WORLD’S BIGGEST MOTOR SHIP. Preliminary steps are being taken by Messrs Harland, BVolll’. and Company at their Belfast works to build the biggest Diesel engine yet constructed lor shipping, says a London exchange dated July 12. As the engine proposed is capable of driving a vessel of over 50,QU0 tons, it is inferred in well-in-formed circles that it has been designed for a mammoth White Star liner to be built at Queen’s Island yards. PASSENGERS BY MANUKA. The Union Company’s steamer left Port Chalmers early this morning for Melbourne via Lyttelton and Wellington. The following is the vessel’s outward passenger list:—Dunedin to Melbourne : Mrs Grieve, Bliss Hay, Mr Turner. Coastal: Blrs Williamson, Blisses Hay, Duncan Russell (2), Blr Nesbit; and twelve steerage from Dunedin for all ports. Lyttelton to Blelbourne: Bicsdamos Hodge and child, Brown, Lucas, and Mitchell, Blisses Burgess, Wise, Messrs Bronch, Hodge, Mitchell, Galland, Lsbornc, Lnckcn, Luckcn, and Pearc. Wellington to Melbourne: Mesdames Williams, Ferguson, Beckett, Curtis, Johnstone, Kerr, Wills % (2). Mi sscs Pennant, Rowe, Curtis, Fullers’ artists (12), Whitney, Gold, Messrs Cunningham, Hymns, BPCallum, Melville,’Williams, Ferguson, Johnstone, Greening, Draper, Posrams, Calbert, Tribe, Hnlfnm, Hutchings, Smith. Pdwless, Black, and Bloody, and sixty-five steerage for all ports . PERSONAL. Captain A. B. Sizer has been appointed temporary master of ihe Kaimai. Mr 0. C. Bray has been appointed chief officer of the Kairaai. Mr V. Miller, third officer of the Kaimai, is being granted holiday; his place has been taken by Blr ('. W'. Howard. Mr W. H. Millward has been appointed second officer of the Maori, Mr A. B. Fraser having come ashore for instructions. Blr C. Sharpe, chief officer of the Maunganui, has transferred to the Tahiti in a .similar capacity. Blr Jj. G. Ramsay recently joined file Kokiri as chief officer, relieving Mr N. Buxton, who is at present in Wellington awaiting orders.

RIAIUTAKA'S PASSENGERS. . The following passengers arrived at Wellington on Thursday on hoard the Rimutaka; from London and Southampton via Pauanla; —Mr W. Adam, Mr C. Andrews. Mr H. Ashworth, Mrs Ashworth. Master A. Ashworth. Mr G. H. Real!, Mrs -L. Heath, Mr S. J‘ Eenson. Mr A. Biland. Mr A., Blake, Miss N. AI. Blofield. Mrs E. Bosworth, Miss B. Bosworth. Master J. Bosworth, Master R. Bosworth, Miss J. Bosworth, Airs E. F. Botfield. Mr R. Brodie, Mr W. Brook, Mrs ’ Brooks, Miss B. Brooks, Airs J. Buchanan, Mrs M, Burt. Miss J. Burt. Afiss M. Burt, Airs G. Cardiff, blaster H. Cardiff, Airs D. Garrick. Aliss M. Carrick, Aliss K. Garrick, Airs I. H. Carver, Airs G. Cash,,Air R. P. Chibnall. Air H. J. V. Cleverly, Miss W. F. Cleverly, Mr J. Colmar, Mrs Colmar. Aliss AI. Gowc. Air <). Cjaig, Air 11. E. Cunningham, Airs Cunningham, Miss E. A. Cunningham, Mr J. Dixon. Aliss 1. S. Draper, Airs E. Dunick. Mr J. R. Fairbairn. Air E. Fisher. Airs W. Forsyth, Alaster G. Forsyth, Mr P. Foskin, Airs E. K, Franklin, Air J. Freer, Airs Freer, Aliss E. L, Freer, Aliss 1. Freer, Alaster W. J. Freer, Aliss W. G. Freer, Air J. Gathercole, Aliss C. P. Gibson, Air N. Grant, Air J. T. Griffiths, Alaster W. J. Griffiths, Alaster S. J. Grffiths, Aliss J. D Griffiths, Aliss S. A. Griffiths, Air J. Henderson, Air W. Hey, Airs Hey, Master G. Hey/, Air W. Jl. Huff am, Air C. J. Hutchings, Air C. G. lago, Air W. M. Jones, Airs J. Kcir, Air W. Keir, Miss J. Keir, Aliss Al. Keir, Miss AI. AI. Lawson, Air J. Alarkland, Airs Alarkland, Miss L. Alarkland, Miss B. Alarkland, Alaster C. J. Alarkland, Alaster E. Alarkland, Air A. M'Beath, Mrs APBoath, Aliss V. M'Beath, Air E. Ai-Beath, Airs AI. Af'Lachlaii, Mr It. E, S. Mitchell, .Air D. AI. Ogilvic, Airs Ogilvic, Alaster J. R. AI. Ggilvie, Aliss A. A. OzannC Air J. Parrish, Airs Parrish, Air W. Parrish, Aliss O. Parrish, Aliss P. Parrish, Alaster L. Parrish, Aliss Al. Parrish. Alaster T. Parrish, Blaster C. Parrish, Mr G Paterson, Aliss A. Patterson, Miss R. Patterson, Air F. E. Payne, Airs Payne, Aliss F. Payne, Air F. Payne, Airs Payne, Air C. Payne, Airs Payne, Airs E. Plumb, Air C. Reavott, Air J. Reid, Airs Reid Alaster M. Reid, Alaster W. Reid, Aliss J. Reid, Aliss E. Robinson, Air W. Rose Air J. H. Rowe, Air R. Sinclair, Airs Sinclair. Miss J. W. Sinclair, Alaster R. A. Sinclair, Air C. J. Smith, Air E. A. Smith, Signora A. 0. R. Stufino, Airs G. Sunderland, Air P. Tarfey, Air W. H. Taylor, Air J. Thomas, Airs Thomas, Aliss K. Thomas, Alaster A. Thomas, Miss A. Whitfield, Miss D. Al. Williams. Aliss G. Wilson, Aliss G. Al. Wright, Mr J. Wrigley, Mrs Wrigley, Mr .J Wrigley, Miss M. Wrigley, Aliss Young.

UNITED STATES SHIPPING ’ BOARD. During 1926 the United States Shipping Board reduced its huge fleet by the sale of 96 vessels, of which 91 ol 621,093 lons d.w. were cargo steamers and live of 70,730 tons gross were passenger steamers, the price secured being nearly 15,500,000 dollars. The cargo carriers fetched an average of just over 17-4 dollars per ton deadweight, and the passenger liners about 634 dollars per gross ton. In addition, the hoard sold live floating docks. NEWCASTLE COAL 'SHIPMENTS. The quantity of coal (including hunkers) shipped at Newcastle during the week ended July 8, for places beyond the State, was 103,230 tons, ot which 90,988 tons represented shipments for foreign ports, the remainder being for in torsi ato ports. For the corresponding period last year the total was 135,463 tons. RIMUTAKA IN PORT. The Rimutaka, from London and Southampton via Panama and Wellington, arrived this .morning, and berthed at the Victoria wharf to land passengers and discharge -a. large amount oi cargo. After loading' at London, the Bimntaka sailed on June 9 for Southampton, where passengers and mails were taken on board. She sailed from Southampton'on. the following day, and a smart trip was made across the Atlantic, the vessel arriving at Panama on Juno 25. A few passengers were embarked there, and the ship proceeded on hrr way, arriving at Pitcairn Island on July 8. Up to the time of arrival at Pitcairn Island tile Rimutaka had made the fastest voyage to New Zealand she had ever recorded, but as soon, as she left the island she encountered continual heavy gales, which considerably reduced the speed, and delayed the arrival of the vessel at Wellington. No damage occurred, however, and everybody was reported as well on board. Captain F. A. Hemming is in command of the Rimutaka, and the following are the officers:—Chief, Mr if. A. Fryer; second, Mr M. A. D. Stewart; third, Mr G. C. Saul; fourth, Mr H. Vernon; surgeon. Mr A. D. Pegg; chief engineer Mr H. M. Liscombe; steward-in-ebarge, Mr E. P. Colmar. The Rimutaka is to sail next week for Lyttelton and New Plymouth. VESSELS IN WIRELESS CALL. The following vessels are expected ta ha within range of the undermentioned wireless stations to-night and Sunday : Auckland. - Maunganui, To hi a, Ikala, Marama, Maryland, Kailoke, Baron Minto, Port Dunedin, Tckoa, Kaituna, Tntanekai. dial ham Islands.—Mam-in. Wellington,—Wahine, Mauri, City of Corinth, Canadian Seigneur, Tamaiiine, Athenic, Huruuui, llororata, Tamaroa, Port Piric, Mahcno. Coolana, Ulimaroa. Canadian Traveller, Kaponga, Kawatiri, ‘Ngaio. Awarun.-—Manuka, Waihemo, Waiknuaiii, Makura, Tahiti. SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. AUCKLAND, July 22.~Sailed : Marama (3.15 p.m.), for Svdnev. NEW PLYMOUTH, .'July" 22.—Arrived: Orepuki (7.10 p.m,), from Wslipoid, ailed: Rarawa (7 p.m.), for Onehunga. WELLINGTON, July 22.—Arrived : Tees (2.30 p.m.) 1 , irom Chatham*. Sailed: Maheuo (12.10 p.m.), for Sydney. July 23.—Arrived; Waitcmata (S.lO a.m.), from Napier. LYTTELTON, July 22,-Arrived: Tc.tara-(9 p.m.)-, trom Wellington. Sailed: Moeraki (8.30 p.m.), for Wellington; Kahika (8.15 p.m-), tor Timani. July 23.—Arrived: lonic (7.30 a.m.), from Wellington. BLUFF, July 22.—Sailed: Wmgatui (2 p.m.), for Auckland. BALIKPAN.—SaiIed: Placuna, for New Zealand.

(For continuation, .see Late Shipping.)

New moon Julv 29 5.6 a.m. First quarter Aug. 6 5.35 a.m. Full Moon Aug. 13 4.7 p.m. Last quarter Aug. 2U 7.25 a.m.

Ear. Ther, . W. Wellington—S.1S., h 30.11 48 c Greymoutli—IS., i 1) 30.03 44 1! Christchurch—S.W., 1 30.22 40 EC Tiinnru—Calm 30.24 41 U Oainarn—S.W., 1 30.21 41. U Dunedin—S.W., 1 . 30.25 42 HCE Queenstown-—N., 1 ... 30.17 34 U Nuggets—W., 1 . 30.20 .38 Z Uiuif—Calm . 30.11 39 BV/j

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Evening Star, Issue 19616, 23 July 1927, Page 10

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SHIPPING Evening Star, Issue 19616, 23 July 1927, Page 10

SHIPPING Evening Star, Issue 19616, 23 July 1927, Page 10