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SOME BIG DIVIDENDS. EXCITING RAGING. IFbom Our Special Correppondent.] CHRISTCHURCH, August 11. The weather was dull and overcast for the concluding day of the National Trotting Carnival, but no rain fell after the third last race. The track was again in good order, and the racing was of very high-class order. Punters on the favorites had a very bad day, and the average dividend on the winning horses worked out at £l6 9s 6d. Only one fiM favorite got homo, and the dividends ranged- from £2 10s to £34 18s 6d, and five of them were double-figure amounts. The sum of £62.569 passed through the totalisator during the day, as against £62,968 last year, -making the total for the meeting £170,2534, as against. £162,3844 last year. Mr Norman’s starting was splendid' throughout the three days, and the patent electric.. barrier worked satisfactorily. Starting by the yards system can be accepted as the future system in Canterbury after this meeting. Bonnette, a good favorite in the Midwinter Handicap, began badly, and, lost all chance,before settling down. Sherry at once established a long lead, and, staying out in front, won very easily, 'and returned a dividend of about a quarter of a century. Hickorywood made a bravo attempt to win the Lightning Handicap from end to end, and was only just caught in. the last few strides by Nellie Scott, who was completely neglected in the betting, and, star-teg' at better than 100 to 5. M’Lennan rede a fine race on the Gore xred mare, and her run over the last furlong was a fine effort. Tommy Direct was going well to the, ton for home, where he looked like winning, but stopped badly in the straight. Silver Shoe began very quickly, and had a good position at the'end of throe furlongs, but did not go on with it. Bill Brown stood on his mark and took no part in the race. All started in the National Cup, and tho betting was principally confined to Realm, Onyx, and Tatsy Dillon, these three carrying more -than half the pool; but again puntera were astray, for Agathos, beginning smaxtly with Moneymaker off the limit, led all the way, and won easily from Nita Bell (who was always prominent) and Trix Pointer (who looked dangerous entering the last lap). The Australian Realm was slow in reaching the starting barrier, lasing over a second, and, pulling very hard over tire first mile, did not get into his usual good position early. He was snowed in in the early stages of tho last lap by Sherwood, and did not get clear until into the back -stretch, where lie was a ’ dozen lengths behind tho leaders, and with a big number of horses to get round'.' -Again, entering the home stretch he did not get a' good passage, but was flying at the finish. Private watches made his time 4min 28sec. Onyx was in a bad position entering the last lap, but was going past' those in front of her along the hack stretch, but had too much to make up. Tatsy Dillon was in a fair position with six furlongs to go, but could not reach the’leaders. Agathos paid nearly a score. The Australian Escort was made about £l5O better favorite than Taraire in the Federal Handicap, but neither was in the picture at any part of the race. Tauhinu, iff the, limit, led for the last mile, and won nicely- from Peter King, who'came with a great rattle over the last two furlongs. Seaward Spot was never prominent. A great deal of interest was taken- in the Heathcote Handicap for three and four-year-olds, and for the first time in the day the public picked a winner. Aeron, a very Handsome compactlybuilt colt, driven by Jarden, won nicely, though his driver flourished his whip very freely down tho straight, Nipper, who was considered a rood thing for this race prior to the meeting, was not seen at his beat, as he is suffering, from a cold. Katana was going very well when he broke badly. B. Jarden was fined £2O for crossing Great Bingen two furlongs from -home. The Australians’ -first victory of - the-' day c\me in 'the Addington Handicap,' when First Fashion scored. At the beginning of the last lap Kola Boy had taken charge from Pieter Timmerman,' Merry Bingen, ail’d First Fashion, but he. broke | within tho next furlong, and Merry Bingen broke two furlongs-from home, making it easier for First Fashion to win. The ; bracketed pair, Peter Jackson and Kola Boy, were over £3OO better favorite than the winner. ' Chief interest in the Islington Handicap centred round Happy Voyage (who was favorite): whether he would qualify for the New Zealand Cup. He went a great race, but was badly blocked! two and a-half furlongs from homo, and 1 then finished on fast, just enough to win third place by less than a_neck. Private watches made him go inside 4min 29sec for the two miles, and) punters will do well to mark him down for future races. Grand Denver, who won and paid over a quarter of a century, and Peter King, who ram second, were both horses who it was claimed the standing barrier start would ■not suit. Peter King looked like winning after:getting to- the front at the end of half a mde, but the winner easily headed him in the straight. On the form shown on Wednesday Pedro pronto was made £4OO better favorite than Lady Swithin in the Farewell Handicap, with the bracketed pair, Hayseed and Don Wild (who broke badly in the race), nest in demand; but Moneymaker, who paid the fifth double-figure dividend during the day, put in a wonderful rum over the last furlong, and snatched victory from the favorite by a'head. Pedro Pronto was driven a i very- confident race, and should have won. | In the Midwinter Handicap, fifteen to'-1 longs, in saddle, for unhoppled trotters, I Bonnette, with J. McLennan in the saddle J was sent put , a good favorite, with the bracketed ■ pair, Dundenong and Bunde- j berg, Renown, Wimmera Kong, Handsome Jack, Marble Hall, Dillon- S, St. Quentin, I Stella Ashley, WandeUigong, Rose Peters ' Randolph, and Sherry (by Rotholin— Brooklyn mare, J. Armstrong) next best backed, while Hostage and Arron Lad were the outsiders. Sherrv went out very smartly, while the favorite skipped for a few strides. Sherry led Dillon S and Marble Hall over the first mile, then Marble Hail ran into second place, but broke going along the back, and Dillon S took second place 30yds behind Sherry, who ran home an easy winner by eight lengths, Dillon S beating Rose Peters , fom- lengths for third place, Bonnette fourth. Times: srain 56|seo, 3min 59seo, 3min 55|eee. : Investments, £4,5304. _ In the Lightning Handicap, one mile, in saddle, Sympathy, Blue Mountain King, and Bellfashiou were withdrawn, and Tommy Direct carried twice as much money -as Elite; then followed Agathos, i Pitaroa, Lord Minto, Glen. Mavis, gala- ' .mander, Joyful, Captain 1 Stanley, and Silver Shoe; Hickorywood, Nellie Scott (by Harold Direct—Kentucky mare, J. i M’Lennan), Strategy, and Xavier being the four outsiders. Salamander, Hickorywood, Elite, and Soprano were the first past the stand, but Hickorywood was clear going into the back stretch, and led Elite, Soprano, Tommy Direct, and Nellie Scott into tho straight. Nellie Scott caught Hickorywood opposite the stand, and Jed him to the post by a length, with Lord Minto a length and a-half away, followed by Elite and Soprano.- Times: 2min 13|sec, 2min Ififsec, 2min 13sec. Invest- I meats, £6,614. ,

l iio ijttiu xu uio n oii-iviiux uup was: Realm (W. J. Tonkinson), Onyx (Messervy), Tatsy ; Dillon (M'Lennan), Trix Pointer (Holmes) and Sherwood (Hooper) bracketed, Nita Bell (Julian), Man-o’-War (Bryce), Vice-Admiral (Clarke), Agathos (Butterfield), Moneymaker (Kelsey), Dean Dillon (Paul), Beta Peter (A. Wilson), General Link (Flemitig), Rangitata Lass (Jones), and Whispering, Willie (S. WiK son). Eeta Peter broke just after the start, and- interfered with Rangitata Lass, who went away slowly. Agathos (O.V.M. —Ha Ha mare) carried on the running to the stand, where ho was joined by Moneymaker, with'Kita Bed and Vice-Admiral close up. Once into the back stretch Agathos was just allowing out from Moneymaker, Vice-Admiral, and Nita Bell, tie j field running in close order.! There was littlexchange in the, order as the final! circuit was entered, but a little further on

Nita 801 l took second place, tho order of the others being ’Vice-Admiral, Moneymaker, Trix Pointer, and Tatsy : Dillon. Racing round the top ton Agathos was still holding Nita Bell in check, while Trix Pointer dosed on Vice-Admiral. Once into the home stretch Nita Bell made a game but ineffective effort to overhaul Agathos, who won by two lengths; three lengths farther back -came Trix Pointer, followed in close order by Vice-Admiral, Realm, and Tatsy Dillon. Times of placed horses: 4min 32^sec, 4min 52sec. and 4mm 33sec. Investments, | £10,7104. ' | The starters in the Federal Handicap, thirteen furlongs, in were: Escort, Tariairo, Dillon Direct, Bing Boy, Delta, Tauhinu (by Tohu—Baltimore mare, J. M'Dermott), Seaward Spot, Colchester, Peter King, Waitipopo, Energetic, Promenade, Leila Denver, and Thea. Delta, Tavimi,and Waitapopo were the_ best, beginners off the limit, and led- until nearing l the turn for home, when the last-named dropped out, and Tauhinu had taken charge- In- the run homo Peter King got clear of tho rack, and made a good ran, and though he beat Delta half a length for second money he could not reach Tauhina, who won by nearly three lengths, Waitipopo and Bing Boy next to the placed horses. Times) 3mm 47sec, 3mtn q4isec. 3min 47;ec. Investments, £7,62/. The starters in the Heathcote Handicap, thirteen furlongs, in harness, were:— Apron (Logan Pointer —Alillie C, Jarden), Mountain Chimes and Rat-ana bracketed, Nipper, Countryman, Harold Burwood, Great Bingen, Gwen Child, Pinevale, Vera’s Doll, Prince Swithin, Eileen Dillon, Engagement, and Eanien. Gwen Child, Prince Swithin, and Harold Burwood did not leave their marks,_ and Acvon was slow to move. Great Bingen was joined by the favorite, and this pair then led to the turn for home, where Aeron drew out and won all out by a length and a-half from Countryman, who just, beat Great Bingen on the ’post for second money; Vera v s Doll, Nipper, and Mountain Chimes next. Times: 3min 45|sec, 3mm 55sec, 3mi.n 551 sec. £8,657. The starters in the Addington Handicap, two miles, in harness, for unhoppled trotters, were:—Peter Jackson and Kola Boy bracketed, First Fashion, Merry Bingen and Gay Wilkes bracketed, Tradesman and. Whist bracketed, Delville Wood, Bon Patch, Pieter Harold Child, Marietta, and Marven Junior. Peter Timmerman, Merry Bingen, Peter Jackson, and First Fashion were the early leaders, but Kola Boy passed Peter Timmerman, Merry Bingen, and First Fasliion entering the last lap. He broke going out of the straight, and Merry Bingen took charge going down the straight, but he, too, broke iwo furlongs from home, and First Fashion led into the straight from Peter Timmerman, and went-on to win by four lengths from Merry Bingen, who just beat Peter Timmerman by half a length for second : place; Gay Wilkes, Tradesman, and Harold Child next. Times: 4min 43sec, 4min 471 sec, 4min 47fscc. £7,0374. The starte’s in the Islington Handicap were Happy Voyage, Adair, Prince Lyons, Canimie, Wildbriar, Blue Mountain King (who lost his driver early in the race), Wild Thyme, Emperor, Star Queen, Lincoln Hnon, Tiiixcndale. Peter King, Sym pathy, Paul Dufault, Peter Mac, Stormy, Grand Denver, Rorke’s Drift, Trooper Dillon, and Oakuut. Peter King began very quickly, and led the limit horses into the straight. Passing the stand Peter King led Cammic, Prince Lyons, and Grand Denver, and before completing the second lap Cammic had dropped out, and Wild Thyme had run into second place. In the last lap Peter King led until approaching tho run for home, when Grand Denver passed him and led into the straight. This order , was not changed, - Grand Denver winning nicely by two i lengths from Peter King, with Lincoln ; , Huon a length and a-half off third, fob i i lowed by Happy Voyage, Wild Thyme, I ! and Emperor. • Time: 4min 39seo, 4min I 384-sec, 4min 37|sec. £8,403. • 'j The starters in tho Farewell Handicap, ten furlongs, in harness, were;—-Pedro Pronto, Lady Swithin, Hayseed and Don , bracketed. Legacy, Moneymaker (Rothchild—Cocoanut, Kelsey), Glen Ma- ■ vis, Colennt, Bellfashion, Pitaroa, Ben j Lomond, Locanda Dillon, Guynemer, All ! Bell, Energetic, Comedy Chief, Play Boy, ! "Dillon Wood, and Silvernut. All Bell ' shot out from the start and was leading by six lengths, but Pedro Pronto joined mm at the end of two furlongs, with Lady Swithin at the head of a bunch. This was the order entering the last lap, and the two leaders drew right away from the others. Two furlongs from home Moneymaker appeared at the Head of the ruck, and in a splendid run home just not l !P Jl eafc Pedro Pronto by a head, with All Bells a length and a-half away. Hayseed and Pitaroa together, just behind the placed horses. Times; 2min 49isec, 2mm 52isec, 2mm 51sec.

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Evening Star, Issue 18045, 12 August 1922, Page 13

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NATIONAL TROTTING CARNIVAL Evening Star, Issue 18045, 12 August 1922, Page 13

NATIONAL TROTTING CARNIVAL Evening Star, Issue 18045, 12 August 1922, Page 13