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! ' . WATER TO-MORROW. St. Clair : 7.11 a.m., 7.40 p.m, Tajaroa Hoad : 7.21 a.m., 7.50 p.m. Port Chalmers ; 8.1 0.m., 8.30 p.m, Dunedin i 8.31 a.m,, 9 p.m. THE SUN. ■Sets to-dav, 5 p.m.; rises to-morrow, 7.11 a.m. PHASES OF THE MOON. First* quarter May 5 0.26 a.m. Full moon May 11 5.35 p.m. Last- quarter May 18 5.47 p.m. New moon May 27 5.34 a.m. Bets to-day, 9.6 p.m.; rises to-morrow, 12.9 p.m. WEATHER REPORT. . Tho Dominion Meteorologist (Mr D. 0. Bates) supplied the following at 9 a.m.

Wind L, light; hr, breeze; fb, frosh breeze; in g, moderate gale; g, whole or heavy gale; w, gale of exceptional severity. Weather. —B, blue ekv, bo the atmosphere clear or heavy; C, clouds,'passing clouds; D, drizzling rain; F, foggy; G, gloomy, dark weather; H, hail; L, lightning; M, misty; 0, overcast, the whole sky covered with thick clouds; P, passing showers; Q. squally; 11, rain, continued rain; S. snow; T, tliunder; U, Ugly, threatening appearance; Z, hazy. Forecast. The Dominion Meteorologist (Mr D. G. Bates) supplied the following at noon to-day The indications arc for northerly winds, moderate to strong, and backing bv north to west; the weather appears likely to bo cloudy and unsettled at times; mastv rain is to be expected; barometer is unsteady; sea moderate, tides good, SAILED. —May 1. Kini, r.r. (3.25 p.m.), 1,122 tons, .Tauiiay, for Napier and Gisborne ports. Kota re. s.s. (10.10 p.m,), 141 lons, Mnraby, for Bluff and Invercargill. May 2. City of Winchester, s.s. (10.10 a-.m.), 7.9Bl'tons. Hoppins, for Oatnaru. Cairn, s.s. (10.15 mm.), 890 tons, Robertson, for Wanganui via ports. Having discharged the balance of her genera! cargo from New 1 ork. the City of ! Winchester left Dunedin at 10 a.m. to-day for Oaniaru to commence loading for London under the auspices of the Shaw, Savill, and Albion. Company. She will subsequently go to Now Plymouth and Wellington to complete her loading, and will be despatched from the latter port about May 17. The Calm went to Port Chalmers early this morning to lead a quantify of machinery. She sailed shortly after 10 for Wellington and Wanganui via ports. The Karori went to Port Chalmers this morning to discharge the balance of her Westport coal cargo. She is to sail this evening for Westport and Grcymouth via porta. The Kini is to leave Oamani fn-day for Timnru, Lyttelton, and Wellington to 1 complete her loading for Napier and Gisborne The Wingatui docked at Port Chalmers to-day in connection with periodical survey. The Wingatei completed her discharge last night, and went to Port Chalmers, this morning to undergo survey. She will 1 load at Dunedin early next week for Lyttelton, Wellington, and Auckland, The Corimia- is duo at Dunedin on Friday from Well inigton. After discharge ■ she will dock at Port (.Ihaimers for cleaning and painting. The vessel will return to Dunedin on Saturday morning to load for Nelson and Now Plymouth. The, Waikouaiti is expected to leave iSvdney towards the end of this week for Bluff. Dunedin, and Lyttelton. The Waihora has been fixed to lead at Newcastle about the end of this week for Wellington and Dunedin. On completion of discharge she will undergo survey at Port Chalrticrs. The Kurow loft Newcastle on Saturday last, coal laden, for Lyttelton. After discharge she will come to Port. Chalmers to undergo survey and overhaul. The Palonna, which left Bluff last evening for Melbourne, will be despatched from the Victorian port about May 9 for Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, and Bluff. " Tho Moeraki arrived at Auckland early this morning from Sydney with mails, passengers, and general cargo. She is scheduled to sail on the return voyage on Thursday morning. The, Kaitoko was expected to leave, Sydney yesterday for Newcastle to load for Napier and Kow Plymouth. Tho Kawatiri left Sydeny on Friday last for Fiji and Auckland. Tho Union Company's cargo steamer Kokerangu is laid up at Hobart, and the. Kaiwarra is hying idle at Auckland. Turnbull. Martin, and Co. advise that the Federal liner Devon is due at Port Chalmers on May 10 from Wellington U> load for West of England ports. The New Zealand Shipping Company advises that the Opawa. arrived, at London on April 21 from Auckland, and tho Hnninul arrived at Hull on April 20 from Wellington. The Wingatui, which arrived at Dunedin on Sunday from Auckland via, ports, brought transhipments cx the Marama, Lvgnom, Niagara, Kaiapoi, Comma, and Moeraki. The Wnnaka is duo hero, on Thursday from Auckland via Wellington and Lyttelton, and is to sail the same day for Bluff. She will afterwards return to Oamaru, Timani, and Lyttelton to load for Auckland After discharging the, balance of her general cargo from West of England ports at Port Chalmers tho Cornwall will load a, consignment of apples for London. She will probably sail. to-morrow for Timaru, Lyttelton, and ■Wellington to complete her loading. Tho C. and I), liner Port Denison arrived at 'Wellington this morning from Sydney to commcndc Homeward loading. The vessel will proceed from Wellington to Gisborne, Tokomaru Bay. and Napier, and will sail from Napier for London via Australia. It is reported from Antwerp that the Norwegian* Australian Line will shortly open a regular monthly service between Antwerp and Australia. At the present time Antwerp possesses nine services to Australia., four of which are under the British flag. The Shaw, Savill, and Albion Company advises that the Waiwera, which loft Wellington on March 31 for New York, Boston, ami London, arrived at and sailed from Colon on April 25. Tho 0. and D. liner Port Denison left Sydney at 6 p.m. on Thursday last for Wellington, where she is duo to-day for Homeward loading. Tiro vessel _ will proceed from Wellington to Gisborne, Tokomairu Bay, and Napier, and will sail from Napier for London via Australia. Tho Shaw, Sa.vill, and Albion Company advises that the Waimana is to leave Wellington to-morrow for Gisborne, Napier and Auckland for Homeward loading, She is timed to sail from Auckland or May 4 for London via Cape Horn

THE FERRY SERVICE. Aho Maori arrived at Lyttelton, at 6.55 am. to-day from Wellington, and imois and passengers connected with the 8.45 a.m. express for the south. WILTSHIRE LEAVES LIVERPOOL,. Cable advice received by the New Zealand Shipping Company states that the Wiltshire left Liverpool on April 22 for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin via Colon and Panama. The vessel is duo at Auckland about June 6. SAILINGS FROM NEW YORK. Cable advice has teen received in Sydney to the effect, that the U.S. and A. steamer East \V ind left New York on April 1 for Australian ports via the Cape. She was to lx> followed at the end of April bv tho West Chorow for Auckland, Wellington, Dunedin, Bluff, Melbourne, and Sydney. •NEW TASMANIAN SCHOONER. The Le.prena is tho name of a new tin ?e-masted schooner which was built by Messrs Purdon and Death erstone for Messrs H. Jones and Go., and launched from the builders’ slips at Hobart recently. Her dimensions are : Length of keel 102 ft, length overall 115 ft, beam 26ft, depth lift. The vessel is to be employed in the interstate, trade. RARANGA EN ROUTE TO LONDON. Tho- Shaw. Savill, and Albion steamer Baronga left Auckland last Thursday afternoon for London via Capo Horn. Of her total cargo of 1715 bags of copra 1,521 were damaged by flic fire in her after hold, and sixty-five bales of wool and twelve bales of hemp, which were damaged by water, had also to bo left behind to be reconditioned before being loaded by another steamer. Tho survey which was made of the vessel showed that she was not damaged as regards seaworthiness. EVIDENCE OF SHIPPING SLUMP. Evidence of the extent- of the shipping slump in America, was forthcoming on April 18. when the steamer Eastern Light arrived in Sydney from New York.. Five ' of her crew, tailing before the mast, have first, mate’s tickets, and the boatswain holds a second mate’s ticket. It is stated that tiro shipping industry has never before been so seriously affected, and at Norfolk and New York largo numbers of ships aro idle. There was also considerable idle tonnage in San Francisco and other Pacific Coast ports. PACIFIC C 0 A S T - A U S TR ALA SIA N SERVICE. Commencing with the sailing of tho steamer Sydic from Pacific Coast ports last, month, tho General Steamship Corporation will employ in its regular monthly cargo service between Hie Pacific Const and Australian and New Zealand ports steamers from'the fleet of the Transa-thMi-t-ic Steamship Company, Gothenburg, including the modern cargo carriers Sydic, Roxen, Boron, and Tolken, all of about, 7,000 to B,OCX) tons. These, vessels will take, the place of the U.S. Shipping Board’s steamers, which up to the present, have been engaged in the General Stcam'ship Corporal ion’s service. Tho subsequent, sailings from Pacific Coast ports aro as follow :—.Roxen, in May; Boren, in June; and Tolken, in J uly. Vessels operated by the General Steam- j shin Corporation of San Francisco will call at any of the following ports to discharge or load providing there is sufficient inducement Auckland, Napier, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Bluff, Tim aril, Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, and Newcastle Messrs Neill and Co., Ltd., are the local agents. THE NEW STEAMER, IT lONIAN CH OR, COMPANY'S LATEST. The Anchor Company’s new steamer Titoki arrived at Nelson last Friday morning from Glasgow via the Panama- Canal. Captain C. M‘Arthur, formerly of tho Union S.S. Company’s steamers, brought tho Titoki out. The Titoki is a fine vessel, and similar in appearance to the Regains, but larger. She was built at Port Glasgow by Win. Hamilton and Co., under tho supervision of Mr T. Brown, a director of the. Anchor Company, and launched on January 17, Sho is 170 ft in length, 30ft in breadth, and 12ft 9iu in depth, and 750 tons dead-weight carrying capacity. Tire engines were supplied by Messrs Ross and Duncan, of Goran. They are triple expansion, having cylinders llin, 17in, and 25in diameter respectively, and a stroke of 21 in, obtaining steam from two single-ended boilers lift by 10ft and having a working pressure of 1801 b. The engines worked satisfactorily throughout the voyage, save for a little stiffness incidental to new machinery. The Titoki is an. uo-to-dafo vessel, and is fitted up with tho latest improvements, including appliances for tho rapid handling of cargo. I She will be a. valuable adjunct to the | Anchor Company’s increasing fleet of I steamers. Captain M’Arthur staled that the Titoki is one of the finest, spa boats lie has commanded, as the weather was exceptionally bad after leaving Glasgow, and she weathered the gales without sustaining any damage. ‘ VESSELS IN WIRELESS CALL. 1 The following vessels are expected to Ire within range of tho undermentioned wireless stations to-night : Awa.nui.- —Kurow (Newcastle to Lyttelton ). Auckland. —Fiona, Most Mehwah, Na.vua, Rakanoa, Tutanekai, Arahuro, Errol, Makura. Wellington.—Maori, Manama,, Dorset, Katoa. Kaikorai. Waipori, Wauikn. Chatham Islands.—Enrauga, ZeaJanclic, Piako. . <

STEAMERS REACH ENGLAND. The Now Zealand Shipping Company lias received cable advice ns fokow.j. The Ruapehu, which left Wellington on March 14 for England via Panama., arrived at Southampton on May 1The. Po.shn.wur, which, left Wellington on March 20 for London, arrived at tno Home port on April aO. „ The Whakatano, which left Melbourne on February 24 for the United. Kingdom, arrived at 'London on April 30. TEKOA AT AUCKLAND NEW MODERN CARGO CARRIER. The steamer Telcoa, the latest addition to the. Now Zealand Shipping Companys Heel, arrived at Auckland at 9 asm. today from Liverpool via Panama on her maiden voyage. The vessel, winch is running under charter to the federal Line, is laden with general freight for disI charge at Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin. She should arrive hero about Ma-v 13. . . The Teho,i was built and engmed _hv Earle’s Shipbuilding ami Engineering Company, Ltd., Hull, for the New Zca.* land Shipping Company, Ltd., and had a successful trial before sailing from London for Livoi-pool to load lor New Zealand The vessel has keen constructed for the meat trade between New Zealand and London, and is fitted with the most up-to-date arrangement* for tins purpose. Her dimensions are:—Length h.p.. 460 ft; breadth, 62ft 6in; moulded depth, 37ffc 9in. She is built to Lloyd’s highest class with poon and combined bridge an cl forecastle. The approximate dead-weight is 11.600 tons, and summer draught 29ft 4in. The outfit, of winches and cargo gear is in accordance with the owners' latest practice, and capable of dealing with lifts up to 25 tons. The vcsuel is fitted with double-reduction geared turbines, developin:? 5,500 s.h.p., steam supplied hy five boilers, which are fitted with forced draught and superheaters. SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. AUCKLAND. May 2.—2.20 a.m.,' France, from Noumea.—3.4o, from Sydney,—9.2o a.m., Tokoa, from Liverpool, WELLINGTON, May 1.—7.30 a.m., Port Pirie. from Auckland. —7.35 p.m., Joan Craig, from Newcastle. —5.10 p.m,, Eaton, for Auckland, with hulk Rothesay Bay in low. —5.20 p.m.. Waipori. for Westport.— p.m., John, for Wanganui.—6.4o p.m., Gale, for Wanganui.—6,4o p.m.. Holmd-ale, for Wanganui.—9.lo p.m., Kamo, for Greymouth. May 2: 3.3-0 a.m.. Port Denison, from Sydney. OAMARU. May 1—10.45 p.m., Kini, from Dunedin. BLUFF, May 1.—5.30 p.m., Palcona, for Melbourne. May 2 : 12.5 p.m., Canadian Stunner, for Melbourne. ' NEWCASTLE. Mav 1. —MaindyLodge, from New Plymouth,—Tremat-on, from Wellington. (For continuation sen Late Shipping.)

to-day : — Bar. Thor. Woath. Auckland —S. S. W., 1 30.04 55 BC Napier—S., b 30.23 £6 0 Wellington—S.E.jl ... 30.17 53 B C Westport —S., 1 Groymouth—Calm 30.18 58 B 30.18 50 BO Bealey—N.W., 1 b ... 30.19 40 B Ohristclinrch—N.E., 1 30.09 46 B Timaru —W., 1 , 30.25 47 BC Oa.maru —Calm 30.14 48 0 Dun odi n—-C aim 30.14 49 0 0 uecn stovm—N. W., 1 30.11 48 0 Nuggets —N.. 1 29.65 47 0 Bluff—W., 1 30.05 48 0 Roxburgh—N. W., 1 ... — 51 0 Pembroke—Calm 29.93 49 0 Nnseby—Calm 30.15 47 0 Clyde—Calm ... ... — 47 0 Balclutha —Calm 30.22 45 0 Port Chalmers—Calm 30.15 53 0 Invercargill—Calm ... 29.35 48 0

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Evening Star, Issue 17957, 2 May 1922, Page 6

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SHIPPING. Evening Star, Issue 17957, 2 May 1922, Page 6

SHIPPING. Evening Star, Issue 17957, 2 May 1922, Page 6