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THE 51st ANNUAL GATHERING. POOR DISPLAY IX SPORTS. FIKST Day. The Otago Caledonian Society's 51st annual gathering, at their ground yesterday afternoon, demonstrated that Dunedin threatens to lose its reputation for loval support of one of the four things that are' said to have mads Bonnie Scotland a weelkent country—songs, sermons, shillings, and sports, all good things. Although the society had made a special effort to regain a flash of former glorv, and although the weather was as that which gars the heather bloom at hame, the attendance was akin to that at a ragged Rugby football match in midwinter. The "ceipte totalled £177 17s, as against l 6 opening day last year ?n ld t 1 14s for tho COTl 'esponding da'v in 1911. In a word, the gathering did'not appeal to the majority of the citiz«u« who, apparently, have little desire for the stern sports, the great display of muscular action, and the play of nimble feet to wild jigging music that once drew their forefathers from the lone shepherd-sheiliug and the hill-bothy, from the glen-croft and the thatched village by the burn at the braefoot. It is an age' of excitement more moving than that aroused at modern Caledonian sports. And there's an end on't.

Many people had expected that the society's action in increasing the prizemoney bv £IOO. thus making the UM\ £□oo—a heap o' siller that's (as the auld speywife said) no jist picked up aft' a doorstep ilka day—and also in thrusting several championship events into tli-i megramme, would have dravn a record number of competitors of the best type. It did nothing of the sort, but practically had the opposite effect. Of great champions there was not one. As a matter of fact, the championships were farcical, if one took a bright view of things. Melancholy folk might have called them by a different name There was simply no serious competition, and any competition there was was of a most mediocre quality, ''his mediocrity was not due to the"conditions overhead and underfoot: the weather was perfect, and Mr Jack Ross, the society's groundsman, had the field in beautiful order. So charming, indeed, wem the conditions that spectators had not the heart to complain against the general dullness of tU field and track events. The championship element in the programme appeared to have had a discouraging effect; upon those athletes and cyclists who, while quite able and willing to run a good race, shrank from the ordeal of being pitted against champions, and did not compete at all.

Competition in the cycling event.-, was wholly confined to E. Wall and W. T. Kerr (Christ-church) and D. A. Wright (Uunedin), who was helped near ic the first-mentioned cyclists by the jadicious handicapping by .Mr 3. D. Minii. Kerr was very successful at the society's sports last year, while Wall made hia mirk at the same gr.-unJ in 1911. The Christchurch rien showed rare judgment, and were in a class by themselves. The flat and huidle facing events were not especially notable. There were several good finishes, but nothing to make spectators delirious with delight. There was no record-breaking. There was teen competition in bagnipe musi'; and Highland dancing. 1r.1.0 these competitions, however, a layman dare not tread. The experts said that the music was not bett-ei- thai that hraid in bygone years. Yet it was pleasant to see'neathmbed boys and mer. dance gracefully to the skreighing of bagpipes, sound! Ip tar oyer tho quiet City, and the green hillsides, recalling to folk born on the r.yht side of. the Tweed memories of Perthshire and the lovely country about Oban. The wrestling was" always interesting, and perhaps a little better than that see": m former years. A military display by H Companv. 4th Otago Regiment, was much appreciated by the spectators. The management left nothing to cavil at. All the officials worked hard t<> keop the events up to scheduled time, and 'hey succeeded. And there were fewer figureheads in the ring than usu.-.l—a fact which was keenly appreciated bv spectators, who were given a fair chance-' to see what was go;ng on. Mr T. Elliott (president) took a keen.interest v< the management of tho sports, as also did Mr W r . E. C. ]?« id (=e--retary). Mr W. H. M\Leod was superintendent. Mr W r . Jtudkin starter. Mr V/ M;Donald official ha/idicapner, Mr S J)' Minn bicycle handicapper. * Pressmen were courteously assisted bv Mr J. S M'Peak The Dunedin Pipe Band were in attendance, and played several selections. Following are the results: 220 YARDS CHAMPIONSHIP. Prize,, £4, £2, and gold medal. }r <?• Branson (Auckland) ..... i C. Hally ... • - £ J. D. Forbes ... "[ \\\ '/ '"' '" i These were the only starters. The three men got away well together, but Branson ran the strongest right through, and had nis opponents in h:uid all the way, winnin* with the greatest of ease. Time, 24eec. ° —Previous Winners.— Christchurcri, 19C7, L. C. M'Lachlan (papier); time, 23sec. Timaru, 1911 C I'.. Holway (America) ; time, 224 sec -Vuckand, 1912, Y. C. Branson (Auckland): time, 23? sec. ' ONE-MILE CHAMPIONSHIP. Prizes£s, £2, and gold medal. H. G. M"Leod (Invercarcilll 1 . 1. Smart 9 V. Carroll ,".' ;.'.' [[[ | Also started: W. J. Rawson a,nd G. M'Queen. M'Leod, a surprise packet, was in a leading position all throuch. Before reaching the straight he raced away from Smart and Carroll, and won as he" liked Time, 4min 35|see. —Previous Winners.— Dunedin, 1909, R. D. Chalmers (Dunedin) ; time, 4min 55|sec. Greymouth, 1910, A. Campbell (Masterton); tinio 4min 36sec. Timaa-u, 1911, A. Campbell' (Masterton) ; time, 38feec. Auckland, 1912, A. Campbell (Masterton); time 4min 40»sec. ' ' 440 YARDS CHAMPIONSHIP. Prizes£4, £2, and gold medal. V. Can-oil (Wellington) i c. Haiiy ',..;;; 2 Shannon also entered, but did not start. Carroll held his opponent safely, and was never troubled. Time, 56-fsec. —Previous Winners.— Christchurch, 1907, L. C. M'Laehlan (Napier); time, 51fsee. New Plymouth 1908, W. C. Harding (Napier); time not given. Dunedin, 1909,. John Shivas (Wore) ; time, 54f.sec. Greymouth, W. F. Trembath (Gore); time, Sllsec. \uckland, 1912, R. Johnson (Auckland!: time 54min. OTAGO HANDICAP, of £SO. Three distances—l3o, 220, and 350 yards (over two days). 10s given to winners of heats (prize-takers excepted). Points to be given to the winners of tho finals in each, distance (first 6 points, second 3 points, and third 1 point), and the holders of the highest aggregate points to receive the aggregate prizes-—first £ls, second £lO, and third £3. ' 130 YARDS. Prizes: £5, £3, and £l. .First Heat.—J. W. Waldio (h%ds) 1 V. C. Branson (3yds) 2. Also started • m' Cowan (Biyds) and E. D. M'Rae (lliyds)! A. good finish, Waidie winning with a bit in hand. Time, ISssec. Second Heat.—J D. Forties (syds) 1 E. T. Smith (13iyds) 2. Also started: m' J. Bernnngham (B£yde) and A. Mono" (14vds). Won by inches. Time, 13kec ° . Third Heat.—C. Hally (7£yds) and W J. Smith (13£ yds) a dead lieat 1 \U O started: F. W. Wise (9yds) and E, Pudd\(loyds). A fine finkh, with Puddy close up. lime, 13§sec. —Final.— Waidie , W. J. Smith '" V.'. '.'.' 2 Branson and Hally dead heat ... ..'. 3 All qualified started. Waidie got off"the mark the quickest, and running strongly won practically all the «* othiii well up. Tune, 136©*

350 YARDS. Prizes: £5, £3, and £l. First Heat.—E. D. M'Rae (14yds) 1, V. C. Branson fscr.) ?., O. Hallv (7vds) 3. Also started: M. J. Berrningliam (lOvds), K. Puddy (17yds), A. Mong (17vds)."and E. T. Smith (18ycH The- three placed men had things all their own wav. Time 40? sec. Second Heat.—J. W. Waldie (17vds) 1, W. T. Smith (18vds) 2, M. Cowan (9yds) 3. Also started: F. XV. Wise (llvds) and T. P. King (14yds). Waldie. ran out from the others in the .straight, and won comfortably. Time, 40sec." —Final.— E. D. M'Rae i 51. Cowan ~, v 2 C. Hallv '. .'. ".' ".' 3 All qualified started. All the men were veil bunched halfway up the straight, but M'Rae's handicap stood him in good stead, and he managed to win by about half a yard, tho others all close up. Branson, the scratch man, ran a good race. Time, 39? sec. Amateur Handicap. 1 mile. Trophies vaiued £4, £2. and £l.—C. W. Frve (10yds) 1. A. Tracer (40vds) 2, H. Robinson (80yds) 3. Also started :M. Miekelson (scr.), G. Nctman (svds), R. Swinnev (15yds), F. C. Haynes (70yds), 11. Franklin (90yds)._ and J. A. Freeman (100 yds). Fryo ran with good judgment, and had tha race won half a lap from home. The back men were out of it. Time, 4min 41sec. Half-mile Handicap. Prizes: £5, £2. and £l.—V. Carroll (scr.) 1, W. J. Burk (Joyds) 2, W. J. Bamson (lOvds) 3. Also started : G. M'Queen (scr.), H. G. M'Leod (srds). T. P. lO'ng (syds), F. Kearney (35yds), B. M'Kernan (35yds). A fine race, loung Burk, who made his first appearance as a professional, ran a good race, Carroll just beating him on "the tape. Time, 2min 4sec. Handicap Hurdle Race. 120vds. Prize* • £4. £2. and £l.—J. M'Vey (9yds behind) 1, E. D. M'Rae (6yds behind) 2, A. Park tscr.) 3. These were the only starters. M'Vey was the bettor jumper and the speedier man. He won easily. Time 29sec. HALF-MILE BICYCLE CHAMPIONSHIP. £3 (and gold medal), £l. E. Wall 1 W T. Korr 2 D. A. Wright " 3 Also started: 0. B. Kennedy, G. Wallace. Wright got away smartly, and made the pace, for the first'lap. He was succeeded at. the beginning of tho second lap by who was closely chased by Wall. In the last quarter Wall and Kerr (both of Christchurch) spurted, and crossed tho line with ocly a few inches separating them, Wright a, length away. ■ It was not an exciting race. Time, lmin IS-fsec. Bicvcle Handicap, W. T. Kerr (20yds) 1, D. A. Wright (150 yds) 2, E. Wall (scr.) 3. Also started : G. Wallace (140 yds), A. J. Sutherland (160 yds), R. Bridson (170 yds), O. B. Kennedy (200 yds). Interest was v.-holly centred in Wall and Kerr, who paced each other, and rapidly made up on the others, who Tan grouped in a hopeless manner. In the middle of the fifth lap the back-markers had the Tace in hand, and made the pace hot up the straight. bearing the tape Wright spurted past Wall and obtained second place by a length. Kerr won by half a length. Time, 3min 27isec.

TWO-MILE BICYCLE CHAMPIONSHIP : £4 and gold medal, £2; winners of 2nd, 3rd, 4th, sth, 6th, and 7th laps, 5s each. E. Wall 1 W. T. Kerr 2 D. A. Wright 3

Also started : O. B. Kennedy, G. Wallace, and A. J. Sutherland. "After the first la.p Sutherland retired. The others ran together, and near the end of each lap a dash of enthusiasm was put into the running by the competitors, who were eager to earn a. few crowns as lap prizes. According to the official record Kennedy won threo. Wallace, Kerr, and Wright ono each. In the last lap Wall and Kcjt displayed superiority, and had no difficulty in securing th« best prizes. Wall sprinted beautifully in the straight, and won easily by about four lengths. Time, smiu 9sec.

Bicycle Handicap. 3 miles : £6, £2. £l. —E. Wall (scr) 1. W. T. Kerr (30vd's) 2, D. A. Wright (190 yds) 3. Also started : G. Wallace 180 yds, A. J. Sutherland 210 yds, R. Bridson 270 yds, O. B. Kennedy 300 yds. The long-markers did not attempt to make the pace fast, and were overtaken easily by Wall and Kerr in the seventh lap. For the next four laps the pace was a little faster, perhaps,' than that adopted by cyclists when out with their best girls on Sunday afternoons. When the boll rang Wall and Kensprinted to the front and won as they liked, Wall taking first place by half a length. Time, 7min 35sec. Quoiting Handicap, 21yds ; 21 points a score ; limit of handicap 9 points. Prizes : £4 10s, £2 10s, £1 10s, £l. —First Round.— R. Penman (scr) 21 beat C. Armstrong (8 points) 11. J. Harkness (5 points) 21 beat J. Hannah (4 points) 11." W. Penman (5 points) 21 beat J. Mitchell (2 points) 12. R. Maxwsll (9 points) 21 beat N. Reid (6 pointe) 13. W. H. Bruce (9 points) beat J. Reid (3 pointe) 14. —Second Round.— R. Penman 21 beat Armstrong 15. Maxwell 21 beat Ramago 20'. Bruce 21 beat W. Penman 13. J. Harkness a bye. Pibrochs : £4 10s. £2 ss, £1 ss.—G. Mttnro 1, C. C. Macdonald 2, D. Cameron 3s J. Cameron 4. Bagpipe Music, (open to pipers under 20 years of age, male, or female) : prizes : £2 10s, £1 10s, and £l.—A. M'lntyre 1, A. M'Millan 2, Ivor M'Millan 3. Highland Fling (boys under 16 years). Prizes :£1 10s, 15s. and 10s.—G. H. Jarvie 1, J. Anderson 2, H. Adams 3. Highland Fling, in costume. Prizes : £4, £2, £l.—Robert Clark 1, J. M'Kechnie 2, A. Currie 3.

Sailor's Hornpipe. Prizes : £2 10s, £1 10s, £l.—D. D. M ; Donald 1, J. M'Kechnie 2, R. Clark 3.

Marches. Prizes : £4. £2, £l.—J. Cameron 1. John Morrison 2, A. C. Dickeon. 3, D. Cameron 4. Throwing the 161b Hammer. Prizes : £4, £1 10s, and £l.—D. Cameron (6-Mt). 93ft llin, 1; P. Souter (scr), 93ft Bin, 2; A. L. Chisholm (2ft), 93ft 6in 3.

CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING. Catchas-Catch-Can (Middle Weight). Prizes : £7, £3, £l. —First Round.— Stood. Fell. M. Cameron D. Cameron W. R, M'Vey J. A. Anderson M. Forde T. Fordo Catch- as-Catch-Cax (Light Weight). Prizes : £7 and championship gold medal. £3, £l. —First Round.— Stood. Fell. T. Forde F. M. Anderson T. Melville W. J. M'Coy E. Boniface J. A. Anderson G. Eastlake J. M'Vey Cornish (Middle Weight). Prizes: £7 £3. £l. —First Round.— Stood. Fell. M. Forde M. Cameron D. Cameron W. R. M'Vey E. Boniface, a bye. —Second Round.— . D. Cameron M. Forde E. Boniface, a bye. —Third Round.— D. Cameron E. Boniface

Result: D. Cameron 1, M. Forde 2, E Boniface' 3.

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Evening Star, Issue 15072, 2 January 1913, Page 7

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OTAGO CALEDONIAN SOCIETY Evening Star, Issue 15072, 2 January 1913, Page 7

OTAGO CALEDONIAN SOCIETY Evening Star, Issue 15072, 2 January 1913, Page 7