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Tt-lcmrhic interruption north ot Chris! - church etill continues; cur paucity of cable news to-day. Ten thousand uniform? for the equipment of the Territorial Force have been ordered, ami the-e aro now being dehvereu to the- Buckle street military stores, U«lirMon. The first lot were sent in on July 1 "and since then huge parcels of suits, cap*, ami gnat-coats have been arming dailv The new force will not be elotned for "eome time, as the men will not bo dratted to corps until the medical examinations are completed, and that will bo several weeks vet. There will bo no delay, however, ae the defence stores will be ready t<j issue the kitts as soon as they are required. , . , In the Juvenile Court this morning two bovs pleaded to a chaTgo that on Ju'lv 13, at Mnewlburgh, they did steal a. ciiantitv of orange-.i, valu-xl at ha 6d, the property" of George Edwaids. It was sV.U-d bv the Rev. A. E. Axelfcen, super; ntcident <)■ the: Presbyterian Social Service Association, that, the boy* cam* from goc-a homes and hitherto had borno good characters that the value of the fruit had been restored, that one boy had been thra.saoc. by bis father, and that the other would oe thrashed. -Mr H. V. Widduwsou, S.M., cautioned and one boy, and admonished and discharged the other. The women's ward at the Pleasant Valley Sanatorium' is now full, and the Hospital Board's architects (.Messrs Mason arid Wales) have been instructed to make provision for eight more shelters . . "The man who goes in for subdivision must have a. One hi* profit left him," declared Mi Eardlev Reynolds in the Anse.-b----ment Court to-day. He was speaking of the requ.iremente. of local authorities; iu the way of drainage, etc. "Every difficulty," he continued, "seems to be put in the way of subdivision, and the money spent in law expenses cannot be calculated." Mr Reynolds said that the Bay Town Board were out to get as much as'possiblc from those concerned in subdivision. The chairman of the Bay Town Board (Mr T. Sorati'viVle) was'in court at the time, Mr Reynolds being subpoenaed in a case involving the valuation of a property in the estate ol the- late Mr T. Somervilb. " Anderson Bay is growing from Dunedin outwards, and that is its natural direction of growth," said Mr 13. B. Conston in evidence before the Assessment Court to-day. He added that there were only six houses erected on all the hilltop townships, such as Vauxhall, Grant's and although the land there had been subdivided for very many yc-aris. Whether is it better to have "the thousand year's' lease at 3s 3d an acre, or an ordinary private t-hort-term leasehold at 6s 3d?" would bo a pertinent question for the rabid "'freeholders" in the corning electoral campaign (eay-s the Balelutha ' Free Press'). In the Hilknd district the example quoted can be seen in actual practice, the farms side by side, and only a fool would eon tend that the private landlord is the best oil. The freehold is all very well in theory, but when it comes down to harsh actuality there ate mighty few " freeholds" in New Zealand, and" there are few but would exchange for a Government lease, especially if of the much-maligned now dead-afi-rcutton Li.p. brand. There was a narrow escape from fatal accident at the Milton football carnival on Saturday in aid of the Coronation swimming baths. Mr J. A. Duthio was refcreeing on hai&eb&ck, and prior to the game was taking a pass. The ball struck the horse's head, and the animal reared The reins were on the animal's neck, and it fell with its rider underneath. The horse rose quickly, and in doing so seemed to put its front feet on Mr Dutbie's chest. Strange to say, however, he was only (slightly-injured, and eaw the game out on foot.

The first case of the kind heard here will come before the Police Court to-mor-row, when a youth will be charged with failing to register under the Defence Act. The increase in the price of butter caused the contractor for the supply of butter to the Benevolent Institution to make application to have his contract price increased, but the Benevolent Committee have informed him that they regret they cannot see their way to grant his application.

There is a marked increase in the number of persons adjudicated bankrupt in Duncdin this year already as compared with the returns last year. -In 1910 the number was 16, whilst this year that total has been exceeded by one. -The same observation applies to Osimaru, . where last year only one person was adjudicated bankrupt, as* against nine peicons during the first six months of this year.

Two applications for remission of arrears on maintenance orders made under the Industrial Schortls Act constituted the business, under the consideration of Mr H. Y. Widdowson, H.M., in the Police Court this morning. The first case was that of a widower, whose arrears in respect of three children totalled £llß 15c. The evident showed that he was infirm, and unable to earn the wages of a general laborer. The arrears were remitted, and tho order reduced to 7s 6d a week. The second case was that of a married woman whose second husband obtains casual employment only. 111-health had prevented her from meeting the terms of an order for the maintenance of three children of her first marriage, and who are 'n an industrial, school. Tho anv.tns, which totalled ATI 10s 6d, were remitted.

A. meeting of the combined arranging lor a bazaar to provide funds to improve Culling Park was held- in the St. Kilda Town Hall last night. lb was decided to hold various competitions during the four nights of the bazaar, and also that a gift evening be given a fortnight before the opening night. Some £2OO is wanted for tho purpose of top-dressing the ground, forming a running track, providing necessary implements for keeping the park in order, and as the 0.F.A., St. Kilda Cricket CUib, and the local council are combining with that object success should be assured.

infectious disease cases have always been a troublesome matter with the Hospital authorities, "it has now been decided that the chairman of the Hospital Board, the chairman of lite Benevolent Committee, Or Falconer, and the architects should report on the question of providing accommodation for the;so ca»ses.

Tho Rev. 11. Malum, formerly minister of the Tabernacle in Dnnedin, who is now in Pennsvlvania, wntes to a friend in Christchufcb. suggesting that there ought to be an excellent'opening for New Zealand woollen goods in the United States. He relates that when he was in Indiana he entered his New Zealand rugs in the woollen section of an exhibition, the competition in which had been advertised us "open to the whole world." The rugs took first prize, and although some of the k;al competitors entered a protest the award had to stand, lie has no doubt that if dUplavs of New Zealand goods were made in" the States a useful trade would result.

What wight have prov-rd a serious coach accident is told liv our Cromwell earrc» poiuicjit. Ha writes :—As the coach approached the bridge on Saturday night_ a Chinaman was crossing with a bucket fur water. The litdits retleeted on tho bucket, frightened the'leaders, who at once, pulled round on the oil-side of the. road, the poles of tho coach being pulled round after them. 'The king bolt pulled out, and the. '•double, bar" broke, allowing the front u::-der-carriago freedom, with which the Jiorses at once bolted down the Clyde road. They struck a telegraph post, which freed the leaders, who went some dist.uice down the road and were recovered later. The harness was knocked about a- good deal, but beyond that and tho alreadymentioned damage to the coach no damage was done. iJilligan, the driver, was fortunate in escaping as he did, for when the iront carriage jame away he was powerless, and as the body of the coach icll forward he w;u pitched forward against, the etcne wall, which is only a few feet high, otherwise he would have dropped into the river. The fact that the roads were frozen hard helped to avert a seiious accident and possibly a drop of 40i'i into the river, for when the harses pulled round the back wheelo skidded, ei.-e the coach must have, capsiiixid. None of the passengers (four inside) were hurl. .Driver (Silligan did alt that was jmssibl'- in tho circumstances, and doubtless ho is grateful for the assistance lent by the public in getting the mails delivered and the coach righted.

It is recommended that the bacteriological laboratory at the Hospital be removed to ward No. 2. This will enable the old staff room, whicbjlbas been extended, to be used as a dining room. The other two rooms adjoining are to revert to hospital use. The present office at the Hospital is to be divided, thus giving a separate room for the medical superintendent and one for the house steward and clerk.

Ae the builders can get away in the Agricultural Buildings, the lessees of space at the Winter Show are now entering and making preparations for what will be. a. very big display. Air A. Alacpherson has conic with the first consignment (16 tons) of the Agricultural Department's exhibit, and this will fill Fullers' new theatre.

A meeting of tho creditors in the estate of John Francis Kit to, of Alexandra, laborer, was summoned to be held in the Official Assignee's office this afternoon, but lapsed for want of a quorum, oiUy one creditor attending. The bankrupt vras not {.resent. The statement of bankrupt showed that his liabilities amounted to £134 15s sd, and that he had no assets. Of the amounts, owing to 14 unsecured creditors, the principal were: M'Callum and Co., Dunedin, £36; Chambeie and Son, L'unedin, JJ2O 5* 6d ; J. Al'Laien, Dunedin. £2O; Airs Elliot, Nevis, £l3 13s lid; and James Horn, Bannockburn, and W. Sneegton, Alexandra, £8 each. In a filed statement the bankitipt attributed the cause of his bankruptcy to unprofitable gold mining ventures, having lost £lO in wages through the liqiiidafioi/of the Waka-tipu Dredging Company, Limited, and £SO in shares, the calls'" being deducted from his wages as manager for the New Clyde Dredging Company, which also went into liquidation. For 13 months he was manager of the Kitto and partv claim, which had to be abandoned. 'The Official Assignee remarked that the Alexandra creditors would be given an opportunity to hold a meeting in that district. r i>e Hu-m'oPi's of tho Citv lire Brigade expect to g'A into their now station in Cumberland street next Friday. the electrical appliances and alarms are now being fittxl up. ~,,.* Some people are itiJmed to tlunx tUt tbe manner of dealing with certain persons who are unable to comply with the terms of maintenance orders « still •n-msnhai primitive in this country, wnere io mar.y minds axe, engaged earnestly in alleviating distress. One case may bo cried as; an example:—A man had the misfortune to low his wile, and to bo left with three children. Being a laborer with a. bad .shoulder and a weak leg, his wage-earning capacity did not hold much promise for tho children's prospects. They were committed to an industrial school, and he was set to pav 15s a week towards their maintenance—a hopeless task. Ho wandered into the country to potter about a station. The arrears amounted to about £IOO, and the police searched for him. Arrest followed, and then hj« was sent to gaol foi nine months with hard labor. It is question whether ho earned more than his board and bed in "durance vile," to say nothiii" of the cost of surveillance. The day after his liberation he applies for remission of arrears and a. variation of the order. The ai rears are remitted, and the oi'der reduced by one-half. The point made by one official is tins : Would it havebeen cheaper for the State to have allowed the man to support himself in peace in the. back blocks? Of course critics should remember that some men must bo compelled to do their duty. The Mayor (Mr W. Burnett) did not proceed to "Wellington with the representatives of the Tramways Committee, so that ho will preside at to-movrow night's meeting of the City Council.

For a satisfactory line of furniture ot reasonable price visit Sanders's Furnishing House, 175 George street. —[Advt.] The annual .mooting of the Mornington Brass Band will be held in the Mornington Council Chambers- on Monday next, when residents and friends are invited to be present.

The winter has set in at last. Come in and look over our fine range of winter gloves, underclothing, and shirts. We are specialists, and can suit you. At Wallace's Golden Hat Shop, Princes street.—^Adrt.] Fast lenses, high-class equipment, and tireless tact are the true reasons for our remarkable success in baby portraiture. Acma Photo, George street. 'Phone 965. —[Advt.] A glasa of Speight's beer at lunch and supoer is better than all the tea in China.— [Advt] We understand that the Acclimatisation Society have abandoned the idea of further proceedings under the Fisheries Act against a defendant against whom an information under the City by-laws for depositing hedge trimmings on the banks of the Lei-th was recently dismissed. Say, you men! The oldest and the most up-to-date hat shop is undoubtedly Wallace's Golden Hat Shop, Princes street. A trial solicited.—[Advt.j

Ko softer or more beautiful effects in photo portraiture can be seen anywhere than in tho showcases in vestibule of Morris, photographed, Princes street. Telephone 859. — [Advt.] Ladies know them to have no equal. Martin's Apiol and Steel Pills, sold by all chemists and stores tlirougliout Australasia. — [Advt.] A Scotch concert will be held in the V-a-kari Hall on Thursday next in ai<i of :!ie Roslyn Methodist S.S. building iuitd. A choir of 70 voices will assist.

Inferior paint makes inferior-looking houses. If contemplating painting jours, be sure first-class materials arc; employed. Employ W. Fraser, Roslyn, and have no doubt. Genuine white lead used; competent hands employed: reasonable prices charged. Write Box 57, Bunedin, for free advice and estimate.—[Advt.j

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Evening Star, Issue 14627, 25 July 1911, Page 6

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Untitled Evening Star, Issue 14627, 25 July 1911, Page 6

Untitled Evening Star, Issue 14627, 25 July 1911, Page 6