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HIGH WATER. XO-MOMOW. Taiaroa Head: 6.7 a.m., 6.31 p.m. Port Coalmen: 6.47 a-m., 7.11 p.m. Dunedin : 7.32 a.m., 7.56 p.m. ARRlVED.—October 3. TJrayton Grange, s-s., 6,953 tons, Morrison, from Liverpool via Australian and t Northernports of New Zealand. Briez Huel, s.s., 5,028 tons, Andrtan, from New York via Australian and Northern ports of New Zealand. Storm, s.s., 185 tons, Woods, from Wanganui. Tnvercargill, s.s., 125 tons, Harming, from Timara. SAlLED.—October 3. Storm, &*., 185 tons, Woods, for Wanganoi via intermediate ports. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. —Coaetal.— Poherua, from the West Coast. October 4. TTanroto, from Auckland, October 5. Corixma, from Onehonga, October 14. —lntercolonial. Warfare, from Melbourne, October 4. Monowai, from Sydney via Cook Strait, October 7. Mokota. from Sydney via Auckland, October a County of Ayr, from Southport, early. Helen, from Hobart, sailed September 27. —Owamua, steam. — Eaatane, from "London, aboot October 11. , Haversham Grange, from New York, dan October 4. indradevi. from New York, sailed Jury 13; doe October 4. Kent, from Newport, due October 10. Papanni, from London, sailed July 31. Cape Breton, from New York, sailed August 10. Mimira. from Liverpool, sailed August Devon, from New York, sailed August SL Rangatira, from London, sailed September 6; due October 26. Maheno, from Glasgow, sailed September 29. Kaikoara, from London, to sail October. Banffshire, from Liverpool, to sail October 11. Pakeha, from London, to sail November. —Oversea, sail. — Kinfauns, from Liverpool; arrived Wellington September 18. Loch Garve, from Liverpool, sailed June 30. Fort George, from Philadelphia, sailed j August 2L Pitcairn Island, from Liverpool, sailed September 12. Pharos, from Liverpool, to sail October • 20. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. | Waikare, for Sydney via Cook Strait, | October 5. Talune, for Auckland, October 6. Monowai, for Melbourne, October 8. Advance, for Tautuku, early. Burgermeister Hachmann, for Newcastle, early. Mary Moore, tor Kaipara, early. Briez Huel, for Port Pirie, eariy. In port noon to-day : —At Dunedin : Burgermeister Hachmann, Zealandia, Storm, Rimu, Invercargill (steam), Mary Moore (sail). At Port Chalmers : Drayton Grange, Briez Huel. Aparima, Manoka, Talune, Pateena, Te A nan, Kifctawa (steam), Onyx (sail). Saturday was one of the busiest days in shipping circles which Lyttelton has had for several months. Ten steamers, including three ocean liners and one intercolonial passenger boat, arrived, and five steamers went out. The incoming steamers were the Cygnet, 120 tons gross, from Kaikoara and Cheviot; the Koonya, I.OUI tons, from Timarn; the Tarawera, 2,003 tons, from Dunedin; the Briez Huel, 5,098 tons, from New York; the Zealandia, 2,771 tons, from Sydney via east coast; the Rotomahana,. 1,777 tons, from Wellington; the Baden-Powell, 194 tons, from Akaroa; the Drayton Grange, 6,953 ttona, {torn X^vcarpool.; tile *££sCT«Ealia3xl Grange, 7,557 tons, from New York; and the John Anderson, 52 tons, from Akaroa —an aggregate of 27,616 tans. The brig Edward, 270 tons, which arrived on the previous evening, was berthed in the afternoon. There were at the wharves, in addition to the foregoing, the barques Fleur de Lis, 1,032 tons; Bona, 678 tans; and Elizabeth Graham, 616 tons; the schooner ATrrti« Hill and the steamers Toroa and Torganten, which would bring up the aggregate gross register of the vessels in port to about 30,000 tons—a respectable total, *Kiwigh not by any means a record for the port.—' Lyttelton Times.' The ship Tillie K. Starbuck, which has been chartered to load at New York far .Mew Zealand, is to bring a cargo of oil. A strong company formed in Wellington have purchased the steamer Ngrmguru, which, since the wreck of the coastal steamer Nambucca, has been successfully engaged in the Wellington-Blenheim trade. Captain Stevens will retain command of the vessel, which will continue in the Wellington-Blenheim run. The Ngungum commenced running lor her new owners on Monday, sailing from Wellington at midnight for Blenheim. The company, which will probably be known as the Blenheim Steam Ship Company, will, if trade warrants it, purchase another steamer. Admiral Sir Arthur D. Fanshawe has acknowledged congratulations from the Wellington branch of the Navy League on his recent promotion. He leaves Sydney for England on November 10. His successor is Rear-admiral Fawkea, whose flag will be hoisted on H.M.S. Powerful, first class cruiser, which has pronably the finest service record of any of the more modern warships in the British Navy. After completing discharge at Dunedin the barque Mary Moore is to proceed to Kaipara to load timber for Sydney. The Haversham Grange, "from New York, is due at Port Chalmers to-morrow. She is the largest vessel of the Houlder Line, and, like nearly all modern steamships, is built of steeL Her deadweight carrying capacity is 11,200 tons, and she is of 7,557 tons gross and 4,942 tons net register. Her principal measurements are 475 ft by 56ft by 32ft. Her engines, of the triple expansion type, are of 565 norninal horse-power. The steamer is seven' years old, having been bmH, in id9B at West HartlepooL The Storm, from Wanganui, arrived at 6 a-m., and sailed later in the day for the same port via intermediate places of calL The Rraiu sailed this afternoon for Tnvercargill, Southport, and Cromarty, and the Invercargiß, which arrived from Timaru this morning, will leave for Invercarg3l aboot 4 p.m. to-morrow. TUV. BRIEZ HUEL. The Briez Hoel (Low Brittonv). which ■uiwttd at Port Chalmers to-day from Wew York, is a cargo boat of an "exceedingly good stamp, a steel vessel of 4,564 cons gross and 2,953 tons (French measurement) net register. Her principal dimensions are :—Length 410 ft, beam 51ft, and depth of hold 27ft. Her engines, an the triple expansion principle, are of horse-power. She is French bant, having been launched two years ago from the yard of the Chantiers de la Loire, at Saint Nazaire. Her owners are the Federation Maritime de Bretagne, of Nantes. The Briez Huel is under the command of Captain J. B. Andrian. M. J. B. Ertand is chief officer, M. A. Picaon first mate, and M. A. Tiercelin second mate. M. Y. Le Bourgeois is chief engineer, _AL F. Marais second, M. P. Alluson third, r.nd M. E. Huibant fourth. M. J. Lehreton is purser. The steamer left New "Cork, under charter to the United States And Australian Steamship Company, on June 14, and called at Durban on July 19, proceeding thence to Fremantle, where she arrived on August 16. On the passage across the Southern Ocean the Briez Huel met with an accident to her propeller, several blades being broken, and she was detained at Fremantle for some days, when she went to Melbourne, where the 'was floated into dock and the necessary senaim -were- effected. The steamer

then went to Sydney, where she arrived on September 10, and left for Auckland on September 14,° arriving there on September 19. Strong westerly gales prevailed crossing the Tasman Sea. She reached Wellington on September 28. and left there for Lyttelton at 1.30 p.m. on Friday last, arriving here as abo\-e. From this port she is to go to Port Pirie to load spelter for Dunkirk and Antwerp; and thence to Sydney and Melbourne to 'take wool for the same ports.

THE DRAYTON GRANGE. The Drayton Grange, from Liverpool via Australian and Northern ports of New Zealand, arrived off the Heads at 3 a.m. to-day, and as soon as the tide was favorable she steamed into port, and was berthed at the George street pier to- dis charge her Dunedin cargo—some 1,100 tons. The Drayton Grange is under the command of Captain A. Murrison, who has associated with him the following officers :—Mr F. D. Bluett, chief: Mr E. W. Hall, second; Mr W. L. Keeshaw, third; Mr A. C. Bowen, fourth. Tho engine department is under the charge of M? J. Palmer, Messrs J. Russell, R. Heap, F. Salisbury, S. M. Appleton, and E. R. M'Court being second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth respectively. Mr M. C. Marshall is chief refrigerating engineer, and Mr F. Webb second, Mr T. Burns being chief steward. The Drayton Grange left Liverpool on July 11; had fine weather with fair trade winds until rounding the Cape of Good Hope on August 1. when she encountered strong westerly winds, with heavy seas. for fourteen days, foHowed by moderate westerly winds and fair weather to arrival at Adelaide on AugusF 28. She discharged cargo and left on the 30th for Melbourne, at which port she arrived on September 1 j discharged cargo and left on the sth, arriving at Sydney on the Bth, and leaving for New Zealand on the 13th; had moderate variable winds, and reached Auckland rin the 18th."Wellington on the 25th, and Lyttelton on the 30th. She left tho latter port at 0.30 p.m. yesterday, and arrived ns above, having met fine weather down the coast. NEW STEAMER FOR N KW ZEALAND. | Messrs David J. Dimlop and Co., of Inch Works, Port Glasgow, lannched from their yard on August 2i a steel twin screw steamcj- for the Northern Steam Ship Company, of Auckland. This vessel is the t-eeond of an order for three steamers secured by the builders, the first, a single screw steamer named fh« Apanui. having left the Clyde for Auckland in July. The principal particulars of the vessel are as follow : —Length between perpendiculars 152 ft, breadth moulded 27ft, depth moulded to main deck lift, gross tonnage about 460 tons. The rig is that of a two-masted fore-and-aft schooner, the masts being of steeL A shade deck, open at the sides, extends from the stern to the fore hatch. Underneath this deck steel deckhouses are "built, enclosing the first class accommodation aft, with hardwood saloons and sleeping berths for over fifty passengers, and a smoking room, also in hardwood. Passenger accommodation is also provided for about fourteen persons abaft the forecastle, which contains the quarters for tho crew. A steel home is built on forepart of -shade deck as a captain's cabin, charthonse, etc. The steamer has been specially fitted up for passenger and cargo service, and arranged generally to meet tho owners' requirements for tho coasting and river trades, the ventilation to all parts of the vessel having been carefully and fully provide! for. As light draught consistent with structural efficiency is of the greatest importance, the vessel has been designed and built specially to secure this. The propelling machinery, supplied by the builders, consists of two sets of triple expansion engines, the combined power of which is about 500 i.h.p. Electric lic;ht has been provided throughout, and the deck machinery includes a steam windlass, two steam winches, steam steering gear amidship, and screw hand gear aft. As the vessel left the ways she was named the Anpouri by Mrs J. N. Macfarlane, of Greenock, and later was moored at the builders' wharf to receive her machinery. As in the case of the Apanui, tho Auppuri has been built under the direct superintendence of Mr Geo. Gow. the representative of the Northern S.S. ComTHE DIRECT STEAMERS. The Shaw-Savill steamer Kumara, which left London on August 24 for New Zealand, carries a large complement of passengers, the great majority being bound for New Zealand. The following have booked for Auckland :—Miss M. Allen, Miss E. Allen, Mr E. Balls, Mr and Mrs H. Blich and family. Mr J. Bromley, Mr C. E. Coilins. Mr and Mrs F. Coster and family. Mr J. Crawfirrd, Mr and Mrs W. England and familv, Mrs Guiness, Mr A. E. Holryman, Mr T. Horner and family, Mr C. Lukes, Mr F. J. Minn, Mr and Mrs G. Vv esbitt and family, Mr J. G. Oddy, Mr J. Paper, Mr and Mrs W. Parry and family. Mr W. Pike, Mr M. Rawcliff, -Mr C. Reid, Mr H. Steele, Mr W. Stone, Mr and Mrs F. Younger and daughter. For Wellington—Mr J. Wild, Mr F. Smith, Mr D. TurnbuU, Mr W. J. Turrall, Mr W. M'Janet, and Mr and Mrs Martin and family, Mr J. Morris. Mr G. Ombler, Mr A. Owens. Mr and Mrs A. Parry, Mr and Mrs W. H. Reynolds, Mr R. and Mrs Bayloy, Mr and Mrs A. l'assey and family, Mr and Mrs J. Spottiswoode, Mrs 15. Bradshaw, Mr and Mrs D. Brown, Mr R. Burton, Mr G. Coles. Mr H. Curry, Mr ami Mrs E. Clarke. Mr C. Clarke, Mr and Mrs H. C'laughton, ;Wiss B. Claughton, Mr and Mrs F. Doherty, Mr A. Green and the Misses Green, Mr H. Heggie, Mr and Mrs vv. Hook. Mr and Mrs A. C. Hunt, Mr M. Carley. Mr F. Ison. Mr and Mrs Jonrensen and family, Mr W. Whvte and Mr P. Whvte. Mr and Mrs S. 'Kiddell and family "Mrs H. Kimblin, Mr J. W. Knott. Mr Lazaretti, Mr and Mrs C. Sevmour. Mrs 0. and Miss M. Shields, Mr C. Thornbler. For Lyttelton—Mr C. Allen. Mr and Mrs H. Clement and family. Mr J. W. and Mrs Crampton and family, JMr and Mrs Greenlers and family. Mr S. Griffiths, Mr J. Hendron, Mr J. W. Hutchinson, Miss B. Leslie, .\fr \V. Macey, Mr A. Neilson, Mr J. Prinsep. Mr B, Prowse. Mr W. Taylor, Mr and Mrs J. A. Welch i'nd family. For Port Chalmers—Mr and Mrs J. Leaman and son, Mr R. Marr, Mr and Mrs G. Painter. Mr D. Kiddle. Mr G. Smith. For Tanranga—Mts E. W. Tims. For Gisborne—Mr W. Smith. For Oamaru —Mr W. Hucks. For the Bluff— Mr A. Ait Ken, Miss R. Bremner, Miss L. Neilsen. For Westport—Mr and Mrs T. Jenkins and family, Mr and Mrs Jones and family, Mrs" VVhyte and daughters. For Wanganui—Miss M. Byrne, Mr and Mrs G. Newson and family. For Napier—Mr iind Mrs Clongh, Mr A. Craven, Mr J. W. Nicholson, Miss C Pearson, Mr and Mrs J. Sargent, Mr and Mrs A. Wilson and family, ?rt_rs and mo Misses Yewdall. For Nelson—Mr and Mrs E. Dolby, Mr \V. A. Ellery. Mr \v. Fawcett, Mr H. Quinn. For Greymouth —Mrs Elcock and family, Mr .). Shepherd. For New Plymouth—Mt A. A. Francis, Mr J. Parker. Mr Rasmussen. A POWERFUL CRL r rSER. LONDON. October 2. H.M.S. Natal, the most powerful cruiser in the world, has been launched at Messrs Vickers, Sons, and Maxim's yards at Barrow. Mr Yickers hinted that cruisers of that type would in future be merged into battleships. THE VENNACHAR. ADELAIDE, October 3. (Received October 3, at 9.40 a.m.) A rope was wound round the Vermachar's boat. It was apparently capsized wnile to carry a line ashore when the ship was in distress. THE OVERSEA STEAMERS. .The Tyser Line steamer Marere left New York on the 17th September for Melbourne, Sydney, and New Zealand ports. SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. AUCKLAND, October 2. Wanaka, from the South.-—Maxaroa, for Sydney,

KAIPARA, October 2.—Squall, from Lvttelton.—Brisbane, for Sydney. 'WELLINGTON, October 2.—Rotomahana. for Lyttelton. BLUFF, October 2,-6.45 p.m., Waikare, from Melbourne. Passengers : M isses ' Campbell, Scoular, Huison, Park, Mesdames Hindnaigu, Brown, Crawford, Huison, Bernard, Messrs Eindnaigh, Gilchrist, Brown, Reardon, Crawford, Passmore, Buck, Mordaunt.—4.2o p.m., Moeraki, for Hobart. SYDNEY. October 2.—Ventura, for San Francisco via Auckland.

(For Continuation see Late Shipping.)

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Evening Star, Issue 12625, 3 October 1905, Page 6

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SHIPPING. Evening Star, Issue 12625, 3 October 1905, Page 6

SHIPPING. Evening Star, Issue 12625, 3 October 1905, Page 6