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) Tho amount of revenue collected at tbe S Castorc-houso ou goods ole?,red t >-' ay for (consumption was— Customs, LI.GSt 17s; \ piit-ias?, L 57 13j 7s; total, L1.7-J2 12* ?d. STOCK AND STATION REPORT. The New Zealand Lean and Mercantile jAiency Company, Limited, report for the week ended Jauuwy 15 as follows : Fat Cattle —There was a smaller entry for this day's market at Burnside, 221 head being yarded, a large proportion of which were good Co prime quality, but, owing to the trade being'y fully supplied from last week's heavy supply, the demand was not very keen, and consequently there was no improvement in j prices. Best bullocks brought L 7 153 to L 8; medium to good, LG to L 7 12-) 6d; ordinary and light weights, L 4 5s to L 5 15?; best cows, L 5 7s 6d to L 7; heifers and medium quality, L2 10s to L 5 sa. We sold on account of Mr William Shand (Keith Hall) and others foullaska from Lo 12s 6d to L 7 15a, and cows to L4l7s6d'. ' Fat Sheep.—2,S6s were penned, all cro3Sbreds, the larger portion of which were ewes, inferior to medium, and good useful mutton. All the wethers penned fit for export were well competed for, and realised prices quite up to Jate rates. Competition at the commencement of the sales lacked spirit, but improved further , on, ordinary quality ewes and wethei'3 fetching slightly better prices. Best cross-bred wethers [ brought 12s 9d to 14 J; two other pens, extra , good. 14-i 91; and a small pen of Feven, heavy , weight?, 16s; ordinary, 10s tld to 12s 6d ; btst , do ewes, 10s 9d to 13* 3d ; inferior to medium, r Ss to 10.) 6d. We sold on account of Mr John , Henderson (Ballyondale) cross-bred ewes tc 8s , 9d; Mr William Riddell do to lis 9d.

Fat Lambs.—l,4l7 were penned representing all qualities. This number largely exceeded requirements, and while a fair demand existed at the commencement as tho sales progressed competition became weak, resulting in sales being difficult to effect at much lower prices. Best brought 7s 6d to 10s 3d; extra good, lis M ; others, 5a 6d to 7a 3d. We sold one pen at 7s 9.i. I igs.—TLare were only 80 penned, but there was no improvement from hst week. Suckers brought Jh to lis;' porkers, 21s 6d to 28s; baconors, 34s to 40s. Store Cattle.—There is a moderatdy fajr demand for well-grown bullocks in forward condition, and some business passing, but prices are now more in favor of buyers. Store Sheep.—A. few lines of these are changing hands, but the business done at the moment is not very extensive. There Is a good I deal of inquiry for both oroas-bred and merino

wethers'. Kwch are also i<r\'e;d>!t\ •Up to'the present, hovcVur, owici; io T.ii' sllteajnrft: not being finished, very few sellers are pbstition tu j."»H fu'l p.irticu'ars of £h'-i" -n-rplu;.', >V...j.. —...iic •.,.. s .-i;i,l s'.'ii'js i.f 'oeal wo:d f-ah:' wa-; ]f]\:\ !,-,.•::• v.-.-<-k. fyimiii~.i!" : :-g tl|l "'hursd.-y, ami ''W^;"" 11 > v ""' : ; v.r.. :.:„..;.. about 7.. r i!.o'. i'.n-lviW hi wbi<:"ii v.-.-'e soni'"; of the Oiir<:..; :-r v,\!<i... for ;i consuii.'M'i'.' "•;i;ir • i -i >»r yri.'.\-. TJ'-av wai". a Ul'-;e ;'.r,V':r,'.i •.>,(•;■. of buyeiK; v..;.i-esi>)<tal.ives of M« iiik> .-.nd Cont-i----nmital u:m*werb pr-fcfiit i-i ..nidi'.ion t--> the Northern and local shippers. Heavy purchases weiv also made for the Mosgiel, Oamaru. and Roslyn woollen fa o lories, the highest-pri"ed wools of the series going to the latter. Competition was spirited all through the sales, particularly so for the he st half-breds, crossbreds, and also merinonti lteht in condition and of Rood color; but although prices obtaining for these were higher, if brought forward at the previous weries wo aro under the impression that from id to :, J d per lb would have been real'sed. Ordinary wools had very good attention and brought prices relatively higher than thoie obtained for fine, light -wools. Greasy half-brad brought Brt to 13d ; dojoross-bred, 7id to 13d ; do merino, B}d to 13} d per lb. We" off-rod a catalogue of 1,478 bales, of which we sold at aucthn and since 1,203, the balance passed in owing to reserves not beirg reached. Sheepskins.—lncreased interest continues to bo centred in the proceedings at the weekly auction for these. A large attendance of the trade were present on Tuesday, when full catalogues were submitted, wh'ch elicited keen competition : aU classes were in excellent demand, and realised prices quite up to, and in some instances over, last week's. Country dry crossbreds, inferior to medium, brought Is i)d to 3s lOd ; do do, merino, Is 4d to 03 8d ; medium to full-wool!ed croai-bredi, 4r 3d to 7s Gd ; do do merino, 3s lid to (is 3d: dry pelts, 3d to la 3d ; green cross-bred pelt*. Is 6d, Is 4d, Is 3d, Is 2d, Is Id, Is, lid, lOd, 91; green lambskins, 2s Gd, 2s 3,1, 2» 3s, Is 9J, la lOd, Is Bd, Is 6d, Is 3d. Is 2d, Is. Rabbitskins.—Circulars to band by the San Francisco mail report that at the auctions held ia London on the 22nd November a strong demand prevailed, mora especially on export account, and the 1,250 bales submitted to the hammer were nearly all disposed of at full to advanced price?. The better descriptions of New Zealand skins ruled Id, and medium and m ; xed qualities from Id to to 2d, per lb higher; other sorts selling freely without material change in values ; while black and fawn were in keen request, and brought extreme rate.3. The next auctions wore advertised for 31st January. In this market now, owing to the lateness of the season (and on this account so few come forward), there are not very many changing hands, so that the market is almost at a standstill. All offering, however, of whatever description, are readily saleable at satisfactory prices.

Hides.— These show no change in value. The supply continues fully up to requirements, leaving no room for any improvement in price. All com'!]? forward, however, are readily placed, chiefly for local requirements. Quotations are as follows : —For best and extra heavy weights, 2 : ;J to 3d ; medium to heavy, 2M to 2M; light, 2d to 2|d; inferior, lii to ljd per lb. Tallow. —A steady local demand continues to exist, but there is little or nothing doing in shipping lines. There is no alteration to note in price, and the indications at present are not favorable with regard to the prospect of an immediate improvement. There are no accumulations of stocks, and consignments are easily placed on arrival at the following quotations : For prime rendered mutton, 193 to 209: medium to good, lGs to 18 1; inferior and mixed, 13s to las. Pvough fat sells freely at: For best mutton, 13s to 14s; inferior to medium and good, 9s to l.'?s 6d per cwt. Grain.— Wlic at: The market has undergone no change cf any consequence during the past week. There is no demand for export. Shippers being unable to operate at quotations lately current, there i* no business done in thin direction, neither are local trade requirements in the meantime pressing. Trie only demand for mi'ling, and which is not by any means artive, is confined at the moment t-> the better qualities. Medium descriptions ari slow of sale; inferior and 'good whole fowl wheat has a moderately fair demand; but prices are hardly so firm and only for very small parcels late rates are obtainable. Quotations for prime Tuscan are 3? to 3* Id ; best red straw nnd velvet. 2s lOd to 23 11(1; medium to go jd, 2s Sd to 2s 9d : inferior to medium, 2* to 2i 7d (ex store).—Oats : There is an occasional ir.quhy, and a few small sales being made, but the tone of the market continues very unsatisfactory-prices manifest no upward tendency. At auction on Monday a small line of bright heavy feed, fit for milling, brought Is GJd (s.icks extra) : while for medium sorts there was but little demand, being almo<t unsaleable, except at ridiculously low prices. Quotations are for prime millirg, Is Gd to Is G.'.d; best sho't bright feed. Is 5d to la 6d ; medium to irood, Is 3h 1 to Is 5d (ex store, sacks extra).—Barley : There is no business of any consequence being done in this cereal; the- price of oats being so low there is no demand for feed. Millers arc not pea-ling to any extent, so that their requirements do not afi-?ct the market much, and, maltsters fully supplied, there are no salei effected. Quotations nominal. Gra?B Seeds.—There is some irquiry for ryegrass seed, which is likely before long to remit in some business; but in the meantime there are not very many gales being effected. We quote machine-dressed, 3s to 3.3 6d ; undressed, 2s to 3s. Cocksf. ot sr ed is not moving off in any quantity, there being no demand ot any comequenre ; quotations nominal. Potatoes.—The market still continues over supplied, and imported kidneys hard to place ; these may be quote.l at 40 to nO*, and local grown (newly dug) (iOs to 70s per ton. Chaff.—A mrclerately fair d»mand exists f.'.r good heavy chaff, well cut and otherwise in good condition, at from COs to G7s 6d ; inferior to imdium is alfo ia'ciblo, but at prices which can hardly be remunerative to con-ignors. Dairy Produce—There ; s no demand of any consequence in the local markets, and iu the ataer ce of any speculative demand for export, "early all the consignments of cheese and butter coming fjrward are shipped a<sray on f -'count of the makers. Qir.tatir,n--> f-.r p:.'rcels at the moment would only be nominal. MINING NOTTS. Mr Todd, mine matager of the Cromwell Gold Company, reports for the fortnight ending Januaiy 11 as follows :—" The holidays are now over and all works were commenced again on the tith. Five of the men worked a few days previous to the Gth at the Bhaft on the western reef ; this shaft is now down r» depth of Doft, ISft being sunk since last report. The t eef is sf ill continuing downwards, vnyiugin size fromSinto 15in. Main shaft has been sunk 6ft Gin for five davs--. Country is hard and bad blasting ground. Work was resumed on Monday mornirg, the 0:h. There was a stoppage of six hours on Tuesday: measurement taken on Saturday morning. The weather being very dry has slightly decreased our water supply, and all drilling this week has b en done by hand. Number of hands employed, twenty-seven. All machinery is in good ordtr." [By Telegraph.] IsvEKCAP.cir.L. .January 15.—The wool sales at Gore were ve y successful, the attendance being large and the bidding brisk. Prices were the highest obtained this season. Quotations: —Half-bred, Is O.jd ; merino. Is OJ-d ; crossbred, 11 sd; merino pieces, 9^d. Sydney, January 15.—"Wheat is firm at 3s 01. Flour (New Zealand brands), L 8 10s to L 9 103 per ton. Oats: Feeding aorta, 2s 21; milling, 2s 3.1. New Zealand maize, oi Id to 3a 2d; local grown, 3s 3d. Bran, steady at 7d. Pollard is scarce at 7od. There are no peas (blue Prussian sorts) in the market; they are nominally quoted at 4s 6d. Onions, L3to L 4 per ton. Potatoes, L2 153 to L 3 per ton. Butter : Dairy, 5d to 6d; factory, 7d. Cheese: Local, 3d. Bacon: Machinecured, 7H; hand-cured, 8d; New Zealand, 9d to lOd. "Hams: New Zealand, lOd to Is. Melbourne, January 15.—Wheat (new), 3s G|d. Flour: Stone-made, L 8 10<; rollermade, L 9 and upwards. Oats : Calcutta, 2s 3d; New Zealand (stout). 3s 3d. Maize, 4s. Barley: Cape, 2s 3d. Bran, 9d. Pollard, 9JI. Peas, 4s Id. Sugar: Mauritius (whites), L 24. Arm,aids, Januan 15.—Wheat: Shipping lots, 3s Gd. Flour : Stone-made, L 8 103 ; roller brands, L 9 lo*. Bran. 7d to 7Jd. Pollard, 8d to BJd. Sugar: Mauritius (whites), L 24 53.

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Evening Star, Issue 8115, 15 January 1890, Page 3

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COMMERCIAL. Evening Star, Issue 8115, 15 January 1890, Page 3

COMMERCIAL. Evening Star, Issue 8115, 15 January 1890, Page 3